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The article describes the composition of the Polish army from the period preceding the Battle of Lubieszów, as well as from several weeks later. The main source are two registers of this army that are contained in the marshal’s book from the time of Stefan Batory’s rule. In the author’s opinion there are many reasons to recognize that it was a court army – a permanent mercenary army of the king. One of the objectives of this article is to do wider and more detailed research on this issue. In the text itself the experience of the commanders of individual army units has been analyzed as well as their relations with the royal court and their background. The bulk of the article has been devoted to the comparison of the mounted cavalry units – their number, the size of the cavalry masters’ and comrades’ detachments – before and after the Battle of Lubieszów. The composition of the units supporting the cavalry, i.e. infantry and artillery, has also been described. At the very end, in the form of an appendix, editions of both registers of the court army have been featured.
В статье описывается состав коронной армии в период, охватывающий время до битвы под Любишево, а также несколько недель после нее. Основу источников составляют два списка вышеупомянутой армии, которые находятся в маршалковской книге периода правления Стефана Батория. По мнению автора, существует несколько причин того, чтобы признать, что это была придворная армия – постоянная наемная армия короля. Так или иначе, одним из постулатов статьи является глубокое и широкое исследование этой проблемы. В самом тексте проанализирован опыт командующих отдельными ротами, а также их связь с королевским двором и происхождение. Большая часть статьи посвящена сравнению конных отрядов – их численности, количества ротмистров и окружения – до и после битвы под Любишево. Описан также состав сопутствующих единиц, то есть пехота и артиллерия. В самом конце, в форме приложения, размещены оба списка состава придворной армии.
Artykuł opisuje skład wojska koronnego z okresu poprzedzającego bitwę lubieszowską, a także w kilka tygodni po niej. Podstawę źródłową stanowią dwa spisy wspomnianej armii, które znajdują się w księdze marszałkowskiej z okresu panowania Stefana Batorego. W opinii autora istnieje wiele przesłanek za tym, by uznać, iż było to wojsko nadworne – stała zaciężna armia króla. Jednak jednym z postulatów artykułu jest dokładniejsze i szersze przebadanie tego problemu. W samym tekście przeanalizowano doświadczenie dowódców poszczególnych rot oraz ich powiązanie z dworem królewskim i pochodzenie. Najwięcej miejsca poświęcono porównaniu oddziałów konnych – ich liczebności, wielkości pocztów rotmistrzów i towarzyszy – przed i po bitwie pod Lubieszowem. Opisano także skład jednostek wspomagających jazdę, czyli piechotę oraz artylerię. Na samym końcu, w formie aneksu, zamieszczono edycje obu spisów wojska nadwornego.
The actualization of the epoch and personality of the King of Poland and the Grand Duke of Lithuania Stefan Batory took place in modern Belarus on the wave of growing scientific and public interest in the political history of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, neglected in Soviet times. The historical memory of him is most firmly established in the Grodno region and has a 100-year tradition. The article substantiates the reason for this phenomenon - first of all, the city of Grodno owes its worthy status of being a royal city as well as its high historical image to Batory. The ‘places of memory’ left by Batory in Grodno and their European significance are shown: the Old Castle is the only remaining royal castle in Belarus (except the New Castle), in the 1930s it was supposed to be transformed into the ‘Wawel over the Neman’, an analogue of Krakow Wawel; ‘Batoryevka’, known in the history of European medicine (the resting site of the body of Batory); the Vytautas Fara, the most famous Belarusian church destroyed by the communist authorities, which became a symbol of Grodno. Three stages of the evolution of the memory of Grodno and Grodno residents about Batory in the 20th - early 21st centuries are described: from the strong presence in the Grodno tradition from 1919 to 1939 through the transformation into a ‘white spot’ of history in Soviet times (the king who made campaigns to the East, could not be a symbol of the city) to ‘rehabilitation’ in the 1990s and an increasing presence in memory in recent years. The contribution of Grodno historians (Yu. Yadkovsky; scientific events organized by D. Karav) to the historical memory of the inhabitants of the region is emphasized. The forms and ways of manifestation of memory are identified: the nationwide character of celebrations of 1933 in honour of the 400 anniversary of the birth of Batory (apogee of his honour); the inclusion into the modern calendar of memorable dates of the day of remembrance of Batory (December 12), the installation of the monument to the lost churches on the site of Vytautas Fara (2014) and the discovery of new circumstances of its tragedy in 1961, ‘Stefan Batory Festival’ and others. There are three approaches to Batory of modern Grodno: from his recognition as a strong political figure among the figures of Eastern and Central Europe in the second half of the 16th century and his contribution to the development of Grodno through a neutral attitude to its exclusion from urban history (because he favoured the Jesuits, ‘suppressed’ the locals). Recently, public opinion of the city is concerned about the reconstruction of the ‘Vytautas Fara’ church, the reconstruction of the Old Castle, and the installation of a monument to Batory. These issues acquire a new practical meaning in the context of the development of Grodno as a tourist centre. Their solution can give a strong impetus to the tourism business in Belarus.
