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The contemporary labour market is mosaic of diverse of bearings and action taken by both employers and employees. The abundance of factors shaping these behaviours and action, variables in the time, causes that the labour market should be described and analysed more as something, what "is happening" than as something, what "is". The study constitutes the attempt to pay attention for different perceiving of the labour market as well as is moving closer some of the social and civilization nature factors which are justifying its such a perception.
Theoretical considerations related to the functioning of the labor market are always the implication of many economic factors. Market theorists and pragmatists are trying to determine the assumptions that guide the market in order to prevent the increasing unemployment. Over the years, a number of theories of unemployment have been determined but do they protect the labor market? The controversy on the relationship between inflation and unemployment is one of the popular macroeconomic dependencies. Presented relationship has been given a lot of criticism. One of the economic trends that has taken criticism on accuracy found in this relationship is the trend called "rational expectations". This trend taking criticism aroused astonishment among economists. In the classification of schools and trends it did not fit into any of the paradigms. Today, it belongs to the mainstream neoclassical economics, under the name of the new classical economics, new classical macroeconomics, or school of rational expectations. The content of the paper shows the main areas of criticism of Keynesian relationship between inflation and unemployment. Keywords: inflation, unemployment, Phillips curve, the rational expectations.
The article aim is to demonstrate the role of the program 'My Pitch-Orlik 2012' in improving human capital and Polish labor market. The paper tries to emphasize the essence of this program and focus on the elements supporting the labor market. The paper presents the general role of sport in the development of society and economy. The source for the verification of hypotheses and objectives at work statistics are taken from the pages of the Ministry of Sport and Tourism, as well as on the part of the project - www.orlik2012.pl. The analysis carried out in the paper shows that the program 'My Pitch-Orlik 2012' has a positive impact on the Polish labor market.
The paper discusses selected results of a study carried out among 263 enterprises in the Opole Province. The study involved, among others, non-salary employment conditions the enterprises offer or would be willing to offer to foreigners. These included e.g. housing, meals, payment for travel costs. The issue of non-salary employment conditions is part of studies focusing on economic migration as employment of foreign labour often involves additional costs and obligations for employers. It was determined that, when asked about additional employment conditions that they would be willing to offer to foreign workers apart from the salary, more than 1/3 of the enterprises mentioned the help in finding housing. However, a similar number (27.5%) of respondents also claimed they did not intend to offer (or did not offer) any additional conditions. More than 9% would offer free or subsidised meals, while a similar group (8.9%) – free housing. 7.6% of respondents would fully (or partially) pay for travel costs of foreigners coming to Poland.
The research deals with the question of how different resources affect the labour market integration of the long-term unemployed youth. The main hypothesis it advances is that the youth who have access to different resources will find more stable jobs or develop their own business after unemployment than those lacking such different kinds of support. In making the education and employment decisions during the transition from school to work, there is strong evidence of the importance for young people to make good initial career decisions and an enduring effect of academic achievement on labour market and education outcomes. This research is based on scientific discussion of different author opinions and survey results of young people as well as on views on the future vision of authors.
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Changes in the Labour Market and their Consequences

The study presents the characteristics of changes in the labour market, their causes and effects. The subjects under consideration are the consequences of technological and demographic changes, their impact on the size and structure of labour demand and on the employee-employer relationship. The relationship between these changes in the context of the role of work and employment in human life was discussed.
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Overtime Work Determinants of Men and Women in Slovakia

The paper deals with the supply side of the Slovak labour market. The main goal of the present study was to examine what variables contribute to the explanation of working over-time (e.g. devoting more than 40 hours per week to paid work) separately for women and men. A binomial logistic regression was used and factors were identified separately for men and women. The data were drawn from the results of primary research conducted in the year 2018. Results suggest that the probability of working overtime is higher for both men and women with higher income. It seems that the substitution effect of an increase in income dominates the income effect. Household circumstances influence the probability of one's working overtime. In those multi-member households where the husband has higher level of education than the wife, the husband will more likely work overtime and women will be less likely to work overtime. The presence of very young children in households has a significant impact on the reporting of women working overtime. Women with preschool children were less likely to work overtime than women in households in which there were older children or households without children.
