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The purpose of this article is to clarify the role of Lewis Namier, a Foreign Office expert on Polish affairs, and his contribution to the drawing of the “Curzon Line” – the Polish‑Ukrainian border in Eastern Galicia after World War I. Namier was of Polish‑Jewish descent, and he has gone down in Polish historiography as a man of rabidly anti‑Polish inclination; during the war and later at the Versailles Peace Conference, he consistently opposed Poland’s expansion in eastern Europe, notably propagating the view that the whole of the territory known as Kresy – the Eastern Marchlands – should be severed from Poland. His concepts and activities were in tune with the general thrust of British policy towards Poland, though it seems that he was not the eminence grise in Lloyd George’s cabinet in this question, but merely a convenient supplier of anti‑Polish arguments. This analysis aims at proving that the great role attributed to Namier in Polish historiography is exaggerated and it was not he – as is commonly believed – who was the actual author of the Curzon Line, and it was not he who inserted it into the famous note sent from Spa to the Bolsheviks in July 1920.
The article traces two related currents of East-Galician philosophical thought of the first half of the 20th century: the secular and the religious one. Secular philosophy is presented on the basis of the works by V. Levynskiy, I. Mirchuk, M. Shlemkevych. The religious movement, represented by the leaders of Greek-Catholic clergy, was analyzed based on the works by G. Kostelnik, J. Slipyj, A. Sheptytsky. The study presents the main ideas of philosophical works such as humanistic, Christian and national values.
W artykule omówiono dwa spokrewnione nurty wschodniogalicyjskiej myśli filozoficznej pierwszej połowy XX w.: świecki i religijny. Filozofię świecką przedstawiono na podstawie dzieł W. Lewińskiego, I. Mirczuka, M. Szlemkiewicza. Nurt religijny, który reprezentują działacze kleru greckokatolickiego, przeanalizowano, opierając się na pracach H. Kostelnyka, J. Slipego, A. Szeptyckiego. Omówiono główne idee dzieł filozoficznych, takie jak wartości humanistyczne, chrześcijańskie i narodowe.
The Polish population of Volhynia and Eastern Galicia was gripped by fear of ethnic cleansing at the hands of Ukrainian nationalists in the years 1943‑1944. This fear varied in form and intensity depending on the perceived aims which ranged from their physical extermination to simple eviction. This article attempts to analyse the fundamental determinants of Polish defensive actions in response to those fears.
The article brings to light the relationship between politics and social sciences in interwar Poland in its local and transnational dimensions. It explores the beginnings of expertise in ethnology and the evolution of the discipline’s tools and methods as closely linked to the political goals of the interwar Polish state, and the post-coup Sanacja [Sanation] regime in particular. Ethnologists carried out fieldwork focused on multiethnic territories, such as Eastern Galicia, which were subjected to international territorial disputes. The collaboration with politicians and the administration – developed mostly in the framework of research institutes – was a source of inspiration and, at the same time, stiff competition between scientific schools. To illustrate some consequences of this collaboration, the article traces an argument over scientific approaches to the ‘ethnic question’ which involved ethnologists and empirical sociologists, and the connection of this argument to the objectivity principle in science. These different approaches reflect international theoretical and epistemological divisions at the time as much as they show the direct and indirect exchange of ideas within the European scholarship.
The present article briefly discusses the publishing activity and publications (small size books published on a regular monthly basis) of the Ukrainian Michal Kachkovsky Society within the first ten years of its existence. The society, explicitly engaged in the Ukrainian national interests and Russophile position, was operating in Eastern Galicia (Eastern Poland) and was engaged in educational work and supportive activities in the interest of the local Ukrainians (Ruthenians) from both city and rural environments. The main executive form of the society was to publish and promulgate popular brochures widely in accordance with the pursued agenda by the society. The authors of the brochures were mostly amateurs, thought the subjects raised were many and varied. The subjects included a number of different areas ofknowledge, popularised subject themes and encouraged further reading. At the beginning of the 1880s, domestic political struggle became inextricably connected with the political friction in the region. Regional authorities started to oppose more and more strongly any pro-Russian undertakings, which, accordingly, had its impact on the profile of the editorial activity of the Society. Yet another important factor enhancing the effects of the change in the attitude was the increase in the social activity of the population and the following significant increase in the number of readers. In addition, the offer proposed from other competitive educational organisations, both Polish and Ukrainian, had its own share in the resulting situation.
