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The Polish system of vocational rehabilitation works on the basis of the four following forms of participation and employment for people with disabilities: occupational therapy workshops, professional activity facilities, sheltered workshops and the open labor market. Each of these forms may use financial support in form of grants and refunds, which are by law different as to the amount and extent. Expectations differ as well as to the effects of rehabilitation. One can expect the support system will, in a particular way, give priority to creating conditions for effective rehabilitation and work in proportion to the degree of disability and its severity. Do the solutions in place meet these conditions? For 20 years of functioning, the current system has been subject to many changes, especially in the financial area. The current direction of evolution of the system leads to the question about its effectiveness and efficiency both at national level and at the level of voivodships. The purpose of the article is to analyze the effectiveness of the systemic solutions implemented in Poland in the scope of vocational activation of people with disabilities. The analysis conducted at the voivodship level covers assessment of the various effects of actions taking into account the level of unemployment and labor force participation rate of persons with disabilities, the number of entities participating in the system (sheltered workshops, professional activity facilities, occupational therapy workshops), the total population labor activity and structure of the entities participating in the system. The results of analysis lead to the conclusion that the real values of indicators characterizing economic activity of people with disabilities differ from the model values taken as assumptions for objectives of the declared public policy, and lead to questions about the effectiveness of support tools and pertinence of the directions of change.
The work for persons with disabilities should be treated as a key element of empowerment in both the economic aspect, as well as psychosocial. Dependence on others is in fact one of the most painful experiences of people with disabilities significantly impairing the quality of their lives. In the current economic situation, people with disabilities and their relatives often suffer from various problems. The possibility of overcoming them is highly dependent on the support they receive from others.
The paper presents the types of support available to disabled people entering or returning to labour market. The special emphasis was put for presentation abilities which were created for disabled people who starts his own business or intend to do this. Seems that funds for economic activity becomes important factor creating entrepreneurship in times of crisis. Currently, people who wants to start a business may apply for funds from one of the following sources: the grant from the PFRON, the European Social Fund under the Human Capital Operational Programme, and the Labour Fund. For many of them these are a huge chance of leaving the circle of the unemployed and finding one's place in the economic reality. The text is enriched with information about active instruments of labour market available for disabled.
Artykuł dotyczy sytuacji osób niepełnosprawnych na rynku pracy i ich szansy na szybsze znalezienie zatrudnienia. Zamierzeniem naszym było wyodrębnienie cech mających wpływ na pozostawanie niepełnosprawnych osób bezrobotnymi przez okres nie dłuższy niż 12 miesięcy. W celu ich wyłonienia wykorzystano iloraz szans. Miara ta umożliwia porównanie prawdopodobieństwa przebywania w rejestrze bezrobotnych maksymalnie do 12 miesięcy w zależności od wybranych cech. Czynniki, które poddano analizie to: płeć, wiek, staż pracy, wykształcenie, stopień niepełnosprawności oraz miejsce zamieszkania. Do analizy wykorzystano dane dotyczące rynku pracy w woj. pomorskim pochodzące z rejestru Wojewódzkiego Urzędu Pracy w Gdańsku (stan na koniec I półrocza 2013 r.). (fragment tekstu)
The aim of the article is to select characteristics of people with disabilities affecting remain on unemployment, as well as the qualification of those characteristics that have a positive influence on the time without job. For this purpose, the odds ratio is used. This measure allows to compare the probability of occurrence in the register of unemployed up to 12 months depending on the selected features. Analyzed factors include gender, age, seniority, education, disability level and place of residence. The analysis used data on the labor market in Pomorskie voivodship from the register of the Regional Labour Office in Gdansk at the end of the first half of 2013. (original abstract)
Celem artykułu jest zestawienie najważniejszych źródeł danych na temat osób niepełnosprawnych zbieranych w Polsce i w Unii Europejskiej (UE), przydatnych do prowadzenia analiz sytuacji społeczno-ekonomicznej osób niepełnosprawnych i gospodarstw domowych (rodzin), w których żyją. (fragment tekstu)
The article describes the sources of statistical data on persons with disabilities and their households in Poland and in the European Union. The review showed that the problem of disability is rarely the main purpose of statistical surveys. Data on persons with disabilities is achieved by the way of research aimed at implementing other purposes. This results in reducing the possibility of in-depth analysis of the problem of disability. The study also indicated the lack of a definition of disability. This hinders the use of statistical databases. Moreover, this raises problems for comparative analysis, especially on an international scale, and may even doubt the sensibility of their conducting. (original abstract)
Dane empiryczne wskazują, że kraje europejskie pomimo różnic w poziomie i tempie niwelacji nierówności ponadindywidualnych charakteryzuje podobny system wartości etycznych. Na kanwie wspólnej moralności powstało wiele reguł postępowania w zakresie kształtowania i realizacji zadań polityki społecznej wobec niepełnosprawności. W ostatnich latach szczególnego znaczenia zaczyna nabierać zasada spójności ze względu na konieczność dostosowania strategii krajowych do wymogów unijnych. Przeprowadzona analiza wykazała, że użyte przez władze polskie narzędzia unifikacyjne w postaci uszczelniania systemu ulg we wpłatach na PFRON i dotacji do wynagrodzeń pracowników niepełnosprawnych doprowadziły do zespolenia polskiej oraz unijnej polityki społecznej w zakresie niepełnosprawności.
