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The subject of the paper is the characteristics of employment subordination of an employee to the employer in labor relations. It is a necessary element of any labor relation. This subordination, as an essential feature of a labor relation, determines the scope of use of labor relation, and thus also the scope of application of the labor law. The author, presenting a traditional grasp of labor relation, notices in the literature on the subject substantial discrepancies in the interpretation, which refer not only to the way of its understanding but also the mutual relations which occur between the terms ‘subordination’ and the expression ‘employer’s management’, which is used by the legislator in the labor code. The author notices that the traditional grasp of the employment subordination does not always apply in reference to people who are charged with tasks requiring creativity, initiative and far-reaching independence (people employed at the most senior managerial posts, performing a creative job or rendering highly specialist services). The disappointment with the traditional grasp of the employment subordination in the case of the indicated category of subjects has become a substantial reason for the tendency to broadly interpret the employment subordination, which is present in the doctrine of labor law and judicature. As a consequence, new doubtful concepts of employment subordination relating to autonomous subordination and economical dependence have appeared.
The study concerns the problem of the different ways in which the labour inspection system can be organized according to article 7 of Convention No. 129 of the International Labour Organisation concerning Labour Inspection in Agriculture. The study points out the scope of article 7, types of models indicated in this article and examples of their use in selected national legal systems. Finally, the study depicts the problem of assessing legal regulation of labour inspection in the polish labour law in view of article 7 of Convention No. 129.
Occupational pension schemes (PPE) and retirement accounts (IKE, IKZE) constitute the third pillar of the pension system in Poland. What we should understand under the term occupational pension scheme is the program established with the consent of the employee, through a conclusion of a company pension agreement and a management agreement with a financial institution authorized to collect contributions, funded by the employer and supervised by the national supervisory authority (Financial Supervision Commission). Such a program is created in a specified form in order to accumulate resources that come from the contributions, on the basis of the capital, which are intended to be paid to the beneficiary after reaching the age specified in the Act. In the Polish legal system, PPE are not financed from social insurance contributions. Programs can operate solely on the basis of the method of a defined contribution and do not guarantee lifelong benefits. It is a fundamental difference when compared to the PPE in most countries in the world. The solutions adopted in Poland placed PPE outside the term of “social security” and “social insurance”.
Law is not only one of the important instruments of social policy. In a newer doctrine, it is also assumed that it fulfills an important role as a determinant of social structures, objectives and tasks of social policy and their hierarchisation. A prerequisite for an effective socio-economic policy is therefore to create for this activity institutional conditions authorising public authorities to act in the social and economic spheres, defining their objective scope, objectives to be achieved and the means to achieve these goals. In fact, law is evaluated through the prism of effectiveness in solving social problems. Labour law and related fields should primarily provide the entities dependent on socio-economic policy effective instruments (tools) influencing the course of socioeconomic processes, while guaranteeing civil rights to individuals.
The article analyses notion of "function" as a law term, especially protective function of labor law. It distinguishes the said function different aspects like: equalizing, caring and promoting. Then author presents the restructurization of employment part played in bankruptcy proceeding and the significance of so called employment flexibility. He also describes the weight of these processes as the reductions justification in both kinds of bankruptcy proceeding, especially considering the Supreme Court rulings. As conclusion of the article author defines which aspects of the protective function could act in different kinds of bankruptcy proceeding.
Contemporary rules of corporate governance do not take into account interests of stakeholders (employees) sufficiently, while focusing on managers - shareholders bilateral relations in company management. Global crisis, globalization and flexible working conditions on labor markets make social dialogue very difficult to be achieved as a main goal in trade unions' efforts to improve situation of employees. This article analyzes two models of trade unions (American model and European model) in a process of shaping social compromise at workplace. This theoretical approach to the role of labor organizations tries to find an answer how to succeed in implementing necessary changes to make social dialogue much easier to be attained.
Traditionally (as it was regulated in the Roman law) employees sell their labour while the workers and self-employed sell a product which they manufactured. Therefore an employees has been qualified by labour lawyers as those who perform their subordinated type work under the contract of employment while independent work performed personally by producers of any work or services and self-employed is qualified as carried under the contract for services. Between the Great Wars Polish entrepreneurs and workers enjoy a freedom to chose between employment which was categorized by the state legislator as “subordinated” or “independent” . Presidential regulations, two of 1928 on white collar- and blue collar type of employment contracts were used on equal footing with the third regulation entitled The Code of obligations introduced into the national civil law system in 1933. The stage of legal symbiosis of employment- and civil-type of work existed until new amendments to the Labour Code of 1974 were gradually introduced in 1996 and 2002. That stage of full freedom of choice of a legal source for legal relationship within it boundaries any kind of depend work might be carried on was compromised by the both, the state legislator and the judiciary, which looked for a single factor instead taking into consideration the principle of mutuality commitment and promises of future performance which provides the most distinguished arrangement of employment relationship – to maintain legal ties for longer period of time, not just for singular act of service in return for wages. The current policy of trade unions advocating an idea of end up with work performed on the legal bases of civil type of contracts for services and guarantee all employees stable contracts of open end employment is contradicting the UE concept flexicurity based on both flexible and reliable contractual arrangements.
Obecne trudności związane z odgraniczeniem pracy wykonywanej w ramach umowy o pracę od zatrudnienia na podstawie umów cywilnoprawnych mają źródło w prawie rzymskim, którego zasady leżą u podstaw systemów prawa prywatnego państw europejskich. Zmiana nastąpiła pod koniec XIX wieku, kiedy zaczął rozwijać się jeden z dwóch najważniejszych działów prawa pracy – zbiorowe prawo pracy. Presja związków zawodowych reprezentujących interesy pracowników sprawiła, iż organizacje związkowe zostały uznane przez władze poszczególnych państw za wyłącznego reprezentanta interesów i praw pracowniczych. Wymuszenie na pracodawcach i władzach państw zagwarantowania bezpieczeństwa prawnego i socjalnego pracownikom w drastyczny sposób zróżnicowało status prawny osób zatrudnionych na podstawie umów o pracę oraz tych świadczących pracę na podstawie umów cywilno-prawnych. Tym samym podważona została idea wolności umów, na podstawie których oraz w ramach stosunków prawnych zainicjowanych dwoma zasadniczo różnymi typami umów (umowy o pracę lub jednej z umów cywilno-prawnych), może być wykonywania praca: w ramach zatrudnienia pracowniczego lub nie-pracowniczego. Regulacje prawne wprowadzone do prawa pracy po zakończeniu I wojny światowej wywarły istotny wpływ na ograniczenie swobody stron kształtowania podstaw i ram prawnych zatrudnienia. Początkowo powszechnie obowiązująca, niemal absolutna wolność wybierania podstaw prawnych i ram zatrudnienia doznawała coraz częstszych wyłomów. Zmiana ustrojowa w 1989 r. sprawiła, że przedsiębiorcy uznali, iż wymagania konkurencji ograniczają możliwość zatrudniania pracowników na podstawie umów o pracę. Reakcją władz państwowych na te tendencje w polityce zatrudnienia i w stosunkach pracy było wprowadzenie prawnego domniemania zatrudnienia pracowniczego, nie pozbawiającego stron stosunków pracy prawa do swobodnego wyboru podstawy i ram prawnych zatrudniania: pracowniczego lub cywilno-prawnego.
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