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Transformation of economic, cultural, and social changes in Poland contributes to the increasing diversity and heterogeneity in consumer behavior on the car market. The diversity of behavior is observable in both - the purchase and usage of vehicles, it affects the qualitative and quantitative structure of consumption, including the actual market decisions shaped by aspirations, needs, preferences, ways of achieving objectives, cycles of exchange of goods, lifestyles, family model and many others.(fragment of text)
Badania empiryczne prowadzone zarówno kraju jak i za granicą dowodzą, że treści komunikatów kierowanych do klientów muszą być dla nich zrozumiałe. Konieczne jest posługiwanie się sposobem myślenia i motywacją właściwymi dla środowiska, w którym żyją, tj. mieszkają, pracują, zaspokajają swoje potrzeby, komunikują się z innymi ludźmi. Działania promocyjne odniosą pożądany skutek, tj. zmienią dotychczasowe zwyczaje zakupu jedynie w przypadku, jeśli nabywca otrzyma obietnicę i zapewnienie uzyskania czegoś ważnego i dla niego wartościowego. Promocja musi mieć charakter empatyczny, co oznacza, że musi być oparta na punkcie widzenia odbiorcy, jego sposobie rozumowania, uczuciach, emocjach oraz uwarunkowaniach jego osobowości i psychiki. Zarówno promocja jak i sposoby i środki jej przekazu muszą być dostosowane do percepcji zróżnicowanych odbiorców. Zadaniem przekazów promocji jest utrzymywanie pozytywnych postaw konsumentów oraz zmianę negatywnych postaw w pozytywne w stosunku do potrzeb i sposobów zaspokajania. Przekazy promocyjne muszą zwracać uwagę, wywoływać silne wrażenie przekonaniem o korzyściach wynikających z posiadania i używania produktów, logicznym lub emocjonalnym uzasadnieniem ich niezbędności, posługując się apelami odwołującymi się do cenionych przez konsumentów wartości.(fragment tekstu)
Promotion it's a set of actions and means through which enterprise communicates with the market, passes information about products, encourages customers to buy these products and finally contributes to increase of demand. The content of promotional announcements should be comprehensible for recipients. It is essential to use the way of thinking and motivation typical for environment in which recipients leave, work and communicate with other people. The article presents different ways of promotion defining taking into the consideration narrow and wide way of the concept. On the basis of chosen conceptual models there was also analysed the impact of promotion actions on consumer preferences and behaviour.(original abstract)
Pod pojęciem postaw etnocentrycznych konsumentów polskich rozumie się w pełni świadome preferowanie produktów krajowych w porównaniu do produktów zagranicznych. Przedstawiono kryteria klasyfikacji produktów krajowych i zagranicznych oraz propozycję badania postaw etnocentrycznych konsumentów żywności. Następnie omówiono komponenty postaw etnocentrycznych według badań jakościowych i ilościowych.
This article is not a voice in the debate on the philosophy of science. However, it presents the problem of rationality, analyzed in the context of the behaviour of economic entitles and the choices made by them. The analysis was based on selected areas of economic theory.
The behavior of the risk averse decision-maker is prudent if the precautionary saving activities are taken to avoid risk. Prudence is defined as a particular type of the preference relation over uncertain choices. Our goal in this paper is to show the relationship between the Arrow-Pratt coefficient of the risk aversion and the measure of the intensity of prudence. The properties of the utility function expressing prudence behavior are presented and the particular class of utility functions with non monotonic absolute risk aversion coefficient is considered.
Retail trade innovations are connected witch such solutions, which trade enterprises prepare for the first time or these solutions which appear for the first time in retail trade. These solutions could be adopted from the other enterprise or from the different sectors. Innovation can occur in all types of the retail activity and can be considered both in its functional aspect and as a result of the changes. Besides such determinants like economy, social and technological factors, the most important are connected with consumers, especially with the trends in consumer behavior. The paper presents the most important trends and megatrends in consumer behaviour and the innovation solutions in retail trade connected with them. Selected results of field research conducted among consumers and retail expert are presented in the article, too.
W artykule zostaną omówione najbardziej popularne metody estymacji i ich własności, ze wskazaniem, w jakich sytuacjach poszczególne metody najlepiej sobie radzą. Obok własności metod uwzględniono również wyniki badań symulacyjnych dotyczących stopnia ich odporności na odchylenia od rozkładu normalnego, rozmiar próby, błędną specyfikację modelu itp. Następnie przedstawiono przykład empiryczny obrazujący rozważane zagadnienia. Analizie poddano stwierdzenia oceniające ważność potrzeby zabezpieczenia własnej starości na tle innych potrzeb. Dane wykorzystane w opracowaniu pochodzą z badania ankietowego przeprowadzonego w 2006 r. przez CEBOS w Instytucie Statystyki i Demografii SGH. Próba losowa liczyła 1320 gospodarstw domowych13. W analizie uwzględniono jedynie gospodarstwa domowe, których głowa nie osiągnęła wieku emerytalnego (dla kobiet 60 lat, dla mężczyzn 65 lat)14. Było ich 982.
