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Nowa geografia handlu

Explaining the genesis to the new retail geography and establishing main research problems for her is a purpose of this study. For these issues a traditional approach applied in the retail geography is a background. The following research issues falling within the scope of the new geography of the trade in western countries were analyzed: the concentration and the restructuring of the trade in the space, networks of supplying the trade, areas of commercial ruling out, geography of the international trade, geography of the virtual trade. Also traditional and new research currents of the Polish retail geography were discussed. Conducted analysis allowed for expressing the following conclusions: 1. The new geography of the trade started developing at the beginning of years 90. 20th century. In western countries that was the opposition for dominating earlier examinations concerning links between the location and the spatial organization of the trade and spatial behaviors of consumers. 2. In frames of the new retail geography above all for contemporary changes of the trade in the socioeconomic space were examined. 3. In Anglo-Saxon countries ranks among crucial research problems of the new retail geography: the concentration and the restructuring of the trade in the space, networks of retail sourcing, areas of retail exclusion, geography of the international trade and geography of the virtual trade. 4. A systemic transformation in Poland contributed to the development the new retail geography. At first peculiarly in this field research works concentrating on dynamic structural transformations of the retail on the area of the country in different spatial scales played the greater role. In the more late time the greater stress was put for functioning of shopping centers in the urban space.
This paper examines impact of unemployment on internal permanent migrations in Poland in 1990-1995. Analysis of general characteristic and tendencies in spatial distribution of unemployment and definitive migrations is followed by determining deree of relationship between the unemployment rate and volume of in- and out-migration, migratory inflow and outflow, net migration balance, effectiveness of migration and its regional closing.
It is said that natural environment consists less then 10% of the Earth surface. Our surroundings is, in fact, anthropogenic, i.e. created and modified by humans. The civilization development unavoidably results in certain changes in various elements of nature. At the moment Poland is on the eve of acceleration of its economic and social activities. Their scale and directions are described in National strategic reference framework 2007-2013. On the regional scale the twin document is The Integrated Regional Operational Program. The necessity of the growth of the competitiveness of country and the regions and citizens' quality of life improvement should not mean the plundering and uncontrolled interference in natural ecosystems. The aim of the paper is to present how one of the priorities of the Regional Operational Program for Mazowieckie Voivodship can influence environment. The analysis is conducted on the priority Creation of the Conditions for Innovation Potential and Business Development. It was selected because of its importance and strong correlations with new agenda of Lisbon Strategy.
Artykuł zawiera wyniki przeprowadzonych w Bielsku Podlaskim badań sondażowych na temat preferencji ludności dotyczących lokalizacji mieszkania. Zmierza do określenia uwarunkowań decydujących o zróżnicowanych oczekiwaniach ludności związanych z miejscem zamieszkania.
This paper shows results of the questionnaire survey carried out among the inhabitants of Bielsk Podlaski concerning the localisation of preferable dwelling places. Its aim was to determine the factors that influence peoples’ feelings regarding their habitation. The paper describes housing conditions in Bielsk Podlaski in comparison with other towns in the former Białystok Voivodship and in Poland, sociodemographic and economic structure of the sample and the method of preference evaluation. It has been shown how the importance of différent elements of habitation environment varies with sociodemographic and economic characteristics of the inhabitants of this medium-size town in eastern Poland.
W artykule zwrócono uwagę na pogłębiające się w Polsce w latach dziewięćdziesiątych XX w. zjawisko ubożenia społeczeństwa. Rozwarstwienie dochodów jest zjawiskiem typowym dla gospodarki wolnorynkowej, jednakże w przypadku Polski skala i zakres ubóstwa, w powiązaniu z rosnącym bezrobociem, staje się jednym z najważniejszych problemów społecznych.
The paper is focused on pauperisation of Polish society that aggravated in the 1990s. A divergence of income level is a typical phenomenon in free-market economies, nevertheless the range of poverty in Poland, coupled with progressing unemployment has become one of the most acute social problems.
