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Le marché des personnes âgées reste en dehors de l’intérêt des dirigeants d’entreprises et des économistes. Cependant, selon les prévisions démographiques, le nombre de personnes âgées est déjà important et prochainement augmentera de manière considérable. Cet article présente une caractéristique générale du groupe 60+ et 65+ et leur attitude face aux nouvelles technologies c’est-à-dire l’Internet, d’après les données statistiques et celles provenant du rapport d’une enquête menée auprès de toute la population polonaise. On peut en conclure que l’âge est un facteur important mais il n’est pas le seul à déterminer l’utilisation du réseau global. Les préférences individuelles et le mode de vie comptent aussi de façon importante. En plus, l’absence des seniors dans le cyberespace s’explique plus par le déficit de la maîtrise de l’outil informatique et l’utilisation du web que par le manque d’intérêt pour l’Internet.
Większość wskaźników znajdujących się w bazie Eurostatu, dotyczących sytuacji społeczno-ekonomicznej gospodarstw domowych (w tym gospodarstw z osobami starszymi), pochodzi z badania EU-SILC (European Union - Survey of Income and Living Conditions)1. Zasadne jest więc przeprowadzenie oceny badania i uzyskanie odpowiedzi: na ile to badanie jest przydatne do analiz sytuacji materialnej starszych generacji w krajach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej; jakie są jego zalety, a jakie wady i jakie wnioski płyną z tej analizy dla przyszłej organizacji badania w kontekście zmian demograficznych, nie tylko dla Polski, ale również dla innych krajów, jak i Eurostatu? Celem opracowania jest zwrócenie uwagi na, pojawiające się dzięki badaniu EU-SILC, coraz większe możliwości oceny sytuacji materialnej gospodarstw domowych osób starszych (jednoosobowych, jak i dwuosobowych z przynajmniej jedną osobą w wieku 65 lat i więcej) w wybranych krajach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. Do analizy wybrano kraje, które weszły do UE w 2004 r. - Estonię, Litwę, Łotwę, Polskę, Republikę Czeską, Słowację i Węgry oraz te, które dołączyły do UE w 2007 r. - Bułgarię i Rumunię. (fragment tekstu)
The article discusses the possibilities, as well as the limitations of the analysis of the elderly households material situation (single-person households aged 65+ and double with at least one person aged 65+) in selected countries of Central and Eastern Europe: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary - belonging to the EU in 2004 as well as Bulgaria and Romania - in the EU since 2007. The study uses selected results of the analysis made on the basis of the EU-SILC (European Union - Survey of Income and Living Condition). Significant differences in the financial situation of elderly households in different countries of Central and Eastern Europe were observed on the basis of the data analysis on housing facilities in some material good as well as subjective assessment offinancial situation of the households. (original abstract)
Głównym celem artykułu jest przedstawienie rozwoju liczebnego oraz struktury osób bardzo starych w Europie zarówno w ujęciu retrospektywnym, jak i perspektywicznym. (fragment tekstu)
Since the beginning of the twentieth century in Europe a process of aging is hastening. Initially the demographic transformation focused on the "old EU", now it is affecting the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, including Poland. Poland has exceeded the threshold of demographic old age in 1967. In 2010, the share of people aged over 65 in the total population of country amounted to about 13%. OECD forecasts show that in the year 2050 the elderly population (over 65 years old) will constitute 50% of the Polish population. The European Union and national governments face the challenge of mitigating the socio-economic effects of population aging. At EU, national and regional levels there are implemented the programs of active aging, affecting the elderly in the following dimensions: professional, social and individual. They are addressed primarily to the elderly, but also to other target groups. They counteract the ageism and build the awareness of demographic changes' processes. Education is an extremely important aspect of active aging. It performs two vital roles: delaying the individuals aging process, and furthermore, facilitates adaptation to old age. The essence of the article is to present the concept of active aging, and education functions it that. The study presents the educational activity of the elderly in Poland, too.
The paper presents the issue of professional activation of the elderly into two dimensions: entrepreneurship of persons aged 45 and more, and the situation of older employees in their workplace. Authors presents the arguments that the key elements in the policy of supporting older persons on the labour market should be measures addressed to employers and older employees increasing their employability.
