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vol. 47
issue 1
This article analyzes how the postwar accounts by female prisoners of Birkenau presented the character of Zofia Kossak, the famous writer and the activist of the Polish Underground State. The accounts are held today in the Archives of the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum and were hitherto unpublished. They shows Zofia Kossak in an unheroic way, contrary to the published testimonies of her camp experience. The accounts are reminiscent of the famous article Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland published by Tadeusz Borowski in 1947.
vol. 46
issue 8
The article indicates how the figure of Zofia Kossak has been recorded in the unpublished accounts by former KL Auschwitz-Birkenau female internees who during their internment came into contact with the famous writer and activist of the Polish Underground State. Their testimonies diverge from the hagiographic tone which has dominated the known stories of Kossak’s camp experiences, rather resembling Tadeusz Borowski’s infamous post-WWII article entitled Alicja w krainie czarów.
The article discusses the relationship between the writers Zofia Kossak and Gustaw Morcinek and their mutual influence. The essential elements of their relationship were reconstructed based on source materials and literature. Thanks to Zofia Kossak, Morcinek believed in his creative possibilities and developed his talent. On the other hand, Zofia Kossak owes Morcinek a deeper understanding of Silesia and its history, her fascination with the landscape, and the history of Silesia.
W artykule omówiono relacje między pisarzami Zofią Kossak i Gustawem Morcinkiem. Na podstawie materiałów źródłowych i literatury przedstawiono najważniejsze elementy łączącej ich więzi oraz wzajemnych wpływów ich twórczości. Dzięki Zofii Kossak Morcinek uwierzył w swoje możliwości twórcze i rozwinął swój talent. Zofia Kossak natomiast zawdzięcza Morcinkowi głębsze rozumienie Śląska i jego dziejów, fascynacje pejzażem i mieszkańcami ziemi śląskiej.
W 2018 roku przypada 50. rocznica śmierci Zofii Kossak. Pisarka i jej najbliższa rodzina zakorzenili się w Górkach Wielkich – miejscowości na Śląsku Cieszyńskim. Odnaleźli tu swój dom, schronienie, azyl i raj. Po dramatycznych przejściach w czasie rewolucji sowieckiej, utracie męża i domu rodzinnego na Kresach Zofia Kossak potrzebowała wytchnienia, spokoju i ciszy niezbędnej, by ukoić zranione serce. Poszukiwała w otaczającym świecie radości istnienia, w żyjących wokół niej osobach – siły i piękna stworzenia, w kolorach, smakach i zapachach przyrody – wielkości natchnienia, w sobie samej zaś – miłości. Górki Wielkie – jak sama pisała: ojczyzna bibliofilów – okazały się idealnym miejscem, by od nowa budować bezpieczny dom, oazę spokoju.Autorka Krzyżowców wydobywała piórem wszystko, co najpiękniejsze i najcenniejsze z ziemi cieszyńskiej i Beskidu Śląskiego: wiarę, folklor, ideały harcerskie Bucza, bogactwo specyfiki krajobrazowej i kulturowej, szacunek dla mieszkańców – ciężko doświadczonych w ciągu wieków, jednakże wiernych Polsce.
2019 marks the 130th anniversary of Zofia Kossak’s birthday. The writer and her family “grew into” Górki Wielkie, a Silesian town in which they found home, shelter and paradise. After dramatic experiences during the Soviet revolution, and after losing her husband and family home in Kresy (Eastern Borderlands), Zofia Kossak needed peace, silence and respite to heal her broken heart. Górki Wielkie in Cieszyn Silesia, or as she wrote “the homeland of  bibliophiles”, turned out to be a perfect place to build a new safe home, an oasis of peace and tranquillity.The author of Krzyżowcy (Crusaders) incorporated in her works everything that is the most beautiful and valuable in the Cieszyn region and the Silesian Beskids, i.e. faith, the scouting ideas of the town of Bucza, the rich variety of landscape and cultural characteristics, as well as the respect for residents who remained faithful to Poland despite their bad experiences over the centuries. Zofia Kossak, a resident of Górki Wielkie, consciously “grew into” regionalism in its proper understanding, which is particularly important in the case of Silesia.
In this article, I review the history of the “Borowski case” and place special emphasis on the latest dispute over the author of “Pożegnanie z Marią” which broke out between Andrzej Werner and archbishop Tadeusz Życiński. A recapitulation of the most significant features of the contradictory mental traditions of martyrdom literature and Borowski’s prose is followed by a discussion of the discourses from the 1940s. In the subsequent part of the article, I present the dispute over Borowski from the 1970s which accompanied the publication of Ucieczka z kamiennego świata by Tadeusz Drewnowski. Reference has also been made to the reviews from the 1980s by Jan Walec, Anna Łukowska and Małgorzata Dziewulska. A major part of the article has been devoted to the dispute over Tadeusz Borowski’s life choices and works published in 2007 in “Gazeta Wyborcza”. It was a dispute between Tadeusz Życiński who accused Borowski of “hatred of the differently minded” and Andrzej Werner who defended the writer. A moderate statement by Sławomir Buryła shed more light on the dispute; in his text entitled Katoliczka, patriotka, antysemitka (2008) he emphasized Borowski’s radical moralism. In this article, I provide the reason for Życiński’s ostentatious repetition of the seemingly out-of-date arguments against Borowski, I indicate the culture-related context of the archbishop’s opinion (the conservative Polish Catholic hierarchy). It was expressed at a time when a new list of required reading books was being created in 2007: Borowski’s stories from the Auschwitz concentration camp were to be replaced with a novel by Zofia Kossak-Szczucka.
