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Vox Patrum
vol. 57
Numerous remarks which refer to the Christian social life in the writings of St Ambrose (339-397) offer us a relatively homogeneous picture of his pastoral opinions on marriage and family, work, property and virtues as considered in the theological context. God is the single aim of every man’s activity in the social activities. A systematic theological analysis led St. Ambrose to the conclusion that: 1) Marriage can have either a positive or negative sense and 2) that the male component in marriage is dominant over the female. He argued that the full libera­tion of both sexes would come only in Eternal Life. The emancipation of women is possible in this world through the Christian religion, through the role of a wife, mother or the consecrated virginity. Labor is inseparately related to human nature from its creation and before original sin. After original sin, human labor changed in the punishment for sin (pain and hardship) however in the same time became the means of salvation, and the redemption of sins. It is also necessary to sustain living and gives a chance to achieve moral virtues. Work and mutual assistance were made by the Bishop of Milan a model work in the society. St Ambrose ac­cepted both private possession rights and a community property of goods. The earthly goods should be used always with the religious perspective of the sole des­tiny – God. The main Aim-God, a temporary possession of goods (worldliness) and the purpose of the Main Owner- the good of every man (justice, fraternity, solidarity, mutual love) are the limits of a possession rights. The Bishop of Milan also introduced to the Christian moral theology the system of evaluation of the human deeds based on the Stoic categories of virtues and vices. St. Ambrose com­bined this system with the allegoric conception of the Four Rivers of the Philo of Alexandria and St. Paul’s moral theology. A Christian should be guided by the vir­tues of humbleness and fear of God. They will lead him to the wisdom and divine blessing, subsequently to the real knowledge of God. In this world the Christians should respect the sense of responsibility, the virtue of silence, freedom, cardinal virtues, honesty, charity and usefulness of his work. In the social life Christians are obliged to denounce the vices of egoism and arrogance, usury, greediness, vice behavior or giving unwise promises. The social problems were always subordi­nated to the theological purposes in the writings of St. Ambrose. The Christian are always obliged to be guided by Gods Commandments. St. Ambrose did not manage to work out a code of Christian moral behavior in a society, however he discussed many different problems, which were used by others (cf. St. Thomas of Aquino) to construct such a code. A synthesis of the Stoic philosophy, the philoso­phy of Philo Judaeus and St. Paul’s moral theology can be legitimately regarded as his valuable contribution to the studies of ethics.
The word officium summarises a significant characteristic of Roman culture. It describes the Roman ideal of life as public service, i.e. a concern for salus rei publicae. Latin Christianity took over the word and its substance. The ministry of a bishop was described as exercising the officium already in the early ages. That is how Cyprian of Carthage understood the office of bishop, even though he did not use the word explicitly. Ambrose of Milan made the Roman officium a cornerstone of the formation of priests, which he described in his well-known work De officiis ministrorum. He himself exercised the office of the Bishop of Milan according to the best model of a Roman official. The tradition was further developed by Leo the Great, who pointed out that pax christiana was the fulfillment of what the Romans had expected of pax romana. Gregory the Great took over the legacy of his predecessors. However, to a greater extent than Ambrose or Leo, he perceived the tension between exercising the office accompanied by worldly cares and the spiritual dimension of bishop’s ministry. It may have been caused by the fact that, after a total disintegration of Roman administration, Gregory was forced to take on the responsibility of the perfect of Rome. His Regula pastoralis, however, provides a continuation of Ambrose’s ideas concerning the formation of clergy.
Vox Patrum
vol. 58
This article presents the concept of joy in surviving more than 90 letters of St. Ambrose of Milan. As it is clear from the above analysis of St. Ambrose’s letters, he included in them broad and deep reflections on a joy. Certainly the vocabulary that was used by Bishop of Milan to describe the phenomenon of joy reflects the richness of this phenomenon. The variety of topics, context, sources of joy prsented in his letters show the importance of joy in the life and work of the Bishop of Milan. He appreciates the earthly joy, drawing from ordinary, earthly life, but beyond it he submits the spiritual joy, „joy of the heart” (iucundi­tas cordis), which comes from God, the Giver of wisdom.
