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Dokumenty zarejestrowane w księgach Kancelarii Koronnej (Metryce Koronnej) są wykorzystywane łącznie z innymi źródłami w pracach dotyczących historii Rzeczypospolitej. W tym artykule podejście jest inne - analiza skupia się wyłącznie na dokumentach Kancelarii Koronnej. Podjęto próbę odpowiedzi na pytania: ile z dokumentów zarejestrowanych w krótkim okresie 1587–1591 opisuje sytuację w Inflantach? Jakie są główne tematy tych aktów? Jak urzędnicy kancelaryjni postrzegali sytuację w Inflantach i czy ich pogląd potwierdza współczesna historiografia? Odpowiedź jest zaskakująco pozytywna. Inflant dotyczy ok. 10% wszystkich zarejestrowanych dokumentów i mamy zróżnicowane spojrzenie na ten temat. Ta nowo zdobyta prowincja była miejscem wielu kłótni i walk. Oficerowie z Polski i Litwy musieli zorganizować administrację i udobruchać dawną szlachtę i mieszczan. Różnice wyznaniowe nie ułatwiały tego zadania, gdyż król Zygmunt III chciał odnowić strukturę Kościoła rzymskokatolickiego w Inflantach. Większość dokumentów to świadectwa nadań dla szlachty polsko-litewskiej, starej szlachty inflanckiej, a nawet mieszczan, którzy wspierali Rzeczpospolitą w walce z Moskwą. Można stwierdzić, że akty zarejestrowane w Metryce Koronnej korespondują dokładnie z poglądem na Inflanty reprezentowanym przez współczesną historiografię, choć teksty są dość lakoniczne i rzadko możemy zobaczyć kontynuację przypadku w kolejnych dokumentach.
The documents registered in the Polish Crown Chancery books (Metrica Regni) are used in combination with other sources in works on the history of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. In this article the approach is different – the analysis is focused on the Crown Chancery documents only. The questions are; how many of the documents, registered in the short period 1587–1591, described the situation in Livland and Kurland (i.e. today Latvia)? What are the main topics of this acts? How was the situation in Livland seen by the chancery clerks and if their view is supported by the modern historiography? The answer is surprisingly positive. About 10% of all registered documents concern Livland and we do get a differentiated view on the subject. This newly acquired province was a place of many quarrels and fights. The officers from Poland and Lithuania had to organize the administration and to placate the old nobility and burghers. The religious differences did not make this task easy, since the king Sigismund Vasa would like to renovate the structures of the Roman Catholic church in Livland. Most of the documents are testimonies of some grants; to the Polish – Lithuanian gentry, to the old Livonian gentry, even to some burghers, who supported the Commonwealth in the struggle with Moscovia. We can conclude that acts registered in the Polish Metrica do correspond accurately with the view on Livland represented by the modern historiography, although the texts are quite laconic and only rarely we can see a continuation of a case in next documents.
The documents registered in the Polish Crown Chancery books (Metrica Regni) are used in combination with other sources in works on the history of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. In this article the approach is different – the analysis is focused on the Crown Chancery documents only. The questions are; how many of the documents, registered in the short period 1587–1591, described the situation in Livland and Kurland (i.e. today Latvia)? What are the main topics of this acts? How was the situation in Livland seen by the chancery clerks and if their view is supported by the modern historiography? The answer is surprisingly positive. About 10% of all registered documents concern Livland and we do get a differentiated view on the subject. This newly acquired province was a place of many quarrels and fights. The officers from Poland and Lithuania had to organize the administration and to placate the old nobility and burghers. The religious differences did not make this task easy, since the king Sigismund Vasa would like to renovate the structures of the Roman Catholic church in Livland. Most of the documents are testimonies of some grants; to the Polish – Lithuanian gentry, to the old Livonian gentry, even to some burghers, who supported the Commonwealth in the struggle with Moscovia. We can conclude that acts registered in the Polish Metrica do correspond accurately with the view on Livland represented by the modern historiography, although the texts are quite laconic and only rarely we can see a continuation of a case in next documents.
