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For years much research has been conducted in the area of financial literacy and financial education of society in Poland and around the world. There are many studies in the area of financial literacy and financial education. They are conducted at both the local and international levels. Different institutions are involved in these initiatives. These are primarily national and international public bodies as well as commercial entities, especially financial institutions. The studies are trying to determine the level of financial literacy and the scale of the demand for financial education. Within these pilot programs are tested or targeted programs are implemented aimed at raising the level of financial literacy of societies. It is also attempted to assess the effectiveness of educational offerings.
The level of financial literacy is unsatisfactory in most countries. The most important way to improve the level of financial literacy is financial education. One of the stage of the financial education process is to define its objectives. The particular countries define these objectives in different way, taking into account various levels of details in describing them. Only the specification and hierarchy of the most important objectives of financial education allow to define the priority areas of effective education. This justifies the need to systematize as well as create a hierarchy of objectives. This is a necessary condition for realization of the next stages of financial education, i.e. overcoming the difficulties and attempting the realization of these objectives (original abstract)
Artykuł zawiera prezentację zróżnicowanej oferty edukacyjnej w obszarze edukacji finansowej w Polsce w ostatnich kilku latach. Jak się okazuje, bogata oferta edukacyjna zawiera propozycje dla osób w każdym wieku. Szeroki wachlarz działań obejmuje zarówno programy edukacyjne w ramach formalnej, jak i pozaformalnej edukacji finansowej, w tym wiele różnych rodzajów aktywności edukacyjnej, takich jak programy, projekty, konkursy, olimpiady, gry, kampanie i wiele innych. Treści edukacyjne są dostarczane tradycyjnymi, a także nowoczesnymi kanałami dystrybucji. Czy poczynione wysiłki przekładają się na efekty? Celem artykułu jest zestawienie szerokiej oferty edukacyjnej z efektami w formie zmian w zakresie poziomu alfabetyzacji w Polsce w latach 2011-2015.
The article presents the various educational offer in the area of financial education in Poland in the last few years. The rich offer includes the options for people in every age. A wide range of activities includes both educational programs under formal education, as well as the many activities under non-formal financial education like educational programs, projects, competitions, olympics, games, campaigns and more. Educational contents are delivered though traditional and modern distribution channels. But do the undertaken efforts bring the expected results? The aim of the article is the presentation of a wide range of different initiatives under financial education and their effects in the form of the level of financial literacy in Poland in 2011-2015.
Jednym z problemów współczesnej edukacji jest poszukiwanie nowych rozwiązań w celu zwiększenia jej skuteczności. Odnotowano szereg nowych rozwiązań o bardzo zróżnicowanym charakterze, takich jak: koncepcja narodowych strategii ds. edukacji finansowych, do której wezwała w 2003 r. OECD, koordynacja i integracja działań w procesie edukacyjnym, innowacyjne programy i projekty edukacyjne, koncepcja nauki przez całe życie czy też nowe kanały dystrybucji treści edukacyjnych, takie jak np. e-learning. W artykule szczególną uwagę poświęcono wykorzystaniu Internetu w procesie kształcenia. Poza rozważaniami teoretycznymi, wskazującymi na zasadność podjętej tematyki, przeprowadzono, dla potrzeb niniejszego artykułu, badanie ankietowe.
One of the problem of the contemporary education is the searching of new innovative solutions, that may increase the effectiveness of the education, including the financial education. There are a number of very different solutions, such the OECD concept of national strategies for financial education, co-ordination and integration of activities in the educational process, innovative education programs and projects, the concept of lifelong learning as well as the new channels distribution of educational content, such as e-learning. The paper pays particular attention to the using the Internet in the educational process. In addition to theoretical considerations, indicating the validity of the subject matter, was conducted the research aimed in the verification of the possibilities of using e-learning in financial education. Respondents of the survey were students of economics fields
Posiadanie rachunku bankowego jest wstępem do korzystania z bardziej złożonych usług finansowych, dlatego zagrożenia związane z jego użytkowaniem powinny być minimalizowane. Celem artykułu jest rozpoznanie zagrożeń związanych z posiadaniem rachunku bankowego i korzystaniem z usług płatniczych oraz sposobów ich ograniczania. Zidentyfikowano w nim pięć obszarów zagrożeń dotyczących: dostępu do rachunku, korzystania z niego, mobilności konsumenta, bezpieczeństwa cybernetycznego i ochrony danych oraz wynikające z niewystarczającej konkurencji na rynku. Opierając się na źródłach wtórnych (głównie regulacjach i dokumentach UE), wykazano, że minimalizowanie konkretnych rodzajów zagrożeń następuje w formie regulacji prawnych, zaś podnoszenie ogólnego poziomu ochrony interesu konsumenta − drogą działań instytucjonalnych oraz edukacji finansowej.
Having a banking account is usually the first step to use more complicated financial services. Because of that the access to such an account and its use could not be disruptive for consumers. The purpose of the paper is to explore threats concerning usage of a baking account and payment services and ways to reduce them. The five fields of these threats were identified: access to the account, usage of the account, consumer mobility, digital safety and data protection and threats resulting from the insufficient level of market competition. On the basis of desk resources (mostly UE regulations and documents), Authors have proved that particular threats of consumer interests have been reduced by establishing regulations but increasing the general level of consumer protection is not possible without institutional framework and financial education.
Financial education is an important process, which enables the improvement of the low level of financial literacy of societies in many countries. Many groups of actors (governments, financial institutions, households) are interested in the improvement the low level of literacy due to its impact on both the well-being of society and the economy (national and global). Such situation makes the importance of financial education still increases. In recent years the number of actions in these areas sharply increased. There was also a lot of new initiatives. The most important innovations in financial education include solutions in the organization of the process of financial education, the new, expanded educational content as well as a variety of new forms of financial education.
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