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Współczesnym okiem

Komentarz do tekstu: On jednak będąc miłosierny...
W artykule autor przeanalizował wpływ jaki dla procesu kształcenia w Wyższej Szkole Oficerskiej Wojsk Lądowych we Wrocławiu ma udział wojskowych studentów i słuchaczy w zagranicznych przedsięwzięciach szkoleniowych. Analizie powyższego zagadnienia poddany został okres między rokiem 2010 a 2012. W rozdziale drugim autor scharakteryzował uczelniany system jakości kształcenia. Trzeci rozdział przedstawia wyniki badań, w ramach których autor zastosował technikę badań ankietowych oraz posłużył się badaniem eksperckim. Dały one jednoznaczną odpowiedź na zaistniałą sytuację problemową, iż udział studentów wojskowych w zagranicznych szkoleniach, konferencjach i seminariach poprawia efekty kształcenia w uczelni oraz wzbogaca absolwenta o doświadczenie w pracy w środowisku międzynarodowym.
The author analyses the influence of military students’ participation on training and educational undertakings for the educational process in the Military Academy of Land Forces in Wrocław. The analysis concerns the period of 2010 – 2012. In the second chapter, the author characterizes the academy’s system of the quality of education. The third chapter presents the results of research, in which the author applied the questionnaire tech-nique and used the expert surveys. They explicitly showed the answer to the problem situation proving that the military students’ participation in foreign trainings, conferences and seminars improves educational effects (skills) and expands the graduates’ work experience in an international environment.
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On jednak będąc miłosierny...

Jak w karaimskiej szkole niegdyś nauczano i karano.
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Między Wschodem i Zachodem

Paryż przyciąga jak magnes – kultura, edukacja, praca... Niektórzy bywali tam wielokrotnie, inni już stamtąd nie wracali.
Education stops being an autotelic value, growing from natural cognitive needs, from natural cognitive needs, from a desire to understand oneself, as well as the surrounding word better; instead, it becomes a certificate giving definite rights. In search of specific requirements we lose the ability at things; we lose the ability of e.g. independent thinking, intellectual openness. The process of introducing parameters to education also leads to various consequences contradictory to the idea of increasing its quality; this is connected with the general conviction about the low intellectual level of people starting university education, and in consequence, receiving university diplomas.
The challenges to the education of our times are defined by the civilizational and social transformations which are taking place today faster than ever before in human history. These transformations - in my opinion - are primarly, caused by three processes, namely the rapidly progressing changes in science, technology and manufacturing, which are a consequence of the so-called scientific and technological revolution, the Polish accession to the European Union and globalization. And these processes and their resulting challenges for the education. I intend to deal with in my consideration.
In the school year 2010/2011 "Education the key to success" - secondary schools development program in the city of Opole has been carried out in six secondary schools in the Opole Region. Its main goal was to align educational chances among students of the secondary schools, spread out in the city, and to increase the quality of educational process in such schools. The article presents main assumptions of the project and further stages of the students development. The object of special interest is the analysis to what extent the form of the project and employment of certain modules affect the aptitudes of the youth, development of their skills, abilities and talents.
It has been known for many generations that a human's freedom is strongly connected to the possibility of satisfying personal educational ambitions. According to J. Lackowski9 it should be remembered that in the contemporary world education belongs to the group of the particularly desired goods, as attaining a good education is one of the most effective ways to the achievement of a significant social position. Taking into account equalization of the young people chances in respect to their access to education and attaining knowledge, there should be considered the situation of students with special educational needs, as they require support of both teachers and pedagogues, but most of all they need support at home from their families. The surveyed group of the youth, Year Three students in lower secondary schools, characterise a lot of variation. There are observed some disproportions between the cities, although they are not significant. Much more significant problem comprises territorial variation within the cities, which is clearly observed. However, it cannot be explicitly concluded that lessened educational chances of the youth are directly linked to the student's place of origins or living. Both local educational policy and schools as the place where this policy is being implemented play a huge role in the process of equalization of chances. Very important are the opportunities offered by educational programmes, teachers' attitudes, as well as financial resources of a particular school. The highest number of problems regarding the adequate satisfaction of educational needs of young people is connected with organizational and material barriers within this field.
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Orthodox Education in Poland

vol. 18
The Orthodox educational system has been meeting important tasks, which is raising a general mental level of clergy and faithful. Its foundation was driven by needs of the Orthodox Church. Educating a young generation in the spirit of the Orthodoxy happened to be the main task of the enlightened class. Brotherhood, monastery and parish school were to be part of this program. The Orthodox education shaped religious life, helped preserve the religious and national identity of the believers. An evidence of that is the fact, that only those localities preserved “the Greek faith “, in which next to the monasteries were schools. Higher education, and espe- cially Mohyla Academy, shaped by the then elite, played a vital role in the history of Orthodox Church in the Republic and neighboring countries. A similar role had to play in the interwar period College of Orthodox Theology at the University of Warsaw and in post-war Orthodox Section of the Christian Academy of Theology Presented here outline of history of Orthodox education in Poland indicates to the, appreciated by clergy and hierarchy, need of development of theological schools. Theological schools played and still play important role in shaping the attitudes of clergy and faithful. Schools provide necessary pastoral resources, shape Orthodox cultural and scientific environment. Theological education has remained an essential element for the proper functioning of Orthodox Church in the Polish Republic.