Municipal housing plays crucial role in housing economy, citizens’ living conditions and Łódź spatial system. Although during transformation period the importance of municipal housing building has been decreasing, town is still the biggest owner of the tenement-houses in Poland, when compare to other metropolitan areas. Increasing privatization affected in changes not only in ownership structure but also influence the living conditions, tenants’ structure and their needs and expectations towards apartments. The basic research problem of the paper is the identification of state and structure of municipal housing in Łódź. The special attention is paid to spatial structure of housing resources in town and housing conditions. The main research aim is to assess the level of the spatial differentiation of state and various structures of those resources as well as detailed evaluation of the living conditions quality. The valorization on inner housing conditions includes: age, construction state, forms of ownership, size, sanitation, exploitation expenses and peopling.
W pracy tej dokonano identyfikacji stanu i struktury przestrzennej komunalnego budownictwa mieszkaniowego w Łodzi, a także gruntownej analizy sytuacji mieszkaniowej cechującej ten typ budownictwa. Podstawowy cel opracowania stanowi określenie tendencji centralnej i stopnia zróżnicowania przestrzennego głównych cech komunalnych zasobów mieszkaniowych oraz szczegółowa ocena panujących w nim warunków mieszkaniowych.
The valorization on inner housing in twenty-five municipal housing services districts were done on the bases of nine diagnostic measures (age, construction state, forms of ownership, size, sanitation, exploitation expenses and peopling) according to Bartosiewicz numerical taxonomy. Spatial distribution of the value of synthetic variable varies in a moderate aspect. Since there is left asymmetry absolute numeric ascendancy in the districts with high degree of that measure (>30) is observed. This proves bed and very bed housing conditions. They are typical for central city regions. Thirteen diagnostic variables were selected for construction of municipal building spatial typology. The typology was constructed according to Czekanowski methodology, which is classified as a cluster analysis. Optimal effect of municipal housing services districts ranking was accomplished when index distance function was used and thanks to sorting Czekanowski diagram according to simple autoalgorithm.
Artykuł ten przedstawia wyniki kompleksowej oceny poziomu warunków mieszkaniowych i typologii przestrzennej budownictwa komunalnego w Łodzi w podziale miasta na rejony obsługi komunalnych zasobów mieszkaniowych.
The paper discusses the problem of relations between religion and city space. As authors presumed it depends on the level of secularization, expressed by religiosity, the Catholic Church position in the local community and community members’ attitude towards religion space. The more advanced secularization the less ‘religious’ interpretation of sacrum space in town. The process of secularization depends, however on the type of community. The hypotheses mentioned above were verified empirically. Authors conducted survey researches in two cities, i.e. Aleksandrów Łódzki and Brzeziny. Aleksandrów is a part of Łódź agglomeration, Brzeziny is situated approximately 25 km away from Łódź. As researches proved, interpretations of the sacred space various in the towns. The role of Church in local community and the level of religiosity are less significant in Aleksandrów. It may be caused by the influence of Łódź and adaptation of city style of life. Brzeziny is still under the influence of its rural neighborhoods, preserving traditional values.
Artykuł podejmuje tematykę związku pomiędzy religią a przestrzenią miasta, która jak założyły autorki opracowania zależy od poziomu sekularyzacji wyrażonej przez religijność, znaczenia Kościoła w życiu społecznym i stosunek do przestrzeni religijnej. Prezentowane wyniki badań dotyczą opinii mieszkańców dwóch miast aglomeracji łódzkiej: Aleksandrowa Łódzkiego i Brzezin. Dobór obszaru badań był podyktowany położeniem tych miast w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie dużego miasta, jakim jest Łódź. W artykule przyjęto założenie, że postęp sekularyzacji jest zależny od typu społeczności i że wywiera on wpływ na kształtowanie i interpretację miejskiej przestrzeni sacrum. Wyniki badań wykazały zróżnicowanie stopnia religijności, a także znaczenia Kościoła wśród mieszkańców Aleksandrowa Łódzkiego i Brzezin, co może świadczyć o nieco odmiennej sekularyzacji religijności badanych mieszkańców małych miast. Może to być wynik większego wpływu Łodzi na mieszkańców Aleksandrowa niż Brzezin.
