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This article is a review of the study entitled Защото е на скрито… Християнският светоглед в творчеството на Атанас Далчев (Because It Is Hidden… The Christian Worldview in the Works of Atanas Dalchev ), byKamen Rikev ( Lublin: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, 2020, pp. 340 ).
Studia Slavica
vol. 17
issue 2
At the beginning of 2012 in Bulgaria was published Ôèçèêà íà òúãàòà (Physics of sorrow / of longing) by Georgi Gospodinov, one of the most important Bulgarian writers of the younger generation. Since the release of the book, Bulgarian literary scholars and critics are in dispute about whether Bulgaria has finally its contemporary, post- or even postpostmodern novel. My paper is an attempt to answer the question why the Bulgarian literature is waiting for a novel, and whether and how it has been used by Gospodinov – writer and literary scholar. The text poses also question about the boundaries of the novel genre. The text focuses on the use of myth, which turns out to be important for the story itself, as well as for its reception. Bulgarian writer deconstructs the myth of Minotaur, using the figure of the labyrinth in the structure of the book. Resigning from the classical myth, Gospodinov goes to meet the expectations of readers placed on the genre of the novel, which by Bartoszyñski is „specific creation of a social mythology”.
Philip Rieff’s typology of culture and its applicability to the literary hybridization of the theological ideas of humanity and spiritual progress (a Bulgarian case study)The twentieth century has become in a special way a time of reflection on the theologi­cal roots of human thinking, including thinking in political terms; suffice it to mention such names as Walter Benjamin, Carl Schmitt and Erich Voegelin. One of the thinkers who joined the ongoing disputes was Philip Rieff, who in his book My Life Among the Deathworks (2006), took on the task of a controversial (according to many) revitalization of the Judeo-Christian paradigm. Reflecting on the subject of art works over several centuries, he abstracted typo­logical criteria allowing him to build a dichotomous model of art, as dedicated either to death (the non-Judeo-Christian variety) or to life (the Judeo-Christian variety). The paper attempts to verify his reasoning by reflecting on the theological models of humanity and spiritual progress in Teodora Dimova’s novel The Train to Emmaus (Vlakat za Emaus, 2014). O przydatności typologii Philipa Rieffa w badaniach nad literackimi hybrydyzacjami teologicznych idei człowieczeństwa i duchowego postępu (na jednym przykładzie bułgarskim)Wiek dwudziesty w szczególny sposób stał się czasem refleksji nad teologicznymi korze­niami ludzkiego myślenia, w tym myślenia w kategoriach politycznych; dość wspomnieć choćby nazwiska tak różnych myślicieli jak Walter Benjamin, Carl Schmitt, Erich Voegelin. Jednym z badaczy, który włączył się w toczące się dysputy był Philip Rieff, który w książce My Life Among the Deathworks (2006) podjął trud dyskusyjnej (zdaniem wielu) rewitalizacji paradygmatu judeochrześcijańskiego. Snując rozważania na temat dzieł sztuki na przestrzeni kilku wieków, wyabstrahował kryteria typologiczne, pozwalające budować dychotomiczny model sztuki jako dedykowanej śmierci (wariant antyjudeochrześcijański) lub życiu (wariant judeochrześcijański). Jego sposób rozumowania autorka poddaje próbie weryfikacji w reflek­sji nad teologicznym modelem człowieczeństwa i duchowego postępu w powieści Teodory Dimowej Влакът за Емаус (2014).
