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In this paper we describe a decomposition of the Th eil measures of per capita income inequality which accounts for interaction eff ects between its multiplicative factors. Our theoretical evidence, supported by an empirical application referring to EU-27 countries in the year 2010, suggest that neglecting these eff ects may strongly bias the relative importance of some factors, with consequent misleading policy implications.(original abstract)
The concept of inequality is interpreted in different ways and to the use of different measurement methods. The key is proper selection of tools that will truly look at the national inequalities and respond to the emerging dilemma: gender and height. It is also the basis for the revision of the Washington Consensus and to present a positive or negative correlation resulting from the Kuznets law. The paper presents a theoretical discussion of the methods of measuring income inequality, which, depending on your choice to decide on the scale of income disparities.
The purpose of the article is to present the legally justified possibilities of influencing tax components from transport means, by the local authority units, as well as the assessment of these powers implementation and their budgetary effects based on the example of cities with county rights. Following the analysis of legal acts it can be stated that the competencies of local authorities are limited in this area and come down only to the possibility of tax rates reduction and their diversification, to introducing tax exemptions based on substantive criteria, tax arrears redemption and spreading their payments into instalments or postponing payment deadlines. The analysis of city budgets in the period 2011-2013 allows for concluding that the significant tax effects resulted from the right to influence tax rates only, however, its influence on total revenues was marginal due to the limited share of the discussed tax in the overall revenue structure.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza jednego ze źródeł dochodów miejskich, jakim była dzierżawa monopolu na ważenie i mierzenie towarów w mieście Szczekociny w okresie 1824-1850. Została ona przeprowadzona w oparciu o zachowane źródła archiwalne dotyczące bezpośrednio tematu badań (akta dzierżaw miejskich, akta finansów miasta), jak i materiały uzupełniające (księgi metrykalne, akta podatkowe, rachunki). Uwzględnione źródła poddane zostały analizie historycznej polegającej na wyodrębnieniu najważniejszych problemów składających się na dzierżawę monopolu na ważenie oraz mierzenie towarów. Jako pierwszy z nich omówiono procedurę wyłaniania dzierżawców, a także treść przykładowej umowy dzierżawy na podstawie akt z 1826 r. Kolejnym poruszonym problemem były: używane w tamtym czasie wzorce miar i wag. W dalszej części artykułu starano się scharakteryzować osoby będące dzierżawcami, a na koniec poddano analizie udział sum uzyskiwanych z dzierżaw w strukturze dochodów Szczekocin.(fragment tekstu)
In the period of 1824-1850, the municipality of Szczekociny benefited from an additional source of income, leasing the monopoly on the weighing and measuring of goods to private individuals. The tenants, most often Jewish citizens of Szczekociny, won the contracts by public bidding. The tenancy agreements were concluded for a period of three years during which the city received predetermined, quarterly paid sums of money. In terms of content these agreements approximated to the modern civil law contracts. The revenues obtained by the city from the tenancies accounted for a small percentage of all of its income and ranged from 2 to 5% of total incomings. The introduction of Russian measuring standards across The Polish Kingdom in 1849 terminated this kind of activity. Since the municipal of Szczekociny did not come into possession of new standards, the further continuation of leasing was disallowed by the administrative authorities.(original abstract)
This article evaluates the discrepancies in the distribution of household income in selected European States. The article focuses on the analysis of Gini coefficient before and after taxation and social transfers in selected European States as well as it analyses the impact of taxation and social transfers on discrepancies in household income in selected States. The results show that with regard to absolute values discrepancies in household income are largely reduced by taxation and social transfers in Austria, Belgium, Germany and Finland, as to relative values: in Belgium, Austria, Finland and Slovenia while they are the least reduced, with regard to both absolute and relative values, in Iceland, Switzerland, Greece and the Netherland.
This article presents the correlation analysis between the level of liberalisation of the economic system, income inequality, and macroeconomic stability. The main result presented in this article is that the level of liberalisation of the economic system is stron¬gly related with the level of inequality. The level of income inequality is on the other hand strongly related to the macroeconomic stability. Countries of high level of econo¬mic liberalisation have large inequalities and lower macroeconomic stability than coun¬tries with lower level of economic liberalisation.
W artykule zwrócono uwagę na problem świadomości kredytowej gospodarstw domowych w Polsce. Głównymi celami artykułu są poznanie i ocena poziomu świadomości kredytowej w polskich gospodarstwach domowych. Na cele poboczne artykułu składają się rozpoznanie motywów wykraczania przez gospodarstwa domowe poza ramy ich bieżących dochodów oraz prezentacja wyników badań własnych przeprowadzonych techniką wywiadu bezpośredniego wspomaganego komputerowo (CAPI – Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing). Badania pozwoliły scharakteryzować poziom świadomości kredytowej gospodarstw domowych w Polsce. Coraz więcej polskich gospodarstw domowych decyduje się na sfinansowanie swojej konsumpcji bieżącej z przyszłych dochodów. Podjęcie takiej decyzji bez wymaganego poziomu świadomości finansowej grozi nadmiernym zadłużeniem, niewypłacalnością, a w ostateczności nawet bankructwem gospodarstw domowych. Opracowanie składa się ze wstępu, trzech części oraz zakończenia. W pierwszych dwóch częściach podjęto próbę charakterystyki konsumpcji finansowanej z przyszłych dochodów oraz pojęć związanych ze świadomością finansową. Trzecia część prezentuje wyniki badań własnych dotyczące świadomości kredytowej gospodarstw domowych w Polsce.
