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Autism is a developmental disorder constituting a serious social and economic problem. Early diagnosis and starting appropriate therapy increase the chance to a child's development and thus to avoid social exclusion. Because of the difficulty in access to proper institutions and a long time from the first indications to the diagnosis, the children are being diagnosed later than they should be. Subjective, usually observational, diagnostic criteria are an additional difficulty, because the diagnosis result depend on the experience and insight of the doctor making the diagnosis. The aim of this work is to analyze the possibility of technological support of diagnosis and the evaluation of therapy progress of autistic children, especially using mobile devices. There are some solutions used in this field across the world, but most of them are experimental studies applied in few institutions. The presented study includes a questionnaire survey conducted among Polish institutions working with people with autism. The gathered answers lead to interesting conclusions. Countless institutions use mobile devices in the diagnosis. Most therapists think such support is possible. Moreover, all of them are interested in a system enabling an automatic evaluation of therapy progress for autistic children. Supporting the diagnosis process and the evaluation of therapy progress may increase the chance for independent life of autistic children, and thus decrease the social and economic costs of autism.
Rocznik Lubuski
vol. 38
issue 2
This paper is an attempt to diagnose the state of knowledge of autism among educators, special educators and students of education. This is particularly important, especially nowadays, when the idea of inclusive education is not only becoming the tendency of educational solutions in Poland , but it soon will be authorized by law (in September 2012 the President of Poland shall sign the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which guarantees them the possibility of integration. In the document, the so-called „inclusive education” is considered a priority which is to counteract exclusion.). According to the idea of inclusive education, autistic children may be educated in inclusive schools or traditional schools (it is also referred to in the regulation of the Ministry of Education, dated 17th November, 2010) . In such a context it seems to be important to find answers to the questions about substantial preparation, knowledge and attitudes (including stereotypes) connected with the functioning of children with autism, the possibilities of effective work with them, resulting from the knowledge of therapeutic effects of the methods used by their potential teachers and tutors. However, formal possibilities or priority ideas of the Ministry of Education are not enough and will not ensure the success of the education of children, among the others those with autism. What is needed is primarily the knowledge, willingness and competencies of those who will work with children in difficult and far from the educational ideal Polish schools.
Tekst jest próbą zdiagnozowania stanu wiedzy na temat autyzmu wśród pedagogów i pedagogów specjalnych, jak również przyszłych pedagogów studiujących na kierunkach pedagogicznych. Jest to szczególnie istotne zwłaszcza współcześnie, gdy idea kształcenia inkluzyjnego staje się nie tylko tendencją rozwiązań edukacyjnych w Polsce, ale za chwilę (we wrześniu 2012 Prezydent RP Bronisław Komorowski podpisze konwencje o Prawach Osób Niepełnosprawnych, która gwarantuje im możliwość integracji. W dokumencie tym tzw. edukacja włączająca jest uznana za priorytet, który ma przeciwdziałać wykluczeniu) zostanie usankcjonowana prawnie. W jej myśl dzieci z autyzmem mogą realizować obowiązek kształcenia w szkole integracyjnej czy ogólnodostępnej (odnosi się do tego również rozporządzenie MEN z dn. 17.11.2010). W tym kontekście istotne wydaje się uzyskanie odpowiedzi na pytania o przygotowanie merytoryczne pedagogów, wiedzę i postawy (w tym stereotypy) dotyczące funkcjonowania dziecka z autyzmem, możliwości skutecznej pracy z nim, wynikające ze znajomości metod oddziaływania terapeutycznego ich potencjalnych nauczycieli i wychowawców. Formalne możliwości, priorytetowe ministerialne (MEN) koncepcje nie wystarczą i nie zapewnią sukcesu kształcenia dzieci m.in. z autyzmem. Potrzebna jest przede wszystkim zgoda, wyrażająca się w wiedzy, chęciach i kompetencjach tych, którym przyjdzie z dzieckiem na co dzień pracować we wciąż trudnej i dalekiej od ideału rzeczywistości edukacyjnej polskiej szkoły.
Introduction: Stress experienced by parents of a disabled child can have a negative impact on family relationships. Purpose: Assessment of parents coping with critical situations. Materials and methods: We analyzed 83 families, including 30 families from Poland, 25 families from Belarus and 28 families from France and we used Coping Inventory for Stress Situations (CISS) and The General Self- Efficacy Scale (GSES). Results: After hearing the diagnosis most often parents felt shock (63.3% from Poland, 68% from Belarus and France 85.7%). Main parents' emotions induced by the disability was fatigue (76.7% from Poland, 44% from Belarus and 71.4% from France - p=0.028) and sadness (73.3% from Poland, 40% from Belarus and 28.6% from France - p=0.002). Most often in response to the annoying and stressful child’s behaviour parents tried to admonish (76.7% from Poland, 56% from Belarus and 75% from France) or shout at the child (66.7% from Poland, 24% from Belarus and 17.9% from France p <0.001). The least likely preferred style of coping with stress in all countries was the search for socializing. The highest rate of self-efficiency characterize parents from France, the lowest from Poland. Conclusions: The existence of factors which could significantly affect the level of burn-out syndrome in parents, such as the deterioration of the financial situation (mainly in Belarusian families), sadness, fatigue, insomnia (mainly in Polish families). Parents chose effective strategies of coping, and the predominant style was focused on the task. It has been shown that parents lack the ability to control negative emotions, which in particular affected Polish families (for example, domination of trials to admonish and explain, shouting at the child).