W artykule zwrócono uwagę na trudności interpretacji danych dotyczących kształtowania się umieralności mężczyzn i kobiet ze względu na możliwe błędy weryfikacji wieku osób sędziwych. Nadumieralność mężczyzn traktowana jest w demografii jako pewnik. W pracy pokazano, że wśród osób w bardzo zaawansowanym wieku można znaleźć przykłady wyższej umieralności kobiet. Sytuacja taka występuje również w Polsce. Artykuł przedstawia dwa wyjaśnienia takiego stanu rzeczy: efekt selekcji (do bardzo wysokiego wieku dożywają jedynie najsilniejsi) oraz wpływ zawyżania wieku przy wyrabianiu dokumentów w okresie bezpośrednio powojennym, podkreślając - zwłaszcza w realiach polskich - wpływ tego drugiego wytłumaczenia. (abstrakt oryginalny)
The article focuses on the difficulties in the data interpretation, which concerns forming the women's and men's mortality regarding possible errors in the age verification of the old-age persons. Excess mortality of men is treated in demography as an axiom. In the work was proved, that among veiy old-age people we could find the examples of higher female mortality. This situation occurs also in Poland. The article presents two kinds of explanations: the selection effect (only the strongest ones live to the very old age) and the influence of the age overstating while obtaining the documents in the period directly after the war, stressing - particularly in the Polish reality - the impact of this second explanation. (original abstract)
Jednym z problemów polityki społecznej w Polsce jest postępujące starzenie się ludności. Różne jego skutki są omawiane zarówno w literaturze naukowej oraz w mediach i polityków. Celem niniejszej pracy jest analiza stopnia zagrożenia ubóstwem gospodarstw domowych osób starszych.
One of the problems facing social policy in Poland is the progressive aging of the population. Its various consequences are discussed both in the scientific literature and in the media and politicians. The purpose of the presented study is to analyze the degree of household poverty risk of older people. (original abstract)
Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja czynników wpływających na podejmowanie decyzji o wielkości wydatków na rekreację i kulturę w gospodarstwach domowych emerytów. Podstawę informacyjną badań stanowiły informacje liczbowe o indywidualnych gospodarstwach domowych pochodzące z badania BGD przeprowadzonego w 2009 r. przez GUS. (...) W badaniu wzięto pod uwagę głównie czynniki kategoryzacyjne i z tego względu do wyboru optymalnego zbioru czynników charakteryzujących wydatki gospodarstw domowych na rekreację i kulturę wykorzystano analizę log-liniową. (fragment tekstu)
The aim of article is to select a set of variables that affect decisions about the size of the expenditure incurred on recreation and culture in households ofpensioners in Poland. The basis of the information of researches were unidentifiable microdata on income and expenditure of individual households from the household budget survey conducted in 2009 by the GUS (Central Statistical Office) which were associated with the results of a survey "Tourism and recreation in households " conducted by the GUS in the same year. The integrated data set consisted of 1,308 households of pensioners. The study takes into account, first of all, the categorization variables and therefore to a "best" set of factors characterizing household spending on recreation and culture used log-linear analysis. Using log-linear model has enabled more precise description of the relationships between categorization variables compared with indicators used to assess the quality characteristics of interdependence. In addition, log-linear analysis allowed to assess the impact of interactions between variables. (original abstract)
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie metod analizy starzenia się ludności i przedstawienie uzyskanych na ich podstawie wyników. Zakres przestrzenny badań obejmuje obszar 8 województw południowo-wschodniej Polski (kieleckie, krakowskie, krośnieńskie, nowosądeckie, przemyskie, rzeszowskie, tarnobrzeskie i tarnowskie). Badania przeprowadzono w układzie miast i gmin. Zakres czasowy opracowania obejmuje lata 1988 i 1996. Dane pochodzą z GUS.
W artykule przedstawiono kierunki zmian liczby i struktury (według wieku, płci, stanu cywilnego) ludzi bardzo starych w Polsce. Wykorzystano dane spisowe z lat 1900, 1921, 1931, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1978, 1988, 1995 oraz prognozy GUS na lata 2000-2020.
W artykule przedstawiono sytuację ludzi starszych w Warszawie w okresie międzywojennym i obecnie. Analizowano m.in. podział ludności według płci i wieku, stanu cywilnego, wykształcenia, grup wyznaniowych, śmiertelności. Porównano okres współczesny z latami międzywojennymi oraz omówiono "Raport o rozwoju społecznym Polska 1999".
The aim of the paper is to analyze and assess the situation of some vulnerable groups: disabled, older and youth in the Polish labour market. The presentation of reality exposes the weaknesses and shortcomings of labor market institutions, the process of education and social security in Poland. Although the current labour law prohibits all discrimination, presented groups are clearly discriminated. The young people, who are creating our economic development, are in the particularly difficult situation. The end of the article presents the trends that should be the subject of further research and serious discussion.
The article discusses the role that trade unions and employers' organizations play in creating conditions facilitating the implementation of the European Employment Strategy. It presents the characteristics and achievements of social dialogue at the EU level, particularly social partners' efforts aimed at improving the situation in national labour markets in a period of economic crisis and ageing societies. As far as Poland is concerned, the article discusses the attitudes of key social partners toward the pension system reform and indicates the weaknesses of social dialogue in the country. The opinions on Poland have been formed taking social dialogue practice in the EU as the point of reference.