The end of eschatology? Searching for a modus existendi according to (post-)modern Bulgarian apocryphaThe paper is an attempt to reflect on the place of eschatological themes in modern and post-modern Bulgarian literature from the viewpoint of the istory of ideas. The objective of the study is literary paraphrases of the evangelical history of the 20th and early 21st centuries, which are perceived as modern apocrypha and thus as evidence of philosophical exploration of the epoch. These are placed in the context of three worldview systems competing in Europe: Judeo-Christian, Gnostic (Esoteric), and rationalistic (the Enlightenment), which considered as a epistemological paradigms (or ideal types) serve only as a hermeneutic perspective. In this light, the authors’ paraphrases about God’s Kingdom (and its Prophet and Messiah) give a diagnosis about the present crisis (of values), and therefore define an evil, speaking in fact about the Bulgarian search for a Modus Existendi. Their soteriological proposal bring about an eschatological perspective, revealing some ethical concepts (hidden in the author’s anthropology). The subject of interest relates to sources of salvation (i.e. the higher good), which manifest itself in the concepts of time (and narrative). Therefore, at the philosophical heart of the paper is Charles Taylor’s idea about the fundamental relation between the concepts of good, self, narrative and society. The analyses are provided in the light of the philosophical reflections of Agata Bielik-Robson, Philip Rieff, Paul Ricoeur, Luis Dupré, and Jacob Taubes.The main aim of the paper is to reveal the progressive process of internalising the sources of salvation, which makes the eschatological perspective disappear. Therefore, after a brief presentation of the Judeo-Christian and Gnostic apocrypha from the first half of the 20th century,in which the promise of (some king of) salvation is still valid, it is shown that most of the Bulgarian apocrypha written after 1989 create an absolutely nihilistic message, since with the help of the positive pattern they give a radically negative interpretation of the world, and thus essentially announce a complete lack of hope for its improvement. Paradoxically however, by creating a world without a good end, by revealing the mechanism of slipping into a Neognostic worldview (based on the reversed Gnostic spiritual monism), the Bulgarian apocrypha illustrate the need for a (re)dynamisation of the axiological sphere, the need for a restoration of multidimensional existence. In consequence, a connection is pointed out – according to Taubes – between the condition of the eschatological man, who pins his hope on the future, and the messianic necessity to approve the ontological leap. Koniec eschatologii? Poszukiwania modus existendi w świetle (po)nowoczesnych apokryfów bułgarskichArtykuł jest próbą refleksji nad miejscem motywów eschatologicznych w nowoczesnej i ponowoczesnej literaturze bułgarskiej z punktu widzenia historii idei. Przedmiotem badania są literackie parafrazy wątków ewangelijnych z XX i początku XXI wieku, które postrzegane są jako nowoczesne apokryfy, i w efekcie jako świadectwa poszukiwań światopoglądowych epoki. Teksty umieszone zostały w kontekście trzech konkurujących ze sobą na gruncie kultury europejskiej światopoglądów: judeochrześcijańskiego, gnostyckiego (ezoterycznego) i racjonalistycznego (oświeceniowego), której wszakże pojęte jako paradygmaty epistemo­logiczne (lub typy idealne) służą jedynie jako perspektywy hermeneutyczne. W tym świetle autorskie parafrazy o Królestwie Bożym (oraz jego proroku i Mesjaszu) budują diagnozę na temat aktualnego kryzysu (wartości) i w efekcie definiują zło, tj. ukazują w istocie bułgarskie poszukiwania Modus Existendi. Ich soteriologiczna propozycja aktualizuje perspektywę eschatologiczną, odsłaniającą koncepcje etyczne (ukryte w autorskiej antropologii). Przed­miotem uwagi są źródła zbawienia (tj. dobro najwyższe), które ujawniają się w koncepcji czasu (i narracji). W konsekwencji, u podstaw badania znajduje się pogląd Charlesa Taylor na temat fundamentalnego związku między koncepcjami dobra, „ja”, narracji i społeczeństwa. Analiza prowadzona jest przez pryzmat refleksji filozoficznej Agaty Bielik-Robson, Philipa Rieffa, Paula Ricoeura, Luisa Dupré i Jacoba Taubesa.Celem artykułu jest ukazanie postępującego procesu uwewnętrzniania źródeł zbawienia, powodującego zanikanie perspektywy eschatologicznej. W konsekwencji, po skrótowej prezentacji apokryfów judeochrześcijańskich i gnostyckich z pierwszej połowy XX wieku, w których to obiet­nica (jakiegoś) zbawienia jest wciąż aktualna, pokazane jest, że większość apokryfów napisanych po 1989 roku tworzy przekaz absolutnie nihilistyczny, ponieważ za pomocą wzoru pozytywnego oferują radykalnie negatywne ujęcie świata i tak w istocie głoszą kompletny brak nadziei na jego poprawę. Paradoksalnie, jednak poprzez stworzenie świata bez dobrego końca, poprzez ujaw­nianie mechanizmu osuwania się w światopogląd neognostycka (oparty o odwrócony gnostycki monizm spirytualistyczny), apokryfy bułgarskie ilustrują potrzebę ponownego zdynamizowania sfery aksjologicznej, potrzebę odbudowania wielkowymiarowości egzystencji. W konsekwencji, wskazany jest związek – w myśl Taubesa – między kondycją człowieka eschatologicznego, który lokuje swą nadzieję w przyszłości, a mesjaniczną potrzebą afirmacji ontologicznego odstępu.