Prawosławny system oświatowy spełniał ważne zadania w podniesieniu ogólnego poziomu umysłowego społeczności ruskiej. Jego powstanie wynikało z potrzeb Cerkwi. Wychowanie młodego pokolenia w duchu prawosławnym stało się głównym zadaniem warstw oświeconych. Szkoły brackie, przyklasztorne i przycerkiewne miały być elementem tego programu. Szkolnictwo prawosławne kształtowało życie religijne, pozwoliło zachować tożsamość wyznaniową i narodową wiernych. O jego znaczeniu świadczy fakt, że jedynie te miejscowości zachowały ,,wiarę grecką”, w których obok monasterów istniały szkoły. Szkolnictwo wyższe, a zwłaszcza Akademia Mohylańska, formowało ówczesne elity, które odegrały istotną rolę w dziejach Kościoła prawosławnego w Rzeczypospolitej i w krajach sąsiednich. Przedstawiony rys dziejów szkolnictwa prawosławnego w Rzeczypospolitej wskazuje na docenianie przez hierarchię i duchowieństwo potrzeby rozwoju szkół teologicznych. Uświadomienie konieczności dobrego przygotowania kadr w odległej i mniej odległej przeszłości potwierdza, wysoki stan świadomości religijnej elit prawosławnych. Szkoły teologiczne odgrywały i odgrywają ważną rolę w kształtowaniu postaw duchowieństwa i wiernych. Szkoły dostarczają niezbędnej kadry duszpasterskiej, kształtują prawosławne środowiska kulturalne i naukowe. Szkolnictwo teologiczne zawsze było i pozostaje niezbędnym elementem do prawidłowego funkcjonowania Kościoła prawosławnego w Rzeczypospolitej.
W przypadku branży edukacyjnej mamy do czynienia z działaniami wybiórczymi, o czym decyduje przede wszystkim wymagany zasięg oraz budżet. O ile media offline można uznać za dobrze zagospodarowane (ilościowo, niekoniecznie jakościowo), o tyle sieć Internet wydaje się dopiero raczkować jako środek przekazu reklamowego wśród jednostek branży edukacyjnej. Prowadzone formy marketingu skupiają się praktycznie wokół prostej reklamy w wyszukiwarce, banerach reklamowych na portalach edukacyjnych i zaistnieniu w katalogach branżowych. Całość działań kieruje do strony internetowej instytucji. Jest to proste przeniesienie działań offline do Internetu, co samo w sobie nie może zostać uznane za błędne, jednakże stanowi najprostszy sposób na zgubienie wszelkich wartości dodanych oferowanych przez nośnik, jakim jest sieć Internet - możliwości prowadzenia dialogu, budowania społeczności i wykorzystania tejże do celów marketingowych oraz najważniejszej z wartości - szerokich możliwości analityki prowadzonych działań. Błędy te nie pozwalają odkryć największych zalet kampanii reklamowych prowadzonych w Internecie -relatywnie najniższej ceny (na odbiorcę z zadeklarowanej grupy docelowej, w odniesieniu do mediów offline), bardzo dokładnego targetowania reklamy (na obszar geograficzny, grupy demograficzne czy też czas) oraz możliwości wprowadzania szybkich zmian w prowadzonej kampanii reklamowej w odpowiedzi na np. realizację zamierzonego celu, czy też w celu zwiększenia efektywności prowadzonych działań. (fragment tekstu)
The article introduces to the most popular channels and methods used in the Internet marketing. Particular emphasis is put on advertising channels that are appropriate for educational institutions. Discussed problems deal with choosing proper aims of campaigns, defining target group ideas of right advertisement content. Each aspect of building campaign is considered in regard to efficiency and conversion. Last chapter presents case study of author's YouTube project in comparison to other universities' YouTube channels.(original abstract)
Shared Services Center have been developing well for the last few years in Poland as well as in the world. Advantages of the centralization of the processes 'back-office' in private businesses are not insignificant, therefore this solution have been introduced and recommended to the local government units. The main purpose of this article was to diagnose if the centralization of support processes for commune educational institutions in the voivodeships Podkarpackie in Shared Service Centers, brings effects in the form of lowering costs handling these processes. After analyzing the data, the results confirming the thesis were obtained. In the studied period of years 2014-2017, despite rising expenes for education, the direct costs related to employees servicing support processes were decreasing. It causes the necessity of insightful analysis of the problem from different aspects, but it also allows us to suppose that the implementation of solutions developed in education system would also be effective in other areas of activity of local government units, which would optimalize costs and bring significant savings.(original abstract)
The aim of article is to show importance of lifelong learning in the context of currently labour market. In that respect, the employability, adaptability and mobility of citizens is vital for Europe. To attain these objectives, European systems of education and training must adapt to the requirements of the knowledge society and the need for an enhanced level of education and better quality employment. This processes don't understand the polish entrepreneurs. The article definides of lifelong learning, describes the types of adult education and some statistical data of adult education in 28 countries integrated Europe and also possibilities to apply to costs on lifelong learning from European Social Fund in the period 2014-2020.(original abstract)
W artykule omówiono zmiany w rozwoju infrastruktury edukacji w województwie świętokrzyskim w latach 1990-2002, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem lat 1999-2002, tj. okresu po wprowadzeniu reformy systemu szkolnictwa. Do zobrazowania przestrzennego zróżnicowania poziomu rozwoju tej infrastruktury wykorzystano wskaźnik Perkala, który potwierdza istniejące dysproporcje między poszczególnymi jednostkami oraz między miastem a wsią. Ostatnią część opracowania poświęcono zagadnieniom edukacji w polityce samorządów lokalnych.