We współczesnej Białorusi zainteresowanie postacią króla Polski i wielkiego księcia litewskiego Stefana Batorego oraz jego epoką należy tłumaczyć rozwojem badań naukowych poświęconych zaniedbanej w czasach sowieckich historii politycznej Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego i Rzeczypospolitej. Posiadająca stuletnią tradycję i zakorzeniona najsilniej na Grodzieńszczyźnie pamięć historyczna o władcy jest związana z rolą, jaką odegrał on w dziejach miasta: Grodno zawdzięcza Batoremu pozycję miasta królewskiego i atrakcyjny wizerunek historyczny. W oparciu o topografię Grodna w artykule omówiono miejsca związane z Stefanem Batorym: Stary Zamek jako jedyny zachowany po dziś dzień zamek królewski na Białorusi (oprócz tzw. Nowego Zamku), który w latach trzydziestych XX w. planowano przebudować na wzór krakowskiego Wawelu (tzw. Wawel nad Niemnem), znana w historii europejskiej medycyny Batorówka (miejsce przeprowadzenia sekcji zwłok Stefana Batorego), kościół Najświętszej Maryi Panny (zwany też Farą Witoldową) – najsłynniejszy białoruski kościół zniszczony przez władze komunistyczne, symbol Grodna. W artykule opisano trzy etapy ewolucji pamięci mieszkańców Grodna o Batorym w XX i na początku XXI wieku: od pozytywnego wizerunku w latach 1919–1939, poprzez białą plamę w historii w czasach radzieckich (król wyprawiający się na Wschód nie mógł być symbolem miasta), do „rehabilitacji” w latach 90. i dużego zainteresowanie postacią króla w ostatnich latach. Autor podkreśla wkład historyków Grodna (J. Jadkouski; wydarzenia naukowe organizowane przez D. Karawego) w projekty kultywujące pamięć historyczną mieszkańców regionu. Omówiono formy i sposoby manifestowania pamięci o Batorym: ogólnokrajowe obchody 400-lecia urodzin Batorego w 1933 r. (apogeum jego czci); wpisanie do współczesnego kalendarza pamiętnych dat dnia pamięci Batorego (12 grudnia), ufundowanie na miejscu Fary Witoldowej pomnika upamiętniającego dawny kościół (2014) oraz ujawnienie nowych okoliczności wyburzenia świątyni w 1961 r., „Święto Stefana Batorego” i inne. Opisano różne oceny Batorego jako władcy w opinii współczesnych mieszkańców Grodna: od pozytywnych, uznających go za silną postać polityczną w Europie Wschodniej i Środkowej drugiej połowy XVI w. do negatywnych, związanych z postulatem usunięcia króla z historii miasta (ponieważ faworyzował jezuitów, „tłumił” miejscowych). Omówiono zagadnienia, które w ostatnim czasie nurtują opinię publiczną miasta: odbudowa Fary Witoldowej, przebudowa Starego Zamku i ufundowanie pomnika Batorego. Kwestie te nabierają nowego znaczenia w kontekście rozwoju Grodna jako ośrodka turystycznego. Ich uregulowanie może dać silny impuls dla rozwoju turystyki na Białorusi.