W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję wykorzystania kwantyli w diagnozowaniu. Diagnozowanie zdefiniowano jako rozpoznanie wartościujące, czyli ocenę badanego obiektu z punktu widzenia przyjętego kryterium. Badanym obiektem będzie woj. zachodniopomorskie, a kryterium oceny - zmienne charakteryzujące zarówno stronę podażową, jak i popytową rynku pracy. Każda zmienna zostanie scharakteryzowana albo jako stymulanta, albo jako destymulanta, gdyż - jak wynika z rozważań teoretycznych - charakter zmiennej ma wpływ na wybór odpowiedniego kwantyla. Kwantyle wyznaczone dla wybranych zmiennych będą uznane za normy i na podstawie ich wartości zostanie postawiona diagnoza z punktu widzenia danej zmiennej oraz łączna diagnoza z punktu widzenia wszystkich zmiennych. Wybór odpowiedniego kwantyla jako normy uzależniony będzie od liczebności badanej zbiorowości, charakteru zmiennej diagnostycznej oraz stopnia ostrości normy.
W Polsce jest wiele opracowań z zakresu rynku pracy. Jednakże pomimo tego oraz pomimo dobrze działającego rozbudowanego systemu rachunków narodowych dotychczas nie wypracowano międzynarodowej, spójnej metodologii tworzenia rachunków pracy. Istnieją wytyczne, które nie obejmują wszystkich zagadnień zaproponowanych przez MOP i Eurostat. Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie definicji systemu rachunków pracy, omówienie jego roli i znaczenia dla nowoczesnego, zintegrowanego systemu prezentacji danych statystycznych, jak też porównanie systemu rachunków pracy z systemem rachunków narodowych oraz macierzą przepływów społecznych. (fragment tekstu)
In Poland there are many studies concerning labour markets, but an international, consistent methodology for creating work accounts has not been developed. Currently there are guidelines, which do not include all the issues proposed by the ILO and Eurostat. This article presents the definition of accounts work system and the discuss its role and importance in the modern, integrated system of statistical data presentation, as well as a comparison of work accounts system with the system of national accounts and social-flow matrix. (original abstract)
Bezrobocie pociąga za sobą bardzo wiele niekorzystnie wpływających na społeczeństwo róż-nych skutków. Skutki ekonomiczne w wielu publikacjach na temat bezrobocia zawsze wymienia-ne są jako pierwsze. W skali makroekonomicznej skutki te pociągają za sobą drenaż finansów publicznych na zasiłki i inne świadczenia socjalne dla osób dotkniętych bezrobociem. Zjawisko to, jak już wspomniano w opracowaniu, pociąga za sobą również zmniejszenie do-chodów budżetowych państwa, ze względu na brak płacenia przez bezrobotnych podatków dochodowych i składek ubezpieczeniowych. Praca jest w tym kontekście bardzo ważnym czynnikiem produkcji a masowe bezrobocie oznacza niepełne wykorzystanie tego, tak ważnego dla gospodarki czynnika. Ponadto, oczywistą rzeczą jest to, że bardzo często osoby, które nie mogą znaleźć zatrudnienia zmuszone są do emigracji zarobkowej lub zgubnej dla państwa pracy „na czarno”. Bezrobocie jest zjawiskiem nowym w polskim społeczeństwie, dlatego wzbudza ogromne kontrowersje. W Polsce zjawisko to pojawiło się dopiero w latach 90. XX wieku wraz z rozpoczę-ciem procesów transformacji ustrojowej. Zmiana ustroju spowodowała nie tylko zmiany politycz-ne, ale przede wszystkim gospodarcze i to nie tylko w tym kraju. Bezrobocie może mieć dla społeczeństwa również konsekwencje patologiczne. Przyczyny bezrobocia w rozwiniętych krajach zachodnich mają inną naturę. Ma ono swe źródło przede wszystkim w postępie technicznym, wprowadzaniu nowych technologii, które zastępują pracę ludzką podnosząc jednocześnie wydajność pracy, co przy wysokich płacach opłaca się przedsię-biorcom. Wcale nie jest łatwo znaleźć niedwuznaczną definicję bezrobocia, możliwą do zaakceptowa-nia zarówno przez badaczy, polityków, jak i osoby zajmujące się praktycznymi aspektami tego zjawiska i generowanymi przez nie skutkami. Przyczyną takiej sytuacji jest to, że zjawisko, z jakim mamy tu do czynienia, bywa określane jako złożone, wielowymiarowe, „wymykające się” poznaniu. Trudno wskazać na znaczenia bezpośrednio odnoszące się do całościowo ujmowanego zjawiska bezrobocia, jak również trzeba odwoływać się do ustaleń konwencjo¬nalnych.