The project: The Polish Crown Metrica of King Ladislaus IV Vasa. Summarizing of the Books from the Central Archivess of the Historical Records in Warsaw, 1633–1648, carried out under the National Programme for the Development of Humanities in years 2014–2018, has been completed. Within its framework almost 5200 summaries were made in Polish, and they are now available on-line at http://agad.gov.pl/metrykalia.html. Royal documents pertain to various areas of operation of the society, and they constitute an important source for understanding of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Plans for continuation are being made, to cover the reign of Jan Kazimierz Vasa, 1648–1668
Gifts causa mortis between spouses, even though it was an institution regulated by Chełmno law, started to gradually gain popularity among the nobility in the 18th century. It constituted an attractive alternative to the commonly employed life estate. Even though it provided economical security for life tenants, it did not transfer ownership rights to them and it also introduced a number of restrictions, including the prohibition of alienation of the property described in a deed. The gift causa mortis was a more advantageous solution for spouses. Nevertheless, they only could have signed such an agreement if they had no offspring together. The right of ownership was transferred in accordance with the contract. Contrary to the life estate, gifts did not result in a suspension of heirs’ rights but it excluded them from inheriting. It was the duty of the party receiving the gift to pay out recompense to the closest relatives of the deceased only. It was most frequently in the form of a sum of money stipulated in the contract.
Darowizna między małżonkami na wypadek śmierci, choć była instytucją regulowaną przez prawo chełmińskie, w XVIII w. zaczęła stopniowo zyskiwać popularność wśród szlachty. Stanowiła atrakcyjną alternatywę dla powszechnie zawieranych umów dożywocia, które wprawdzie zabezpieczały ekonomicznie dożywotnika, nie przenosiły jednak na niego prawa własności i wprowadzały szereg ograniczeń, w tym zakaz alienacji dóbr objętych umową. Darowizna na wypadek śmierci była rozwiązaniem dla małżonków korzystniejszym. Niemniej mogli oni zawrzeć taką umowę tylko w przypadku braku wspólnego potomstwa. Na jej mocy przenoszone było prawo własności. W przeciwieństwie do dożywocia darowizna nie skutkowała więc zawieszeniem uprawnień spadkobierców w czasie, ale wykluczała ich od dziedziczenia. Obowiązkiem obdarowanej strony było jedynie wypłacenie najbliższym krewnym zmarłego rekompensaty, najczęściej w formie sumy pieniężnej wskazanej w umowie.
The project: The Polish Crown Metrica of King Ladislaus IV Vasa. Summarizing of the Books from the Central Archivess of the Historical Records in Warsaw, 1633–1648, carried out under the National Programme for the Development of Humanities in years 2014–2018, has been completed. Within its framework almost 5200 summaries were made in Polish, and they are now available on-line at http://agad.gov.pl/metrykalia.html. Royal documents pertain to various areas of operation of the society, and they constitute an important source for understanding of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Plans for continuation are being made, to cover the reign of Jan Kazimierz Vasa, 1648–1668
Artykuł stanowi zarys problemu organizacji kancelarii koronnej działającej w czasie panowania Stanisława Leszczyńskiego. W pierwszej części artykułu autor maluje obraz władcy oraz czasów, w jakich przyszło mu panować. Następnie przedstawia organizację kancelarii: jej powstanie, rytm pracy i personel. W ostatniej części omawia natomiast, nieistniejącą obecnie, Metrykę Koronną spisywaną podczas panowania Leszczyńskiego oraz przyczyny jej zniszczenia. Artykuł stanowi próbę zmierzenia się z zagadnieniem kancelarii Stanisława I.
The article is an outline of the problem of organization of the Crown chancery in the years of the reign of Stanislaus Leszczyński. In the first part of the article, the author presents the picture of the king and the times of his reign. Next, he depicts the organization of the chancery: its beginnings, work rhythm and staff. In the last part of the article, the author describes the Crown Metrica written during the reign of Leszczyński, currently not existing, and reasons of its destruction. The article is an attempt to describe the chancery of Stanislaus I.
Przechowywane w Archiwum Głównym Akt Dawnych tomy 183 i 186 Metryki Koronnej zawierają wpisy dokumentów wystawionych z formułą relacyjną kanclerza Piotra Gembickiego. W księdze nr 183 są wpisy 142 dokumentów wystawionych w 1638 r., natomiast w księdze nr 186 znajduje się 496 wpisów dokumentów wystawionych od 28 stycznia 1639 r. do 11 grudnia 1641 r. Dokumenty zarejestrowane w tych księgach nie stanowią jednak kompletu wszystkich wystawionych przez królewską kancelarię w tym czasie. Aż 2/3 wpisów znajdujących się w obu księgach dotyczy nadań i zezwolenia na obrót królewszczyznami. Dalsze 16% wpisów to nadania urzędów i innych funkcji (np. serwitora królewskiego), a także włączenia wybranych osób do grona dworzan królewskich. Kolejne 13% wpisów dotyczy różnorodnych nadań królewskich, np. dla miast należących do magnatów bądź dostojników kościelnych. Pozostała niewielka liczba wpisów, to oblaty i potwierdzenia transakcji (np. kupna-sprzedaży dóbr między mieszczanami oraz instytucjami kościelnymi), potwierdzenia dawnych przywilejów królewskich wydanych dla miast, cechów rzemieślniczych, klasztorów, profesorów Uniwersytetu Krakowskiego itp. Wśród odbiorców dokumentów królewskich zarejestrowanych w księgach nr 183 i 186 Metryki Koronnej przeważają liczebnie przedstawiciele szlachty i magnaterii. Ważną grupą odbiorców dokumentów królewskich były też miasta królewskie i prywatne oraz cechy rzemieślnicze, a także instytucje kościelne i duchowni. Odbiorcami zaledwie pojedynczych dokumentów byli chłopi (włościanie).