An annotated bibliography of academic works in the field of Bulgarian studies published in Poland between 1947 and 2012The bibliography of Bulgarian studies includes publications by Polish and foreign authors published in Poland in the period 1947–2012. The main language of the works cited in the bibliography is Polish, a small portion (approx. 5%) is written in Bulgarian. The following bibliography is of a subject selective nature. It takes into account monographs – excluding continuous publications the inclusion of which would involve the planning of work over several years at least. The scope of the bibliography is limited to scientific publications which include studies on Bulgarian literature, Bulgarian cultural studies and research on Bulgarian history and society. Bibliografia adnotowana naukowych prac bułgarystycznych wydanych w Polsce w latach 1947–2012Bibliografia bułgarystyczna obejmuje publikacje autorów polskich i zagranicznych, wydane na terenie Polski w latach 1947–2012. Podstawowym językiem przywołanych w bibliografii prac jest polski, niewielka część (ok. 5%) została napisana w języku bułgarskim. Poniższa bibliografia ma charakter przedmiotowy selektywny. Uwzględnia wydawnictwa zwarte – z pominięciem wydawnictw ciągłych, których umieszczenie wiązałoby się z pracą zaplanowaną na co najmniej kilka lat. Zakres bibliografii ograniczono do publikacji naukowych, które obejmują literaturoznawstwo bułgarskie, kulturoznawstwo bułgarskie, badania nad historią i społeczeństwem bułgarskim.
The article is devoted to a reflection on the category of time in Georgi Gospodinov’s novel Vremeubežiŝte (2020), where the author undertakes a reflection on the processes of culpable and non-culpable self-destruction of societies that have rejected the rules of Enlightenment rationalism. Using the tools of dystopia, he creates a world gripped by collective madness, the sources of which he derives from extra-literary reality and links to contemporary political and cultural processes. Leszek Kolakowski’s concept of time as the vault of the human home, which is based on four pillars: reason, God, love, death, remains the philosophical point of reference for my deliberations. In turn, the concept of retroutopia of the sociologist of culture Zygmunt Bauman provided me with tools to reflect on a new type of rationalism after the conservative turn. René Girard’s concept of mimetic competition was helpful in considering the structure of the world presented in the novel.
The paper is devoted to the author’s concept of modern apocrypha in the context of the two main tendencies of (Post)modernity: unmasking and paraphrasing. On the basis of the literary paraphrases of the Evangelical story, found in the Bulgarian (Post)Modern literary, there is shown a hermeneutic passage from “apocrypha as a literary mystification” (“literary apocrypha”), i.e. a concept often applied in literary studies, to “apocrypha as an epiphany of sense”, i.e. a concept which can be useful in cultural studies and in history of ideas. It is suggested that in the light of the postsecular thought, being an individual interpretation of the canon, the (Post)Modern apocrypha has a great epiphanic potential, which means that hiding minority truths, it reveals in fact some crucial, and crypto-theological, problems of the present. Drawing the axiological difference between “the unmasking apocrypha” (pseudo-gospel) and “the paraphrasing apocrypha” (epiphany of sense), the author claims that only the last one does actually incarnate Charles Taylor’s ideal of the authentic (and poetic) expression (of will), which helps in establishing an individual sense-making horizon as a positive response to the “heretical imperative” of (Post)Modernity.