Some estimation models in the structural equation modeling as well as their characteristics are discussed in this article. An attempt of the scale construction to measure securing in households' old age with the use of structural equation modeling is presented too. Characteristics of each method decided on the estimation choice. Simulation survey results concerning robustness degree of each method on the deviation from the normal distribution, sample size, defective model specification etc. were taken into account too. Two measuring models were discussed: taking one common factor and three common factors. The factor confirmative analysis was conducted to verify the proposed models. Estimations made by the maximum likelihood (ML) method and by generalized least square estimator were compared, which shall give symptomatic correlated results assuming that the model specification is correct.(original abstract)
The purpose of this article is to present selected quantitative research methods consumer behavior of the leisure-time services market. The direct interview and self-time registration methods were described in detail. To write the paper both secondary and primary sources of information were used. Among the secondary, literature on the subject and the publication of the CSO "Budget time the population" can be mentioned. The primary were acquired in the course of the field research, conducted using the interview technique, among 600 residents of Poland. The survey was carried out in 6 provinces (dolnośląskie, małopolskie, mazowieckie, śląskie, wielkopolskie, zachodniopomorskie) in 2012. The study was financed by the National Science Centre based on the decision no. N N112 257239 allocating funds for the project "The leisure-time services market in Poland towards 2025".
Romanian consumers entered the digital era with more or less enthusiasm, knowledge and openness to communicate and purchase in the new environment. Internet and social networks, blogs and opinion formers, brands present in social media and in online stores are common denominators of the life of many Romanians. Hereinafter, the behavior of consumers in the digital era and the implications for the marketing communication of the companies are presented from both quantitative and qualitative up-to-date perspectives
In the following publication the results of empirical research are presented. Their purpose was to define the consumer ethnocentrism level of the inhabitants in Poland, Hungary and Ukraine. The main source material was achieved thanks to direct interviews in three towns: Rzeszów (Poland), Debrecen (Hungary), Iwano-Frankowsk (Ukraine), on the sample of 1200 respondents (400 people in every town). International CETSCALE questionnaire has been used as a measuring instrument. It was validated. The analyses presented clearly show ethnocentric tendencies, however, the highest CET scale values were achieved in the Ukrainian community. There is also a meaningful influence of socio-economic factors on the level of ethnocentrism in the three researched groups.
The article attempts to present changes in consumption, in terms of the rationality of consumer behavior in Poland, compared to selected global trends in the years 2003- -2011. The main sources of data used in paper were information published by the Central Statistical Office, Eurostat, CBOS, Pentor and reports commissioned by various centers.
From the marketing and medical point of view it will be interesting to conduct the study in the same time on a wider geographical area and compare the influence of the determinants on consumption behaviors regarding OTC painkillers and OTC anti-inflammatory medications as well as buying behaviors in the market of these medications. Studies of consumption behavior and consumer behavior in the market of these medications must also include purely medical aspects. Still, it is cumbersome to include physiologic, pathophysiologic or genetic features in a survey or in a questionnaire interview.(
This paper deals with the application of action art and its particular forms, such as events, happenings and performances in marketing communication. It theoretically elaborates similarities and differences of aesthetic and marketing understanding of the terms "event" and "marketing event" as well as locating their forms in contemporary art and marketing convention. We also deal with the terms "gender", "interaction and interactive audience", "aesthetic emotion" and perception in theatre environment that we link with the environment of event marketing and search for experience in consumer behaviour.
Market researches are carried out to gather information about consumer behaviors. In an innovative society, based on knowledge and information, in conditions of economic globalization and internationalization of enterprises it is also become particularly important for marketing researches to achieve international range. This article presents the types of approaches and dimensions of international range researches. International researches of consumer behaviors are made by the researchers in order to complete, systematize, deepen and verify knowledge about the differences or similarities in the behaviors of e-consumers in different countries. Such researches are time-consuming and expensive. And to be effective, international researcher must be aware of their specificity.
Rynek europejski cechuje się znacznym zróżnicowaniem pod względem bojkotów produktów. Niniejszy artykuł poszukuje przyczyn tych różnic w poziomie aktywności obywatelskiej w poszczególnych państwach. Analiza empiryczna została przeprowadzona na podstawie danych z Europejskiego Sondażu Społecznego. Aktywność obywatelską zoperacjonalizowano na poziomie kraju w wymiarach politycznym i społecznym. Wyniki pokazują, że wyrażanie sprzeciwu wobec przedsiębiorstw przez bojkotowanie produktów jest istotnie związane z poziomem aktywności społecznej mieszkańców danego kraju, natomiast aktywność polityczna okazała się zmienną nieistotną. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników sformułowano wnioski, wskazano ograniczenia i kierunki dalszych badań.