Volumes 183 and 186 of the Crown Metrica, preserved in the Central Archives of Historical Records, contain entries of documents issued under chancellory control of Piotr Gembicki. Volume No. 183 contains entries of 142 documents issued in 1638, and volume No. 186 contains 496 entries of documents issued between 28 January 1639 and 11 December 1641. Documents listed in these volumes, however, do not constitute a complete list of all documents issued by the royal chancery in that period. As much as 2/3 of entries in both books pertain to endowments and permits for sale of crown lands. Further 16% of entries are appointments to offices and other functions (e.g. royal appointments for tradesmen), as well as including selected persons in the group of royal courtiers. 13% of entries pertain to various royal endowments, e.g. for towns belonging to magnates or Church dignitaries. The remaining small number of entries are oblata and confirmations of transactions (e.g. purchase/sale of goods between burghers and Church institutions), confirmations of previous royal privileges granted to towns, guilds of artisans, monasteries, professors of Kraków University, etc. In terms of numbers, most recipients of royal documents registered in Crown Metrica volumes 183 and 186 are nobles and magnates. Another important group of recipients of royal documents were also royal and private towns and guilds of artisans, as well as Church institutions and members of the clergy. There are only a few isolated cases of documents issued to peasants
Since mid-17th century a new practice can be observed, concerning ornamentation of title pages of the books of inscription of the Crown. Two such ornamented sheets remain from the time when Jerzy Ossoliński held the office of the chancellor. The extant sheets complement the Chancellor’s political agenda, presented in his thanksgiving speeches, delivered upon receiving the seal. This is an example of using the crown chancery to promote political ideas. Additionally, this practice is aligned with the belief that the image is inextricably linked with the text; at the same time, it is a manifestation of Ossoliński’s ambition and hubris
The paper presents preliminary results of research on the crown chancery of Ladislaus IV Vasa based on 12 books of inscription of the Crown Metrica (Metrica Regni), which reflect one particular aspect of the chancery’s work, namely recording the acts issued by the Office of the King. The offices of chancellor and deputy chancellor were held consecutively by six persons, most prominently by J. Zadzik, P. Gembicki, and J. Ossoliński. The chanceries had retained their modus operandi since the reign of Sigismund III. Every new deputy chancellor took staff members over from the departing chancellor. With time, small groups of royal secretaries in the chanceries grew in importance, the volume of recorded documents decreased, and more documents were made in Polish (14%) as compared to the dominant Latin. Anyway, throughout the reign of Ladislaus IV the chancery created a total of 70000 documents, being most active during the Diet’s sessions
The Crown Referendarial Court was a royal court that settled disputes between subjects and tenants of royal estates. The extant Referendarial decrees constitute part of the Crown Metrica and are studied mainly for the purposes of two scientific disciplines: socio-economic history and the history of Old Poland law. The article discusses decrees from the years 1605-1612 from the referendary book No. 3. Based on those, primary reasons for disputes were indicated, such as obligations and services of peasants towards village leaseholders, and the course of court proceedings was characterised. The source appendix contains 9 decrees of the Crown Referendarial Court, in which burghers of the Mazovian towns of Budziszewice, Goszczyn, Mława, Warka and Wyszogród were parties to the disputes. The presented archival material is a contribution to a micro-historical study of the everyday life of small town communities at the beginning of the 17th century, typical of the urban landscape of the Republic of Poland of the modern era.