Ponad pięcioletni okres istnienia Łódzkiej Specjalnej Strefy Ekonomicznej (stan na 2002 r.) pozwolił na podjęcie pierwszych prób analizy jej funkcjonowania zarówno pod kątem realizacji zamierzonych celów, jak i wpływu na sytuację społeczno-gospodarczą Polski Środkowej. Przeprowadzona na płaszczyźnie społecznej, ekonomicznej i przestrzennej analiza oraz porównanie z innymi wybranymi obszarami uprzywilejowanymi, wykazały prawidłowości w rozwoju strefy w regionie łódzkim.
Following the West-European experiences, since the early 1990s special economic zones have been established in Poland to facilitate socio-economic transformation and enhance regional development. One of them was created in Łódź voivodship in 1997. The aim of this paper was to analyze its functioning and realization of goals five years after its establishment, taking into consideration social, economic and spatial aspects. The special economic zone of Łódź has been compared to some other areas of this kind, in particular to Euro-Park at Mielec, considered as a model example. Attention has been also given to the attitude of the government of Poland and other EU countries toward giving special economic status to certain areas, which is of great importance for the future development of economic zones. Accurate assessment of special economic zones seems to be rather difficult because of the short time of their operation. Their influence on regional economies will be more easily measurable at the end of the period for which they were created.
Artykuł zawiera szczegółową analizę zróżnicowania przestrzennego aktywności ekonomicznej ludności Łodzi, przedstawioną na tle rozwoju podmiotów gospodarki narodowej w okresie transformacji. Scharakteryzowano rozmieszczenie firm oraz ich strukturę przestrzenną według wielkości, form własności i rodzajów działalności, a także dostępności miejsc pracy.
During the transformation period the economic base of the city of Łódź underwent far-reaching changes. This paper seeks to summarise the research on spatial diversification of business activity of the Łódź population. The research was focused on spatial distribution of business establishments and labour engaged, types of business and forms of ownership, as well as availability of jobs. The primary goal of the study was to characterise the distribution of the above-mentioned variables, especially the degree of their diversification. The distribution of particular characteristics of business activity was presented as of January 2001. Graphically, the spatial structures are represented on maps using a detailed division of the city area into 215 geodetic units.The above analysis shows that the 18 characteristics of socio-economic spatial structure of Łódź differ significantly as to their level of variability, although the variability be geodetic units is usually very high, which can be considered a typical feature of the analysed structure. It should be taken into account that high variability indicates weak central tendency of the distributions in question. It should be also noted that a many of the variables (8) displayed multi-modal distribution. None of the socio-economic variables showed low degree of variability, while only one - share of private sector labour in the total labour - showed moderate variability (V=27.68%). Only four variables displayed high variability (1. share of labour employed by sole proprietorship firm in the total private sector labour, 2. Share of trade services labour in the total non-agricultural labour, 3. Share of manufacturing labour in the total non-agricultural labour, 4. Number of population per I firm). The other variables were characterised by very high variability, with four variables displaying variability in excess of 200%: 1. Number of employed in the public sector, 2. Number of employed in trade services, 3. Number of employed in non-trade services, 4. Total number of employed. It can be stated that particularly high degree of variability goes hand-in-hand with very high skewness and kurtosis. Therefore most of characteristics of this kind may be used in elaboration of socio-economic spatial typology of Łódź.
Artykuł prezentuje kompleksową typologię przestrzenną aktywności ekonomicznej ludności Łodzi. Uwzględniono w nim charakterystykę doboru cech diagnostycznych, zastosowanej metody taksonomicznej oraz wydzielonych typów jednostek terytorialnych.
During the period of transition to the market economy the economic activity of Łódź population underwent far-reaching changes. This paper attempts at a comprehensive spatial typology of the economic activity of Łódź population. The typology was based on various variables characterising this activity such as volume and density of employment, size of enterprises, role of different ownership types, structure of non-agricultural employment by sectors (manufacturing, construction, market and non-market services), availability of employment. The main purpose of the research was to identify types of economic activity in the urban space of Łódź and to define their characteristics. The identification of the types of activity was carried out using the MacQueen’s k-means method. It was found that division of geodetic units into 8 types assures best the condition of separateness of clusters. Each type represents a specific combination of standardised average values of diagnostic variables and different spatial distribution (annex 2; fig. I). The names of individual types are derived from their most distinguishing characteristics.