W niniejszym tekście charakteryzuję skrótowo działalność wydawniczą oraz publikacje (książki niewielkich rozmiarów i objętości, publikowane z comiesięczną częstotliwością) ukraińskiego Towarzystwa im. Michajła Kaczkowskiego w okresie pierwszych 10 lat jego funkcjonowania. Było to stowarzyszenie rusofilskie, działało w Galicji Wschodniej i realizowało zadania oświatowe na rzecz miejscowych Ukraińców (Rusinów), zarówno ze środowisk miejskich, jak i wiejskich. Główną formę wykonawczą stanowiło wydawanie i rozpowszechnianie broszur o nastawieniu popularyzatorskim. Autorami byli przeważnie amatorzy, ale tematyka była rozległa. Wkraczała w różne obszary wiedzy – w ujęciu popularnym i z zachętą do czytania.W początkach lat 80. XIX wieku zaostrzyła się na tych obszarach walka polityczna. Władze regionalne zaczęły silniej przeciwdziałać przedsięwzięciom rusofilskim, co miało wpływ również na stosowne wyprofilowanie edytorskiej działalności Towarzystwa. Znaczenie miał także wzrost środowiskowej aktywności społecznej oraz istotne powiększenie się publiczności czytającej. Nie bez wpływu pozostawała też oferta konkurencyjna ze strony innych organizacji oświatowych – ukraińskich oraz polskich.
The Ukrainian conservative political thought in Eastern Galicia evolved around a lack of self-sovereignty. Leading activists during the Ukrainian national revolution were involved in the construction of an independent Ukrainian state. Those experiences led them to conclude that the Galician Ukrainians were too immature to hold an independent state. Their greatest demand of Polish authorities was the autonomy within Poland. Loyalty, however, did not imply either support for the Polish policy or rejection of the independence idea. These moderate political projects did not gain conservatives any support. They were accused of appeasement and opportunism. The events of 1930 showed the failure of Ukrainian conservative thought.
W pierwszej części artykułu zarysowano teoretyczne ramy funkcjonowania różnorodnych opisów przeszłości w teraźniejszości. Wyróżniono trzy perspektywy narracyjne: naukową, perspektywę pamięci oraz perspektywę polityczną. Postawiono tezę, że perspektywy te bardzo często funkcjonują w swoistym przemieszaniu, a dominującą rolę w perspektywie naukowej odgrywa paradygmat etnohistoryczny. Druga część pracy dotyczy przyczyn istniejących w środowisku naukowym nieporozumień w zakresie interpretacji wydarzeń na Wołyniu i Galicji Wschodniej w latach 1943–1944. The first part of the article outlines a theoretical framework for the functioning of various descriptions of the past in the present. Three basic narrative perspectives are distinguished here: the scientific perspective, the perspective of memory, and the political perspective. A thesis has been put forward that in different texts these perspectives are often mixed up, and a dominant role is played by an ethnohistorical paradigm. The second part of the study
The article highlights pro-communist activity of the Ukrainian Social Democratic Party after its transition to the Radical Left Сamp at the VI. Party Congress of 18 March 1923 in Lviv. Among the reasons for the political evolution of the USDP was defeat of the Ukrainian revolution resulting in ideological disorganization among the social democrats, which was successfully used by the communists. After the Congress, the USDP became a legal extension of the Communist Party in Western Ukraine. In times of a deep ideological crisis in the national statehood camp (after the recognition of the Polish Power in Eastern Galicia at the Conference of Ambassadors of the Entente, March 1923), the USDP became dominant in society, its influence expanding to Volhynia (Volyn region), Kholmshchyna (Kholm region) and some other regions, which led to banning of the party by the Polish authorities in January 1924. Some of the Ukrainian deputies in the Polish Sejm set up a separate club of the USDP, and in November 1924 joined the Polish communist faction.