Referendaria Koronna to królewski sąd zadworny, który rozstrzygał spory między poddanymi a dzierżawcami dóbr koronnych. Zachowane do dziś dekrety referendarskie stanowią część Metryki Koronnej i są przedmiotem badań głównie dwóch dyscyplin naukowych: historii społeczno-gospodarczej i historii dawnego prawa polskiego. W artykule omówiono dekrety z lat 1605–1612 pochodzące z księgi referendarskiej o sygnaturze 3. Na ich podstawie wskazano główne przedmioty sporów, którymi były powinności i świadczenia chłopów względem dzierżawców wsi, oraz scharakteryzowano przebieg procesu sądowego. W aneksie źródłowym umieszczono 9 dekretów Referendarii Koronnej, w których stroną w sporze byli mieszczanie miast mazowieckich: Budziszewic, Goszczyna, Mławy, Warki i Wyszogrodu. Prezentowany materiał archiwalny stanowi przyczynek do badania w skali mikrohistorycznej życia codziennego społeczności małego miasta na początku XVII w., które było typowe dla krajobrazu urbanistycznego nowożytnej Rzeczypospolitej.
The article presents works on the edition of the Crown Metrica in the form of abstracts in Polish, in accordance with the editorial rules and requirements established in 1999. The books of this source series contain entries of documents issued on behalf of the king regarding all matters in which the decision belonged to the king. Thirty five documents issued by the predecessors of King Sigismund III Vasa have been entered here, inserted, summarized or only mentioned. Book no. 139 is the fourth of six books of the lesser chancellery of Jan Tarnowski, covering 430 entries, almost exclusively in Latin. Their largest number falls to March, which is the period of the Sejm session. The edition has been supplemented with footnotes and an index.
Artykuł referuje prace prowadzone nad edycją Metryki Koronnej w formie regestów w języku polskim, zgodnie z zasadami ustalonymi w 1999 r. Księgi tej serii źródłowej zawierają wpisy dokumentów wystawionych w imieniu króla dotyczących wszelkich spraw, w których decyzja należała do króla. Zostało tu oblatowanych, inserowanych, streszczonych lub tylko wspomnianych 35 dokumentów wystawionych przez poprzedników Zygmunta III na tronie. Księga nr 139 to czwarta z sześciu ksiąg kancelarii mniejszej Jana Tarnowskiego, obejmująca 430 wpisów, niemal wyłącznie po łacinie. Ich największa liczba przypada na marzec, czyli okres obradowania sejmu. Edycja jest opatrzona przypisami i indeksem.
The paper presents preliminary results of research on the crown chancery of Ladislaus IV Vasa based on 12 books of inscription of the Crown Metrica (Metrica Regni), which reflect one particular aspect of the chancery’s work, namely recording the acts issued by the Office of the King. The offices of chancellor and deputy chancellor were held consecutively by six persons, most prominently by J. Zadzik, P. Gembicki, and J. Ossoliński. The chanceries had retained their modus operandi since the reign of Sigismund III. Every new deputy chancellor took staff members over from the departing chancellor. With time, small groups of royal secretaries in the chanceries grew in importance, the volume of recorded documents decreased, and more documents were made in Polish (14%) as compared to the dominant Latin. Anyway, throughout the reign of Ladislaus IV the chancery created a total of 70000 documents, being most active during the Diet’s sessions
Since mid-17th century a new practice can be observed, concerning ornamentation of title pages of the books of inscription of the Crown. Two such ornamented sheets remain from the time when Jerzy Ossoliński held the office of the chancellor. The extant sheets complement the Chancellor’s political agenda, presented in his thanksgiving speeches, delivered upon receiving the seal. This is an example of using the crown chancery to promote political ideas. Additionally, this practice is aligned with the belief that the image is inextricably linked with the text; at the same time, it is a manifestation of Ossoliński’s ambition and hubris
Volumes 183 and 186 of the Crown Metrica, preserved in the Central Archives of Historical Records, contain entries of documents issued under chancellory control of Piotr Gembicki. Volume No. 183 contains entries of 142 documents issued in 1638, and volume No. 186 contains 496 entries of documents issued between 28 January 1639 and 11 December 1641. Documents listed in these volumes, however, do not constitute a complete list of all documents issued by the royal chancery in that period. As much as 2/3 of entries in both books pertain to endowments and permits for sale of crown lands. Further 16% of entries are appointments to offices and other functions (e.g. royal appointments for tradesmen), as well as including selected persons in the group of royal courtiers. 13% of entries pertain to various royal endowments, e.g. for towns belonging to magnates or Church dignitaries. The remaining small number of entries are oblata and confirmations of transactions (e.g. purchase/sale of goods between burghers and Church institutions), confirmations of previous royal privileges granted to towns, guilds of artisans, monasteries, professors of Kraków University, etc. In terms of numbers, most recipients of royal documents registered in Crown Metrica volumes 183 and 186 are nobles and magnates. Another important group of recipients of royal documents were also royal and private towns and guilds of artisans, as well as Church institutions and members of the clergy. There are only a few isolated cases of documents issued to peasants
