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Rosnące znaczenie wiedzy we współczesnych procesach gospodarczych powoduje, że ranga zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi w przedsiębiorstwie wzrasta. Proces ten można również połączyć z istotnym z punktu widzenia każdej organizacji zarządzaniem kompetencjami zawodowymi. W turbulentnym otoczeniu organizacji sukces jej uwarunkowany jest racjonalnym wykorzystaniem wszystkich dostępnych zasobów. Coraz częściej wskazuje się, że czynnikami rozstrzygającymi o wynikach ekonomicznych organizacji są zasoby ludzkie. W organizacjach tych podstawowym zasobem wykorzystywanym do osiągania przewagi konkurencyjnej nad innymi organizacjami jest wiedza, która jest ulokowana w wielu miejscach organizacji, takich jak: dokumenty, procedury, regulaminy, książki czy bazy danych. Należy jednak pamiętać, że głównym nośnikiem, w którym ona tkwi i jest pomnażana są ludzie. Właśnie z tego powodu zasoby ludzkie uznaje się za jeden z kluczowych zasobów współczesnych organizacji. Nowe narzędzie umożliwia określenie stopnia realizacji celów zawartych w strategii przedsiębiorstwa oraz strategii zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi, a także, w razie potrzeby, wskazuje na konieczność podjęcia działań korygujących.(abstrakt oryginalny)
The growing importance of knowledge in modern economic processes makes the rank of human resource management in the enterprise increases. This process can also be combined with significant from the point of view of each organization management professional competence. In the turbulent environment of the organization it is conditioned by the success of its rational use of all available resources. Increasingly, it is pointed out that the deciding factors on the results of the economic organization of human resources. In these organizations the primary resource used to gain competitive advantage over other organizations is knowledge, which is located in many organizations, such as documents, procedures, regulations, books and databases. Note, however, that the main carrier in which it is, in and people are multiplied. Precisely for this reason, human resources is considered to be one of the key resources of modern organizations. The new tool allows you to specify the extent to which the objectives of the corporate strategy and human resources strategy and, if necessary, indicates the need for corrective action.(original abstract)
W artykule podjęto próbę identyfikacji sukcesu projektu edukacyjnego oraz jego efektywności z punktu widzenia zarządzania zespołem projektowym w metodykach tradycyjnych oraz zwinnych zarządzania projektem. Na podstawie badań empirycznych wskazano na główne zalety oraz problemy wynikające ze stosowania metodyk zwinnych, które determinują sukces projektu. Zaprezentowano sposób tworzenia zespołu projektowego, zarządzania wewnątrz zespołu oraz sposób komunikacji i zarządzania ryzykiem w projekcie.
The article attempts to identify the success of the educational project and its effectiveness from the point of view of managing the project team in the methodologies of traditional and agile project management. Based on empirical studies pointed out the main advantages and problems arising from the use of agile project management that determine the success of the project. Learn how to create a project team within the management team and the way of communication and risk management in the project.
W praktyce zarządzania kadrami rzadko wykorzystuje się metody statystyczne oraz ekonometryczne do podejmowania decyzji. W pracy zaprezentowano możliwości ograniczania ryzyka błędnych decyzji kadrowych, wynikające z gromadzenia i przetwarzania informacji statystycznych o efektach pracy oraz cechach osobistych zatrudnionych. Służą temu narzędzia korelacji i regresji. Zwłaszcza stosowanie wielorównaniowego modelu ekonometrycznego może przyczynić się do racjonalizacji decyzji kadrowych.
In human resource management practice, statistical and econometric methods are rarely used for decision-making. This work presents the possible ways of reducing the risk of making incorrect staff decisions, resultant from collecting and processing the statistical data on the effects of work and the employees' personal qualities. Correlation and regression tools serve this purpose. Application of a multi-equations econometric model can especially contribute to rationalization of human resource decision-making.
Artykuł zawiera przedstawienie procedury i instrumentarium ocen okresowych pracowników. Poprawnie realizowana procedura oceny pracowników ma istotne znaczenie dla samych pracowników oraz dla zatrudniających ich przedsiębiorstw. System ocen powinien wspierać rozwój zawodowy pracowników i motywować ich do osiągania lepszych wyników pracy.
The staff assessment becomes an indispensable branch of a personnel policy for majority of companies. The system of staff assessment will be successful provided that a proper preparation of the right tools will be done, which will respect specific business activities of a company. Proper carrying out of the assessment procedure is absolutely vital to both an individual employee and the whole company. The system of assessment should be conducive to open information policy, and should strengthen the staff motivation.
