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The purpose of this article is to present certain episodes of the acts of war of insurgent army under the leadership of Judah Maccabee, which occurred both before the death of Antiochus IV Epiphanes, the biggest enemy of Jews in Seleucia empire, and shortly after it. The undertaken efforts clearly show that even after the death of the hated ruler the situation in the province of Judah has not changed radically. The insurgents still attempted to free themselves from Seleucia rulers, whose castle in the capital was probably the most important sign of domination. To understand the meaning of the activities of insurgents better one cannot ignore the role that acre played in oppressing the chosen people. The first part of the article mentions that. An important final query, however, is an attempt to answer the question of the author of the book -  why did Judah fail to take the fortress, despite undoubtedly favorable circumstances surrounding it. The article deals with the First Book of Maccabees, which is still rarely commented, as well as all deuterocanonical books, more often overlooked in exegetical discussions than books of the Hebrew Bible.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest prezentacja pewnego epizodu działań wojennych armii powstańczej pod dowództwem Judy Machabeusza, który nastąpił zarówno przed śmiercią Antiocha IV Epifanesa, największego wroga Żydów w imperium seleuckim, jak i w niedługim czasie po niej. Podejmowane w tym kierunku wysiłki wskazują jednoznacznie, że nawet po śmierci nienawistnego władcy sytuacja w prowincji judzkiej nie zmieniła się radykalnie. Podkreślają jednak również ciągle podejmowane przez powstańców próby uwolnienia się spod jarzma seleuckiego, którego zamek w stolicy był bodaj najbardziej jaskrawym znamieniem. By lepiej zrozumieć sens działań powstańców, nie można pominąć roli, jaką akra odegrała w uciemiężeniu narodu wybranego, o czym wspomni pierwsza część prezentowanego materiału. Istotnym zapytaniem końcowym jest jednak próba odpowiedzi autora księgi na pytanie dlaczego Judzie – mimo niewątpliwie sprzyjających mu okoliczności – nie udało się zdobyć twierdzy. Poniższa prezentacja wpisuje się w ciągle słabo jeszcze opisywaną przez badaczy problematykę Pierwszej Księgi Machabejskiej, szerzej zaś w ogóle ksiąg deuterokanonicznych, znacznie częściej pomijanych w omówieniach egzegetycznych, niż dzieła Biblii Hebrajskiej.
The discussed text of 1 Macc 6:62 contains the noun ὁρκισμός, which defines an oath givento the leader of the Maccabean revolt by the king, and which is worthy of investigation. The fact that this oath is taken by the most noble person in the country, and is given to his adversary who played the highest role in the insurrection, i.e. that of the leader, reveals the term’s significant value. Additionally, the two surrounding verbs related to the activity of taking an oath show that the term must be interpreted as an extremely important activity undertaken solemnly with a high degree of responsibility on the part of the one who takes it, so that he can keep it. What is at stake is personal honor, which guarantees the trust of the other party. An oath taken in such a way should be kept by any means necessary, even if this would require the highest costs and efforts from the one who made an oath to its beneficiary. If breaking the oath entirely ruins one’s honor, then no office can compensate for one’s loss of authority. In the discussed book, this downfall is also related to the fact that, contrary to the Jews, promises are never kept by the Gentiles.
The discussed text of 1 Macc 6:62 contains the noun ὁρκισμός, which defines an oath given to the leader of the Maccabean revolt by the king, and which is worthy of investigation. The fact that this oath is taken by the most noble person in the country, and is given to his adversary who played the highest role in the insurrection, i.e. that of the leader, reveals the term’s significant value. Additionally, the two surrounding verbs related to the activity of taking an oath show that the term must be interpreted as an extremely important activity undertaken solemnly with a high degree of responsibility on the part of the one who takes it, so that he can keep it. What is at stake is personal honor, which guarantees the trust of the other party. An oath taken in such a way should be kept by any means necessary, even if this would require the highest costs and efforts from the one who made an oath to its beneficiary. If breaking the oath entirely ruins one’s honor, then no office can compensate for one’s loss of uthority. In the discussed book, this downfall is also related to the fact that, contrary to the Jews, promises are never kept by the Gentiles.
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