In the article, the problem of household credit awareness was elaborated on. The main objective of the article is to understand and assess the level of awareness of credit in Polish households. Secondary goals are to identifying the motives of households going beyond their current income and to present the results of direct research carried out using the Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) technique. The research allowed to characterize the level of credit awareness of households in Poland. More and more Polish households are deciding to finance their current consumption from future income. Undertaking such a decision without the required level of financial awareness leads to excessive indebtedness, insolvency and, ultimately, even bankruptcy of households. The structure of the article can be divided into an introduction, three parts and a conclusion. The first two parts attempt to characterize consumption financed from future income and concepts related to financial awareness of households. The third part presents the results of direct research regarding the credit awareness of households in Poland.
In the period, the miners from the Upper Silesia who employed in the Brackie companies could genesis from additional retirement insurance. However the amount of a benefit which waft paid the Brackie founding depended mainly an econom¬ics situation which was confirmed by the data from years of the Great Depression.
Celem artykułu jest zbadanie kondycji finansowej gmin województwa małopolskiego w latach 2007-2016. Podjęto również próbę określenia związku między sytuacją finansową gminy a jej typem i położeniem geograficznym. Poziom kondycji finansowej gmin wyznaczono metodą unitaryzacji zerowanej. W celu syntetycznego pomiaru sytuacji finansowej gmin zastosowano zmienną agregatową, która uwzględnia sferę dochodową, jak również sferę wydatkową budżetu gmin. Agregacji poddano wybrane zmienne dostępne w raportach gmin województwa małopolskiego za lata 2007- 2016, z których część miało charakter stymulant, a część destymulant. W przeprowadzonych badaniach wykorzystano również dane pochodzące z Banku Danych Lokalnych Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego, Regionalnej Izby Obrachunkowej w Krakowie oraz Ministerstwa Finansów.
The aim of the article is to examine the financial condition of the communes of the Małopolska Voivodship in the years 2007-2015. An attempt was also made to determine the relationship between the financial situation of the municipality and its type and geographic location. The level of financial condition of the communes was determined by the zero unitarization method. In order to synthesize the financial condition of municipalities, an aggregate variable is applied, which takes into account the income sphere as well as the expenditure sphere of the commune budget. Aggregations were selected for the variables available in the reports of the Małopolska Voivodship for the years 2007-2015, some of which were stimulant and part of the destimulant. Data from the Local Data Bank of the Central Statistical Office, the Regional Chamber of Auditors in Cracow and the Ministry of Finance were also used.
Na tle podstawowych mierników makroekonomicznych (m.in. tempa wzrostu PKB, stopy bezrobocia, dynamiki obrotów w handlu zagranicznym, przeciętnego miesięcznego wynagrodzenia) autor rozpatruje siłę nabywczą wynagrodzeń i świadczeń społecznych dla sektora przedsiębiorstw oraz emerytów i rencistów.
Since the year of introduction the personal income tax in Poland (1991), there has been implemented a number of changes in the structure of this tax. They could be justified as the natural 'aging of the law' phenomenon, and, moreover in achieving the objectives of social and economic policy. In a large part these changes take part of tax expenditures applied in the PIT. As a result, for most taxpayers income taxation has become non-transparent and too much complicated. At the same time tax constructions which reduce tax burden have a significant impact on budget revenues from personal income tax. The purpose of this article is to present the scope of tax expenditures in the Polish personal income tax, and to analyse their impact on the tax burden of taxpayers, as well as the budget revenue. The analysis was conducted based on the own authors' methodology for the identification of tax expenditures.
The aim of the paper is to show declining market function of a small urban-rural gmina of Tuszyn, and its impact on decreasing local budget's revenue. It seems that the main reason of this bad situation is the local authorities' inability to cope with growing competition of other market centers in nearby Rzgów and in Łódź.
E-purchasing behaviour of consumers depend on of the volume of funds available to them. These however are derived from the amount of their budget, which is a compilation of income and expenditure. This article aims to analyze income and expenditure for the consumer online shopping from selected European countries. In this paper, the results of research on the comparative analysis of the behavior of e-consumers in Europe, carried out in 6 purposefully selected European countries (France, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, and Italy).
Celem gospodarstwa domowego jest zapewnienie jego członkom maksymalnej korzyści z nabywanych dóbr. Gospodarstwo domowe posiada zdolność do podejmowania decyzji, w tym decyzji finansowych. Gospodarstwo domowe posiadane środki pieniężne odpowiednio dzieli. Część przeznacza na wydatki bieżące (w tym wydatki związane z żywnością), na zobowiązania oraz oszczędności i inwestycje. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza udziału wydatków na żywność w budżecie gospodarstwa domowego. Przeanalizowane zostaną dochody gospodarstwa domowego przed i po wprowadzeniu programu „Rodzina 500+”. Zgodnie z tezą, po wprowadzeniu świadczenia wychowawczego, środki pieniężne do dyspozycji gospodarstw domowych zwiększyły się, a przy tym także wydatki na żywność (zachodzące zmiany znajdują odzwierciedlenie w badaniu krótkookresowym).
The household is the oldest and the most numerous entity in the economy system. The purpose of a household is to provide its members with maximum benefit from the goods being purchased. In addition, the household has the ability to make decision, including economic and financial decisions. The household appropriately divides, many household dedicate to current expenditure (including food expenses), commitments (repayment of loans), and savings and investments. The purpose of this article is to analyze the share of food expenditure on the household budget. In addition, household income will be analyzed before and after the introduction of the “Family 500+” program. The hypothesis is the after the introduction of the “Family 500+” benefit, financial means being at the disposal of Polish household have. Financial and food expenditure increased too. The secondary hypothesis refers to the face that Engel’s law is confirmed.
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