In the trap of agnosticism: Judas according to Emiliyan StanevThe article discusses the modern sensation of complete enslavement. It offers an in-depth analysis of Emiliyan Stanev’s short story Lazarus and Jesus (Lazar i Isus; 1977) in the context of relevant entries from the author’s diaries. The article centres on the presentation of Judas as a debunker of Christ’s teaching. Stanev presents his vision of a permanent rift between spirit and reason that is not only a clear expression of the tragedy of agnosticism, but also, paradoxically, an indication that the state of ignorance is blessed, albeit impossible to achieve. Stanev’s story can be interpreted as a deeply ambiguous polemic not only with Christian religion understood as an “irrational” truth about transcendence but also with ideology, i.e. a doctrine that promises future happiness but is just as oppressive as formal secular power. W pułapce agnostycyzmu, czyli Judasz według Emiliana StanewaArtykuł omawia problematykę nowoczesnego poczucia totalnego zniewolenia. Przed­miotem uwagi jest opowiadanie Emiliana Stanewa Лазар и Исус (Łazarz i Jezus, 1977), zaś kontekstem – osobisty dziennik autora oraz rola jego Judasza jako demistyfikatora Chrystusowej nauki. Postawiona przez pisarza diagnoza wiecznego rozdarcia między duchem a rozumem staje się nie tylko kryptonimem tragizmu postawy agnostycznej, lecz – paradoksalnie – także przesłanką dla tezy o błogosławionym, choć niemożliwym do osiągnięcia stanie niewiedzy. Utwór interpretowany jest jako głęboko ambiwalentna polemika nie tyle z religią chrześcijańską jako irracjonalną „prawdą” o transcendencji, co z ideologią, tj. doktryną obiecującą przyszłe szczęście, choć równie zniewalającą jak formalna władza świecka.
“Wiping clean the slate of the past”. Reflections on the fringes of selected literary texts from Slavic People´s RepublicsFormulas of “forgetting” in the totalitarian half-century as well as post-1989 have changed shape and intensity. Strategies of disavowal and rejection of the proximate and distant past differ depending on the intensity of the ideologising processes in the structure of the phenomenon. The systemic mechanism of ritual burial and announcement of the end of “bad past, bad times” includes a number of phases (from construction to reconstruction).This paper examines the strategies under the first of these phases (1944–1956), during which the process of incorporating an external matrix created in revolutionary conditions (Soviet culture) into local culture/literature was the strongest. The practice consists of an unconditional transfer from the model of a maximum number of factors which sanction acts of disavowing the proximate and distant past and legitimise subjection to the chosen / ideal system (denial/discreditation of the old world order, new genres, a new way to explain the past, clear vision of the future). „Przeszłości ślad dłoń nasza zmiata”. Refleksje na marginesie wybranych tekstów literackich z obszaru słowiańskich krajów demokracji ludowychFormuły „zapominania” w półwieczu totalitaryzmów, ale także po 1989 roku, w dekadach post-, zmieniały kształt i natężenie. Strategie dezawuowania i odrzucania bliskiej czy odległej przeszłości różnią się w zależności od stopnia natężenia procesów ideologizacji. Systemowy mechanizm rytualnego grzebania i głoszenia końca „złej przeszłości, złego czasu” przechodził kilka faz (od konstrukcji do rekonstrukcji).W artykule została podjęta próba opisu najstarszej fazy zjawiska, gdy do kultur lokalnych zostaje inkorporowana matryca zewnętrzna, wypracowana w warunkach rewolucyjnych (wzorzec sowiecki). W praktyce oznaczało to bezwzględne przeniesienie z „wzorca” maksy­malnej liczby czynników sankcjonujących akty dezawuowania przeszłości, a legitymizujących podległość wybranemu/idealnemu systemowi (wyparcie, dyskredytowanie starego porządku świata, nowe gatunki, formy, sposoby tłumaczenia przeszłości skutkujące zrealizowaniem idei „świetlanej przyszłości”).
