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Verbum Vitae
vol. 40
issue 4
The aim of the paper is to present briefly first of all the history of the development of the Lectionary for the use in the Holy Mass, then to summarize the principal of the present lectionary and it’s ecumenical meaning, and more specifically it’s influence on the protestant lectionary. Based on these historical facts and the recent documents of the Holy See, the proposal of the partial renewal of the Sunday Lectionary will be discussed. The main method used in the study is the analysis of the historical sources, documents of the Holy See and theological studies. The critical analysis, and then comparative method will lead to synthetical presentation of postulates of the partial renewal of the present lectionary after fifty years of usage in the liturgy. The conclusion of the analysis provides the suggestions for the enrichment of the lectionary first of all, with the passages from the Old Testament read in their whole context, not only according to the harmonization with the text of the Gospel; secondly, with the thematic selection of the second reading compatible with the first reading, and the Gospel reading; thirdly, with the texts pointing out the role of women in the history of salvation.
The study explores the lectionary from the mid-16th century which is preserved in a single copy kept in the National library in Prague (signature 54 B 81, Knihopis, No. 14 768), without the title and impressum. This old print has not been object of scientific research until now. After providing a description of the lectionary, the study tries to trace its author, the circumstances of its origin, the place and date of its printing, and finally the origin of the translation of the biblical texts. It defends the thesis that the lectionary was written by the bishop of the Unity of Czech Brethren Jan Augusta, and reworked by another bishop Jan Černý. The lectionary is identical with a not preserved work Rejister božských slov (Knihopis, No. 851). It was probably printed in 1563 in a secret printing factory of the Unity in the Moravian town Ivančice. The Czech biblical translations used in the lectionary come from the Melantrich’s Bible (1st edition 1549), and were modified by the bishops Jan Blahoslav and Matěj Červenka. The study also deals with the homiletic and hermeneutical characteristics of the lectionary and with its role in the dispute over the use of pericopes in the Unity. Finally, it sketches the reception of Augusta’s lectionary in other registers of pericopes in this church at the turn of the 16th and 17th century.
Liturgical cycle A for the Lent makes an overt reference to baptism. The Sunday readings in that period are collected and organized in such a way as to gradually introduce the participants of the liturgy into the understanding and constant redefinition of the whole variety of aspects and meanings of baptism. The liturgical celebrations of the subsequent Sundays allow the faithful to re-experience and renew their comprehension of various aspects of the baptismal rite. The aim of homiletic preaching in this period is to help the faithful to deepen their understanding of the reality of which they became part through baptism and to make their life comply with the demands of baptismal spirituality. In this way, they will be able to renew their baptismal vows with full awareness and accountability during the celebration of the Easter Vigil.
Wielkopostny cykl liturgiczny A ma charakter chrzcielny. Niedzielne czytania Lekcjonarza tego okresu zostały tak dobrane, aby stopniowo wprowadzać uczestników liturgii w zrozumienie i aktualizację różnych momentów i treści chrztu. Celebracje liturgiczne poszczególnych niedziel umożliwiają ponowne przeżycie i odnowienie różnych aspektów obrzędu chrztu. Celem przepowiadania homilijnego w tym okresie jest doprowadzenie wiernych do przyswojenia sobie rzeczywistości, którą otrzymali na chrzcie świętym oraz do podporządkowania swego życia chrzcielnej duchowości. W ten sposób będą oni mogli z całą świadomością i odpowiedzialnością odnowić przyrzeczenia chrzcielne podczas celebracji Wigilii Paschalnej.
The Responsorial Psalm, along with the other Lectionary readings, permanent texts or seasonal elements of the Mass for a given day are the basic sources for the homily. The homily comprises an integral part of the Liturgy of God's Word and is an important interpretation for the context of the remaining readings in the Lectionary. It helps us to meditate on the Word of God, and in this way it is of great value for the liturgy and pastoral ministry. For these reasons, the psalm cannot be underestimated in preparing and delivering the homily. As a source for the homily, the responsorial psalm must be correctly interpreted. The psalm's hermeneutics requires discovering the relationships between the psalm's contents and other readings so as to find allusions to the mystery of Christ observed in a given celebration. Next, such a Christological context in the psalms ought to help us search for exegetical feelings and existential experiences among the participants of the liturgical gathering. In this way, the homily can become a Christological interpretation of their human experiences and point to the response which the faithful can give to the Lord who is being revealed in the psalms.
Psalm responsoryjny wraz z innymi czytaniami Lekcjonarza oraz z tekstami stałych lub zmiennych części Mszy danego dnia jest podstawowym źródłem homilii. Stanowi on integralną część liturgii słowa Bożego oraz ważny, interpretacyjny kontekst pozostałych czytań Lekcjonarza. Sprzyja medytacji słowa Bożego, przez co posiada wielkie znaczenie liturgiczne i duszpasterskie. Z tych też racji psalmu nie wolno lekceważyć w przygotowaniu i wygłoszeniu homilii. Psalm responsoryjny jako źródło homilii wymaga poprawnej interpretacji. Hermeneutyka psalmu domaga się odkrycia powiązania treści psalmu z innymi czytaniami oraz odnalezienia odniesienia do misterium Chrystusa obchodzonego w danej celebracji. W takim chrystologicznym kontekście należy następnie szukać w psalmach uczuć i doświadczeń egzystencjalnych uczestników zgromadzenia liturgicznego. W ten sposób homilia stać się może chrystologiczną interpretacją ludzkiego doświadczenia oraz pomocą w odnalezieniu odpowiedzi, jaką wierni mają dać objawiającemu się w psalmach Panu.
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