Years of experience show that European countries, despite the differences in the level and rate of reducing social inequalities, are characterized by a similar system of ethical values. On the basis of the common morality, there has been established a good practice of shaping and accomplishing social policy tasks regarding disability. In recent years, the principle of coherence has been gaining special importance because of the necessity to adjust home strategies to EU requirements. The analysis showed that the unification tools of sealing the system of relieves in PFRON contributions and allowances to remunerations for disabled employees, which Polish authorities applied resulted in the coherence of Polish and EU social policy regarding disability.
The effects of the global economic crisis also are noticeable on the Polish labor market. The difficult situation of the persons with disabilities who only thanks to financial aid are able to compete with non-disabled people on the labour market in Poland. Increased financial aid, and made provisions to increase of the employment of handicapped people by some employers saved the hardest disabled people from increase his unemployment.
The article presents the results of research conducted among people with sight and hearing dysfunctions in the region of Upper Silesia. The research comprised issues related to the use of electronic devices and electronic communication technologies by the handicapped and their functioning in the public space. The research was conducted with the use of a questionnaire and in-depth interviews. The questioned were the representatives of Silesian branches of the Polish Association of the Deaf and Polish Association of the Blind.
Głównym celem niniejszego artykułu jest próba prezentacji dotacji do zatrudnienia jako instrumentu mającego stymulować wzrost zatrudnienia osób niepełnosprawnych na chronionym i otwartym rynku pracy. W latach 2009-2013 instrument okazał się skuteczny w przypadku osób niepełnosprawnych w stopniu znacznym i umiarkowanym, w szczególności zatrudnionych na otwartym rynku pracy. W przypadku osób z lekkim kalectwem spowodował zmniejszenie ich zatrudnienia, zwłaszcza w zakładach pracy chronionej.
The aim of this paper is to present the payments for salaries as the instruments stimulating employment of people with disabilities in the sheltered and unsheltered labour markets in Poland in years 2009-2013. The authoress verifies the effectiveness of these instrument on the employment growth and structure of employment. This tool occured to be effective in the case of persons with moderate and considerable disability. In the case of persons with light disability, it caused a decrease of their employment, especially in sheltered workshops.
Niniejsze opracowanie porusza problematykę konkurencyjności osób niepełnosprawnych na rynku pracy. Osoby niepełnosprawne, wskutek swoich ułomności psychofizycznych, bez odpowiedniego wsparcia finansowego i instytucjonalnego nie są w stanie skutecznie konkurować z osobami pełnosprawnymi na rynku pracy. Jak pokazują wyniki badań, sytuacja osób niepełnosprawnych na rynku pracy jest ciągle zdecydowanie gorsza niż osób pełnosprawnych i to pomimo udzielanej pomocy finansowej. W przypadku Polski finansowanie z Państwowego Funduszu Rehabilitacji Osób Niepełnosprawnych osobom niepełnosprawnym samozatrudnienia, pracodawcom zaś kosztów tworzenia stanowisk pracy i dofinansowania płac ciągle nie jest wystarczającym wsparciem, aby sytuacja osób niepełnosprawnych na rynku pracy uległa znaczącej poprawie.
This study raises issues of competitiveness of persons with disabilities on the labour market. People with disabilities due to their mental and physical handicaps without adequate financial and institutional support are not able to effectively compete with non-disabled people. Studies show the situation of people with disabilities in the labour market is still worse than the non-disabled in spite of the financial assistance provided.
Problematyka włączenia społecznego osób niepełnosprawnych jako jednej z grup defaworyzowanych jest podejmowana przez instytucje unijne od początku lat siedemdziesiątych ubiegłego wieku. W ramach zasady subsydiarności działania aktywizacyjne są również prowadzone we wszystkich krajach członkowskich Wspólnoty. Istotnym elementem strategii wobec niepełnosprawności są inicjatywy w zakresie reintegracji na rynku pracy, które przyczyniają się w sposób bezpośredni do uzyskania samodzielności ekonomicznej, a tym samym likwidacji ubóstwa. Procesy legislacyjne, instrumenty finansowe, jak również działania w zakresie polityki spójności, polityki zewnętrznej, zwiększania konkurencyjności gospodarki oraz dążenie do wzmocnienia pozycji rynku unijnego to główne płaszczyzny wsparcia inkluzji społeczno-zawodowej osób niepełnosprawnych.
