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It passed already over thirty years that the first information on the new deadly decease emerged (between 1980 and 1981). Undoubtedly, the AIDS epidemic changed the life styles in most countries and societies of the world (especially in the United States and in Europe). On the other hand, it is interesting that in case of many African countries (especially the South Africa where the number of HIV-positive is the greatest in Africa), the life styles of the population (for instance use of contraception) changed very little only. At the same time, relatively low economic position (GNP) of most of the African countries results in many economic, social and even political problems caused by the AIDS epidemic. It is important to notice that every 2 in 3 HIV-positive person live in Africa (South of Sahara desert). The late Colonel Gaddafi in Libya used even the AIDS question in international political relations - against some of Bulgarian nurses. Undoubtedly there are many factors of such the bad situation of Africa in respect of AIDS epidemic: bad financial situation, problems with medicines, many military conflicts, the discrimination of women, many economic migrations and some local cultural situation.
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AIDS and nutrition in patients

Introduction: AIDS is a viral infection that particularly affects the nutritional status of patients by complicating the absorption of nutrients and their metabolism. Purpose: The purpose of this retrospective study is to highlight the contribution of nutrition to the wellness of people with HIV in all stages of the disease. Review Methods: The methodology used to select the information used in this study includes review studies and research in leading databases such as PUBMED, MEDLINE, and IATROTEK. The selection criterion of the articles was the Greek and English language.Results: The real goal of the nutritional assessment of patients with AIDS is to improve their ability to consume a sufficient quantity and variety of foods in order to meet their nutritional needs. The evaluation of dietary intake assesses the adequacy of food and nutrients consumed. It includes assessing the dietary patterns, frequency of meals, and the factors that affect food choice. Conclusions: Maintaining a good nutritional status has a significant impact on the functioning of the immune system and the overall health of people living with HIV / AIDS.
In 2015 the Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel was won by Angus Deaton. He was awarded for his analysis of consumption, poverty, and welfare. In this paper we have presented the model of consumption co-authored by Deaton (AID model) in the context of postulated rationality of consumers. Also, Deaton’s research over long-run consumption, global poverty and connected phenomena was shortly discussed. Deaton’s merits in moving the spotlight from aggregated data to individual data was stressed. Additionally, the paper presents some biographical information.
Artykuł prezentuje obraz sytuacji epidemiologicznej AIDS/HIV na świecie i w Polsce, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem województwa łódzkiego w latach 2001-2009, na podstawie meldunków epidemiologicznych Państwowego Zakładu Higieny oraz Wojewódzkiej Stacji Sanitarno-Epidemiologicznej w Łodzi. Szczególną uwagę zwraca autorka na porównanie sytuacji epidemiologicznej w zakresie AIDS/HIV w regionie łódzkim na tle innych polskich województw. Ponadto, autorka poszukuje odpowiedzi na pytanie, dlaczego region łódzki znajduje się wśród trzech województw o największej liczbie odnotowywanych zakażeń wirusem HIV. Wśród hipotez wyjaśniających to zjawisko znajdują się – po pierwsze takie, które dotyczą podejmowania przez mieszkańców aglomeracji łódzkiej zachowań antyzdrowotnych (np podejmowanie ryzykownych zachowań seksualnych); po drugie, te, które dotyczą podejmowania zachowań prozdrowotnych (wysoki odsetek odnotowywanych zakażeń wirusem HIV świadczy o wysokiej wykrywalności wirusa, będącej efektem m.in. wykonywania przez mieszkańców Łodzi testów na obecność wirusa HIV).
W pracy podjęto próbę analizy popytu konsumpcyjnego z wykorzystaniem kompletnego modelu popytu AIDS. Badania zostały oparte na wynikach badań budżetów gospodarstw domowych w okresie 1999-2012. Dodatkowo kompletny model popytu został rozszerzony o zmienną demograficzną oraz o zmienną czasową. W pracy został również poruszony problem zerowych wydatków oraz problem współliniowości zmiennych. Wyniki badań wskazują, że uwzględnienie zmiennych demograficznych oraz zmiennej czasowej istotnie wpływa na oszacowania współczynników elastyczności. Dodatkowo badania wskazały na region wschodni (obejmującym województwa lubelskie, podkarpackie, podlaskie oraz świętokrzyskie) jako region charakteryzujący się najbardziej odmienną strukturą popytu w porównaniu do pozostałych regionów.