After Constantine`s the Great conversion to Christianity, the relationship between the emperor and the Church became a weighty issue in the Roman Empire. St Ambrose of Milanexpressed his statement on this topic in one of his letter where he wrote that: „the emperor is within and not above the Church”. According to him, the emperor, as the member of the community of believers has to pass a similar way of faith as other Christians. Saint Ambrose as the bishop of the emperors capital, accompanied roman rulers in their religious life. The bishop showed respect to imperial dignity, but when it was necessarily he was also capable to rebuke the emperor, especially when it came to protect the dignity of the sacraments. It was important for Ambrose that the emperor firmly confessed the true orthodox faith. As a concerned pastor he had also pastoral problems associated with the religious life of the rulers to solve. After the sudden death of Valentinian II, Ambrose developed the theologyof the baptism of desire. The crime of Theodosius in Tessalonika in turn, gave him an opportunity to preach about the value of repentance and conversion. The bishop of Milan was a patient pastor, concerned about the salvation of rulers, accompanying them on the paths of Christian life.
Od czasów nawrócenia Konstantyna Wielkiego zagadnienie relacji władcy do Kościoła stało się ważną kwestią w Cesarstwie Rzymskim. Swoje zdanie na temat stosunku cesarza do wspólnoty wiernych zwięźle wyraził św. Ambroży z Mediolanu mówiąc: „Cesarz jest w Kościele nie ponad Kościołem”. Zdaniem mediolańskiego pasterza, cesarz, jako członek wspólnoty wiernych, przebywał podobną drogę życia w wierze jak inni chrześcijanie. Ambroży podczas swoich biskupich rządów w Mediolanie miał możliwość towarzyszenia władcom w ich życiu religijnym. W swoim postępowaniu z imperatorami Ambroży szanował znaczenie cesarskiej godności, w razie potrzeby nie wahał się jednak przeciwstawiać cesarzom stając w obronie godności sakramentów. Ambroży w swoich pismach kierowanych do imperatorów wskazywał na wartość, jaką niesie trwanie władcy w wyznawaniu prawdziwej wiary. Biskup rozwiązywał też problemy duszpasterskie, jakie niosło ze sobą życie religijne panujących. W związku z przypadkiem przedwczesnego odejścia Walentyniana II, Ambroży rozwinął obecną już wcześniej w Kościele teologię chrztu pragnienia. Z kolei tesalonicka zbrodnia Teodozjusza dała biskupowi okazję do nauki o potrzebie pokuty i nawrócenia dostępnej dla każdego z wierzących, niezależnie od pozycji społecznej. Wobec cesarzy Ambroży jawi się jako cierpliwy duszpasterz, zatroskany o ich zbawienie, towarzyszący im na drodze chrześcijańskiego życia
Vox Patrum
vol. 61
St. Ambrose of Milan was the first of the great bishops of the western part of the Empire, who lived and held his pontificate, when the Christian religion has become religio licita, and even for a short period of time he could enjoy the status of Christianity as religio regalis. The position which he held gave him an opportu­nity, or even necessity, frequent contacts with the rulers of the Empire. Therefore, both the personal experience of the secular power, the function exercised by him before he became a bishop, religious and social circumstances, but also pastoral reasons influenced the fact that he formed the image of a Christian emperor, that Ambrose tried to show to his flock, but most of all to the emperors with whom he shared his concern for the Christian world. The article shows the image of a Chri­stian emperor in the letters of St. Ambrose.
Artykuł charakteryzuje katechezę moralną Ambrożego,biskupa Mediolanu, skierowaną do katechumenów na podstawie traktatu De Abraham. Pomimo iż nie jest to dzieło przeznaczone wyłącznie dla przygotowujących się do chrztu,można w nim znaleźć szereg pouczeń, w których katecheta, zwracając się bezpośrednio do kandydatów, przedstawia wskazania chrześcijańskiego życia moralnego w kwestii małżeństwa, rodziny, wychowania dzieci, relacji społecznych. W artykule ukazano, w jaki sposób biskup, wykorzystując epizody z życia Abrahama, przedstawia go jako model do naśladowania także dla tych, którzy pragną wejść do wspólnoty Kościoła.
The article describes the moral catechesis of Ambrose, the bishop of Milan, addressed to catechumens on the basis of the treatise De Abraham. Although it is not a work intended only for those preparing for baptism, it contains a number of instructions in which the catechist, addressing the candidates directly, presents the guidelines of a Christian moral life in matters of marriage, family, raising children, and social relations. The article shows how the bishop, using episodes from the life of Abraham, presents him asa model to follow also for those who wish to enter the community of the Church.