Unemployment involves a lot of very negative impact on society of different effects. The economic impact in a number of positions on unemployment are always mentioned first. The macroeconomic effects of these involve drainage of public finance benefits and other social benefits for people affected by unemployment. This phenomenon, as already mentioned in the study involves the reduction of the state budg-et revenues, due to the lack of payment of the income taxes and unemployment insurance premi-ums. Work is in this context, a very important factor of production and mass unemployment is under-utilization of such an important factor for the economy. In addition, the obvious thing is that very often people who can not find employment are forced to emigrate or fatal to your work 'black'. Unemployment is a new phenomenon in the Polish society because arouses great controver-sy. In Poland, this phenomenon has appeared only in the 90.tych twentieth century with the start of the transition process. Change of regime change resulted not only in political, but also economic and not just in this country. Unemployment can have on society, the consequences of pathological. The causes of unem-ployment in developed Western countries have a different nature. It has its source primarily in the technological implementation of new technologies that replace human work while increasing productivity, as the high wages it pays to entrepreneurs. It's not easy to find an unambiguous definition of unemployment is acceptable to both the re-searchers, politicians and those involved in the practical aspects of this phenomenon and the ef-fects generated by them. The reason for this is that the phenomenon with which we are dealing, sometimes referred to as a complex, multi-dimensional, "elude" cognition. It is difficult to point out the importance of directly relevant to the whole captured of unemployment, as well as the need to resort to conventional arrangements.
A small labour market model for the six largest euro-area countries (Germany, France, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands and Belgium) is estimated in a state space framework. The model entails, in the long run, four driving forces: trend labour force, trend labour productivity, long-run inflation rate and trend hours worked. The short run dynamics is governed by a VAR model including six shocks. The state-space framework is convenient for the decomposition of endogenous variables in trends and cycles, for shock decomposition, for incorporating external judgment, and for running conditional projections. The forecast performance of the model is rather satisfactory. The model is used to carry out a policy experiment with the objective of investigating whether euro-area labour markets react differently to a reduction in labour costs. Results suggest that, following the 2008-2009 recession, moderate wage growth would significantly help delivering a more job-intense recovery.
Parler des compétences des travailleurs conduit à évoquer les besoins, lacunes ou incompétences qui proviennent de l'utilisation des technologies de communication électronique. Paralèllement, les changements sur le marché du travail polonais indiquent que le travail mental non routinier prend une place de plus en plus importante. Compte tenu de l'importance et de l'impact des /incompétences /dans le travail effectué dans différents groupes professionnels, on peut déjà observer une lacune évidente, à la fois de nature cognitive et sociale.
Due to the questions concerning the Silesian autonomy it seems important to estimate whether and to what extend Silesians constitute a national minority. National minorities differ in terms of culture, language, religion, as well as in the sphere of economy. Analyses of the records of the year 2002 allow to confirm the existence of such differences of the people declaring Silesian nationality. It can be seen on the job market, not only in comparison with the inhabitants of other parts of Poland, but also in the Silesian and the Opole voyevodship.
Celem artykułu jest prezentacja, analiza i ocena funkcjonowania rynku pracy w województwie wielkopolskim w latach 2000-2013. Na tle sytuacji na rynku pracy dokonano także analizy sytuacji w zakresie polityki rynku pracy prowadzonej w przekroju regionalnym. Przeanalizowano tu wydatki z Funduszu Pracy poniesione na prowadzenie polityki rynku pracy. W Wielkopolsce występuje dość duże zróżnicowanie stóp bezrobocia: od miasta Poznania i powiatu poznańskiego, gdzie stopa bezrobocia jest na poziomie naturalnym, do powiatów o wysokim bezrobociu i jego trwałym charakterze, jak w przypadku powiatu wągrowieckiego i innych. Zróżnicowanie terytorialne bezrobocia w regionie wielkopolskim jest zatem dodatkową cechą charakterystyczną, na którą muszą zwracać uwagę politycy szczebla regionalnego zajmujący się sprawami rynku pracy.