The paper attempts to analyze consumer demand using a complete demand system AIDS. The complete demand system is the right tool for the analysis of consumer demand because it takes into account the phenomenon of substitutability and complementarity. The research was based on household microeconomic data collected by GUS (the Polish Central Statistical Office) in the period 1999-2012. Additionally, a complete demand model has been extended by the demographic variable and the time variable. The problem of zero expenditures and the collinearity of variables were described in the paper. The results show that taking into account the phenomena of substitutability and complementarity allows a better understanding of complex interactions occurring in the market for consumer goods and services
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Kvalita života HIV pozitivních osob

The study aims to investigate factors that infuence the quality of life of HIV infected people. Based on findigns from a number of researches high level of CD4+ lymphocytes count, low viral load, employment and social support have been found to have a positive effect on the quality of life of HIV infected individuals, while depression, low CD4+ lymphocytes count, high level of viraemia, and comorbidities (such as pneumocystis pneumonia, hepatitis C, cytomegalovirus infection) have a negative effect on the quality of life. The role of gender in the quality of life of HIV infected people is as yet not clear. Some researches document lower quality of life in HIV positive women compared to HIV positive men, while others don’t show any difference. Antiretroviral therapy has both positive and negative effect on quality of life. There is an indication that co-infection with hepatitis G virus may positively influence health related aspects of the quality of life of HIV infected people. In a further research, the authors will examine the effects of HGV infection on general quality of life in HIV positive individuals. As yet very little research has been done in this area. It is hoped that by discovering the range of factors that may influence the quality of life of HIV infected people, their needs will be better understood, which may in turn increase their adherence to antiretroviral therapy and lower their tendency towards risky behavior.
Studie si klade za cíl prozkoumat faktory, které ovlivňují kvalitu ţivota HIV infikovaných osob. Na základě výsledků mnoha výzkumů byl zjištěn pozitivní efekt na kvalitu ţivota HIV infikovaných osob u těchto faktorů: vysoká hladina CD4+ lymfocytů, nízká virová náloţ, zaměstnanost a sociální opora. Zatímco deprese, nízký počet CD4+ lymfocytů, vysoká virémie a souběţná onemocnění (jako např. pneumocystová pneumonie, hepatitida C a cytomegalovirová infekce) mají negativní efekt na kvalitu ţivota. Úloha genderu v oblasti kvality ţivota HIV infikovaných osob není zatím zřejmá. Některé výzkumy dokládají niţší kvalitu ţivota HIV pozitivních ţen v porovnání s HIV pozitivními muţi, zatímco jiné neprokazují ţádné rozdíly. Antiretrovirová terapie má jak pozitivní, tak negativní efekt na kvalitu ţivota. Objevují se zjištění, ţe souběţná infekce virem HGV můţe mít pozitivní vliv na se zdravím související kvalitu ţivota HIV infikovaných osob. V dalším výzkumu budou autoři zkoumat efekt infekce virem HGV na celkovou kvalitu ţivota HIV pozitivních osob. Zatím v této oblasti bylo podniknuto málo výzkumů. Objevení faktorů, které ovlivňují kvalitu ţivota HIV infikovaných osob, můţe zvýšit porozumění jejich potřebám, coţ můţe zvýšit jejich adherenci k antiretrovirové terapii a sníţit tendence k rizikovému chování.
Res Rhetorica
vol. 4
issue 4
Kampanie społeczne Krajowego Centrum ds. AIDS mają budować wiedzę Polaków o HIV/AIDS. Instytucjonalny autor stawia diagnozę społeczną i wytwarza potrzeby zbiorowości, na które następnie odpowiada. Zbadanie strategii retorycznych kampanii pozwala odtworzyć kształtowany obraz choroby i chorego. Reklamy przekonują, że problem HIV/AIDS może dotyczyć każdego. Nie dostarczają jednak rzetelnych informacji o wirusie i nie proponują środków zapobiegawczych. Propagują diagnostykę, zastępując nią profilaktykę.
