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Human Affairs
vol. 21
issue 4
Understanding the selves, situations and actions of Africans can never be comprehended outside kinship. Local and foreign worldviews are first pigeonholed into culture and defined within kinship realities in Nigeria and Africa. There have been studies on kinship in Africa. However, the findings from such studies portrayed the immutability of African kinship. Thus, as an important contribution to the on-going engagement of kinship in the twenty-first century as an interface between the contemporary Diaspora, this article engaged kinship within international migration. This is a major behavioural and socio-economic force in Nigeria. Methodological triangulation was adopted as part of the research design and primary data were collected through in-depth interviews (IDIs), and life histories of international migrants were documented and focus group discussions (FGDs) were held with kin of returnees. The article found and concluded that while returnees continued to appreciate local kinship infrastructures, the infrastructures were liable to reconstruction primarily determined by dominant support situations in the traditional African kinship networks.
Demokracja jako teoria, która ustanawia pewne podstawowe zasady, zgodnie z którymi należy prowadzić dobry rząd, niezależnie od jego formy, oferuje dobrą perspektywę osiągnięcia rozwoju narodowego szczególnie heterogenicznych społeczeństw. Wspólną cechą rządów demokratycznych jest nacisk na poprawę dobrobytu społeczno-gospodarczego ludzi, co jest równoznaczne z ideą rozwoju narodowego. Demokracja jest priorytetem na całym świecie, ponieważ zakłada się, że działa ona jak magiczna różdżka do skutecznego radzenia sobie z konfliktami. Nigeria nie ma jednak wielu dobrych doświadczeń z demokracją. Podczas gdy przemoc etnoreligijna jest powszechna w polityce, gospodarka pozostaje nękana skrajną biedą. Powszechne oczekiwania, że demokracja rozwiąże wszystkie te wyzwania, w dużej mierze nie zostały osiągnięte. Dlatego też niniejsze badanie dotyczyło wpływu demokracji na rozwój narodowy w Czwartej Republice Nigerii. Przyjęto metodę opisową, a dane przekrojowe zebrano w dwudziestu pięciu Jednostkach Samorządu Terytorialnego w stanie Delta za pomocą ustrukturyzowanego kwestionariusza, którym przebadano 400 respondentów. Zastosowano nieprobabilistyczne techniki próbkowania. Dane analizowano za pomocą analizy korelacji i regresji Pearsona. Wyniki badania ujawniły pozytywny i znaczący związek między demokracją a rozwojem narodowym w czwartej republice Nigerii. Dlatego zaleca się między innymi, aby przywódcy polityczni przestrzegali podstawowych zasad demokracji i konstytucjonalizmu, aby promować praworządność i wspierać rozwój narodowy.
Path of Science
vol. 4
issue 6
Islamic banking is essential in today’s competitive banking markets. Research in Islamic banking worldwide is focussed mainly on how distinct is Islamic banking from the conventional banking. This research aims at investigating the factors responsible for the satisfaction of Islamic banking customers. The study seeks to identify the Islamic banking products’ quality features as they relate to customer satisfaction, to examine the level of customer satisfaction on Islamic banking products’ in Nigeria. Three research questions and four hypotheses are formulated to guide the study. The methodology employed was a quantitative approach using a questionnaire as a tool for the collection of data. The respondents for this study are customers of Ja’iz bank Nigeria plc, the major Islamic bank in Nigeria. A convenient sampling technique was adopted to select the sample from the population (customers) of the Ja’iz bank plc. in Northern Nigeria. Hence self-administered questionnaire was chosen to gather the data. The data analysis was done using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23.0 and PLS-SEM 3. The results show that perceived quality of the products significantly influences customers satisfaction. It also indicates that there is a higher correlation between the cost of using the products and the level of customer satisfaction, that is to say, customers are very cost conscious as they would like to use the products at a lower cost than the current obtainable one. The customers also showed a higher level of convenience in using the Islamic banking products, and compliance score indicated that the customers are satisfied that Islamic bank in Nigeria is Shari’ah compliant. This result serves as a signal to service providers in knowing what type of the products customers enjoyed using, and which of the products needed improvement so as to provide customers with what they want most, in order for the banks to keep the existing customers intact and lure more potential customers, and to the policymakers, regulators and other relevant stakeholders to play their respective roles toward sustaining Islamic banking industry in Nigeria.