Introduction: Problems of families with autism are generally not visible or manifested, but without support, they become economically and educationally inefficient. Purpose: To assess the degree of empathic understanding of the child and the degree of emotional control by parents. Materials and methods: The study included 30 families from Poland, 25 from Belarus and 28 from France. We used Empathy Understanding Others questionnaire (KRE) and The Courtauld Emotional Control Scale (CECS). Results: The most common difficulty reported in the care of a child was gaining his/her independence (66.7% in Poland, 84% in Belarus, 78.6% in France). Parents from Poland more often (26.7%) than others (12% in Belarus, 3.6% in France) pointed out that the disability of a child caused that their friends turned their back to them. 40% of parents from Poland, 60% from Belarus and 57.1% from France claimed that the spouses accept the disability of the child. The disability induced in parents mainly fatigue (76.7% from Poland, 44% from Belarus, 71.4% from France). The level of empathy in Polish (64.2 ± 6.2) and French parents (64.8 ± 11.6) was almost identical, and the highest was among Belarusian parents (70.3 ± 8.3). Overall rate of CECS of the surveyed parents was at the average level (from Poland 47.4 ± 4.9; from Belarus 44.8 ± 6.1, from France 48.1 ± 6.0). Conclusions: Nurses evaluated their own preparation for educational activities usually very low. In the majority they would not want to take up the difficult role of educators of parents of autistic children. Due to a potential contact of a nurse with a child with autism and the child’s family, it is advisable to extend the knowledge of nurses in the care of a child with autism.
The aim of this article is to examine whether the attitude towards the deficiency of people with the Autistic Spectrum Disorder relies on the Theory of Mind concept and the symbolic interaction approach. Autism is a deficiency hampering the ability to receive messages from others and develop appropriate mutual relations. The deficiencies are apparent in three areas of development – social functioning, communication and behaviour. The study population are high functioning people with autism – ASD. TOM is a concept of consciousness, the ability to understand and interpret human behaviour in interactions and social contexts, including the ability to identify mental states such as: emotions, thoughts, intentions and desires of the individual and those around him. There are three components within this interaction: cognitive (thoughts, beliefs), emotional (exhibiting and understanding emotions, empathy), and the behavioural component (the actual interaction). Symbolic interactionism is a sociological paradigm claiming that social reality is based on the interactions between individuals in society, based on symbols and interpretations. When we examine the interaction of people with ASD, in order to understand their social thinking, emotions and behaviours we want to have a framework focusing on the interaction within a group. One of important and meaningful groups is the peer group, which has an important general and specific role in youth and young adults. The peer group has a significant role in integrating personal identity, establishing a different status within the family, and acquiring greater autonomy in the world outside the family. Work within the peer group enables familiarization with the deficiency and different parts of the “self”, thus con-structing a solid identity and closer relations with the environment. Group work will include aspects such as projection, giving and receiving feedback, learning about emotional mirroring, and defending oneself.
Dziecko chorujące na autyzm ma swój indywidualny zakres zaburzeń i różny stopień ich nasilenia, co skutkuje koniecznością indywidualizacji terapii. Ważne jest, aby proponowane metody nie wykluczały się wzajemnie, tylko skutecznie stymulowały rozwój. Zalecana jest wielokierunkowa terapia, intensywna i wcześnie rozpoczęta, która dzięki plastyczności mózgu dziecka, stwarza warunki do znacznej poprawy jego funkcjonowania. W niniejszym artykule dokonano próby przedstawienia najważniejszych zagadnień dotyczących autyzmu oraz propozycji pracy z dzieckiem chorującym na autyzm opartej na metodzie 3I. Metoda 3I jest edukacyjną metodą rozwojową, upowszechnioną i rekomendowaną przez powstałą w 2005 roku francuską organizację AUTISME ESPOIR VERS L’ECOLE (A.E.V.E.). Celem metody 3I jest rozwój komunikacji, ponieważ to ona umożliwia jednostce pełne uczestnictwo w życiu społecznym. Zdolność komunikacji stanowi jednocześnie warunek rozwoju osobowego i poznawczego człowieka. Praca terapeutyczna oparta na metodzie 3I prowadzi do samoistnego i spontanicznego rozwijania się pożądanych umiejętności i kompetencji społecznych. Umiejętności w ten sposób nabyte zostają utrwalone, nie zanikają w sytuacjach nowych. Terapia oparta na tej metodzie opiera się na trzech podstawowych filarach, od których wzięła swoją nazwę i które stanowią klucz do sukcesu. 3I to metoda edukacji indywidualnej, intensywnej i interaktywnej, pozwalająca na stymulację mózgu dziecka po-przez zabawę. Założenia tej metody, są rozwinięciem i uzupełnieniem znanej w Polsce metody opcji.
A child suffering from autism has its own range of disorders with different degrees of severity, which results in the need for individualising therapy. What is important is that the proposed methods should not be mutually exclusive, but should effectively stimulate the child development. Due to the child’s brain plasticity, a multidirectional, intensive and early started therapy that creates conditions for significant improvement is recommended. This article is an attempt to present main issues related to autism and suggestions for work with autistic children based on the 3I Method. 3I Method is an educational and developmental therapy method disseminated and recommended by the French association AUTISME ESPOIR VERS L’ECOLE (A.E.V.E.) which was established in 2005. The aim of the 3I Method is communication development as this is the area that allows the child to participate fully in social life. The ability to communicate is also a condition for personal and cognitive growth. Therapeutic work based on the 3I Method leads to natural and spontaneous development of the desired skills and social competences. The skills acquired in this way are fixed and do not disappear in novel situations. The therapy based on this method is grounded on three basic pillars which the method takes its name from and which are the key to success. 3I Method is an individual, intensive and interactive method of education that stimulates the child's brain by play. The assumptions of this method are an extension of and complement to the method known in Poland as Son Rise.
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