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The present study was conducted with the purpose of determining the relationship between management style of physical education responsibilities with job satisfaction of sport teachers and determination of the relationship between transformational and transactional leadership of physical education authorities with job satisfaction of sport instructors.After recognition of relationships between management style and leadership with job satisfaction, a step is taken towards recognition of effective factors for improvement of organization; therefore, such research is considered as optimized and appropriate solutions for recognition of the management and organization's problems and difficulties, for presenting guidance.This study is based on the opinions of 181 male and female physical education teachers from five districts of the education and instruction department of Esfahan, in which the type of management style of physical education authorities of all five districts of education and instruction of Esfahan and job-satisfaction of the teacher were evaluated through two questionnaires, the confidentiality of which was computed via Cronbach's alpha-coefficient.Results of the study showed that the relationship between management style and leadership of physical education authorities and sport teachers' job-satisfaction with P<0.01 level has been positive and significant. Also, the relationship between transformational and transactional management style of physical education authorities and job-satisfaction of teachers with p<0.01 level has been positive and significant too. Amongst other results of this study with regard to e.g. sex, age, marital status, field of education, educational degree, and previous work-record of P.E teachers and their job-satisfaction, the relationship for those with p<0.01 level has not been significant.
This study aimed to measure the cultural intelligence of physical education (PE) teachers’ work adjustment in primary and secondary schools in a large city in Iran (Isfahan). The method of this research was descriptive (correlation) and the total population included all of the PE teachers at three educational levels in Isfahan in 1393 (2014) (N= 559). Participants (N= 226) were selected by using the stratified random sampling method according to the total population of the PE teachers in all six educational regions of Isfahan. A self-constructed cultural intelligence questionnaire (20 items) as well as a work adjustment scale (Davis & Lofqist, 1991) including 20 items were employed in this research. The regression and correlation tests were used for analyzing data. The results indicated that cultural intelligence significantly affects the PE teachers’ work adjustment. There was also a significant correlation between cultural intelligence and the PE teachers’ work adjustment.
Background. Practical PE teacher training during school placements is an important part of the process of education of physical education students and have a large impact on their preparation for the profession and the quality of teacher’s work. The quality of students’ practical teacher training is reflected in the standard of PE classes run at school and children’s participation in these classes. Therefore, many studies deal with this topic. There are also pro­jects which aim to improve the organization of students’ teacher training in physical education. This paper presents the main weaknesses and challenges of practical school placement systems and a variety of solutions already implemented in Poland and other countries in Europe and the United States. Material and methods. In this article the computer-based literature search was conducted in the following databases: EBSCOHost, PubMed, Science Direct, ScienceDirect On Line. Also manual search of all available issues of pertinent journals was carried out. Results. The findings suggest that there is too little involvement of university teachers in the practical school placements. Conclusions. There is the need to improve co­operation between university teachers and the physical education teachers during physical education teacher training.
Background. According to the new core curriculum, health education should be treated as a fundamental task and physical education classes should include health education issues. The assessment of health education position in schools after the introduction of the new core curriculum based on the opinion of PE teachers working in Subcarpatian schools. Material and methods. The material for the research was collected in the first half of 2014. The applied method was a self-designed survey questionnaire. The questionnaire respondents included physical education teachers from lower and higher secondary schools in the Subcarpatian Region. Results. In the respondents’ view, students are not very interested in health education. They give different opinions on physical education classes. Only the introductory or final part of the lesson is devoted to health education. Teachers expect support from the educational and medical sectors. Few teachers see the need to establish a school committee coordinating health education matters. Conclusions. After the introduction of the new core curriculum, the position of health education in schools unfortunately did not improve. Actually, it is a regulation in the core curriculum that is yet to be put into practice.
Abstract In the age of consumerism, undertaking physical activity seems to many people to be a remnant, while it is a necessity. The "new", active lifestyle requires many sacrifices and changes in existing habits. That is why it is so important to educate young people about the need to spend their free time actively, the need to make systematic daily physical efforts. One of the promoters of physical activity seems to be a physical education teacher, who should be a constructive personality model for a student. Material and methods The research was conducted by means of a diagnostic survey with the use of a proprietary questionnaire. Results We asked teachers about the aspects which in their opinion are positively influenced by the physical activity undertaken by the students. The analysis was also conducted on the motives and barriers of AF undertaken by youth. Conclusions The respondents believe that students have an average level of physical fitness.
Streszczenie W dobie konsumpcjonizmu podejmowanie aktywności fizycznej (AF) wydaje się dla wielu osób przeżytkiem, tymczasem jest koniecznością. „Nowy”, aktywny tryb życia wymaga wielu wyrzeczeń i zmian dotychczasowych przyzwyczajeń. Stąd tak ważne jest wykształcenie w młodych ludziach potrzeby aktywnego spędzania wolnego czasu, potrzeby podejmowania systematycznych codziennych wysiłków fizycznych. Jednym z propagatorów aktywności fizycznej wydaje się być nauczyciel wychowania fizycznego, który powinien stanowić dla ucznia konstruktywny wzorzec osobowościowy. Celem pracy było poznanie opinii nauczycieli wychowania fizycznego pracujących w bialskich szkołach ponadpodstawowych na temat aktywności fizycznej ich uczniów. Materiał i metody Badania przeprowadzono metodą sondażu diagnostycznego z wykorzystaniem autorskiego kwestionariusza ankiety. Wyniki Zapytano nauczycieli o aspekty, na które ich zdaniem pozytywnie wpływa aktywność fizyczna podejmowana przez uczniów. Analizie poddano również motywy i bariery podejmowania przez młodzież AF. Wnioski Ankietowani uważają, że uczniowie charakteryzują się średnim poziomem sprawności fizycznej. Główną barierą podejmowania przez młodzież AF okazał się brak chęci, zaś głównym czynnikiem motywującym - dbałość o kondycję fizyczną.
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