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An analysis of the process of globalization enables an estimation of the benefits and losses that can affect the stability of the world economic order. The basic influences on the system of world economy include a variety of socio-economic and civilizational-cultural issues. Among them of special importance in recent years is the asymmetry in the development of particular countries and consequences of the world crisis for financial globalization. The presented considerations show that it is difficult to trace a clear boundary between the benefits and hazards that result from globalization. The building of harmony in world economy is hampered by the fact that globalization is as yet incomplete and unfinished. Moreover, numerous political, social and economic problems emerge, the overriding one being the improvement of the fate of two billion people who live in poverty. Unfortunately, there is at present no one universal mechanism that would eventually eliminate the hazards entailed by globalization and stabilize the world's economic system.
The article argues that the EU’s diplomatic activity in the G20 is not so much determined by its powers in the founding treaties, but rather by external factors that influence the specific behaviour of the Union with regard to negotiating individual points of the Group’s agenda. As far as the EU’s economic and financial issues are concerned, the European Union, balancing between member-states that do not have a single representation in the G20 and the EU4 (United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy), chooses an interaction mode that can be defined as (hard) bargaining. In other, less sensitive issues such as climate change, development policy, gender or employment, the EU prefers arguing. The article presents these two narratives of the EU’s participation in the G20 as a diplomatic actor. Their choice affects the level of coordination of the diplomatic activity of the European Union, relations between its member states and activities of institutions representing the EU in the G20.
W artykule nacisk zostanie położony na ukazanie możliwości i ograniczeń stojących przed G8 i G20, jako komitetami sterującymi w zakresie global energy governance. Ukazane zostaną mechanizmy konsultacyjne, mające rozwiązać, na poziomie międzynarodowym, problemy efektywności energetycznej, a także implementacji przez państwa kolektywnych ustaleń dokonywanych na kolejnych szczytach liderów. Przedstawione zostaną też rekomendacje w celu usprawnienia deliberacji prowadzonej w ramach forów systemu Gx.
Na relacje zachodzące pomiędzy podstawowymi podmiotami stosunków międzynarodowych wpływa w znacznej mierze proces globalizacji, który w swą obecną, trzecią już, fazę rozwoju wszedł w latach 80. XX w. Najczęściej analizuje się go od strony ekonomicznej, politycznej, społecznej i kulturowej. Problem sprawia jednak określenie jego istoty. Dzięki wysiłkom nakierowanym na określenie głównych założeń globalizacji wiadomo jest coraz więcej o jej funkcjonowaniu. Nadal utrzymuje się niepewność co do tego, czym właściwie jest wspominany proces. Poszukiwanie odpowiedzi utrudnia brak jednej, powszechnie akceptowanej definicji globalizacji. Przyczyną tego jest ogromna złożoność owego „super‑procesu”, który obejmuje coraz to nowe obszary życia społecznego.
Relations arising between main components of international relations are determined by the process of globalization. According to a hypothesis assumed in this article its power is channelled in various directions. At present the contemporary world has experienced a third wave of globalization, which according to professor Nuti started in the early 80’s of 20th century. In social sciences the analysed process is frequently taken into consideration from economical, political, social or cultural point of view. We know quite a lot about how the globalization works, but there remains a cloud of uncertainty about its true nature, the essence. Searching for the solution is more difficult, than one could presume because until now there is no consensus reached in terms of definition of globalization. Thanks to describing its main assumptions, we know how it works, but no one can tell what it really is. This hardship is mostly caused by enormous complexity of analysed „super‑process”, which still occupies new fields of the public life. There is, however, a glimmer of hope in the search for the essence of globalization, a trace which may lead researchers into cognition. This is interdependence of various spheres of social life.
Relations between the USA and the EU as members of the World Trade Organization are function of trade disputes and cooperation. The role of the WTO in dealing with trade conflicts between the USA and the EU consists in inducing both sides to respect the resolutions issued by the Dispute Settlement Body and the Apellate Body, which are internal elements of the organizational structure of this institution. In turn cooperation between the USA and the EU on the WTO forum manifests itself in developing and adjusting aspects of transatlantic dialogue to trade standards introduced by the WTO and in presenting a common stand during trade negotiations with developing countries. Both cooperation and competition between the above mentioned actors of international economic relations is necessary to maintain not only the current round of trade negotiations of the WTO launched at Doha in 2001, but also a plurilateral trade system.
The purpose of this article as a contribution to the narrative of search for sectoral legacy of the League of Nations, is to trace change and continuity of the international trade order from the perspective of historical institutionalism. The starting point of the study is a rejection of a widely accepted assumption, according to which this order was shaped after World War II in the aftermath of the so-called critical moment, i.e. an exogenous decision or event, that interrupts relatively long periods of stability and sets institutions on a specific path of development. Instead of looking for "critical moments" the author of the article suggests an alternative explanation of institutional change. Referring to the events and decisions of 1925-1929, including the provisions of the international economic conference in Geneva (1927), and taking into account the agency of the League of Nations, he argues that the foundations of the post-war trade order and the pattern of institutional development resulted from gradual institutional changes (incrementalism) determined by endogenous phenomena and factors.
W artykule podjęto próbę eksplanacyjnego wglądu w normatywne podstawy uczestnictwa Unii Europejskiej w G20, klubie współpracy międzynarodowej uznawanym za centrum systemu global governance. Pomimo szeregu postanowień traktatowych, opinii i wyroków TSUE regulujących zewnętrzny wymiar aktywności UE, obecność Unii w G20 opiera się na nieformalnych podstawach, a jej skuteczność wyznaczają kompromisy między Komisją i Radą Europejską. Unia Europejska, inwestując w paranormatywny model reprezentacji w G20, oparty na niejasnej delimitacji kompetencji między Radą Europejską a Komisją, skłoniła się ku rozwiązaniom, które można by określić mianem anomalii w sytuacji, gdy każdy z pozostałych uczestników grupy dąży do nadania swojej polityce jak największej wyrazistości i decyzyjności.
This paper offers explanatory insight into the normative basis for the European Union’s participation in the G20, club of international cooperation perceived as a hub in the system of global governance. Despite a number of provisions of treaties, opinions and judgments of the ECJ governing the external dimension of the EU activity, presence of the EU in the G20 is based on informal basis, and its effectiveness is determined by arrangements between the Commission and the European Council. By investing in the paranormative model of representation in the G20, based on obscure delimitation of competences between the European Council and the Commission, the EU moved towards solutions that can be described as anomalies in a situation where each of the other members of the group strives to give its policy the greatest clarity and decisiveness.
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