The outbreak of the Nigerian Civil War few years after the attainment of independence from Britain further deepened the interest of the latter in Nigeria’s existence as a nation. Scholars of disciplines such as history, political science and international relations through their works, have examined the nature and dimensions of Nigeria’s relations with Britain as well as the British involvement in the Nigerian Civil War. Foreign policy formulation, colonial legacies, economic ties, are typical examples of the nature of Nigeria’s relations with Britain. Similarly, scholars have interrogated the roles of Britain in the Nigerian Civil War through multilateral efforts at the United Nations and Commonwealth of Nations, propaganda, protection of the British economic interests in Nigeria, British military initiative as well as the pressure of the Cold War as the basis for prompt British intervention in the war. However, comprehensive intellectual attention has not been paid to the British peace initiative outside the multilateral conflict resolution structure. It is against this backdrop that this paper interrogates the nature and dimension of British peace initiative strategy which brought an end to the Nigerian Civil War. The paper argues in its conclusion that the failure of the multilateral approach of the British was salvaged by the unilateral British bureaucratic strategy that was enhanced by their colonial legacies in Nigeria.
The attainment of independence in 1960 opened a new vista in the political history of Nigeria as the new nation, was after long years of tortuous journey in the hands of aggressive external control and coupled with series of destructive internal disturbances across villages, towns, cities throughout the polity, had the first opportunity at self-governance in the modern sense. Retrospectively, historians and other scholars have explicitly documented and argued the huge impact of the trans-Atlantic slave trade, the legitimate trade, colonial rule and the forced union called amalgamation in 1914 on Nigeria. The attainment of political or flag independence was, however, not an automatic guarantee of solutions to the many damages that were done to our socio-economic and political institutions by the above development in our collective history. The paper, therefore, presents discussions on how the kingship institution in Akokoland in particular and Nigeria in general has fared since independence up to the period of return to civil rule in 1999. Using a gristmill of sources, the descriptive and analytical methods were used to present the ideas of the paper and the findings revealed that the kingship institution beyond Akokoland has continued to show resilience despite the various stages of mutations it has passed through.
Niestety, mimo że Nigeria jest uważana za kraj mlekiem i miodem płynący, większość obywateli żyje w skrajnym ubóstwie. Nieprawidłowe polityki rozwojowe stosowane od 1999 r. doprowadziły kraj na skraj ruiny. Polityki te przejawiają się w rosnącym ubóstwie, bezrobociu, złych Received: 01 November 2019 Revised: 20 November 2019 Accepted: 20 December 2019 Published: 31 December2019 POVERTY, UNEMPLOYMENT AND NATIONAL INSECURITY IN NIGERIA’S FOURTH REPUBLIC UBÓSTWO, BEZROBOCIE I BEZPIECZEŃSTWO KRAJOWEW CZWARTEJ REPUBLICE NIGERII International Journal of Legal Studies № 2(6)2019 ISSN 2543-7097 ISSN 2543-7097 / E-ISSN 2544-9478 © 2019 /Published by: Międzynarodowy Instytut Innowacji Nauka-Edukacja-Rozwój w Warszawie, Polska This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) Orhero A.E., (2019). POVERTY, UNEMPLOYMENT AND NATIONAL INSECURITY IN NIGERIA’S FOURTH REPUBLIC; International Journal of Legal Studies, 2(6)2019: 89 - 98 DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0013.7410 90 warunkach mieszkaniowych, chorobach, całkowitym upadku zabezpieczenia społecznego, złej opiece medycznej itp. Ubóstwo i bezrobocie, jako że problemy społeczne pozostały głównymi wyzwaniami rozwojowymi w dzisiejszej Nigerii. Na tym tle niniejszy dokument analizuje związki między ubóstwem, bezrobociem a niepewnością narodową w czwartej republice Nigerii. Stosując teorię przyczynowości, w artykule argumentowano, że deprywacja gospodarcza, frustracja i desperacja wśród młodzieży, zwłaszcza niższej klasy, są dziś podstawowymi przyczynami niepewności narodowej w Nigerii. Wyjście z niepewności, która przeniknęła Nigerię, opiera się na potrzebie zajęcia się kwestią ubóstwa gospodarczego i społecznej deprywacji mas poprzez zapewnienie podstawowych potrzeb życiowych. Ubóstwo, bezrobocie, brak bezpieczeństwa, Nigeria