The aging of the population both in the global and regional aspect causes a number of negative effects. The most important are: aging of the workforce as well as its loss, which sharpens the basic economic problem associated with limitation of resources. Particularly important is to initiate actions to activate senior people by increasing the age of ability to work as well as by introducing solutions which will increase absorption of these people's work to the labor market. The current situation of senior people on the labor market indicates that there are many barriers which prevent them from entering the labor market. The complexity of the problem requires a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach.
Starzenie się ludności coraz bardziej widoczne na poziomie mikro (rodziny) i makro (całego społeczeństwa) wymaga dogłębnego poznania i opisania również ze względu na zwiększające się znaczenie segmentu konsumentów seniorów w gospodarce. Obszar badawczy dotyczący zachowań konsumentów jest bardzo szeroki. W artykule podjęto problem rozpoznania istoty/wymiarów innowacyjności w zachowaniach ludzi starszych. Innowacyjność, jako cecha osobowości człowieka, wykazuje zróżnicowane nasilenie, odzwierciedlając się w odmiennych zachowaniach wobec nowych zjawisk. Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie wybranych aspektów dotyczących poziomu innowacyjności w zachowaniach konsumentów seniorów.
The ageing of the population, which is increasingly visible at the micro level (family) and macro level (the whole of the society), requires in-depth exploration and description, also due to the increasing importance of the segment of senior consumers in the economy. The area of research on consumer behaviour is very broad. The article addresses the issue of recognizing the dimensions of innovativeness in the behaviour of the elderly. Innovation, as a feature of the human personality, manifests itself in varying degrees, reflecting different behaviours towards new phenomena. The aim of this article is to present selected aspects of the research identifying the level of innovation in senior consumers’ behaviour.
Modern cities are social and economic organisations whose objective is to cater for the needs of its users. The practices they employ in doing so are, however, a far cry from those used by businesses. A city would subject its economics to social and environmental conditions and thus elects the social objectives as prevalent. Urban logistics ties in perfectly with that, subscribing to social logistics each time when those objectives are achieved by shaping flows of materials and people. Logistics comes to the fore here, by facilitating deployment of correct, from viewpoint of shaping material flows, measures aimed at equal opportunities for elderly and disabled. Specific requirements, with which urban spaces should be compliant to honour the needs of seniors and disabled, were described in the paper.
LCH and PIH, named as Life Cycle model constitute the dominant, normative saving theory. As it is presented by numerous studies, while confronted with real human behaviours this model is doubtful. One of the model assumptions is consumption smoothing in time. In long term this phenomenon is related to notion of saving adequacy, whose size should let keep the previous level of consumption also at retired age. The studies carried out on this problem prove in many cases that the consumption level in this period of time diminishes. One of the reasons for such situation is willingness of individuals to leave bequest. The aim of article is to present the main approaches and models relating to creating and leaving of bequest and the analysis of bequest motive impact on saving decisions among individuals in the light of the surveys carried out in cooperation with IIBR between 27.02.2013 and 1.03.2013.
The article draws attention to growing the importance of cooperation between public administration and non - government organizations in commissioning tasks in the filed of social assistance. The author examines organizational and legal aspects of running nursing homes. Furthermore, she includes the example of the city of Poznan which delegated management of those institutions to religious congregations. The author points to the existing legal mechanisms which allow assigning the social assistance tasks to private entities and she shows benefits of the partnership in the area of social services. The demographic forecasts are basis for conclusions on prospect development of both institutional and non - institutional support directed at the elderly.
Methods of spatial statistics are used to identify spatial patterns and spatial dependency. Testing occurrence of spatial dependency boils down to verify the hypothesis of the existence of spatial autocorrelation in the data spatially localized. The evaluation of spatial autocorrelation requires the knowledge of the extent and specificity of spatial diversity, i.e. diversity of characteristics of individual sites and geographic regions. The main objective of this paper is to study the dynamics of an aging population as well as analysis of the spatial dependences of the ageing index. Research will be conducted using measures of global and local spatial autocorrelation. The data used in analysis come from the Local Data Bank of the Central Statistical Office. All calculations and presented maps were made in the R CRAN.
It is said that young home buyers are the dominate group of customers on Real Estate market. But demographic forecasts indicate that in Poland the aging of society will proceed. It can thus be expected that in the structure of population a group of people reporting new housing needs will emerge. Therefore, there is a need for thorough research, particularly due to substantial information gaps in this area. The aim of the article is to present the results of the research on attitudes of customers on the housing market - i.e. seniors. On the basis of the research conducted in the Department of Investment and Real Estate at Poznan University of Economics, housing preferences of older people and their motives and factors behind housing purchase are presented.
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