Artykuł charakteryzuje katechezę moralną Ambrożego, biskupa Mediolanu, skierowaną do katechumenów na podstawie traktatu De Abraham. Pomimo iż nie jest to dzieło przeznaczone wyłącznie dla przygotowujących się do chrztu, można w nim znaleźć szereg pouczeń, w których katecheta, zwracając się bezpośrednio do kandydatów, przedstawia wskazania chrześcijańskiego życia moralnego w kwestii małżeństwa, rodziny, wychowania dzieci, relacji społecznych. W artykule ukazano, w jaki sposób biskup, wykorzystując epizody z życia Abrahama, przedstawia go jako model do naśladowania także dla tych, którzy pragną wejść do wspólnoty Kościoła.
Vox Patrum
vol. 52
issue 1
Der Begriff Demut beschreibt Ergebenheit, die in der Einsicht in die Notwen- digkeit und im Willen zum Hinnehmen der Gegebenheiten begriindet ist. In der christlichen Religion bedeutet Demut das Anerkennen der Allmacht Gottes. Demut beschreibt demnach die innere Einstellung eines Menschen zu Gott. Die Demut spielt im christlichen Leben eine besondere Rolle. Fur Ambrosius von Mailand ist Demut eine wesentliche Eigenschaft des wahren Glaubigen, desjenigen, der mit Gott im Einen ist. Gott demiitigt Menschen, um sie zu ihm (zuriick) zu bringen, und Menschen demiitigen sich selbst vor Gott, um von ihm angenommen zu werden. Fur Christen bedeutet Demut gegeniiber Gott, ihn anzubeten, ihn zu achten, zu ehren und zu loben, weil man erkennt, dass alles, was man ist und hat, von Gottes Gnade ist. Beispiele fiir ein demiitiges und letztendlich gesegnetes Leben sind im Evangelium von Lukas z.B. Maria und der verlorenen Sohn. Aus diesen Begeben- heiten kónnen und sollten die Menschen, nach christlicher Auffassung, auch heute noch lernen. Ferner ist ais Fazit aus solchen Erzahlungen zu erkennen, dass im christlichen Glauben die Demut der Schliissel zu allem ist. Nur der Demiitige wird den Segen des Herm empfangen.
Vox Patrum
vol. 52
issue 1
Artykuł został opracowany w oparciu o zbiór hymnów zwanych: kontakiony, theotokiony, kontakaria, kanony, ody, stichery, kathismy, exposteilariony (wydał je C. Passini: Le fonti greche su Sant’Ambrogio di Milano, Milano - Roma 1990, 336- 431). Są to utwory pochodzące z różnych środowisk i okresów historycznych. Znane są nazwiska tylko niektórych autorów, jak np. Roman Piesniarz, Teofan, czy Ignacy; część z nich przypisuje się Talasowi z Konstantynopola i Andrzejowi z Krety. Niektóre wykazują duże walory literackie i muzyczne; zachowaly się też nieliczne zapisy melodii, nie są to jednak nuty w obecnym tego stowa znaczeniu. Zdaniem badaczy, takich jak Grosdidier de Matons, niektóre hymny były śpiewane w kościele w czasie wigilii przed większymi uroczystościami, a inne były przeznaczone do użytku prywatnego. Przypuszcza się, że mogły być używane jako lektura duchowa. E. Wellesz określa kontakion jako poetycką homilię. Te wspaniałe utwory nie były dotąd znane polskim czytelnikom. Celem niniejszego artykułu nie jest analiza literacka ani muzyczna hymnów, lecz przyblizenie ich treści. Hymny, skomponowane i wykonywane w języku greckim na Wschodzie opiewają św. Ambrożego Biskupa Mediolanu jako nauczyciela prawdziwej wiary, jako pogromcę herezji, jako wzór cnót chrześcijańskich, a szczególnie jako obrońcę Kościoła przed bezbożnym cesarzem Teodozjuszem (wyolbrzymiony zostal zwłaszcza incydent w Tessalonikach - 390 r.). Autorzy hymnów wykazują dość dobrą znajomość zagadnień teologicznych, szczególnie dyskutowanych w IV wieku. Idąc za takimi historykami, jak Teodoret z Cyru i Sozomen, kreślą barwny obraz odważnego biskupa, który wobec świty cesarskiej zabrania Teodozjuszowi wejść do kościoła, wykazuje mu zło jego postępku i zmusza do pokuty. Tego rodzaju gloryfikacja łacinskiego biskupa na greckim Wschodzie jest wprost zdumiewająca. Ambroży w wizji hymnografów traci cechy rzeczywiste, a nabiera cech taumastycznych i - jeśli można tak powiedzieć - enkomiastycznych, podobnie jak bizantyjska ikona. Staje się on symbolem mocy duchowej, która pokonuje potęgi tego świata.