In a democratic environment, Political Parties are the fulcrum and focal instrument because it set the foundation or the platform for representation in government and politics of a people. As an institution that continuously seeks the control of state power and authority it then behoove on it to set the agenda of integration so as to synergize the strength of bonding for national achievement. However, this can only be achieved through its policy templates, true process of democratization and a more nationalistic outlook instead of sectionalism amidst others. Nigeria, as a country have been persistently challenged with the problem of achieving a common front due to the myriad of factors that continuously bifurcate every of its fiber or fabrics. Hence, this paper examines the role of political parties in achieving National integration in Nigeria. After using the primary and secondary sources of data collection analysis it was obvi-ous that political parties have continuously failed in integrating the society due to a strong hold on ethnic divides, corruption, unfulfilled promises, thuggery among other negative portraits. Thus, the paper recommends that political parties should reflect a national outlook instead of been primordial, therefore the independent national elec-toral commission should not register parties with parochial ideology more so, citizens should be encourage to massively participate in politics so as to enclose the possibility of election rigging. Political Parties, Integration, Democratization, Nigeria W środowisku demokratycznym partie polityczne są punktem odniesienia i głównym instrumentem, ponieważ stanowią podstawę lub platformę reprezentacji narodu w rządzie i polityce. Jako instytucja, która nieustannie poszukuje kontroli władzy i autorytetu państwa, zobowiązuje się następnie do wyznaczenia programu integracji, tak aby synergicznie zwiększyć siłę więzi dla narodowych osiągnięć. Można to jednak osiągnąć tylko dzięki szablonom politycznym, prawdziwemu procesowi demokratyzacji i bardziej nacjonalistycznym poglądom zamiast sekcjonalizmu pośród innych. Nigeria, jako kraj, nieustannie stawiała czoła problemowi osiągnięcia wspólnego frontu ze względu na niezliczone czynniki, które nieustannie rozszczepiają każde z jej „włókien”. Dlatego niniejszy artykuł analizuje rolę partii politycznych w osiąganiu integracji narodowej w Nigerii. Po skorzystaniu z pierwotnych i wtórnych źródeł analizy gromadzenia danych było oczywiste, że partiom politycznym nieustannie zawodziła integracja społeczeństwa ze względu na silne trzymanie się podziałów etnicznych, korupcję, niespełnione obietnice, przestępczość i inne negatywne czynniki. W artykule zaleca się, aby partie polityczne odzwierciedlały poglądy narodowe. Niezależna krajowa komisja wyborcza nie powinna rejestrować partii tylko „o ideologii zaściankowej”. Należy zachęcać obywateli do masowego udziału w polityce, tak aby ograniczyć możliwość fałszerstw wyborczych. Partie polityczne, integracja, demokratyzacja, Nigeria
The purpose of this paper is to draw the attention of readers to culture, tradition and education in Nigeria. The author shares her own experience from a course on tropical medicine in Nigeria, held in the Institute of Tropical Medicine at the Madonna University in Elele. Initiation of systematic cooperation between schools of higher education in the European Union and those in third countries is recommended, as well as promotion of dialogue and strengthening of understanding between nations and cultures, which is one of the objectives of the Erasmus Mundus program adopted by the European Parliament. The cooperation with Madonna University may facilitate fulfilment of those priorities of the European Union in the scope of higher education, and initiate contacts that do not create frustration or mass migration, but develop intercultural dialogue.