The paper is initiated by a brief outline of the development of women’s literature in the ex-“East European” countries since 1989. Then it turns to feminist literary theory tracking two different periods of its reception by, and adaption to, literary criticism in post-communist academic research. The concepts of women’s generations and women’s literary canon, vital for the western tradition of gynocriticism, are closely analyzed in line with their relevance to present-day women’s literature in post-communist culture. The paper ends with a presentation of a threefold model of the prospective to speak of women’s literature imbedded in, or in counter stance to, the traditional literary canon.
The article comments on Milen Ruskov’s third novel Summit (The Heights / Възвишение, 2011) and its critical acclaim in Bulgaria. Set in 19th-century milieu, the revolutionary struggles and the novel’s unique language have been indicated by critics as its most outstanding aspects that provoke new debates on the national and linguistic identity of contemporary Bulgarians. At the same time the novel’s Polish translation by Magdalena Pytlak (Wzniesienie, 2017) poses other questions concerning the promotion of modern Bulgarian culture abroad, the translatability of Ruskov’s work and the translator’s strategies in terms of successfully “importing” Bulgarian literature into the Polish context.
The author shares his experience and insights during his work on a new Polish translation of Ivan Vazov’s novel Under The Yoke. The article reveals the results of his textological analysis of the novel that includes interpretations of its title message and of various aspects of Vazov’s masterpiece, such as the function of the play Genovefa and theatre in general in constructing the novel’s fictional universe, the culture war between the worlds of Christianity and Islam, the romantic design of the main character interpreted in the light of Adam Mickiewicz’s Gustaw-Konrad, wordplay and culminating metaphors as means of metaphorization, syntax twists in depicting characters’ moods and emotions, the role of speaking names etc. All aspects of Vazov’s novel, discussed in this article, aim to reveal its remarkable mastery.
Autor artykułu, a jednocześnie nowego przekładu powieści Iwana Wazowa Pod jarzmem, dzieli się swoimi spostrzeżeniami, nagromadzonymi podczas pracy nad przekładem. Dokonana przez niego analiza tekstologiczna utworu, podporządkowana jest zarówno interpretacji głównego przesłania dzieła, wyrażonego w tytule, jak i wielu aspektom szczegółowym. Spośród nich wymienić można: funkcję dramatu Genowefa i teatru w ogóle w konstruowaniu świata przedstawionego, wojnę kulturową dwóch światów – chrześcijaństwa i islamu, romantyczną konstrukcję głównego bohatera, postrzeganego w analogii do mickiewiczowskiego Gustawa-Konrada, gry słowne i metafory użyte jako narzędzia metaforyzacji, wykorzystanie zabiegów składniowych dla budowania nastroju i wyrażania emocji, a także rola imion mówiących. Wymienione wyżej spostrzeżenia i obserwacje mają służyć ukazaniu mistrzostwa kreacji artystycznej Wazowa.
This study is dedicated to the initial reception of the work of the Bulgarian revivalist poet, journalist and folklorist Petko Rachov Slaveykov (1827–1895) in the Czech environment. Ignác Jan Hanuš used his paremiologic collection as early as in the beginning of the fifties of the 19th century, which was published anonimously though, in the following years Vasil D. Stoyanov, Konstantin Jireček, Andrey V. Zekhirov (Panov), Jan Neruda, Josef Jakub Toužimský, Koicho Bozhkov, Emanuel Fait etc. informed the public about him. The artistic side of Slaveykov was revealed to the Czech readers relatively later — in 1887 a translation of his story with the Albanian topic of Blood Revenge (Krvopomsta) (translated by Karel Červenka) and in 1901 and 1904 his several poems were published (translated by Vladislav Šak and anonimous). Mainly Czech journalists wrote about Slaveykov, to them he was a patriotic teacher in particular, a national tribune and a fighter for the Bulgarian church, who after 1878 advocated for providing democratic processes of the country. Slaveykov’s most important poems have not been translated into Czech up to this day.