In preparation
Vox Patrum
vol. 80
The Mary-Church parabola is an interesting theme in developing in early Christianity theology and pastoral work. The Great Doctors of the Western Church, Ambrose of Milan and Augustine of Hippo, inspired by the reflections to date, develop this idea and try to use it in a pastoral manner. This article attempts to juxtapose the thoughts of both authors, emphasizing in particular their pastoral teaching. Recognizing the sources of the connection of Mariological and ecclesiological thought in biblical women, he considers two main aspects: virginity and motherhood of both Mary and the Church. This thought was not only the subject of theoretical considerations, but also an important element of the pastoral teaching of both bishops.
Parabola Maryja-Kościół stanowi interesujący wątek rozwijających się we wczesnym chrześcijaństwie teologii i duszpasterstwa. Wielcy doktorzy Kościoła zachodniego, Ambroży z Mediolanu i Augustyn z Hippony, inspirując się dotychczasowymi refleksjami, rozwijają tę myśl i starają się wykorzystać duszpastersko. Niniejszy artykuł podejmuje próbę zestawienia myśli obu autorów, akcentując zwłaszcza ich pasterskie nauczanie. Dostrzegając źródła powiązania myśli mariologicznej z eklezjologiczną w postaciach biblijnych niewiast, rozważa dwa główne jej aspekty: dziewictwo i macierzyństwo zarówno Maryi, jak i Kościoła. Myśla ta stanowiła nie tylko przedmiot teoretycznych rozważań, lecz także ważny element pasterskiego nauczania obu biskupów.
The article analyses late ancient Christian appeals to recognize human dignity, specifically those formulated by Basil of Caesarea, Ambrose of Milan, Leon the Great and an anonymous Master of Verona. The analyses is divided into parts pertaining to each listed author and finalized with sections investigating firstly, the interrelations between the presented texts as well as a hypothesis of Leo’s reliance on Basil’s and Ambrose’s texts, and secondly, the influences of the appeals on the subsequent centuries. The study points to biblical, ancient Greek and Roman inspirations of various calls. I argue that Leo’s formulation is indirectly inspired by the Delphic gnothi seauton formula that was specified by the Christian thinkers to human axiological status and filled in with biblical expressions.
Artykuł omawia późnostarożytne chrześcijańskie apele o uznanie godności ludzkiej sformułowane przez Bazylego z Cezarei, Ambrożego z Mediolanu, Leona Wielkiego i anonimowego Mistrza z Werony. Analiza podzielona jest na części odnoszące się do każdego z wymienionych autorów, a kończy ją sekcja poświęcona, po pierwsze, wzajemnym powiązaniom między przedstawionymi tekstami i hipotezie o wzorowaniu się Leona tekstami Bazylego i Ambrożego, a po drugie, wpływom tychże apeli na myśl późniejszych wieków. Badanie wskazuje biblijne, starogreckie i rzymskie źródła chrześcijańskich wezwań. Twierdzę, że sformułowanie Leona jest pośrednio inspirowane delficką formułą gnothi seauton, która została przez chrześcijańskich myślicieli doprecyzowana do statusu aksjologicznego człowieka i uzupełniona wyrażeniami biblijnymi.