Social campaigns of the Polish National Centre for AIDS (Krajowe Centrum ds. AIDS) construct Poles' knowledge about HIV/AIDS. They make a social diagnosis, so investigating their rhetorical strategies allows one to recreate the image of the condition and its victims. The advertisements convince that HIV/AIDS is a universal concern. However, they do not offer any reliable information about the virus itself and about the ways of avoiding infection. They replace prevention with diagnostics.
HIV is a pathogen transmitted through sexual contact, the bloodstream, from mother to child through the vertical pathway, and breastfeeding. Untreated HIV infection can lead to the development of AIDS – acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. According to UNAIDS reports, of the estimated 37 million people infected with HIV worldwide, only 26 million are currently receiving life-saving ART. HIV infection promotes other sexually transmitted infections as well as opportunistic infections for instance CNS cryptococcosis, pneumocystis pneumonia, Kaposi’s sarcoma, and HPV. We present the clinical consequences of ending antiretroviral therapy in a patient infected with HIV and syphilis. We present a case of a 28-year-old man infected with HIV, who due to irregular use of antiretroviral therapy developed opportunistic infections such as cryptococcosis of the CNS and Kaposi’s sarcoma. He also acquired other infections manifested in an atypical way (massive HPV-associated warts and an exacerbated syphilis-like skin lesion).
HIV jest patogenem przenoszonym przez kontakty seksualne, drogą krwi, a także z matki na dziecko drogą wertykalną oraz poprzez karmienie piersią. Nieleczone zakażenie HIV może prowadzić do rozwoju AIDS, czyli zespołu nabytego niedoboru odporności. Zgodnie z raportami UNAIDS spośród około 37 mln osób zakażonych HIV na świecie, obecnie tylko 26 mln otrzymuje terapię ART ratującą życie. Zakażenie HIV sprzyja nie tylko innym infekcjom przenoszonym drogą płciową, ale także zakażeniom oportunistycznym, takim jak: kryptokokoza OUN, pneumocystozowe zapalenie płuc i mięsak Kaposiego. W artykule przedstawiono kliniczne konsekwencje przerwania ART przez pacjenta zakażonego HIV oraz kiłą. Prezentowany przypadek dotyczy 28-letniego mężczyzny zakażonego HIV, który w wyniku nieregularnego stosowania terapii antyretrowirusowej rozwinął zakażenia oportunistyczne, takie jak: kryptokokoza OUN oraz mięsak Kaposiego. Chory nabył także inne infekcje, które przebiegały u niego w sposób atypowy (masywne brodawki wywołane HPV oraz nasilona osutka charakterystyczna dla kiły).
The brief analysis of the criminal liability regulation for exposure to HIV and AIDS presents the view that instead of focusing on the punishment of alreadypenalized HIV carriers, 161 §1 k.k. One should rather consider solutions that would make it impossible to transmit in most cases of fatal virus.
Przedstawiona krótka analiza regulacji związanej z odpowiedzialnością karną za narażenie na zarażenie wirusem HIV i chorobą AIDS pozwala stanąć na stanowisku, iż zamiast skupiać się na karaniu i tak „ukaranego” już nosicielstwem wirusa HIV sprawcy przestępstwa z art. 161 §1 k.k. należałoby raczej zastanowić się nad rozwiązaniami, które uniemożliwiałyby przenoszenie się w większości przypadków śmiertelnego wirusa.
This article considers how Sarah Schulman in her novel Rat Bohemia and other works utilizes her intersectional position as a Jewish lesbian writer to bear witness to her experience of AIDS epidemic. It analyzes how Schulman represents family as an institution of power to hold it accountable for the spread of AIDS epidemic in the context of her postmemory of Holocaust. It deals also with mechanisms of alignment with power within the gay community itself. Finally, it focuses on the central symbol of rats in Rat Bohemia understood as an indexical sign of the obscene. All these issues are theorized in the context of the problem of witnessing as strategies to write a testimony that remains loyal to the community and the reality of a crisis event.