В статье анализируется деятельность польских и украинских сокольских обществ в Восточной Галиции в конце XIX – начале ХХ в. Раскрыто влияние социально-политических процессов, которые возникли на западноукраинских землях в конце XIX в., на зарождение и развитие сокольства. Определены основные пути распространения сокольского гимнастическо-спортивного движения. Отмечается, что украинские „Соколы”, возникая по чешскому и польскому образцу, от соседних народов позаимствовали только название и организационную структуру. Подчеркивается, что благодаря деятельности сокольских молодежных организаций Австро-Венгерской империи, в конце XIX – начале ХХ в. начался новый этап борьбы народов за государственность. Важным было то, что именно эти гимнастическо-спортивные сокольское общества составляли ядро польского и украинского войска начала ХХ века.
The article analyses different activities of Polish and Ukrainian Sokil societies in Eastern Galicia at the end of XIX – at the beginning of XX centuries. In the article it is discovered the influence of socio-political process, which happened on West Ukrainian lands at the end of XIX century, upon the birth and development of Sokil movement. The main expansion ways of Sokil gymnastic and sport activity are determined. It is insisted that Ukrainian Sokil, being created ad exemplum of Czech and Polish ones, adopted only neighbors’ names and organizational structure. It is underlined that the new stage of combat for the statehood, being waged by the dependent nations, had begun thanks to activities of Sokil youth organizations of Austrian Hungarian Empire at the end of XIX – at the beginning of XX centuries. In was important that particularly this gymnastic and sport Sokil societies became the heart of Polish and Ukrainian army at the beginning of XX century.
The aim of this article is to take a closer look at school communities in the Polish‑Ukrainian borderland in the 1918/1919 school year. Their members, particularly the headteachers, previously focused on teaching the students obedience and loyalty towards the emperor in Vienna, had to completely redefine their roles in order to find themselves in the new reality in the late autumn of 1918. Moreover, another year of the turmoil of war, countless teachers and students in the army, enormous economic problems, exacerbated by the fights for dominance on the disputed territory, forced the headteachers to deal with matters as they arose, and the decisions they made did not always work in practice. What cast a shadow over secondary school activity apart from the Polish‑Ukrainian war was also Polish‑Jewish relations.
The article’s primary purpose is to present the fate of the Greek Catholic clergyman Hryhoriy Khomyshyn (1867–1945) during the two most important military conflicts of the twentieth century. At the outbreak of World War I, he had already been bishop of Stanyslaviv for a decade, trying to introduce changes in the functioning of the Greek Catholic Church and advocating its Latinization. During World War II, he was arrested several times by the Russian and German occupiers. He died in December 1945 due to brutal interrogations in Lukyanivska Prison.
Główny cel artykułu stanowi przedstawienie losów greckokatolickiego duchownego Grzegorza Chomyszyna w czasie trwania dwóch najważniejszych konfliktów zbrojnych XX w. W chwili wybuchu I wojny światowej od dekady był już biskupem stanisławowskim, starając się wprowadzić zmiany w funkcjonowaniu Cerkwi greckokatolickiej i opowiadając się za jej latynizacją. Podczas II wojny światowej został kilkakrotnie aresztowany przez okupantów rosyjskich i niemieckich. Zmarł w grudniu 1945 r. wskutek brutalnych przesłuchań w więzieniu łukianowskim.
The article deals with the issues of Ukrainian aspirations to autonomy, which during the Great War took the form of actions to regain independence. However, they were not successful because they were carried out in too many directions. In the years 1917–1921, it was not possible to build a Ukrainian state that would match the exorbitant ambitions of politicians. These aspirations encountered two conflicting political trends: autonomy-independence (nationalists) and pro-Russian (Old-Russian) ones. The provisions of the Versailles Treaty and the lost wars meant that Ukrainians became negotiators of the treaty and the new political order.