Autorka postrzega analizę pracy jako podstawowy instrument efektywnego zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi w przedsiębiorstwie. W artykule przedstawia istotę, procedurę oraz metody i techniki analizy pracy. Rozważa także możliwości zastosowania wyników analizy pracy w zarządzaniu zasobami ludzkimi w organizacji.
The author perceives labour analysis as a basic instrument of the effective management of labour resources in an enterprise. The paper concentrates on the essence of this research method and its procedure including the kind and form of the collected information about work, its sources and people responsible for the analyses and selection of the method of carrying it. The article focuses also on the methods and techniques of labour analysis and its subject, which is a specific work position. In the final part of the article the author indicates the possibilities of using the results of the labour analysis in many areas of the human resources management in a company, including employess' recruitment and selection processes, work performance evaluation, reward system and staff development as well as the development of work conditions and relations.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie zagadnienia wpływu nagradzania i karania pracowników w procesie pracy i ich powiązanie z systemem motywacji. Autorka omawia nagrody i kary w teoriach motywacji: teorii oczekiwań L. Portera i E.E. Lawlera, teorii X i Y McGregora, teorii modyfikacji zachowań B.F. Skinnera, teorii sprawiedliwości nagradzania J.S. Adamsa i współczesnych koncepcjach motywowania. Następnie charakteryzuje zbiór uwarunkowań przyznawania nagród i przesłanki stosowania kar. Konkluduje, że odpowiednio skomponowany wachlarz nagród i kar oraz umiejętne ich wykorzystanie w procesie zarządzania przez wykwalifikowaną kadrę zarządzającą wspomaga proces pracy.
The aim of the article is to present an influence of penalizing and rewarding employees in the work process and their correlation with the motivation system. The thesis has been discussed both in the first chapter concerning the rewarding the employees and in the second chapter, which concerns penalizing the employees. The study consents to a confirmation of assumptions that rewarding, inducing positive reinforces, is the main impetus in controlling a human's behaviour.
Artykuł omawia istotę, znaczenie i podstawowe funkcje komunikacji w przedsiębiorstwie z naciskiem na rolę komunikacji w kształtowaniu motywacji do pracy. Znaczenie komunikacji rozważane jest w praktyce nowoczesnych przedsiębiorstw, zwłaszcza takich, które mają zdecentralizowane, elastyczne struktury organizacyjne i oparte są na pracy zespołowej. Autor zwraca szczególną uwagę na narzędzia i metody motywacyjnego oddziaływania komunikacji stosowane przez menedżerów. Na koniec analizuje przyczyny zakłóceń procesu komunikacji.
The article shows the essence, meaning and basic functions of communication in a company, also its factors and types have been characterized; while the importance of communication in the job motivation has been stressed. Thesis of an increase in the importance of communications has been developed in modern companies, and especially in the ones which have decentralized flexible organizational structures and are based on team work. Most importance has been paid to the discussion of a role of internal communication and the reasons of disturbing this process. Main stress has been placed mainly on improvement of tools and methods of communication as well as on showing models of communication behaviours of some managers.
Przedmiotem rozważań na łamach niniejszego opracowania jest problematyka zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi w przedsiębiorstwie w kontekście nowoczesnego rozwoju organizacji w czasie zmian.(fragment tekstu)
Motivating employees by information and communication is a crucial element of introducing extensive changes in organization. Today's world cannot exist without communication, and the weight and role of information is very significant. In such times an employee must be informed about ongoing changes, as during difficult transition his anxiety will increase and cause resistance.(original abstract)
Author presents numerous and simple tools of motivating employees to better work as well as to propose innovations. They are commony used in American companies, and they are effective and cheap as well. Author formulates a question regarding the reasons for lack of acceptance of these methods in Polish companies
The main topic of this article is a model of strategic decision making in health care organization. It has been shown how, using the resource-based view, the manager of health care organization can go through a decision process. Taking into account the key stakeholders the decision maker is able to get the solution that strengthen the organization's competitive position the most. The example of how the decision analysis can be employed to aid the manager has been presented. The method WINGS has been used to solve the problem. This method helps to get the deeper insight into the situation and allows the interrelations among criteria. It also provides the ranking of decision alternatives that facilitates the final decision making.
Research concerning workaholism proves that its long-term impact is disparaging to all the constituents of human capital, i.e. expertise, abilities, skills, health, motivation, attitude and values. Therefore, it is essential to encourage anti-workaholic management of the capital by counteracting both workaholism and the existence of particular types of workaholics by means of the prevention and intervention (minimizing its effects). The paper analyses eight personal functions executed in three different time horizons (shortterm, mid-term and long-term). The analysis was based on eight different workaholic typologies. The hypothesis was proved which assumed that lowering the risk of workaholism as well as diminishing its results and reducing the number or its analysed types may be effected by all the personal functions (i.e. a diagnosis of the existent headcount, determining the job requisition, recruitment, allocation of organisational roles to employees, performance appraisal, staff development, internal communication, remuneration and dismissal of staff) and embrace all the above mentioned time perspectives.