Актуалізацыя эпохі і постаці караля польскага і вялікага князя літоўскага Стэфана Баторыя адбылася ў сучаснай Беларусі на хвалі ўзмацнення навуковай і грамадскай цікавасці да палітычнай гісторыі Вялікага Княства Літоўскага і Рэчы Паспалітай, занядбанай у савецкі час. Гістарычная памяць пра яго найбольш трывала ўмацавалася на Гродзеншчыне і мае ўжо 100-гадовую традыцыю. Артыкул абгрунтоўвае прычыну гэтай з'явы – найперш Баторыю горад Гродна абавязаны годным статусам каралеўскага горада і высокім гістарычным іміджам. Паказаны “месцы памяці”, якія пакінуў Баторый у Гродна, і іх еўрапейская значнасць: Стары замак – адзіны на Беларусі (акрамя Новага замку) захаваны каралеўскі замак, у 1930-я г. меркаваны для ператварэння ў “Вавель над Нёманам”, раўназначны кракаўскаму Вавелю; «Батор’еўка», вядомая ў гісторыі еўрапейскай медыцыны (месца анатаміравання цела Баторыя); Фара Вітаўта – самы вядомы беларускі храм, знішчаны камуністычнай уладай, які стаў сімвалам Гродна. Ахарактарызаваны тры этапы эвалюцыі памяці Гродна і гродзенцаў пра Баторыя у ХХ – пачатку ХХІ ст.: ад трывалай прысутнасці ў традыцыі Гродна ў 1919–1939 г. праз ператварэнне ў „белую пляму” гісторыі ў савецкі час (кароль, які рабіў паходы на ўсход, не мог быць сімвалам горада) да “рэабілітацыі” ў 1990-я г. і ўзмацнення прысутнасці ў памяці ў апошнія гады. Падкрэслены ўклад гродзенскіх гісторыкаў (Ю. Ядкоўскі; навуковыя мерапрыемствы, арганізаваныя Д. Каравым) у гістарычную памяць жыхароў краю. Раскрыты формы і спосабы праяўлення памяці: агульнадзяржаўнага характару ўрачыстасці 1933 г. у гонар 400-годдзя нараджэння Баторыя (апагей яго ўшанавання); уключэнне ў сучасны каляндар памятных дат дня памяці Баторыя (12 снежня), усталяванне помніка страчаным храмам на месцы Фары Вітаўта (2014 г.) і адкрыццё новых абставін яе трагедыі 1961 г., «Фестываль Стэфана Баторыя» і інш. Выдзелены тры падыходы ў стаўленні да Баторыя сучасных гродзенцаў: ад яго прызнання моцнай палітычнай фігурай сярод дзеячаў Усходняй і Цэнтральнай Еўропы другой паловы XVI ст. і ўкладу ў развіццё Гродна праз нейтральнае стаўленне да вырачэння яго з гарадской гісторыі (бо спрыяў езуітам, “душыў” мясцовых жыхароў). Названы пытанні, якія вярэдзяць гарадскую грамадскую думку ў апошні час: адбудова храма “Фара Вітаўта”, рэканструкцыя Старога замку, усталяванне помніка Баторыю. Гэтыя пытанні набываюць новы практычны сэнс у кантэксце развіцця Гродна як турыстычнага цэнтра. Іх вырашэнне можа даць моцны штуршок для турбізнеса Беларусі.
Tematy i Konteksty
vol. 14
issue 9
The paper deals with the manner in which the Pole Jan Piotrowski, the author of the diary of Stefan Batory’s expedition to Pskov (1581-1582), depicted the Lithuanians participating in it. He rarely referred to stereotypical ideas about them, rather than this he described the reality that he observed and did not skew it towards the established beliefs.Although he valued his countrymen more, he could show courage and bravery of the Lithuanian soldiers, especially praising the raid of Krzysztof Radziwiłł’s troop. Somewhat more often, however, he reprimanded the Lithuanians: underestimated their number and combat quality, accused them of withdrawing too quickly from Pskov, emphasized their susceptibility to rumours. Among the citizens of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, he most disliked  Chancellor Eustachy Wołłowicz, who hindered Piotrowski from fulfilling his mission and often refused access to the documents he possessed.The image we receive is inhomogeneous. It combines  bright and dark sides of fellow Lithuanian citizens, which makes it seem very credible.