The topic of the paper is Gnostic, and therefore total, experience of the world as a bad place in the context of the postulate (resulting from the postmodern critical attitude) to replace the total programs of the world’s transformation with partial transformations. A novel by Veselin Stoyanov (1957−2014) constitutes the subject matter of the analyses. The interpretative perspective is given by the utopian/ dystopian discourse, especially by the category of ‘dystopia’ as interpreted by M. Keith Booker. The reflection is focused on the consequences of the author’s attempt at reinterpreting and even unmasking a total thought, as well as on the diagnosis of world’s corruption in relation to the social criticism. Therefore, a crucial meaning is given to the question of the writer’s involvement, and finally − to the status of evil in literature. The paper raises the question of the functioning of the dystopia in the conditions of postmodernity.
The paper is devoted to the problem of the (Judeo-)Christian (biblical) tradition functioning in (post-)modern culture from the perspective of the history of ideas. The starting point is the metamorphosis of both the Bible as a text and apocrypha as its creative (re)interpretation. The objects of interest are literary paraphrases of the Evangelic story about Judas as a figure of the fallen man. In order to reveal the fundamental ideological changes of (post-)modernity there are presented functionalizations of the greatest sinner in modern Bulgarian apocrypha. It is shown that authors’ metamorphosis of Judas have made him a significant figure of the (post-)modern man. Therefore, the (post-)modern metamorphosis of the (Bulgarian) apocrypha about the God’s traitor on the one hand show the effects of the collapse of the Enlightenment project of human emancipation, and thus testify to the process of the man’s sliding into the tragic immanence, on the other − they reveal − according to Charles Taylor, Agata Bielik-Robson and Philip Rieff − the sense-making potential of para-phrase as a poetic repetition.
The foundations of the medieval Bulgarian state are inseparably paired with the adoption of Christianity. At that time an event occurred which based on modern terminology ought to be described as coup d’état. As a consequence a cruel punishment was administered by the ruler, prince Boris. A bloody execution of all the 52 rebelled houses became an immanent symbol of the rise of the Christian Bulgarian state and plays an important role in the novels related to the history of the medieval period of the state. The literary vision of the Bulgarian authors of the socialist era presents that tragic occurrence almost as a founding murder and in accordance with Foucault interpretation as a bloody spectacle of suffering that was a demonstration of the power of the sovereign over his subjects, and following Girard can be described as specific collective sacrifice.
U początku kształtowania się średniowiecznego państwa bułgarskiego, w nierozłącznej parze z przyjęciem chrześcijaństwa legło wydarzenie, które zgodnie ze współczesną terminologią należałoby nazwać próbą przeprowadzenia zamachu stanu oraz jego konsekwencja – okrutna kara wymierzona buntownikom przez władcę, księcia Borysa. Krwawa egzekucja wszystkich członków 52 zbuntowanych rodów stała się immanentnym symbolem powstania chrześcijańskiego państwa bułgarskiego i zajęła ważne miejsce w powieściach historycznych przedstawiających dzieje średniowiecznego państwa. W literackiej wizji bułgarskich autorów doby socjalistycznej to tragiczne wydarzenie zostało przedstawione jako niemalże mord założycielski, lecz także zgodnie z interpretacją Foucaulta krwawy spektakl kaźni wyrażający władzę suwerena nad poddanymi oraz charakteryzowana przez Girarda specyficzna ofiara zbiorowa.
vol. 5
issue 2
Предмет на обсъждане в настоящата статия са преводите на български книги издадени в Полша и полски книги издадени в България, в периода 2007—2013 г. През последните години в Полша e публикуван относително силен корпус от преводи на българскатa литература. Колекциятa се състои от съвременни романи, сборници, антологии с разкази и cтихосбирки. Въпреки неблагоприятнатa ситуация, която се изразява в общата икономическа и културнa кризa, прозападнaта мода, ограничаваща присъствието на „малкитe”литератури, българската литература всяка година присъствa на полския издателски пазар. Успешният прием на полскaтa литература в България в последните седем години се дължи на: високото качество на преводите, подходящaтa литературнa и критическа рефлексия, финансовата подкрепа на Полския институт в София. Резултатът от благоприятни обстоятелства се оказа голям брой преводи, който се състои от: класикaтa и селекциятa от съвременнaтa и и най‑новата полска литература.