The aim of the paper is to present, analyze and evaluate changes taking place on the labour market in the context of the labour market policy. The study area covers Wielkopolskie Voivodeship, which has been presented against national indexes, however, sometimes statistical data for poviats of this voivodeship have been applied. The time scope covers the period 2003-2014, although data availability sometimes has limited the time scope. The study includes a presentation of the level, structure and rate of unemployment on the study area. Expenditures on labour market policy have been presented regarding their level and subject structure. Moreover, there has been performed an analysis of employment efficiency and cost labour market policy on the study area. The final part of the paper offers synthetic conclusions formulated on the basis of the carried out analyses as well as recommendations for regional politicians.
The important factors influencing milk enterprises competitiveness involve: labor market local conditionings including labor force resources' size and their changes direction, inhabitants demographic structure, unemployment rate as well as education and professional qualifications level. They have great impact on labor cost level as well as on the level of labor effectiveness and productiveness. Survey shows that Lublin region's de-population, low level of country inhabitants share in Lublin region total population as well as inhabitants aging negatively influences competitiveness ex ante of surveyed entities. Apart from showed suitable labor factor quality, the level of labor effectiveness was identified low what hampered potential use of competitive advantage resulting from less than average labor cost. Above mentioned can result from over-employment in some surveyed entities connected with difficulties with labor factor management. Associated with above difficulties there is potential relation between regional labor conditions - accessibility, quality and price implicating and milk enterprises competitiveness. There is a necessity to rise the labor effectiveness to maintain or increase the competitiveness of milk factories in Lublin region.
A number of available studies demonstrate that re-entering the labour market after childbirth is difficult for the new mothers, and taking care of their child until it reaches the kindergarten age (4 y.o.) too often means an irreversible departure from the labour market towards chronic joblessness. The article attempts to diagnose the situation of new mothers trying to re-enter the labour market on the basis of both nation-wide Polish studies and the author's own local surveys. On this basis, the author attempts to identify the most desirable changes to be introduced.
In the publication, there was conducted the analysis of labour market policy in the United Kingdom in area of implemented reforms of social policy, which were begun by the New Deal Program up to the conception of Universal Credit. The publication was devised on the base of research, which were made in London in September 2011. They included interviews with representatives of both public and private labour market institutions. The respondents came from the Department for Work and Pensions and two British employment providers, which have significant meaning for the employment services, they participate regularly in the state Work Programs and they create British social policy. Moreover, the author, in the publications, recommends some of the British solutions, which are worth implementing in Polish social and economic reality
The scope of activities used in the active labour market policy in recent years has been substantially altered as a result of the clash of opposing tendencies. On the one hand, the financial crisis limits the availability of financial resources, on the other - the deterioration in the labour market increases the scale of investment required for the implementation of the employment policy. There has been a substantial increase of the demand for financing of passive labour market measures, which is contrary to the achievement of the ambitious goals of employment accepted by the Europe 2020 Strategy. This reduces the evaluation of the effectiveness of labour market policies and the degree of achievement of its objectives for the period 2007-2013.
The paper presents the types of support available to disabled people entering or returning to labour market. The special emphasis was put for presentation abilities which were created for disabled people who starts his own business or intend to do this. Seems that funds for economic activity becomes important factor creating entrepreneurship in times of crisis. Currently, people who wants to start a business may apply for funds from one of the following sources: the grant from the PFRON, the European Social Fund under the Human Capital Operational Programme, and the Labour Fund. For many of them these are a huge chance of leaving the circle of the unemployed and finding one's place in the economic reality. The text is enriched with information about active instruments of labour market available for disabled.
Topic addressed in this study is extremely important and timely in terms of economic activity in the labor market still young and still learning. Currently, they are becoming more numerous and often sought after group of employees by employers, such as those offering internships employee. Requirements of the booming job market for graduates, motivates learners to work even during initial training, in order to make it easier to start after finishing education. It often happens that the work undertaken in college becomes a permanent job for a long time. It can be observed that over the last several years beginning activity among students moved into a learning period, young people no longer wait until the end of the period of study to take up employment.
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