The main aim of this article is to present the spatial diversity of criminal acts and offences in Tomaszów Mazowiecki. The analysis was preceded by the characteristic of spatial and organizational structure of institutions combating and preventing the crime, i.e. Police and Municipal Police. The first Police Station in Tomaszów Mazowiecki was established in 1919. The headquarters of the Station (and then Department) was changed several times, until 1957, when it moved to St Antoni Street 41. Currently the new building of the Department is under construction (on Lange Street). Until 1995 the city space of Tomaszów Mazowiecki was divided into two beats, which in turn was divided into 14 precincts. The headquarters of both beats is District Police Department. The city is served by 200 policemen, according to the state from 2005, but actually it’s lower because of vacant posts. The Municipal Police in Tomaszów Mazowiecki was established in 1992 and now its headquarters is situated on P.O.W. Street 10/16. The Municipal Police can realize its tasks acting independently in the range defined by the City Mayor and Commanding Officer of Municipal Police, but also should cooperate with the Police and other services acting ‘for improving the security and public order, ecology, nature preservation, animal care’. In 2002-2005 in Tomaszów Mazowiecki the downward trend of crime number were noted. During this period 9418 crimes (and 3443 offenses) were recorded on the city area. Therefore on average 2354 crimes (and 861 offences) took place in the city. Calculating it per 10 000 inhabitants, we obtain the index 347,1. This value suggests that the crime level in Tomaszów Mazowiecki is lower than in big cities in Poland. The index is also lower than the index for all country (378,1 in the period of 2002-2004). Nevertheless, in so far as the population of Tomaszów Mazowiecki constitutes about 55,3% of Tomaszowski District, there were recorded 74% of crimes and 64% of offences committed in all District. Taking into consideration individual categories of all crimes committed in the period of 2002-2005, it appears that the most often occurs burglaries (24% of total crime number), robberies (10,2%) and damages to properties (9,4%). Banditries constituted 2,4% of all crimes committed in the period of 2002-2005. Remaining categories, as: murders, affrays and batteries, bodily injuries, lascivious acts and rapes, maintained on the level of 3,2% of all crimes. From among total offences, the most popular were those from the article 119 of Offence Code (deforcement) and article 124 of Offense Code (damage to someone else’s property). The number of crimes committed in Tomaszów Mazowiecki in the period of 2002- 2005 shows clear spatial diversity, with observable concentration of the phenomenon in central precincts of the city (fig. 2). In case of crimes some long standing regularities concerning their daily and weekly schedule can be observed. As it shows the figure 3, days most threatened of crime are Fridays and Saturdays. Inhabitants of Tomaszów can feel more secure on Mondays and Sundays, especially in the morning (during the first shift). Generally during all week, the most safe are mornings. More crimes occurs in the afternoon, and the most in the evening or by night. In Tomaszów Mazowiecki and its surroundings during the third shift especially damages to properties, burglaries and car robberies occur. Another time is chosen by offenders of banditries, bodily injuries and robberies of bikes and motorcycles (afternoons), and especially pickpockets (mornings). In Tomaszów Mazowiecki in 1998 the program ‘Safe City’ was introduced. Originally it’s aim is improving general security in the city. In the range of crime menace, which is the subject of this work, the most important tasks are to be concentrated on: limitation of robberies and burglaries, stopping the increase of car crimes, reducing the number of crimes against the life and health; improvement inhabitants’ sense of security. The important is that as executors of those tasks were engaged not only Police and Municipal Police officers, but also representatives of security agencies, City Hall, insurance agencies, schools and housing co-operatives. It was rightly assumed that the success of program realization can be brought by developing the cooperation between different institutions and inhabitants.
Głównym celem artykułu jest przedstawienie zróżnicowania przestrzennego czynów przestępczych i wykroczeń na obszarze Tomaszowa Mazowieckiego. Analiza ta poprzedzona została charakterystyką struktury przestrzennej i organizacyjnej instytucji zajmujących się zwalczaniem i przeciwdziałaniem przestępczości, tj. Policji i Straży Miejskiej. Omówiono także główne cele i zadania Programu „Bezpieczne Miasto”.