Omówiono zagadnienie szkolnictwa w województwie podkarpackim w związku z wdrożeniem reformy systemu edukacji. Przedstawiono dane dotyczące powszechności nauczania, szkolnictwa według typów szkół, szkolnictwa dla dzieci i młodzieży, szkolnictwa policealnego, szkolnictwa dla dorosłych, szkolnictwa według organów prowadzących, szkolnictwa publicznego i niepublicznego, szkolnictwa na wsi, nauczania języków obcych, bazy dydaktycznej w szkołach, szkolnictwa wyższego.
Sygnały płynące z rynku pracy ze strony pracodawców dotyczące absolwentów szkół wyższych są alarmujące. Pracodawcy zgłaszają braki w wykształceniu i posiadanych umiejętnościach rekrutowanych absolwentów. Są to informacje, które określają obszary wymagające wsparcia przez uczelnie wyższe. Biorąc pod uwagę fakty dotyczące wysokiej stopy bezrobocia młodych osób z wyższym wykształceniem, wydłużania się procesu tranzycji na rynku pracy, trudności pracodawców ze znalezieniem pracowników, nasuwa się wniosek, że procesy rynkowe dotyczące wspomnianych obszarów bywają zawodne. Regulacje na poziomie unijnym wskazują pożądane kierunki rozwoju w obszarze edukacji. Celem pracy jest wskazanie i scharakteryzowanie zjawisk, będących na pograniczu polityki edukacyjnej oraz rynku pracy.
The information coming from the labor market regarding graduates are alarming. The employers report about gaps in education and in skills of recruiters or just employed graduates. These information clearly identify areas for improvement for universities in the educational process of future employees. Considering the last years facts as: unemployment of young people with higher education or the extension the transition time into the labor market, or the problems for employers to find the proper employees, it has to be concluded that the process of market regulation in discussed areas are not sufficient. The solving of the problem requires the universities’ engagement, the proper education policy and cooperation between all players of the labor market. Regulations at EU level, including the Europe 2020 strategy, suggest the eligible directions of development in the field of education which could be common for all countries.
Demographic transformations caused by economic and social changes results in negative changes in the demographic structure of the Polish society. The number of children has been decreasing. According to the demographic forecasts, this tendency is going to continue. The current situation requires adjustment of the education system to the changing number of the pupils' (students') population. Initially these changes concern kindergartens and primary schools. In the future, they are also going to be observed in schools at higher than the lowest one levels of education. As the consequence of demographic transformations, the population at the working age is also going to face some serious problems. Therefore, the education system reaction to all these changes should be not only limited organizational changes in the kindergartens and schools, but it should also include adjustments of school programmes.
Multisectoral approach, so the diversity of actors, not just from the public sector, but also non-governmental and market, as well as the sources of funding, is today becoming the reality in many areas of social policy. In the countries of Central and Eastern Europe the process of pluralization of public services during transition is associated with breaking the previous state's monopoly in this area. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the phenomenon of multi - sector approach in higher education. In this sphere we see strong momentum for pluralization. The examples of Poland and Czech Republic are used to show the importance of market and non-governmental organizations in higher education, as well as show the similarities and differences between systems with similar baseline.
Since the beginning of the twentieth century in Europe a process of aging is hastening. Initially the demographic transformation focused on the "old EU", now it is affecting the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, including Poland. Poland has exceeded the threshold of demographic old age in 1967. In 2010, the share of people aged over 65 in the total population of country amounted to about 13%. OECD forecasts show that in the year 2050 the elderly population (over 65 years old) will constitute 50% of the Polish population. The European Union and national governments face the challenge of mitigating the socio-economic effects of population aging. At EU, national and regional levels there are implemented the programs of active aging, affecting the elderly in the following dimensions: professional, social and individual. They are addressed primarily to the elderly, but also to other target groups. They counteract the ageism and build the awareness of demographic changes' processes. Education is an extremely important aspect of active aging. It performs two vital roles: delaying the individuals aging process, and furthermore, facilitates adaptation to old age. The essence of the article is to present the concept of active aging, and education functions it that. The study presents the educational activity of the elderly in Poland, too.
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