Stephen Batory ruled the Republic of the Two Nations for almost 11 years. The time of his reign was characterized by specifi c relationships between him and the Polish-Lithuanian General Seym. What was reflective of this specifi cacy were the Seym proceeding practices and the nature of the law-creating process. Since the reign of king Batory was short it is not easy to formulate the rules along which the aforementioned relationships developed. The criterion that allowed to classify the major legislative acts produced at that time was that of who produced them (the criterion of the Legislator). Other criterion – for instance the traditional one based on the scope of legislative competence of the Seym and the king – would not be possible to apply. The point was that the division of matters into those left for the legislation as made by the king and those left for the legislative activities of the Seym was not dichotomous. In producing legal norms the two entities complemented each other. At the same time they also competed with each other. As a result two interesting phenomena were observable: the interchangeability of the two law-creating agencies, i.e. that of the king and that of the Seym, and also the fl exibility of the forms assumed by the legislative acts. In the discussed period the legal norms of universally binding force were adopted at the central level either in the form of resolution as made by the General Seym or in the form of acts issued by the king. The act that was expected to be considered the legislative product of the Seym was the one which jointly fulfi lled two requirements. First, it had to be produced at the time and in the place of the Seym debates (therefore in most cases, although not always, there was made in it the allusion of the type: “at the General Seym”, in conventu generalis Regni nostri). The second thing, and simultaneously the most important one, was the information that was placed in the text of the act (unless the tenor of the information could be seen from the content of the act in an obvious way) that the act was produced “while following the advice of our Lords Counsellors and with the consent given by the Seym deputies representing the provinces (de consilio consiliariorum Nostrorum, consensusque omnium ordinum)”. Other legislative acts were qualifi ed as royal acts but the latter were not homogeneous. Thus the monarch could by himself produce universals (these were his own acts). On such occasion he operated as rex solus or cooperated with the senators (de consilio consiliariorum Nostrorum). He could also produce them upon the request and with the consent of the nobles (the so called approved acts), which was distinctly emphasized in the content of the act, the consensus of the nobles (of their representatives) to the specific provision being mentioned. The ruler acted in the capacity of the legislator both during the Seym debates as well as beyond the Seym. However the act published by the king even upon the consent of the Senators and the deputies representing the entire State was not considered to be the Seym-adopted act if it was issued beyond the place and beyond the time of the General Seym’s debates. What occurred sometimes were the combined (mixed) acts like for instance the so called Ekscepta mazowieckie. The Ekscepta were the act issued by the king on request of the Seym deputies representing the Mazovia Province. They were issued by the king beyond the place and time of the Seym debates on the basis of the document prepared in advance and submitted to the monarch, and eventually confirmed by him. One provision of the Ekscepta was however adopted by the Seym but was enclosed later to the entire text of the Ekscepta. Therefore the Ekscepta were of the nature of mixed act. Of similar nature was the Universal on tax collection of 1578. It was published as the king-issued act but, due to the specific history of its formulation, it was – from the perspective of Grand Duchy of Lithuania and almost the entire Crown (i.e. the Polish part of the Respublica) – considered to be the Seym-produced act. Also the so called Constitutions of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania seem to be an interesting type of legal acts. They should be classified as the royal ones. While exploring the legislation of King Batory’s reign, it is possible to arrive at a conclusion that the Seym-adopted statutory law (the so called Seym-produced constitutions) and the king-issued Universals that used to replace the Seym-adopted law, occupied equal position. This equality was due to the fact that in the regular circumstances the provisions contained in the Universals would fi nd themselves in the acts adopted by the Seym. We may say that in the discussed era the provisions that would regulate the law-creating process were absent and consequently accounted for such phenomena as fl exibility of the forms of legal acts and the interchangeability of legislative devices.