Federalizm i stabilność polityczna to dwie koncepcje, które mają znaczenie dla wszystkich współczesnych społeczeństw. Federalizm promuje pluralizm i rozproszenie władzy, co jest korzystne dla wieloetnicznego społeczeństwa. Jednakże, w Nigerii praktykowanie federalizmu wywołało niekończące się napięcia wśród osób, społeczności i grup etnicznych. Niemniej jednak badanie ujęte w niniejszym artykule dowodzi, że zdrowy federalizm jest politycznym panaceum na przemoc na tle etnicznym, kryzys rządów i niestabilność polityczną w Nigerii. W artykule empirycznie zbadano związek między federalizmem a stabilnością polityczną w Nigerii. W artykule przyjęto opisowy i przypadkowy schemat badań, a także metodę ankiety. W badaniu wzięło udział łącznie 428 respondentów, zbadanych przy użyciu ustrukturyzowanego kwestionariusza. Dane analizowano przy użyciu korelacji iloczynu Pearsona i analizy regresji liniowej. Ustalenia ujawniły, że federalizm ma pozytywny i znaczący związek ze stabilnością polityczną w Nigerii przy R = .732, R2 = 614 przy p = 0,000. Wynik statystyczny pokazuje, że istnieje silny związek między federalizmem a stabilnością polityczną w Nigerii oraz, że federalizm stanowi 61,4% zmian stabilności politycznej w Nigerii. Wymagane wnioski i zalecenia zostały przedstawione w świetle ustaleń empirycznych i teoretycznych. federalizm, stabilność polityczna, demokracja, Nigeria
Since independence in 1960, the Nigerian state has struggled to earn for itself a respectable position globally. Scholars of various disciplines such as economics, political science, sociology and history through their works, have examined those resources that enhance the country’s economic potentials. Resources such as cocoa, groundnut, palm oil and palm kernel which served as the country’s export potentials as well as foreign exchange earnings before crude oil export became the kernel of Nigeria’s foreign exchange earnings in the 1970s are typical examples of the country’s exports that had boosted its foreign reserves in the past. Similarly, scholars of various disciplines since crude oil became the backbone of the country’s economy have made attempts at charting new approaches through which the country’s exports can be enhanced vis-à-vis its foreign reserves. These include effective and functional refineries, maximum exploitation of other items such as gas as embedded in the country’s crude exports, deregulation of both upstream and downstream sectors of the oil industry as well as the exploitation of non-oil sectors for exports. However, adequate and comprehensive intellectual attention has not been paid to the connection between the vicissitudes and diversities of Nigeria’s foreign reserves and the country’s economic development. It is against this backdrop that this paper interrogates the nature of Nigeria’s economic development from the perspective of its foreign reserves. The paper argues in its conclusion that Nigeria’s development prospects and challenges are tied to the management of its foreign reserves by the successive administrations since 1960.
Generally, the Amalgamation of 1914 brought together the protectorates of Northern and Southern Nigeria, thus forming one country — Nigeria. However, the ordinances of the colonial government did not reflect that as it denied the people access to the land and mineral resources, vesting both in the Crown. This has in turn impacted on the Socio-economic development of the Nigeria area even years after independence. This is because the ordinances under the new gab of Land and Mineral Acts, have offered the neo-colonial actors and their allies the opportunity to continue to corner for themselves large spans of land and oil blocs. This in the opinion of the paper is largely responsible for mass landlessness, low economic activities/productivity among the people (especially among professionals whose means of livelihood are tied to land), boundary disputes as well as occupational conflicts in parts of the country. The paper using qualitative analysis, seeks to interrogate the relationship between the Amalgamation, Land/Mineral Ordinances and the implications of these on socio-economic developments in the area.
This study examines the impact of globalization on Nigerian financial development with particular reference to foreign direct investment, trade openness, exchange rate, government expenditure, interest rate and inflation. The statistical data used for the study were obtained from Central Bank of Nigeria publications and [Statistical Bulletin 2020] and [World Development Indicators 2020]. The study employed the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model. Major findings from the study show that foreign direct investment, trade openness and government expenditure have a positive and significant impact on financial development in Nigeria while exchange rate, interest rate and inflation rate have a negative significant impact on Nigerian financial development. It is recommended that Nigeria must face the challenges of globalization. For a country to belong to the race, major changes and restructuring are imperative, hence, Nigeria must develop the internal structure and the will to adopt those policies that brought about the benefits from globalization.