The subject of discussion in this article is translation of Bulgarian books in Poland and Polish books in Bulgaria in the period 2007—2013. In recent years relatively a large number of translations of Bulgarian literature are published in Poland. Collection includes modern novels, short story volumes and anthologies, poetry books. Despite the unfavorable situation, which expressed in the general economic and cultural situation, pro‑Western orientation, limiting the presence of “small” literatures, Bulgarian literature each year attend the Polish publishing market. The successful reception of Polish literature in Bulgaria in the last seven years due to: high quality translations, adequate reflection in the field of literary criticism and literary studies, the financial support of the Polish Institute in Sofia. The result of favorable circumstances have been a large number of translations, which consist: the literary classics and selection of contemporary and recent Polish literature.
The aim of the article is to discuss the latest translation initiatives by Wojciech Gałązka, a Bulgarian and literary scholar from Krakow, and a brilliant translator of Bulgarian prose and poetry. Over the course of several months, between 2019 and 2020, seven works by Bulgarian writers and poets translated by Wojciech Gałązka were published: the novel Under the Yoke by Ivan Vazov (2020); the books of poetry: Revealed from Anywhere by Petar Parvanov (2019), Seasons of Feelings by Petar Karaangov (2020), Moon Spots by Nikolay Liliev (2020), A Dream of Happiness by Pencho Slaveykov (2020), as well as poetic prose and poems included in the collection Against the Absence by Nikolay Kantchev (2020). The review of Gałązka’s translation initiatives included in the article has been supplemented with a commentary on specific problems related to both translation practices (sound and grammatical structures, translatability of idiomatic expressions, taking into account a literary convention in the process of translation) and broader issues related to the understanding of translation as a transfer between cultures (the requirement of mastering the contexts and traditions of both cultures that the translation concerns) and the understanding of the role of the translator himself, whom Gałązka describes as a careful reader and intermediary between cultures.
Celem artykułu jest omówienie najnowszych inicjatyw przekładowych Wojciecha Gałązki, krakowskiego bułgarysty, literaturoznawcy i wybitnego tłumacza bułgarskiej prozy i poezji. W ciągu kilkunastu miesięcy, między 2019 a 2020 rokiem w przekładzie Gałązki ukazało się siedem utworów bułgarskich pisarzy i poetów: powieść Pod jarzmem Iwana Wazowa (2020); tomy poetyckie: Skądkolwiek wyjawiony Petyra Pyrwanowa (2019), Sezony uczuć Petyra Karaangowa (2020), Odblaski księżyca Nikołaja Liliewa (2020), Sen o szczęściu Pencza Sławejkowa (2020) oraz proza poetycka i wiersze zawarte w tomie Przeciwko nieobecności Nikołaja Kynczewa (2020). Zawarty w artykule przegląd inicjatyw translatorskich Gałązki uzupełniony został omówieniem konkretnych problemów związanych zarówno z praktyką przekładową (struktury brzmieniowe, gramatyczne, przekładalność związków frazeologicznych, uwzględnienie konwencji literackiej w procesie przekładu), jak i szerszych kwestii, związanych z rozumieniem przekładu jako transferu między kulturami (wymóg zgłębienia kontekstów oraz tradycji obu kultur, których przekład dotyczy) oraz rozumieniem roli samego tłumacza, którego Gałązka określa jako uważnego czytelnika i pośrednika między kulturami.
vol. 6
issue 2
Статията е фокусирана върху полските литературни творби, преведени на български език през 2014 година. В нея са маркирани най‑важните тенденции, определящи спецификата на българските преводи на полски писатели, и вероятните причини, поради които са избрани. Посочени са имената на най‑значимите творби, предизвикали широк интерес у българския читател, най‑активните съвременни преводачи, както и най‑ярките представители на новото преводаческо поколение в българската литература.
The article focuses on the Polish literary works translated into Bulgarian in 2014. We will point to the most important trends defining the main characteristics of Bulgarian translations of Polish writers and the possible reasons why they have been chosen. Next, the titles of the translated works that were warmly received by the Bulgarian audience will be presented. We will also pay attention to the most active modern translators and the brightest representatives of the new translators’ generation in Bulgarian literature.
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