Vox Patrum
vol. 66
Topics concerning women’s physiology and reproduction appear relatively rarely in the reflections of the Fathers of the Church. Most often they perpetuated the beliefs of ancient medicine, benefitting from the appropriate terminology. The originality of their reflection lies in trying to use the “scientific” facts within theo­logical considerations (eg the creation of mankind and the Incarnation of the Son of God) and moral ones (eg the value of sexuality, fertility and parenthood). The scope of this article includes analysis of selected texts of Methodius of Olympus and those of Ambrose of Milan. Both authors had a deep medical knowledge of the issues and their works contain interesting examples related to female repro­ductive physiology. They were protagonists of an ideal of virginity, but yet, they preserved a positive assessment of fertility and marriage. Worthy of particular emphasis, in the works of Methodius, is the defense of the dignity of every unborn child, whom God himself creates and animates in the womb. The basis of the con­siderations in Symposium was a passage from Genesis 2: 21-24, to which he gave allegorical meaning, defining human sexuality and procreation as the typology of the divine and ecclesiastical realities. In turn, Ambrose undertook issues such as conception, prenatal development and the birth of a child, in the context of the exceptional role of Mary in the history of salvation and in the Incarnation of the Son of God. Theological considerations were an excellent opportunity for him to express moral teaching and pastoral care, and to provide very practical and help­ful, medical and educational tips for women.
Vox Patrum
vol. 68
This article presents the results of the analysis of the correspondence of St. Ambrose, the Bishop of Milan, concerning heresies and heretics and the hope of their final reconciliation with the Church. The article consists of two essential parts, the first shows the definition and essence of heresies and heretics, including examples of heretics and how they act. The second part focuses on dealing with heretics and fighting for the unity of the Church. This section shows the ways in which this fight is taking place and the parties responsible for it: the bishops and the emperors. Reading the letters of St. Ambrose does not leave any illusions – the Bishop of Milan has gradually been losing the hope for ending such conflicts, above all with the Arians. Reasons for such an attitude are repeatedly presented in his letters – the conflict of the basilicas, the attitudes of the heretics, the weakness of orthodox believers and priests. It seems, however, that in spite of everything still smoulders in him spark of hope, because to the last letter of preserved cor­respondence he calls for return to the bosom of the Church and orthodoxy.
The Holy Baptism in Church in period of the first centuries was considered as an extra ordinary and important event, both in life of the baptized person, as well as in the entire Church community. Almost exact information on baptism in Church of the 4th century is available in existing documents of empathetical discourses on baptism by four great Fathers of the Church: St. Cyril of Jerusalem, St. John Chrysostom, St. Ambrose of Milan, and Theodor, bishop of Mopsuestia. Thus in this paper I have decided to present only the Baptismal Rites and their theological and anthropological significance. In terms of the mentioned authors’ writings, we can find two parts of the baptismal liturgy where they consist of particular Rites. The first part is devoted to so called the rites preceding a ceremony of baptism, It means to surrender Satan, take off cloths and apply the holy oil before one’s baptism. Another Rite, i.e. taking off clothes of the candidates to be baptized, was significant for the new way of life of a certain human being, and rejection of the old man with his all affairs and matters. Authors of baptismal discourses also paid their attention to application of the holy oil. The second part of Baptismal Rites was related to baptismal immersion itself. First of all, there was the following or­der: to reach the baptismal tank, immerse in waters three times, then leave it and put on the white clothes. The theological interpretation of particular Baptismal Rites in writings of the Church of the 4th century was rather compact. Even in case of some differences available, they were not concerned with the principal aspects, but strictly devoted to the baptism itself in order to understand the ceremony, and all particular order of the Baptismal Rites.
Vox Patrum
vol. 38
L'articolo esamina il mistero dell'incarnazione nei testi dei Padri che commentano espressamente soltanto tutto il Simboio Apostolico. Traiascia, perció, quelle opere patristiche che espongono la fede come tale, o spiegano solamente alcune verita di essa.
L'articolo esamina il mistero dell'incarnazione nei testi dei Padri che commentano espressamente soltanto tutto il Simbolo Apostolico. Tralascia, perció, quelle opere patristiche che espongono la fede come tale, o spiegano solamente alcune verita di essa.
It is true that the Fathers of the Church before Augustine did not use the term „original sin”. However, in the writings of very many of them, both in the East and in the West, we do find a belief in the solidarity of all people with Adam or even in the unity of entire humanity in Adam. Talking about the first sin the Fathers use the expression „our” sin; they claim that „we” offended God in Adam, they admit that „we all” were in Adam’s loins when he committed the sin, and finally they straightforwardly claim that „all people” sinned in Adam. Some of them feel personally responsible for the offence committed in Paradise. Most of the Fathers, and perhaps even all of them, were convinced of real unity of entire humanity and they considered participation of all people in Adam’s sin as one of the aspects of that unity. The fall of the first man separated not only himself, but also all people from the communion with God, because every man somehow participated in that fall. And that is, after all, the very essence of the original sin.
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