issue 40
Abubakar Gumi (1922–1992) was one of the central personalities for the development of Islam in Northern Nigeria who devoted himself to work on the reform of the religion (tajdid). He was also very active in the issue of the political unity of Muslims. Gumi’s major religious goal was to eradicate all innovations (bid’a) and to purify the faith. The Sufi brotherhoods were in his eyes not only the agents of the bi’a, but also movements which blocked the unification of Muslims. On the basis of his anti-Sufi ideas, Abubakar Gumi was connected with other thinkers of the Islamic world, especially Sayyid Qutb, the most influential thinker of the Egyptian Muslim Brothers. Gumi’s concept of the reform was also deeply influenced by the Wahhabi ideology. The article is an attempt to present Gumi’s condemnation of the bid’a as it is reflected in his programmatic treatise Al-Aqida as-sahiha bi-muwafaqat al-shari’a (The Right Faith according to the prescriptions of the Shari’a). Some attention is also paid to Gumi’s educational efforts and his role as the leader of the most recent movement of tajdid among Muslims in Northern Nigeria.
Enslaving and victimising the poor by criminals within and outside governments of underdeveloped countries is gaining attention of academics in the social sciences. This article clarifies inter-relationships among modern slavery and trafficking in girls/women for sexual exploitation. It also shows how vulnerability of people victimised by the crime has been increased by policies deriving from neo-liberalism. To facilitate explication of the variables/issues, the study was based on the theoretical/doctrinal and political aspects of neo-liberalism, coinciding with scenarios of declining welfare, increasing susceptibility/vulnerability of Nigeria’s poor (non-elite) and massive unemployed youth to out-migration and traffickers in persons. The explicated issues include modern slavery (generally and trafficking in Nigerian girls/women for sexual exploitation abroad) as well as the relationships among treasury looting and stashing of the loot in the banks of the global North. It is explained how declining welfare (i.e. multiple-dimensional adversities e.g. unemployment) provokes desires in the unemployed to out-migrate and increases their susceptibility to trafficking in persons. Finally, the article is concluded.
This study develops an integrated innovation for malaria early warning systems (MEWS), based on vulnerability monitoring, seasonal climate variability data, and epidemiologic surveillance. The main aim of the study is to examine the relationship between intra-annual climate variability and malaria transmission in Nigeria. For this study, climatic conditions considered suitable for the development of the malaria parasite and its transmission through the mosquito stage of its life cycle are temperatures within the range from 18°C to 32°C. Below 18°C the parasite development decreases significantly, while above 32°C the survival of the mosquito is compromised. Relative humidity greater than 60% is also considered a requirement for the mosquito to survive long enough for the parasite to develop sufficiently to be transmitted to its human host stage. The research findings show that seasonality of climate greatly influences the seasonality of malaria transmission. Specifically, rainfall plays an important role in the distribution and maintenance of breeding sites for the mosquito vector. Rainfall and surface water is required for the egg laying and larval stages of the mosquito life cycle and monthly rainfall above 80 mm is considered a requirement. Also, it is temperature that regulates the development rate of both the mosquito larvae and the malaria parasite (Plasmodium species) within the mosquito host. Relative humidity and temperature play an important role in the survival and longevity of the mosquito vector. This study is in conformity with the findings of the IPCC (2001) that malaria is caused by four distinct species of the Plasmodium parasite, transmitted by mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles, which are most abundant in tropical/subtropical regions, although they are also found in limited numbers in temperate climates.
This paper analyses news reports of “Bring Back Our Girls” campaign in Nigerian newspapers. The “Bring Back Our Girls” advocacy group was formed to pressure the Nigerian government to intensify efforts to rescue the over two hundred school girls abducted by Boko Haram insurgents at Chibok, Borno State, north east Nigeria. The abduction which took place in April 2014 and the subsequent campaign to release the girls received global media attention including many newspapers in the country. The study therefore analyses the schematic directions, discursive strategies and context of the discourse reports of “Bring Back Our Girls” campaigns in Nigerian newspapers using critical discourse analysis. The corpus was purposively selected from three nationally circulating newspapers: Leadership, New Telegraph and Daily Trust published from1st May to 31st July, 2014. Descriptive design was adopted using Fairclough (1995) model of critical discourse analysis. Findings show that narration and criticism constitute the dominant schematic directions of newspaper reports of the campaign; on the discursive strategy, it is found out that rationalization, narrativisation and argumentation account for 80% of the discourse and the context revealed that there is negative use of language because the campaigners and the then government of the day were loggerheads over the issue. The study concludes that due to high prevalence of criticism and rationalization in the corpus, the discourse the text of newspaper report of Bring Back Our Girls campaign largely reflected the narrative and argument of the group against the government which has responsibility to protect and rescue the abducted girls.