W II poł. XVI w. drogi ustrojowe państw Europy zachodniej i Rzeczypospolitej zaczęły się coraz wyraźniej różnicować. W sprzyjających okoliczności mogło to budzić wzajemne zaciekawienie, którego owocem są zachowane do dzisiaj relacje podróżników i dyplomatów. Wymiana spostrzeżeń w czasach, w których umysł polskiego szlachcica nie był jeszcze zdominowany przez ksenofobię, ujawnia w równej mierze aprobatę, jak chłodny dystans, a niekiedy niechęć. Zestawienie rodzimych refleksji z wnioskami płynącymi z cudzoziemskich podróży do Polski w drugiej połowie XVI w. wzbogaca naszą wiedzę na temat wizerunku Rzeczypospolitej w czasach jej świetności. Jak zauważył Mirosław Sadowski, okres panowania pierwszych królów elekcyjnych nadal określa się mianem epoki odrodzenia, co również skłoniło go do rozważań nad obrazem Rzeczypospolitej w oczach cudzoziemców tej doby. Przekształcanie się ustroju polsko-litewskiego państwa po śmierci Zygmunta II Augusta skłania jednak do skoncentrowania uwagi na problematyce związanej z ceremoniałem doby pierwszych dwóch wolnych elekcji, które stały się obiektem żywego zainteresowania ze strony Francji i Siedmiogrodu. Różnicowanie się ustrojów monarchii europejskich w tym jakże twórczym czasie jest tu dodatkową zachętą. W relacjach rodzimych i cudzoziemskich zwykle brakuje szczegółów związanych z uroczystymi ceremoniami. Zadecydowało o tym kilka powodów, a wśród nich podobieństwa ceremoniałów, pozwalające uniknąć ich szczegółowego opisywania. Autorzy skupiali zatem swoja uwagę na ogólnym opisie, z uwypukleniem różnic oraz opisaniem czołowych osobistości biorących udział w uroczystości. Pomimo dbałości o wystawność ceremonialnych uroczystości, w polskich warunkach trudno było wytworzyć rozbudowane ich formy pojawiające się w dojrzałych monarchiach absolutnych dysponujących dużym autorytetem monarszym wspartym na dziedziczności tronu, skomplikowanym organizmem dworskim, stosownym aparatem biurokratycznym, a także rozbudowanym systemem finansowym. Ceremoniały mogły podlegać politycznym kompromisom, ale ceremonialne odstępstwa były wykorzystywane jako środek dyplomatycznej prowokacji, uniku lub nacisku. Polski ceremoniał dyplomatyczny nie był ujęty w ramy regulaminu, jak miało to miejsce np. we Francji, więc czasem dochodziło do kontrowersji przy jego stosowaniu.
In the second half of the 16th century, the way of the political system of Western Europe countries and the Republic of Poland began to differentiate more and more clearly. In favorable circumstances, it could arouse mutual interest, the fruit of which are the reports of travelers and diplomats that have survived to this day. The exchange of observations at a time when the mind of the Polish nobleman was not yet dominated by the xenophobia, reveals as much approval as cold distance, and sometimes aversion. The juxtaposition of domestic reflections with the conclusions drawn from foreign trips to Poland in the second half of the 16th century enriches our knowledge about the image of the Republic of Poland in its heyday. As noted by Mirosław Sadowski, the period of the reign of the first elected kings is still referred to as the era of the reborn, which also made him to consider the image of the Republic of Poland in the eyes of foreigners at the time. The transformation of the Polish-Lithuanian state after the death of Zygmunt II August, however, prompts us to focus on the issues related to the ceremonial of the first two royal free elections, which became the object of keen interest on the part of France and Transylvania. The differentiation of the regimes of European monarchies at this very creative time is an additional incentive here. In domestic and foreign reports, details related to solemn ceremonials are usually missing. There were several reasons for this, including the similarity of the ceremonials, which made it possible to avoid describing them in detail. The authors therefore focused the attention on the general description, highlighting the differences and describing the leading personalities participating in the ceremony. Despite the care for the magnificence of the ceremonial celebrations, in Polish conditions it was difficult to create their extensive forms appearing in mature absolute monarchies with high royal authority based on the heredity of the throne, a complicated court organism, an appropriate bureaucratic apparatus, and an extensive financial system. The ceremonials could be subject to political compromises, but ceremonial derogations were used as a means of diplomatic provocation, evasion or pressure. The Polish diplomatic ceremonial was not included in the regulations, as was the case, for example, in France, so sometimes there was controversy in its application.
