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In the beginning, the ancient Church understood celibacy as a state of being unmarried of one’s own free-will. Once, married men were admitted to the clerical state. From the mid-third century, unmarried men who were ordained, could not marry. From the fourth century, the formal law of celibacy was introduced prescribing a total sexual abstinence in relations with one’s wife. These legal norms were confirmed by numerous synods in Gaul to ensure their observance. Abstinence under celibacy is motivated mainly by a cult continence, the teaching of the Gospel and that of St. Paul the Apostle. Non-observance was sanctioned by different penalties, especially removal from the office and excommunication.
W Kościele starożytnym na początku celibat rozumiany jako bezżeństwo był dobrowolny. Bez ograniczeń święcono raz żonatych mężczyzn. Od połowy III w. zabraniano mężczyznom nieżonatym w chwili święceń zawierania małżeństwa po ich przyjęciu. Od IV w. powstało formalne prawo celibatu w sensie wymagania całkowitej wstrzemięźliwości seksualnej w relacjach z żoną. Te normy prawne potwierdzają liczne synody kościelne w Galii i przypominają o obowiązku ich przestrzegania. Celibat wstrzemięźliwości jest motywowany głównie wstrzemięźliwością kultową a także nauczaniem ewangelicznym i św. Pawła Apostoła. Za nieprzestrzeganie tych norm grożą różne kary kościelne, jakimi najczęściej są złożenie z urzędu i pozbawienie komunii.
The article presents the view of the ancient Greeks and Romans on abortion from the ethical and anthropological point of view. The author analyses selected literary works of ancient Greek and Roman authors. The analysis leads to several conclusions. In ancient Greece and Rome children were considered a divine blessing and a treasure, while sterility was regarded as a misfortune and a divine punishment, but the killing of children in their mothers’ wombs was practiced, and even born children were put to death for eugenic reasons. This view was represented by Plato and Aristotle, despite their notion that the fetus was animated as early as the mother’s womb. The Stoics who claimed that the fetus was merely a part of the mother did not see any problem with abortion at every stage of pregnancy. Thus, abortion was practiced, but it also drew condemnation from society. It was perceived as a crime deserving of divine and human punishment, as testified by the works of Aeschylus, Cicero, Ovid, and Juvenal.
Der Artikel stellt die Lehre von der Gottes Vorsehung vor, welche in 5 Jh. Salvianus, der gallische Presbyter, im Werk De gubernatione Dei bildet.
Tertullian war durch den ganzen Zeitraum seines Lebens und Schaffens der Sprecher der Diszipłin. Er bemerkte in der christlichen Gemeinschaft diese, die leiten sie, und andere, die sind ihnen unterordnen. Bischofe, Priester und Diakone gehoren zu erster Gruppe. Die Bischofe leiten besonders die Kirche und sie sind Seelsorger. Sie bewahren auch „munera sacerdotałia". Diesem Gesetz des Bischofs verleugnete Tertullian niemals deutlich. Als zweite, separate Gruppe in der christlichen Gemeinschaft spezifiziert Tertullian die Laien. „Laici", ein mal verheiratete Manner, die zu „ordo Ecclesie" (Kirchrangordnung) nicht gehoren, haben auch die priesterliche Wurde. Die priesterliche Wurde der Glaubigen hat der allgemeine Charakter. Die priesterliche Funktionen uben in der christlichen Gemeinschaft Bischofe, Priester und Diakone, mit der Rucksicht auf der Disziplin und der Ordnung in der Kirche. In den notwendigen Zufallen uben es auch die Laien, das heiBt die Manner. Tertullian lehnt deutlich das Gesetz der Frauen die priesterliche Funktionen auszuuben ab. Trotz der deutlichen Absonderung durch Tertullian zwei Zustande in der Kirche, ist die Linie der Aufteilung zwischen Geistlichern und Laien in den Zeiten Tertullians in dem Grund der Sache genug gelaufig.
The author of the article presents the teaching of Saint Hilary about Incarnation of Christ and how bishop of Poitiers understands: the form of God and form of servant, the eternal birth of Word by Father, the real Deity and human nature of Christ, the question of soul human and body of Christ, the unity of Word Incarnate and the meaning of Incarnation's mystery.
The pope Gregory the Great not only alone was a shepherd, a parson of the great parish worldwide, but with the teacher of other clergymen as real and good shepherds of the people of the Church. The article analyses the work of the pope Gregory, Book of the pastoral rule, in which Gregory instructs clergymen, how to apply for the pastoral office , how to accommodate the pastoral activity with the own life, how to teach particular groups of faithful. Instructions and observations of the pope Gregory contain the theological and spiritual depth and represent many universal contents and solutions of always actual problems. The pope Gregory the Great can be found the shepherd of shepherds of all times.