The subject of the article is the depreciation of an organization's human capital caused by employees' disloyalty, or, in other words, (transformation of) their attitudes. To some extent the study develops ideas presented in the book: "Employee Loyalty. From the Diagnosis of Employee Loyalty Types to Employee Relationship Management". In the article key notions, i.e. employee loyalty and its economic meaning, were defined. The specification of lost benefits / losses associated with employee disloyalty was made. Conditions, types and economic implications of loyalty risk were characterized. Sample directions of employee loyalty dynamics leading to the depreciation of human capital as well as intervention methods were presented. Additionally, the term "social depreciation" was suggested. It would refer to the dynamics of attitudes, unwanted from the point of view of the organisation, as well as to the dynamics of the values represented by employees. It was emphasized that, taking into account practical aspects, it is worth conducting further research, focused on methodological objectives, exploring the types of employee loyalty (listed basing on its internal mechanisms: trust, habit and involvement).
A factor which conditions correct functioning of the health care system in a country is a number and quality of the system's medical staff. Nurses play crucial role in this professional group. The aim of this research was to demonstrate a relationship between professional satisfaction and human resources development in nursing. The research was performed with the method of diagnostic survey using anonymous questionnaires designed by the author. The test sample was chosen randomly from nurses employed in two medical centres in Bełchatów. In total, 150 people were examined. Basing on the performed survey a conclusion was made that management process influences professional satisfaction and human resources development in nursing.
The paper is an attempt to present the essence of a concept of a public manager as well as his competence which influence human resources management in public organization. In light of the analysis it was possible to claim that in all activities related to human resources management , there are several powers used by the public manager. Some are accented only in specific areas (e.g., empathy), while in others - are universal (e.g., strategic thinking skills, continuous improvement). The issues, which also require to be emphasized, is the need of public awareness manager of continuous development and improvement of their competence.
The article focuses on human resources management and motivational paradoxes explanations. A presentation of complexity of motivational processes and the identification of contradictions in motives of human's actions, as well as a consideration of paradoxical thinking consequences for the human resource management and motivation function realization are a crucial aims of this article. The management literature review also allowed to identify a couple of strategies of managing paradoxes, which are also pointed out and characterized in this text.
W artykule podjęto kwestie identyfikowania i rozwiązywania problemów personalnych, co składa się na podejmowanie decyzji w sferze zarządzania personelem w przedsiębiorstwie. Omówiono istotę problemu personalnego, jego identyfikację oraz typologie i kryteria decyzji personalnych. Szczególną uwagę skierowano na proces podejmowania decyzji personalnych. Zaprezentowano poszczególne fazy tego procesu i jego podmioty decyzyjne.
The paper presents issues concerning identification and solving personnel problems, i.e. the ones, which are made at the level of personnel management in a company. The starting point was characterizing the essence of the personnel problems, indicating the areas where they appear and developing typologies of personnel decisions. The most attention has been paid to the process of efficient personnel decision making, its stages; main criteria determining the rationality of personnel decisions and subjects involved in that process.
Artykuł dotyczy pracy kierownika, jego przywództwa oraz instrumentów zarządzania, jakimi może dysponować dla osiągania optymalnych wyników, korzystając z pracy swojego zespołu, oraz realizacji wyznaczonych zadań. Autor podkreśla rolę przywództwa i znaczenie stylu kierowania w stymulacji efektywności pracy zespołów roboczych. Szczególną uwagę kieruje na identyfikację cech i form przywództwa zapewniających optymalne wykorzystanie posiadanych zasobów w organizacji.
The aim of the article is to answer the question what leadership is, what is the role it plays in an organisation and what directions it will take in future. In consideration of a broad spectrum of the above problems, only the basic definitions of leadership are presented in the article as well as the factors shaping its formation. The article also handles the issues related to the effective human resources management and adaptation of the leadership style to the events going on in a company.
As a result arising from the implementation of the Mission Oriented Scorecard should be the improvement of the functioning of the organization, and consequently the implementation of the vision, or at a shorter period of time- the strategy of the organization. It occurs however, that in organizations where the system is implemented (or its components), there is a situation in which employees, being accountable for a specific value metrics, carry undesirable actions from the point of view of the mission and the strategy of the company. The aim of this article is to examine the function-oriented mission Scorecard as a tool for leading employees (including managers) to achieve the objectives of the organization and to examine these problems in the functioning of the Mission Oriented Scorecard.
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