Purpose: To assess the role of drop in centre in providing assistance to Patients Living with HIV/AIDS (PLHA). Materials and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted at a Drop in Centre (DIC) located in tertiary health care centre in Mumbai. All the HIV positive persons who attended DIC during the period from January 2007 to December 2010 were included as study participants. After explaining aim of the study, written informed consent was obtained from all participants. Each of the study participants was interviewed face to face using a pre-tested semi-structured questionnaire. Drop in centre assessment was done based on the modes of assistance provided to the clients in accordance with the problems faced by them. Due care was taken to maintain privacy and confidentiality of study participants. Analysis was done with SPSS 16 version using frequency and percentages. Results: 65.1% of the study participants were male and 78% from 31 –45 years age group. In the duration of study, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) support was offered to only 10.1% of PLHA’s. Ignorance about HIV/AIDS was the most common psycho-social issue identified in 1068 (39.2%) subjects. Conclusion: Efforts need to be taken for strengthening of DIC services and collateral referral system including NGO’s. Also, the importance of establishing l inkages with local PLHA networks should be stressed. Ignorance about HIV / AIDS was the major psycho-social issue identified and thus in tensified IEC activities are required.
In this article the authors analyze the factors of risk for HIV infection behavior of teenagers – students of vocational education institutions of Ukraine, drew attention to the tools to determine the factors identified; make recommendations to social workers of vocational training institutions that must help adolescent students in recognizing the negative impact of certain factors of risk for HIV infection behavior and finding ways to address them. In particular, the authors analyze in detail the individual risk factors for HIV infection behavior of teenagers: representations, beliefs, focusing on teenagers who may choose risky behavior; emotions, feelings, emotional states, which have been negatively experienced by teenagers and encouraged them to engage in risky behavior; skills and behavioral patterns associated with risk of HIV infection, leading to the formation of risk behaviors and skills that are lacking for safe life; personal qualities, which make it difficult to adapt, preventing choose safe means to meet the needs; personal problems that a teenager can try to solve or from which to hide using risky behavior; especially adolescent relationships with others, the negative impact that it has on the part of others. According to the authors, the formation of risky behavior in each case results in a unique course factors. Thus the boys can not understand or overlook these factors and do not associate them with risky behaviors, negative attitude to prevention and to professionals in these activities. To achieve the objectives of social and HIV risk behavior should help teenagers realize the negative impact of these factors and find ways to address them. This problem appears to social educators and other professionals involved in the design and implementation of social and educational programs on HIV/AIDS and risky behavior. As a result, research on risk factors of HIV infection in the life of a teenager by a variety of methods social worker must make an educated guess about what is risky behavior and HIV infection, what personal qualities and circumstances of life contribute to the formation, consolidation of risk behavior or hinder overcome it. On this basis, it is determined what information to provide the adolescent, how to teach skills which personal qualities necessary to correct and which develop. Only considering these characteristics, according to the authors, you can create and implement effective prevention program for students of vocational education institutions on HIV/AIDS.
Susan Sontag w swoich esejach z końca lat 70. I 80. ubiegłego wieku pisała m.in. O metaforycznych zna-czeniach, jakie przypisano chorobom, w tym AIDS, o ich wpływie na ludzką świadomość, o powszechnym utożsamianiu ich z karą i obcością. W roku 2000 Kylo-Patrick R. Hart zauważył, że w filmach fabularnych poruszających tematykę HIV/AIDS, wykorzystywane są konwencje z klasycznego kina hollywoodzkiego. Choć filmowcy amerykańscy sięgają po tę tematykę, to ukazują ją jako moment historyczny z dwóch ostatnich dekad XX wieku. Co więcej, trudno znaleźć aktualne ujęcia jakiejkolwiek z chorób zakaźnych poza takimi, które realnie nie istnieją. W tym artykule zestawiam i uzupełniam teorie Sontag i Harta, by wykazać że popularna figura zombie ukazana w World War Z (reż. Marc Forster, 2013) powiela negatywne stereotypy wobec niektórych grup społecznych, jakie im przypisano w związku z epidemią HIV/AIDS.