W artykule poddano szczegółowej analizie zróżnicowanie układu przestrzennego spółdzielczego budownictwa mieszkaniowego w Łodzi, uwzględniając powierzchnię terenów mieszkaniowych, wielkość zasobów mieszkaniowych i ich strukturę. Przedstawiona została również typologia jednostek urbanistycznych Łodzi, dokonana na podstawie podstawowych cech spółdzielczych zasobów mieszkaniowych.
Like in other big cities in Poland, the spatial development and spatial management in Łódź in the post-war period was strongly influenced by the co-operative housing. The 1995 micro-census data show an overwhelming domination of co-operative housing (43.7% of all flats) compared to municipal (28.6%), private (26.4%) and works (1.3%) housing. The hitherto output concerning the spatial development and spatial structure of co-operative housing in Łódź seems to be insufficient. This paper is focused on the spatial structure and typology of co-operative housing resources in Łódź. Special attention has been given to the analysis of spatial distribution of co-operative housing areas as well as the structure of the housing stock with regard to the age, height, size of buildings and number of units and floor space. The analysis is followed by a typology of housing co-operatives and urban districts in Łódź. The study is based mainly on source materials gathered in 44 housing co-operatives functioning in Łódź.
W artykule przedstawiono kierunki i dynamikę zmian struktury przestrzennej i demograficzno-społecznej Polonii francuskiej, zarówno od strony obszarów odpływu, jak i napływu migracyjnego. Zakres czasowy opracowania obejmuje okres od I wojny światowej do czasów współczesnych.
Polish emigrants in France constitute one of the largest Polish colonies in west-European countries. The development of this population, its social and cultural life and its economic activity have been acutely described by several Polish and French researches. However, only few studies concerned exclusively the spatial aspects of Polish emigration in France. The present paper aims at representing the evolution of spatial and socio-demographic structure of this comm unity with regard to areas of both migratory influx and efllux. The time range of this study covers the period from the First World W ar to the present time. The data used in this study comes from French and Polish emigration statistics and from unpublished papers prepared by a special research team in the University of Łódź dealing with spatial studies of Polish emigration. The statistics relating to Polish emigration in France are not entirely credible and homogenous.
Artykuł poświęcony jest omówieniu działań na rzecz regionów i współpracy transgranicznej prowadzonych w Europie. Jako przykłady posłużyły trzy różne organizacje działające na kontynencie. Przede wszystkim przedstawiono Unię Europejską. Realizowana przez nią forma integracji ponadnarodowej ma bardzo wyraźny wymiar regionalny. Pozostałe dwie instytucje to Rada Europy i Stowarzyszenie Europejskich Regionów Granicznych.
The article presents wide range of activities extended to European regions, including transborder ones. Three main European institutions are analyzed - the European Union, Council of Europe and Association of European Border Regions. In the first case regional policy seems to be a test of the “supra-nationality” of the institution. For years it was reserved as a exclusively national-states domain. Today regional policy is the second position in the EU budget and regions’ representatives are the Commission partners. Although two other institutions, Council of Europe and Association of European Border Regions, dispose of much less financial potential, but thanks to their international position managed to issue legislation which is the base of regional co-operation.
Nowadays geography can do much more in crime and delinquency research than only mapping. Since 70s of the 20th century various research methods have been developed by scientists dealing with geography of crime. The computer tools, including GIS software were the basis for that process. In the paper author presents following methods and research techniques: thematic maps (graphical representation of spatial data, which enables to built geographical basic data models), hot spot analysis (pointing places with high crime concentration), spatial autocorrelation (spatial identification of crime concentration), spatial regression (analysis of crime and other accompanying phenomena), ProMap – prospective mapping (prediction of the most probable places where crimes might be committed), and geographical profiling (element of psychological profiling thanks to which identification of places connected with criminals is possible).