The issues concerning social inclusion of the disabled as one of the disadvantaged groups have been taken by EU institutions since the beginning of the 1970 s. According to the subsidiarity principle the mobilization activities are run also in all member states of the European Community. An important element of the strategy taken for the benefit of the disabled are initiatives involving their reintegration on the labour market which in a direct way help them gain economic independence and consequently eliminate poverty. The legislative processes, financial tools as well as activities involving cohesion policy, international policy, boosting economic competitiveness and pursue to strengthen the position of the EU market are the chief planes of support for the social and professional inclusion of the disabled.
Modern cities are very impressive with their diversified and wide-open spaces - both public and private. Navigating through them, especially by those with mobility impairments, should be equally as important as exquisite land developments. Otherwise, the disabled are left unable to access that refined infrastructure. In order to address that cities are undertaking tangible measures aimed at increasing mobility of disabled city dwellers.
After over 20 years of experience, there is a right to ask about the level of compliance of system's assumptions for the professional activation of disabled people resulting from the state social policy with real effects. In particular, there should be evaluated organizational solutions concerning sheltered employment. The study presents the effects of realization of sheltered employment by economic entities operating in a market economy. The analysis of the process of change in the functioning of protected employment system in the context of changes in the rules of its financing permits us to conclude, that for people managing supported employment enterprises more important are the economic effects of financial support in a competitive market than social aims, and the system is more favourable to the development of entrepreneurship in general than to solving social problems. At the same time, the analysis of employment at the level of provinces reveals the glaring disparities in the availability of people with disabilities for sheltered employment. This condition reinforces the conclusions on the need for radical changes in the rules of the sheltered employment functioning.
Celem artykułu było zbadanie wpływu płci, miejsca zamieszkania, poziomu wykształcenia, wieku i stopnia niepełnosprawności osób niepełnosprawnych na ich bierność zawodową oraz wpływu płci, miejsca zamieszkania i stopnia niepełnosprawności na prawdopodobieństwo przyczyn tej bierności. W badaniu wykorzystano dane z badań GUS z lat 2007-2011. Analiza przebiegała dwuetapowo. Wykorzystano w niej modele regresji logistycznej - dwumianowy i wielomianowy. Wyznaczono ryzyko względnej bierności w stosunku do aktywności zawodowej oraz obliczono prawdopodobieństwo bierności zawodowej osób niepełnosprawnych z określonej przyczyny. (fragment tekstu)
In recent years there has been an increase in employment of people with dis-abilities in Poland. However, the activity rate of the population is still low. The author based on extensive review of the literature on the subject has made international comparisons. The main goal of this article is to examine the influence of gender, place of residence, educational level, age and degree of disability of people with disabilities in their passivity employment as well as the influence of gender, place of residence and degree of disability on the probability of the rea-sons for this passivity. The study used data from CSO of Poland. The data were analyzed using logistic regression models binomial and multinomial. A relative risk of passivity in relation to activity was determined and the probability of inactivity of people with disabilities from a specific cause was calculated.(original abstract)
The aim of the paper is to analyze and assess the situation of some vulnerable groups: disabled, older and youth in the Polish labour market. The presentation of reality exposes the weaknesses and shortcomings of labor market institutions, the process of education and social security in Poland. Although the current labour law prohibits all discrimination, presented groups are clearly discriminated. The young people, who are creating our economic development, are in the particularly difficult situation. The end of the article presents the trends that should be the subject of further research and serious discussion.
W artykule zaprezentowano interfejs stosowanych dla detekcji biosygnałów i dla interpretacji wzorców biosygnałów dla komunikacji człowieka z maszyną. System sensorowy i jego zastosowanie zostały wyjaśnione na przykładach. Ponadto przedstawiono rozwiązanie zwane System Mouse Sensor zaprojektowane dla osób chorych na porażenie mózgowe oraz niepełnosprawnych fizycznie.
Economic and political transformations, that took place in Poland in the early 90's, significantly affected conditions in the labour market of people with disabilities. Companies employing disabled people, when operating in the system of professional activation of disabled, became a participant of competitive economy. New solutions in the field of social policy for the activation of disabled people include the mechanisms of economic support through the co-financing and refunds. The open labour market has become the declared target area of employment for people with disabilities. The aim of protected labour market was to develop towards the employment, in particular, of people whose type and degree of disability restricts reasonable opportunity to work on the open market. The analysis of effectiveness of system solutions and used economic support tools permits to conclude, that the real picture of accupational activity differs from the model and effects of implemented corrections are different from assumptions and expectations. Effective from January 1st, 2009, the amendment of basic legal act on the shape of professional activation system that is the Act on Social and Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of Disabled, results, inter alia, in the lack of connection between the nominal amount of financial support and the amount of gross wages and the significant approximation of grants amount for disabled people employed in the open and protected labour market (since January 1st, 2013 there will be the alignment). Legal restrictions on the financing system in the current form of vocational activation system of disabled act in the antimotivational way on the employment of people with disabilities in protected working conditions - for those people this form of employment should be particularly open. It seems necessary to create conditions for sheltered employment and social rehabilitation of disabled people to be implemented in organizations that mission and goals are not aimed at achieving business results ("non-profit" organizations, public benefit organizations, associations, foundations, organizations running public benefit activity).
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