Of all the colonial involvements in Africa, public health and addressing outbreaks of infectious diseases were among the important issues in the handling of local administration for both colonial regimes and the medical community. Colonial efforts to deal with health in Africa were closely related to the economic interests of the colonialists. Health was not an end in itself, but rather a prerequisite for colonial development. Colonial medicine was primarily concerned with maintaining the health of Europeans living in Africa, because they were viewed as essential to the colonial project’s success. The health of the colonized subjects was only a concern when their ill-health threatened colonial economic enterprises or the health of Europeans. Such was the case of smallpox epidemic and the subsequent reaction to its prevention and management. As a result, the control of smallpox marked the first occasion during which preventive health measures had been used successfully against an infectious disease. Against this backdrop, this article explores the British perception of smallpox which dictated the choice of anti-smallpox epidemic measures. Subsequently, the paper will examine colonial efforts at controlling and managing smallpox outbreak in Southwestern Nigeria through its various medical policies.
Society and Art have variegated correlative relations in that the artist is, first and foremost, a member of a particular society. As such, his/her creative works are in the main influenced by the events of his/her immediate society or those of the societies that border the artist’s. Consequently, the Nigerian society has undergone different developmental stages, and in each era the fiction of the period reflects the dominant incidences of the period used in the work, no doubt, from the artist’s perception. Thus, throughout the development of the Nigerian society and the accompanying metamorphoses of its fiction, moderation has assumed metaphorical dimensions due to the fact that at every point two divergent views/forces are at “war” (and by decipherable African thought of obtaining peace through compromise) only a middle course can ensure peaceful co-existence. Hence, amidst the gargantuan religious strife in the contemporary Nigerian society Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie seems to have a solution with the suggestion of moderation in her debut narrative, Purple Hibiscus. This paper therefore, uses this novel of Adichie’s as a paradigm for the study of the exalted level to which artists have advanced moderation as a metaphor for the advancement of every society. The myriad vexing religious issues of the Nigerian society Adichie so aptly captures in Purple Hibiscus therefore, receive a treatment that one considers a model which is relevant for any developing society desirous of unity in diversity. null
Aim/purpose – The poor investment climate is one of the reasons advanced for the slow pace of growth in Nigeria; evidenced by the absence or inadequate amount of investible funds in the productive sectors. While the money market in Nigeria provides very limited investment options, the underdevelopment and underutilisation of the Nigerian Stock Market constitute a drawback to the investment climate. However, any economy desiring sustainable development requires a long-term source of fund. Therefore, this study ascertains the perfor-mance of the stock market and investment growth nexus in Nigeria.Design/methodology/approach – The study is based on the neoclassical growth theory with a slight modification in the wake of Levine’s specification (2003), an augmented investment growth relationship was specified. This study utilises the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) in establishing the co-integration relation between stock market development and investment growth. Gross capital formation was used as a proxy for investment growth while the stock market indicators are market capitalisation ratio, total value traded ratio and turnover ratio. The study utilises data covering 1981 to 2018, sourced from the Nigerian Stock Exchange annual reports and diverse publication of the Nigerian Bureau of Statistics.Findings – The market capitalisation ratio had a negative impact on gross capital for-mation both in the short run and the long run, but its significance is only evident in the short run. The turnover ratio had a negative and significant impact on investment growth. The total value traded ratio exerted a positive and significant impact on gross capital formation both in the short run and the long run. The coefficient of the error cor-rection term was negative and statistically significant. Research implications/limitations – The total value traded ratio enhanced investment growth in Nigeria. Both market capitalisation and turnover ratio dampen investment growth. The Stock Exchange is not efficient and does not possess the amount of liquidity required to finance long term investment need in Nigeria. Emphasis on measures geared towards increasing efficiency and liquidity should be intensified by the government. Mean-while, the sectorial analysis of the impact of stock exchange movements in Nigeria and the use of other estimation techniques may create room for more robust relationships.Originality/value/contribution – The study directly investigates the capability of the Nigerian stock market in driving investment, both in the short and long run.
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