Во второй половине XVI века политические пути Западной Европы и Речи Посполитой начали все более отчетливо расходиться. Сопоставление отечественных размышлений с выводами зарубежных поездок в Польшу во второй половине XVI века обогащает наши знания об образе Речи Посполитой Польской в период ее расцвета. Однако преобразование польско-литовского государства после смерти Сигизмунда II Августа побуждает нас сосредоточить внимание на вопросах, связанных с церемониалом периода двух первых элекций, которые вызвали пристальный интерес со стороны Франции и Трансильвании. Авторы сосредоточились на общем описании, подчеркнув различия и описав ведущие личности, присутствовавшие на церемониях. Церемонии могли подвергать политическим компромиссом, но церемониальные отступления использовались как средство дипломатической провокации, уклонения или давления. Польская дипломатическая церемония не была включена в регламент, поэтому иногда в ее применении возникали разногласия.
Te numerous cimelia of the Kórnik Library include Stanisław Sarnicki’s work Descriptio veteris ac novae Poloniae, printed by Aleksy Rodecki in Cracow in 1585. It is protected by a parchment binding with orientalising decoration marked with a supralibros dedicated by Jan Sienieński to King Stephen Báthory. In view of a scant number of the surviving bookbinding bathoriana, the paper provides a book cover-focused analysis of the work. It makes it possible to examine the binding against the Polish bookbinding art of the late 16th century, identify its maker, link it to other bindings of printed books from Báthory’s book collection, and picture the connections between the decoration of the covers and the illustrations of the publication the binding protected.
Wśród licznych cymeliów Biblioteki Kórnickiej znajduje się dzieło Stanisława Sarnickiego pt. Descriptio veteris ac novae Poloniae, wydrukowane w 1585 r. przez Aleksego Rodeckiego w Krakowie. Chroni je oprawa pergaminowa z dekoracją w typie orientalizującym, oznaczona superekslibrisem dedykacyjnym od Jana Sienieńskiego dla króla Stefana Batorego. Wobec nikłej liczby introligatorskich bathorianów, które zachowały się do dzisiaj, w tekście podjęto analizę tegumentologiczną tego dzieła. Pozwala ona na osadzenie oprawy na tle rodzimej twórczości introligatorskiej schyłku XVI w., określenie jej wykonawcy, powiązanie z innymi oprawami druków z księgozbioru Batorego, a także zobrazowanie powiązań między dekoracją okładzin a szatą ilustracją chronionej przez nią publikacji.
The Death of His Majesty Stephen King of Poland at Grodno on 12 December Anno Domini 1586 (The Real Truth about the Illness and Death of Late King Stephen Bathory of Poland) –a source to Stephen Bathory’s biography and history of medicineThe sudden and unexpected death of Stephen Bathory, king of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, on 12 December 1586 provoked many hypotheses. Since the king was generally regarded as a healthy man in his prime, historians and physicians have for centuries tried to solve the mystery of his sudden death. One of the primary sources to this question is a text attributed to one of the royal physicians – Jakub Gosławski. The document, entitled The Death of His Majesty Stephen King of Poland at Grodno on 12 December Anno Domini 1586, better known as The Real Truth about the Illness and Death of Late King Stephen Bathory of Poland, was written soon after the king’s death. Its original version has not been found, while two copies have been preserved in the Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw and in the Princes Czartoryski Library in Krakow.The source contains information extremely valuable for historians and historians of medicine about the last days of King Stephen, symptoms of his illness, and treatments meted out to him by his physicians. A valuable supplement is made by a post-mortem report describing the appearance and state of his internal organs. Gosławski’s text has already been published in the past, but either it was done without due care, with many mistakes and omissions, or on the basis of some other manuscript, unknown to us. The present edition juxtaposes the two known copies, with a substantial body of editorial commentary and that pertaining to the content. This makes it possible to see the differences between the two copies, in the first place. There is also the first edition of the text included, issued in 1830 by Edward Raczyński, which in the most important fragments is quite different to that of the texts kept in the Central Archives of Historical Records and in the Princes Czartoryski Library.The edition of this source is even more pertinent given the fact that, in recent years, there is a number of specialists questioning the widespread and preserved diagnosis that the king’s death was caused by uraemia. The well-edited source text, with a commentary pertaining to the content, can help researchers in thoroughly analysing the symptoms of Bathory’s illness and shed new light on the causes of his death.
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