In her 1970s and 1980s essays, Susan Sontag wrote about the metaphorical meanings associated with diseases, including AIDS, their influence on human consciousness, and the fact that they are commonly identified with punishment and otherness. Kylo Patrick R. Hart observed in 2000 that classic Hollywood conventions have been used in feature films dealing with HIV/AIDS. Although cinematographers exploit this theme, they present it as a historical moment associated with the last two decades of the 20th century. Furthermore, it is virtually impossible to find actual depictions of any infectious diseases apart from those which are not real. In this article, I am combining and complementing Sontag's and Hart's theories to show that the popular figure of zombie depicted in World War Z (dir. Marc Forster, 2013) copies negative stereotypes about certain communities associated to them in connection with the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
Komparatystyczna analiza dwóch współczesnych wierszy poezji amerykańskiej, uruchamiająca mechanizmy analizy językowej (porównywanie różnych przekładów i tekstów oryginalnych), kulturowej (rozwijanie wątków religijnych, filozoficznych, kontrkulturowych – bitnicy, kultura gejowska USA), prowadzonej w perspektywie tanatologicznej i genderowej. Próba ukazania zakorzenienia tej poezji w tradycji liryki amerykańskiej i przedstawienia nowatorstwa tak ujmowanej problematyki. Symultaniczna interpretacja akcentuje miejsca wspólne podmiotów lirycznych oraz tropi pozornie marginalne sygnały kulturowe.
The paper is a comparative analysis of two contemporary American poems which activates mechanisms of linguistic (comparing diff erent translations and confronting them with the source texts), and cultural (elaborating on the religious, philosophical and countercultural issues concerning the Beat Generation and gay culture in the US) analyses from a thanatological and gender perspective. It is an att empt to show the affi liations between these literary works and the tradition of American poetry as well as their novelty. Simultaneous interpretation highlights loci communes of lyrical subjects and discerns seemingly marginal cultural signs.
Prace Kulturoznawcze
vol. 21
issue 4
In this article I try to outline the ways of representing black women in the context of the AIDS epidemic in the United States. The point of departure for prospecting for such images is the development of the feminist thought and women cinema practices, described by E. Ann Kaplan and Alexandra Juhasz, which diverge from a unified category of women towards a multicultural aspect of femininity. In the face of rendering HIV/AIDS dominantly from a white male perspective in the most popular motion pictures about the disease, I begin with Georges Didi-Huberman assumption, according to which, under a layer of popular images of disasters, there are always different depictions yet to be discovered. Referring to the concept of minoritarian strategies, formulated by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, I attempt to make a formal and stylistic analysis of four films, two documentaries and two features. Simultaneously I try to demonstrate that actions taken by women involved in different levels of film production cross the traditional opposition between the mainstream and independent cinemas. The films analyzed in this article are: Sandra’s Web: A Mother’s Diary (1996, dir. Beverly Peterson), Wilhemina’s War (2015, dir. June Cross), Life Support (2007, dir. Nelson George), and Precious (2009, dir. Lee Daniels).
The article describes how the notion of groups at risk of HIV infection changed under the influence of the development of studies on HIV in the years 1981–1986. The first diagnosed patients with the HIV symptoms were homosexual persons and drug addicts. In the initial phase of virus occurrence in the world these two groups were commonly regarded as the virus carriers and only they were associated with AIDS. With time the progress in research has revealed that infections with HIV cannot be linked solely to lifestyle, habits of homosexuals and drug addicts since the group of subjects potentially vulnerable to the infection is much broader and it started to be related to some risky behaviour. The article shows the process of alteration of the knowledge about the virus causing AIDS in the years 1981–1986. The progress in this knowledge has lead to the changes in qualifying subjects to the risk groups related to the way of HIV transmission. The paper also presents the phenomenon of stigmatization linked to the inclusion of some populations to the groups at risk of HIV infection in the 80s. of the 20th century which was caused by the lack of knowledge on the pathogenesis and mechanism of virus transmission.
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