Artykuł podejmuje problematykę ukraińskich dążeń autonomicznych, które w czasie Wielkiej Wojny miały charakter działań niepodległościowych. Nie osiągnięto jednak sukcesu, ponieważ prowadzono je na zbyt wielu kierunkach. W latach 1917–1921 nie było możliwości budowy państwa ukraińskiego na miarę wygórowanych ambicji polityków. Dążenia te napotykały ścierające się dwa nurty polityczne: autonomiczno niepodległościowy (narodowcy) i prorosyjski (starorusini). Postanowienia traktatu wersalskiego i przegrane wojny doprowadziły do tego, iż Ukraińcy stali się negocjantami traktatu i nowego porządku politycznego.
The article outlines the relations between the political parties in Eastern Galicia in the 1920s in the context of the activities of Ukrainian leftist parties. Characterized development and the program of the Communist parties: the Communist Party of Eastern Galicia, then the Communist Party of Western Ukraine. Also discussed pro-Communist parties: Ukrainian Social Democratic Party and “Sel-Rob”. We analyzed their relationship to pro-Soviet Ukrainian Labour Party and national Ukrainian Social Radical Party.
In this paper there was presented the problem of national identity development in the Eastern Galicia at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The used source materials concerned with thedistribution of population speaking Polish and Ruthenian (Ukrainian) languages and declaring themselves as practising Roman Catholic or Greek Catholic religion within the administrative districts. The data came from the population censuses carried out in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy in the years 1890, 1900 and 1910. Based on the calibrated maps of the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria and the census data, geostatistical analysis was performed using GIS software. The obtained thematic maps of language and religion distribution in the Eastern Galicia enabled to distinguish the Polish, Polish-Ruthenian and Ruthenian areas. Spatial interpretation of the results was preceded by historical study of the examined area.
Artykuł nie zawiera abstraktu w języku polskim
Во время первой мировой войны Львов стал полем борьбы между поляками и украинцами за обладание городом. Во время конфликта евреи объявили нейтралитет. Тем не менее, после занятия Львова поляками, в городе начались антисемитские беспорядки. Евреев (в основном ложно) обвиняли в сотрудничестве с украинцами. Погром длился 2 дня (22 – 23 октября) и очень сильно повлиял на полско-еврейские отношения. Другим важным вопросом являлся вопрос равноправия евреев и персональной автономии. Еврейские политические партии понимали и поддерживали стремления евреев к автономии. Поляки, по нескольким причинам, не могли согласится на еврейские требования. Борьбу евреев за права общественное мнение принимало как подтверждение их враждебного настроения к Польще.
Polish-Jewish relations in Lviv 1918 – 1919 (selected issues). During World War I Lviv became a field of struggle between Poles and Ukrainians for the possession of the city. During the conflict Jews declared to be neutral. Nevertheless, when the Polish army took over the city, anti-Jewish riots started. Jews were, mainly falsely, believed to support Ukrainians. The pogrom lasted for two days (Nov 22 – 23 1918) and had a strong negative effect on the Polish-Jewish relations. Another important issue was the question of equality for Jews. Most of the Jewish political parties in Lviv understood and supported the demand. Poles, for various reasons, could not agree to grant Jews with a national-cultural autonomy. For the public opinion in Poland, the Jewish struggle for equality was only another example of their hostility towards the Polish state.
The article highlights the youth of a well-known Ukrainian, scientist and economist Bohdan Dmytrovych Hawrylyshyn (1926-2016). Important factors that affected further development of his worldview and personality are traced. Important facts from the life of Bohdan Hawrylyshyn over the researched period are clarified on the basis of the memories left, interviews, and other sources.
Metropolita Szeptycki objął przywództwo w Cerkwi w najtrudniejszym okresie stosunków polsko-ukraińskich. Rozpoczynając swoją posługę biskupią zapewniał, że darzy Polaków szacunkiem. Jednak mimo łagodnego początku prowadził antypolską politykę. Zarówno w czasie wojny ukraińsko-polskiej w 1918 r. o Galicję Wschodnią, jak i w czasie rzezi ludności polskiej przez szowinistów ukraińskich na Wołyniu i Małopolsce Wschodniej w czasie II wojny światowej zachowywał się raczej jak polityk a nie duszpasterz. Gdy abp. Bilczewski, a potem abp. Twardowski zwrócili się do niego z prośbą o powstrzymanie mordowania polskiej ludności cywilnej, udawał, że nie wie o co chodzi. Czasami można było odnieść wrażenie, że zapominał, że jego najważniejszym zadaniem jest głoszenie Ewangelii. Dla niego polityczne interesy Ukraińców czasami były ważniejsze. Zamiast dążyć do pojednania polsko-ukraińskiego wspierał ukraińskich nacjonalistów w ich walce z Polakami. Postępowanie Szeptyckiego doprowadziło do poważnego ochłodzenia jego relacji z polskimi biskupami.
The Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky has become the leader of the Greek Catholic Church in the most difficult period of the Polish-Ukrainian relations. When he began his service as the archbishop, he assured that he respected the Poles. However, despite the mild beginnings, his politics were anti-Polish. Both during the Ukrainian- Polish war of Eastern Galicia in 1918 and during the World War II massacre of the Poles by the Ukrainian chauvinists in Volhynia and Eastern Małopolska, he behaved more like a politician than a priest. When first the archbishop Jozef Bilczewski and then the archbishop Boleslaw Twardowski asked him to try to stop the murders on Polish civilians, he pretended he did not know what was going on. Sometimes he acted as though he had forgotten that his major task was to preach the Gospel and in result the political interests of the Ukrainians were more important to him. Instead of attempting to unite the Poles and the Ukrainians, he supported Ukrainian nationalists in their fights with Poland. His approach led to a serious chilling of his relations with Polish bishops.
Artykuł prezentuje politykę agrarną rządu polskiego w okresie międzywojennym, celem której było zreformowanie systemu rolnego dla zwiększenia wydajności produkcji rolnej, rozwoju gospodarki towarowo-pieniężnej oraz ułatwienie ruchu spółdzielczego. Polityka rządu doprowadziła do formowania rynku ziemi, stworzenia warunków do powstania niezależnych gospodarstw o różnych typach i rozmiarach, które zostały oparte na własności prywatnej ziemi. Elementem podstawowym rządowej polityki rolnej była kolonizacja, celem której było wzmocnienie granic wschodnich II Rzeczypospolitej poprzez tworzenie gospodarstw kolonistów. Ich celem było społeczne i polityczne wsparcie dla rządu na kresach wschodnich. Taka polityka państwowa wrogo nastrajała miejscową ludność ukraińską. Pomimo zrozumienia tego problemu przez znaczną część polskich polityków i naukowców i jego szkodliwości dla interesów państwa kolonizacja ziem wschodnich była głównym kierunkiem polityki rolnej w okresie międzywojennym. Rząd Polski, nie ukrywając tego, ignorował problemy wsi ukraińskiej, które doprowadziły ostatecznie do sporów na tle gospodarczym, narodowym i społecznym, co wpłynęło na zaostrzenie międzyetnicznych stosunków polsko-ukraińskich.
The article deals with the agrarian policy of the Polish government of the interwar period, which was intended to reform the agricultural system to increase productivity of agricultural production, the development of commodity-money relations and the activation of cooperative movement. The governmental policy has led to the formation of a land market, creating conditions for the origin of independent farms of different types and sizes, which were based on a private property of land. The main component of the agricultural policy of the government was colonization, which was intended to strengthen the eastern borders of the Second Polish Republic by creating economies of the colonists. They have become a social and political support for the government on the “Eastern lands.” This state policy influenced hostilely on millions of the local Ukrainian population. In despite the understanding of a significant number of Polish politicians and scientists such activities harm to the interests of the state, during the interwar period colonization of the land remained the main direction of agricultural policy. The Polish government has openly ignored the problems of the Ukrainian village, which led to a tangle of economic, national and social troubles that impacted on the Polish-Ukrainian aggravation of interethnic relations.
The Polish-Ukrainian war for Lviv and Galicia was the first military conflict that was fought by Poland after 123 years of subjugation. Polish historiography has seen numerous locally sourced academic and popular history publications on the subject. Many accounts by the participants in the struggle have also been released. Ukrainian historiography is also rich in works on the conflict concerning Lviv and Galicia, although virtually unknown to the average Polish reader. The author of the article attempts to present and discuss the most important Ukrainian publications and published accounts on the Polish-Ukrainian War.
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