The set of the Crown Registrum kept at the Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw testifies to the registrum system operating in the Polish Crown of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Among 768 books forming the set, 31 volumes (17th – 18th c) have been identified as those featuring painterly or drawing decoration. Most commonly the decoration was placed on title pages of respective volumes, less frequently on pages opening entries for subsequent years. In single cases they are in the form of initials or ornaments within the text, or stemma compositions dedicated to respective sealers.             The analysis of the collected material has allowed to divide it into three categories. The criterion for classification was the identity of the decoration authors, their bonds with the Chancellery, and skill potential. The first group encompasses the majority of decoration created on the registrum pages. The decoration was authored by lower-ranking Chancellery staff who can be provisionally termed ‘artists-chancellists’. At the same time, it was on their initiative that the books were decorated, which may have been a method of pleasing their supervisors. The discussed works reveal little artistry and the use of simple drawing techniques. Among the identified artists there are both individuals recorded in studies on Old-Polish diplomacy: Michał Meger (d. after 4 September 1652), Maciej Ładowski (ca 1640 – ca 1715), as well as individuals previously unrecorded in literature: Jan Rawecki (active in 1642–1645) or Jakub Czechowicz (active in 1659–1669). In this context the analysis of the iconographic source can be seen as a complement to the research into royal Chancellery staffing. It also reveals interesting potential for identifying print models the ‘artists-chancellists’ made reference to. A substantial dependence of the decorated pages on book prints has been noted. The identification of definite  graphic patterns would provide insight into the interests and intellectual scope of the Chancellery staff.             It is frontispieces of two books of Chancellor Andrzej Lipski created in ca 1620 that are classified in the second category of decorations. Their author remains anonymous, however certain analogies with the illuminations by Marcin Proszowski (d. before 1642) suggest that the decoration author was a guild painter. Meanwhile, the initiative to have the decoration executed may be attributed to Royal Secretary Jan Szałapski, an official directly supervising the registrum. He is likely to have commissioned the book decoration in order to emphasize his own importance within the structures of the Chancellery.             The last category encompasses two title pages executed by professional calligraphers focusing on decorating documents and Chancellery books: Ludwik Dagobert (b. 1661, active in the 1680s and 90s) and Wojciech Domański (active in 1742–1769). Both were employees of a central office, yet it is difficult to unequivocally ascertain whether decorating books was their own initiative, or whether it was commissioned by the metricant responsible for the registrum. In the case of Domański it is likely that he served several chancelleries parallelly. It is also known that apart from royal diplomas, he also decorated bishops’ documents.         As for Dagobert, the technique he applied was intriguing, since he printed his decoration from  engraved and etched copper plates. It is, however, likely that he himself did not work out the matrixes he used. Regrettably, the etcher whose services he may have used has not been identified. Nonetheless, a certain affinity has been observed of Dagobert’s decoration to the oeuvre of Charles de la Haye (1641 – after 1707?) and Jerzy Eleuter Szymonowicz-Siemiginowski (ca 1660 – before 13 March 1711).             The analysis of the decoration of the Crown Metrics has proven useful in the study of illuminated documents of Polish kings. Furthermore, the observations made point to the urgent need to thoroughly research into decorated Chancellery books of the Old-Polish period.
Artykuł podejmuje temat dekorowanych ksiąg należących do zespołu Metryki Koronnej ze zbiorów Archiwum Głównego Akt Dawnych w Warszawie. Zdobienia zidentyfikowano na kartach 31 woluminów powstałych w XVII i XVIII w. Analiza zgromadzonego materiału wykazała pokrewieństwa łączące dekorowane księgi regestru z iluminacjami dokumentów wydawanych przez polskich monarchów. Oprócz analogii kompozycyjnych odnotować można także udział tych samych twórców. Na kartach woluminów udało się zidentyfikować dzieła artystów opisywanych we wcześniejszej literaturze (Ludwika Dagoberta, Wojciecha Domańskiego), a także dekoratorów dotychczas nienotowanych (Jana Raweckiego, Jakuba Czechowicza). Zaobserwowano również, że większość autorów zdobień rekrutowała się z personelu kancelarii królewskiej. Dekoracje ksiąg Metryki Koronnej mogą zatem stanowić cenne źródło informacji dla badań nad składem osobowym centralnych urzędów państwa.
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