This article consists of two chapters. The first one presents an outline of the history of the convent in Czarnowąsy and objects of historical value situated therein. In the second chapter, the author mentions several issues related to the convent (which used to belong to the Norbertines) that still offer open fields for studies: the historical value of the short story “Uparte mniszki” by Zofia Kossak; Paweł Szotarewicz’s dedication to Baltazar Gerbert, the architect of the so-called House of Nuns; and the hypothetical visit of the then 29-year-old King Frederick the Great to this “House of God”.
Zofia Kossak, author of excellent historical novels, outstanding books for young readers and many other fine literary works, liked to describe landscapes, with the mountains being her favourite landscapes. She sensed their sacred dimension, as it were, and symbolic meanings. She “read” them as cultural texts and described their colours, scents and sounds with a large dose of sensuality, which made her descriptions dynamic. As a result, they still seem to be moving and the people included in them always travel across space and inside their inner selves. Space is described in a sensual manner true to reality, because the writer knew it from experience; enchantment but also realism can be found in all descriptions and plots — constructed in a way that would make it possible to show this space as much as possible, at various times of day and year. This is precisely the case of Złota wolność (Golden Liberty), a novel about the 17th century, the action of which takes place in the regions of Nowy Sącz, the Island Beskids and the Pieniny. The protagonists of the novel, Sebastian and Piotr Pielsz, brothers from Czarny Potok, are Polish Brethren, fighting for the affection of one girl, Hanka, whose heart is won by the younger brother, Piotr, a brave Winged Hussar who fought under Chodkiewicz at the Battle of Kircholm. All this is happening against the background of lush highland nature described with admiration, at various times of the year.
Tematem artykułu jest analiza tomu listów Zofii Kossak wydanych w roku 2017. Jest to bogaty wybór korespondencji z lat 1931–1966 kierowanej do różnych osób (rodziny, przyjaciół) redakcji i instytucji. Listy są lekturą pasjonującą, barwną, żywą przynoszą wiedzę zarówno o samej autorce Nieznanego kraju, jak i o czasach, w których przyszło jej żyć. Ponadto mogą stać się źródłem autentycznej satysfakcji czytelniczej.
The subject of the article is the analysis of the volume of letters by Zofia Kossak published in 2017. It is a rich selection of correspondence from 1931-1966 addressed to various people (family, friends), editors and institutions. Letters are a fascinating, colorful and vivid reading that brings knowledge both of the author of Nieznany kraj herself and of the times in which she lived. In addition, they can be a source of genuine reader satisfaction.
Chrześcijaństwo i islam to dwie wielkie religie monoteistyczne, które poza wieloma różnicami mają też sporo podobieństw. Stara się wykazać Zofia Kossak, wybitna pisarka historyczna, katoliczka. W swoich powieściach „Król trędowaty” i „Bez oręża” udowadnia, że dzieci tego samego Boga mogą nie tylko zgodnie żyć obok siebie, ale przyjaźnić się, a nawet kochać. Nietrudno jednak stwierdzić, po lekturze tych utworów, że narrator przekonany jest o wyższości chrześcijaństwa nad wszelkimi innymi religiami. Obie powieści obfitują w rozważania o przymiotach Boga, akcentując jeden z nich, miłosierdzie. Okazuje się, że ludzie są zbyt słabi i grzeszni, by pielęgnować tę cnotę. W imię religii częściej wzajemnie się nienawidzą i zabijają, niż żyją w pokoju. Obie religie są oparte na podobnych wartościach, które powinno się poznać, by zrozumieć zachowania ich wyznawców.
Christianity and Islam are two great monotheistic religions, which in addition to a number of differences have also many similarities. Zofia Kossak, a prominent historical writer, a catholic, tries to demonstrate it. In her novels “The leper king” and “Blessed are the meek: a novel about St. Francis of Assisi” proves that children of the same God can live together, be friends, and even love each other. It is easy to said after reading these books that the narrator is convinced of the superiority of Christianity over all other religions. Both novels are full of discussions about the attributes of God, emphasizing one of them, mercy. It turns out that people are too weak and sinful to cultivate this virtue. In the name of religion people often hate each other and kill than live in peace. Both religions are based on similar values, which should be known in order to understand the behavior of their followers.
Artykuł jest omówieniem doświadczeń emigracyjnych znanej pisarki, Zofii Kossak oraz rozumienia przez nią obowiązków spoczywających na twórcy w trudnych latach 1939–1956. Na podstawie wiadomości biograficznych, listów pisarki, jej wspomnień i opinii osób, które ją znały staram się zrekonstruować najważniejsze momenty jej emigracyjnego życia. Trudności życia na emigracji w przypadku Zofii Kossaak wynikały z obiektywnych realiów życia (tęsknota za krajem, trudne warunki życia, ciężka praca na farmie), jak i z jawnej wrogości środowisk emigracyjnych w Londynie i Paryżu. Pisarka nieustannie była posądzana o zdradę narodową. Konflikt dotyczył różnic światopoglądowych i ideologicznych oraz poglądów na temat roli pisarza na emigracji.
This article is a discussion experience of emigration famed writer Zofia Kossak and it’s trying to understand her obligations on developers in the difficult years of 1939–1956. Based on biographical messages, letters, writer, her memories and opinions of people who knew her, I try to reconstruct the most important moments of her life in exile. The difficulty of living in exile in the case of Zofia Kossaak resulted from the objective realities of life (homesickness, difficult living conditions, hard work on the farm) and with overt hostility emigration circles in London and Paris. She was constantly accused of treason. The conflict concerned philosophical and ideological differences and views on the role of the writer in exile.
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