The European market is characterized by considerable diversity in terms of boycotts of products. This paper seeks the causes of this variation in the level of civic activities in a country. An empirical analysis is carried out on data from the European Social Survey. The paper operationalizes civic activities using indicators that reflect the political and social involvement of citizens at the country level. The research findings show that consumer boycotts are significantly associated with the level of social activities in a country. However, political activities turn out to be neutral to consumer participation in such protests.
The purpose of this paper was to summarize the existing research regarding the factors affecting customers' participation in the loyalty schemes and the factors contributing to customer resignation from the loyalty schemes. It was found that the economic costs and benefits have a major impact on the customers' decision to participate in such programs. Furthermore, four customer frustration factors affecting customer resignation from the program were identified: qualification barrier, inaccessibility, worthlessness, and redemption costs.
Wzrost świadomości konsumentów oraz rosnące zainteresowanie zrównoważoną konsumpcją stały się przyczynkiem do przeprowadzenia badania dotyczącego zachowania konsumentów na rynku kosmetyków naturalnych w Polsce. Celem niniejszej pracy jest poznanie zachowań konsumentów na danym rynku poprzez badanie bezpośrednie, które wykonane zostało na przełomie maja–czerwca 2018 r. Z przeprowadzonych analiz wynika, że konsumenci w Polsce wykazują coraz większe zainteresowanie produktem naturalnym oraz chęcią pozyskania wiedzy z zakresu ekologii.
Due to growth of consumer’s awareness and increasing concern in sustainable consumption, the study has been carried out. The aim of this study is to know consumer’s behaviour on natural cosmetics market. For this purpose direct study has been carried out in May–June 2018. The study pointed out these consumers in Poland show increasing interest in natural products. They are really eager to gain knowledge in the field of ecology.
The tests made and the follow-authors of the paper shows that today's consumers are diverse both in terms of the needs, tastes and preferences. This thesis confirms the need for studies of consumer behavior, which, more often, especially in Poland, shows the characteristics of smart-shopping streets of the phenomenon. Hence, the acquisition of knowledge about them - the belief authors of the paper - should be regarded as an important source of information that allows for proper targeting of the actions of traders in the business of creating original models. Market analyzes indicate that the place of real opportunity for smart shoppers are Outlet centers. Their biggest advantage is that they give you the opportunity to buy more products than in the ordinary mall, for the same amount. Therefore, to create their own unique style should use the principles of smart shopping streets of. Thanks to them, the customer will save less, plus your time, and shopping will become more pleasant. The focus on the consumer and their needs is not, of course, any discovery or innovation, because from the beginning of the market economy, it is assumed that the focus of the company's consumer. The change in this case is a different behavior than previously known. new consumer, which we define as "smart-shopper", which is not limited as ever, just a simple meet their needs. This knowledge, as well as access to relevant sources of information about products or services (Internet, telephone, promotional newsletters, catalogs, etc.) may consciously and rationally so select the various offers that appear in the available sources of information. Described is characterized primarily by consumers more willing to experiment and take risks as compared to the rest of society. The result of this behavior is the low degree of loyalty and skeptical attitude to brands. In general, the consumer of this profile also knows his worth, knowing what he needs. Often, too (which is probably one of the most important for the national carried traders question) willingly loudly and publicly like to express their opinions on the purchased product structure - service. To conclude this brief discussion on the profile and behavior of modern consumers, which are only a background for further analysis presented in this paper studies consumer should be added that the behavior described entities also affects many other factors (both external and or internal). He writes about them many authors, indicating the various models of consumer behavior. They are, however, to develop only signaled, due to the limited requirements for the frame and Formal. In conclusion, it should be noted that the Smart shopping means shopping carefully, which are, on the one hand saves time, on the other hand saving Smart shopper, but a person who likes to look good, she knows about fashion and follows international trends. Do not confuse the smart shopper with a bargain hunter, because there are some differences. Smart shopper is a person who knowingly makes decisions about buying and know that it is worth taking the time to search for a particular thing. But it's not on the store in order to find the cheapest product.
Celem artykułu jest weryfikacja hipotezy, że zachowania gospodarstw domowych w Polsce w zakresie korzystania z usług żywieniowych wykazują znaczne zróżnicowanie w stosunku do gospodarstw krajów Unii Europejskiej. Wykorzystano dane z lat 1995-2000 publikowane przez GUS w postaci opracowań Budżety gospodarstw domowych i Warunki życia ludności, a także dane Eurostatu.
The paper presents the problem of a differentiation at the level of the use of catering vices by Polish and EU households. The empirical basis for the analysis was data concerning households' expenditures on this purpose, especially the share of these expenditures in a general structure of expenditures. It was pointed in the paper that EU households also reveal a differentiation in this matter, but their general model of consumption is of more serviced character. In Polish households the share of expenditures on restaurants in the structure of the total expenditures is the highest in households of employees in non-manual labour posi-tion and self-employed. The level of providing satisfaction of food needs in restaurants depends mainly on factors of economic and cultural character. The general conclusion is that in the nineties Polish households did not copy the western model of food consumption in terms of expenditures in restaurants. It was caused by a lower level of economic standard and traditions of food consumption in Poland. (original abstract)
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