The article refers about the council, which in ancient Christian communities in Northern Africa constituted lay people. This council is defined by contemporary scholars in Latin as seniores laici. All sources written on the subject this group come from Roman Africa. In the most they were written in the fourth and fifth century. In the light of sources seniores laici appear as the integral part of the organization both the Church of Donatist as and Catholic in Northern Africa. Represented sources are a sufficient proof on their existence. In Church communities they took place between the Church hierarchy and the faithful people. They were chosen by the people. Fulfilling their own duties by them were collaborated with bishops in administering and the safing of the church property. They exercised also functions about the judiciary and disciplinary character which permitted them to control also behavior of their own bishops.
In this article the author deals with the issue of health care, which Jerome addresses in his letters to ascetics who, in many cases, by their extreme approach to the practice of fasting, destroy their health. On the one hand, Jerome teaches them how to understand and practice fasting in the Christian sense, and on the other hand, similar to today's dietitians, he tries to suggest a proper diet in such a way that it is possible to practice Christian fasting and lead one's life in accordance with the monastic vocation, while maintaining both spiritual and bodily health.
The article describes in the background the monastic activity of Augustine and in the light of his chosen writings the problem concerning of economic and social life in cloisters in Roman Africa. The author describes the part of Augustine in the development of the monachism in Northern Africa , the social structure of cloisters, the place and role of the work in the life of cenobites of clergymen and secular and matters of the property and the management with the monastic fortune.
Artykuł przedstawia na tle działalności monastycznej Augustyna i w świetle jego wybranych pism zagadnienia dotyczące życia gospodarczego i społecznego w klasztorach w Afryce Rzymskiej. Autor przedstawia rolę Augustyna w rozwoju cenobityzmu w Afryce Północnej, strukturę społeczną klasztorów, miejsce i rolę pracy w życiu cenobitów duchownych i świeckich oraz kwestie własności i zarządzania majątkiem klasztornym.
In ancient Greece and Rome, though it considered that children constituted God’s blessing and the wealth of the man, and the sterility is fatality and the divine punishment, on the other hand one committed kills of children in the mother’s womb, and even killings from favour of eugenic children already born. Such position took up Plato and Aristotle, despite the view about the ani­mation of the foetus already in the mother’s womb. Stoics who thought that the foetus was only a part of the mother, they did not see the problem, to make the abortion in every moment the maternity period. The abortion was so executed, however to this practice accompanied also and the social condemnation which saw in the abortion the crime worthy of the divine punishment and human, and expression of this are works of Aeschylus, Cicero, Ovid and Juvenal.
Przekład z języka łacińskiego znajdujących się w zbiorze korespondencji św. Augustyna dwu listów: 128 i 129 na język polski opatrzony przypisami i wstępem. 
From the analysis of chosen writings of St. John Chrysostom results that the Author as pastor and the moralist observes critically the attitude of many repre­sentatives of the older generation. At these people the external grey hair is not matched by the internal grey, this means the ripe old age and the increasing vi­tal experience develops at them the power of the faith and beautiful and worthy Christian manner of life. Such people in vain await esteem from the younger gen­eration. Older people can gain esteem at young people, if live in the manner mor­ally beautiful. Then they can transfer the young people their own experience and be for them the good example.
The author analyses the beginning of the poetic work of Prudentius (Praefatio) in whom the poet does the self-examination over his own previous life. The poet runs short his own past: the childhood, the beginning of rhetorical studies , errors of the youth, the lawyer’s career , finally the development of the public career. This are quick scenes from following stages of his life. The poet considers, how to live the period of the old age. One ought to talk with himself, to perform the dialogue with the own soul. The old age is the time which man should think about God. The poet wants to laud God with his own word, with her own poetry. Prudentius expresses the conviction that his poesy, lauds God with the day and by night, praises apostles and martyrs, fights with the idolatry and heresies and explains Catholic faith. Such poetry will assure him the salvation.
Der Artikel beschreibt Entstehung und Entwickłung des Lehrstuhles der Geschichte der antiken Kirche in der Akademie der Katholischen Theoiogie in Warschau, Personbestand, didaktische Beschaftigung der Professoren, Adjunkten und Assistenten, Richtungen der wissenschaftiichen Forschungen und hauptsachiiche Bekanntmachungen.
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