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The locality of Korzkiew, 13 kms. to the north of Cracow, is situated in the valley of the small river of Korzkiewka, a tributary of the Prądnik, and lies within the range of the Ojcowski National Park. Together with the rivulet, the valley creates meanders around wooded hills. One of the latter is the site of the parish church of St. John the Baptist, while the opposite hillock — some 200 metres away — is topped with the ruins of a knight’s castle. The church and castle continue to comprise the architectural-landscape dominants of the valley, just as they did at the time of their erection, i. e. in the first quarter of the seventeenth century. In 1623, the owners of Korzkiew founded a brick church, completed in 1630 and consecrated in 1640. Those dates were determined by the author upon the basis of visitations conducted by the bishops of Cracow during the seventeenth century. The oriented church is built on the plan of a rectangle, with a presbytery closed by means of a semi-circular apse. To the no rth , the nave is adjoined by a sacristy and a treasury, based on the plan of a square, with a gallery on the storey. The spatial arrangement o f the church combines elements of mediaeval architecture (the traditional plan with a tower added to the west, massive walls with scarps) and modern design (the semi-circularly closed presbytery, the cross-barrel vault, and the detail). A characteristic feature of the Korzkiew church is its defensive character. Extant embrasures are situated over the treasury and the sacristy, in the tower, and in the attic gallery above the nave and the presbytery (where they were discovered by the author). The castellation o f a sacral building was dictated by its location in a raised terrain above the valley and a trade route from Silesia, running opposite the castle; the spanned edifices defended b oth the valley and the track. The church in question called for urgent conservation, predominantly the drying of its damp walls. In the future, it is recommended to embark upon adaptation, which will accentuate the defensive properties of the monument.
The small fortified castle in Korzkiew near Cracow was built in the middle of the fourteenth century by the Syrokomla gentry family. The castle towers over the river valley of the Korzkiewka, the left-hand tributary of the Pràdnik, along the outskirts of the Ojców National Park. The castle lies 13 kilometres from the centre of Cracow, and has been the object of interest of tourists from the second half of the eighteenth century. Its defensive character is emphasised by location over a valley with a historical trade route towards Silesia. To the north, the castle is composed of a threewing main building, and the defensive wall, encircling it from the south, includes two towers and a gate house. The castle was inhabited until the end of the eighteenth century, and in about 1820 it was abandoned after its owners built a wooden-brick manor house at its foot. From that time on, the castle gradually turned into a ruin. Attempts at its revival in the mid-twentieth century ended in partial success: the castle ruins were thoroughly examined and protected. Not until the building was taken over by the young architect Jerzy Donimirski, related to the Wodzicki family, the former owners of the castle, did research and conservation progress at an impressive rate. Up to this day, the defensive walls have been rebuilt, including the gate house – the permanent residence of the owner and his family. The main building, under a roof and safeguarded, awaits an improvement of the financial situation of the owner and the initiation of a time-consuming adaptation of the historical object for the purposes of a hotel. According to the investor,the castle will fulfil three functions: exposition – an exhibit showing the history of the building, commercial – an hotel together with a restaurant, and private – the owner's residence. The reconstruction of the castle is accompanied by the tourist development of the vast valley to the south, which is to contain the reconstructed manor house, a tavern, and a brewery. Bicycle and hiking routes, closely connected with suitable hinterland, facilitate access to the valley, both for motorised tourists and those using city transport. For several years now, the valley below the castle and part of the former suburbium are the side of sport, cultural and recreation events.
La chaîne rocheuse des montagnes du Ju ra de Cracovie—Częstochowa constituait depuis un temps immémorial, une région de défense naturelle. y retro u v e des dispositifs de défense érigés depuis l ’âge de la p ie rre ju sq u ’à la derniere guerre mondiale. Les recherches scientifiques commencées au XIX-ème siècle, poursuivies sans continuité, ainsi que de récents tra v a u x plus complexes, ont révélé dans cette région l ’existence de plus de 100 postes de défense provenant de diverses époques. On peut les classer en trois groupes d’orientation: préhistorique, médiéval et moderne. Ces trois grands groupes accusent beaucoup d ’affinités et de continuité dans l’utilisation des formes de défense, p o u rtan t spécifiques. Dans le premier groupe se manifeste surtout le système défensif des murailles sans tours, la ligne de défense infléchie et concave et les débuts originaux de l ’enceinte flanquée de tours. Dans le groupe médiéval qui relève su rto u t des dispositifs de défense érigés au XIV s. en grande p a rt p a r le roi Casimir le Grand, on voit cinq types de château aux formes nettement différenciées. Les siècles suivants apportent le développement du système donjonné et le système des bastilles, le XVlI-ème s. la formation d ’une nouvelle ligne de défense avec des bastions. Etan t donné la grande valeur de ces reliques historiques et la ncn-rmoindre valeur d u paysage ainsi conçu, les trav a u x de conservation qui les concernent doivent être organisés d’une façon complexe, dirigés p a r un groupe de spécialistes, qui s ’occuperait en même temps de la rep a rtitio n des trav au x , des fouilles au point de vue des valeurs historiques e t des valeurs du paysage ayant pour but d’établir un catalogue et inventaire des monuments historiques soumis aux investigations. P a r suite, se b asant sur les renseignements complétés, de la sorte on pourra it établir un plan général e t la repa rtition des trav a u x pour chaque oeuvre d’a rt défensif. Tenant compte de l ’é ta t actuel des monuments historiques conservés, su rto u t de l ’état des ruines, ii semble que les conservateurs devraient su rto u t pro- • téger e t consolider la substance des monuments dans la mesure du possible, plutôt que les reconstruire et re stau re r. Il est aussi d’une importance capitale de garder la silhouette de l’oeuvre, ainsi que l’entourage du monument authentique. Les trav au x de conservation, entrepris dernièrement d ’une façon intempestive, n ’ont pas toujours suivi la voie requise. L ’adaptation de l’ensemble en question aux besoins de la vie contemporaine constitue un problème à part. En règle générale, l’adaptation doit s ’effectuer surtout pour des buts de récréation e t du tourisme, au bénéfice des régions voisines urbanisées, ou trop industrialisées. Il fau t aussi envisager la protection du te rra in contre une trop intense et nuisible exploitation superficielle (carrières de chaux et sablières), contre une industrialisation du te rra in trop poussée. Ce problème doit etre posé sur deux plans différents: — il fau t reconnaître un te rra in limité comme „reserve de paysage protégé” e t in stitu e r un réseau de communication (voie périphérique) et de services n é cessaires, — il fau t aussi ren d re accessibles les monuments historiques respectifs tenant pour règle de les garder en un é ta t aussi authentique que possible, ainsi que tout ce qui forme leur entourage, par consequent expulser les services et les voies d’accès su r l’av an t-terrain .
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