Potrzeba zastosowania geograficznego podejścia do badań przestępczości została zauważona jeszcze w XIX w., kiedy stwierdzono, że przestępczość jest zjawiskiem, którego dystrybucja w przestrzeni nie jest równomierna. Obecnie w badaniach przestępczości geografia ma do odegrania zdecydowanie większą rolę niż tylko przedstawianie na mapach zróżnicowania przestrzennego liczby dokonywanych przestępstw. Poczynając od lat 70. ubiegłego wieku, w ramach geografii przestępczości rozwinęły się różne metody badawcze. Jedną z głównych podstaw tego rozwoju było niewątpliwie pojawienie się na szerszą skalę sprzętu komputerowego oraz ewolucja oprogramowania GIS. W artykule przedstawiono takie metody i techniki badań, jak: mapy tematyczne, analiza hot spotów, autokorelacja przestrzenna, regresja przestrzenna, ProMap – mapy przestępczości potencjalnej i profilowanie geograficzne.
The project examined the attitudes of high school children and teachers in Poland towards the Germans and the Ukrainians. In addition, history textbooks were analyzed. It was determined that the attitudes towards the Germans and the Ukrainians differ depending on the place of residence and the degree of contact. It was discovered that while contact ameliorates the attitudes towards the Germans, it leads to the opposite situation in the case of the Ukrainians. Furthermore, the respondents' image of the Germans was much more complex than their picture of the Ukrainians. The analyzed textbooks present history as a series of conflicts. Almost no space is devoted to mutual Polish-German or Polish-Ukrainian co-operation. There is a clear distinction between ‘us’ and ‘the strangers’, and the Poles are presented as victims. Moreover, the books refer to the Germans ten times as often as to the Ukrainians, leaving a far less complex image of them.
Poniższy artykuł ma charakter raportu z badań. Główny problem badawczy zawarty jest w tytule. Chcieliśmy dowiedzieć się, jak mieszkańcy różnych części Polski widzą swoich sąsiadów. Do badań wybrane zostały trzy obszary: Opole i region, Przemyśl i region oraz Łódź i region. Naszymi grupami celowymi byli nauczyciele i uczniowie trzecich klas gimnazjów. Przebadanych zostało 677 dzieci w 12 szkołach i 115 nauczycieli. Prace w terenie trwały od września do grudnia 2002. Głównym narzędziem badawczym była ankieta kwestionariuszowa (inna dla uczniów i nauczycieli). Z ankiety uczniowskiej uzyskaliśmy łącznie ponad 130 zmiennych. Badanie zostało poszerzone o analizę podręczników szkolnych. Jak z niego wynika, „kwestie niemieckie” poruszane są w nich dużo częściej niż te dotyczące Ukrainy i Ukraińców, dając znacznie bogatszy obraz naszych zachodnich sąsiadów.
Wyniki badań kwestionariuszowych przeprowadzonych wśród 600 osób oraz rzeczywiste powiązania ludności zamieszkującej sześć jednostek lokalnych zachodniej części województwa sieradzkiego stanowią treść artykułu. Badania podjęto w związku z przyszłymi zmianami podziału administracyjnego kraju.
This research presents the results of a questionnaire survey carried out in June 1996 concerning the perception of the local population regarding future changes in administrative boundaries in the western part of the Sieradz voivodship (county). The commune involved were: Goszczanów, Warta, Błaszki, Wróblew, Brąszewice and Klonowa. In addition, supporting information regarding the population’s use of services, education, shopping facilities, medical services, recreation and cultural facilities, together with employment and local migration patterns, were obtained from official sources. The survey interviewed 600 people in total in the six commune. In each of the latter the sample included 10 people from the local establishment, and 90 representing the remainder of the population. Findings relating to the perceived need for boundary change were similar for both establishment and other groups, the elderly seeing little need for change and the young and educated preferring a new situation. Unskilled non-establishment interviewees preferred the status quo. Equally, both groups preferred a two-tier system of local government involving commune and voivodship rather than a three-tier system involving commune, administrative district and voivodship. No less than 78% of the establishment group and 60% of the other group selected this strategy. Interviewees were asked their views concerning the size of Polish local government areas: whether there should be 12, 17 or 25 units, compared with the 49 voivodships at present. In the case of the first two options the majority preferred to be associated with the county of Łódź rather than Poznań. Łódź was also preferred in the case of the third option, the choice lying between Łódź, selected by 51%, and Kalisz, selected by 49% of those interviewed. Factors influencing preferences included ease of communication, established service and other links with centres and regions, and former local government boundaries. In conclusion, it seems class that people’s preferences regarding local government boundaries are heavily influenced by socio-economic considerations.
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