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Shaping the Agrarian System is one of the basic topics of the Polish Agricultural Law. The main problem here is to define a proper model of ownership relations in the agricultural sector and principles of the real estate trading. These issues are relevant for both economic and political relations. In economy the influence the real capability of the agricultural sector as well as the standard of living of the agricultural society. In the politics they are treated as the instruments assuring the food security for all the citizens and in the international relations food sovereignity. The article presents, against the historical background, the solutions provided in the recently adopted law, the main purpose of which was to restrict the possibility of acquiring the agricultural real estate by foreigners. The new law provides a ban for the transfer of state owned agricultural real estate not only to foreigners but also to Polish citizens who are not farmers. It also provides certain other restrictions on this area.
The article discusses the evolution of the legal status regulating management of agricultural property owned by the State Treasury. It presents this evolution as the consequence of multiple, often provisional actions of the legislator conditioned by changing political objectives, which results in an incoherent model of Agricultural Property Stock of the State Treasury aiming to serve the development of a specific agricultural system in Poland. The incidental nature can also be attributed to the regulations used as grounds for establishment of the National Support Centre for Agriculture in 2017. These provisions were supposed to implement the longdemanded closing of the Agricultural Property Agency. However, this demand was previously associated with the need for definitive distribution of the Agricultural Property Stock owned by the State Treasury through the completion of its restructuring process and ultimately its privatisation. Meanwhile, the establishment of the National Support Centre for Agriculture only means that the past activity of the Agency will continue under a new name and that the Stock will function as property used exclusively for restructuring purposes in the near future. Such legal conditions make it difficult to achieve the main objective of state agricultural property management, which is to facilitate access to agricultural land for farmers with respect of their economic interests.
The subject of thorough analysis is, among others, the effectiveness of the performed transformation and one of the first attempts, in Polish science, to compare the legal changes; the attempt to answer the research question concerning the method of the implemented changes – whether the administrative and legal regulation has brought the expected results and whether all legal institutions relevant to the private law have been used appropriately; results and method of the performed inspection and supervision of the process of ownership changes in both of the countries in question. One of the basic purposes is to answer the question of how the national administration interfere in the legal turnover of agricultural real estate nowadays and how the national agricultural property influences the legal turnover of real estate. The analysed legal regulations of both countries become an interesting research area. In both cases the process of ownership changes began similarly but the further changes were proceeding differently; also, the ultimate result of the system transformations is different. The execution of the project enabled to reveal advantages and disadvantages of the changes implemented during the last 20 years. It also enabled to suggest de lege ferenda changes in the Polish Law, which made it possible to reasonably manage the agricultural real estate being the property of the State Treasury, including the transformations of the Agricultural Property Agency.
The Polish legislator introduced a series of mechanisms limiting the possibility of turnover of agricultural real estate. The amendment to the Act on the Formation of Agricultural System, binding since 30 April 2016, has introduced several limitations in the acquisition of agricultural real estate. The rule has been adopted that only an individual farmer may be the acquirer of farming land, which excludes e.g. a commercial law company. These limitations also apply to the division of inheritance. The acquisition by relatives is not subject to the restrictions contained in the discussed regulation, but the inheritance by non-relatives is only possible under the statutory requirements. In the division of inheritance, the estate may be acquired by an individual farmer, or by other subjects who obtained the approval of the President of the National Center for Support of Agriculture. The inclusion of the above clauses in the inheritance section is not understandable and does not serve any purposes defined in the preamble to the law. It unnecessarily complicates the turnover. Fortunately, the most common divisions of inheritance, i.e. those in which relatives participate, are excluded from these constraints.
The subject of the analysis are new tendencies in the European soft law pertaining to agricultural land management and agricultural property trade. In 2017, a European Parliament resolution was published on the current state of agricultural land concentration in the EU. This same year, on 18 October, European Commission formulated a statement that responded to this resolution by defining the control limits of property rights for the European Union authorities, based on a line set by the Court of Justice and the guiding principles of the TFEU.
This article analyzes the impact of the regulation of the Act on the Formation of the Agricultural System in all phases of the contract of annuity cycle, starting from its birth, through changes, to expiration. The study assumes that the exercise of the right to acquire under Article 4 of this Act does not expire the relationship of the contract of annuity or the right to demand the conversion of the right to annuity into a pension. In addition, the result of the literal interpretation, which implies the requirement for the vendor (annuitant) to have the status of an individual farmer in the event of termination of the contract of annuity by the court, was questioned. The contested interpretative variant leads to grossly unfair and unconsidered results that do not take into account the specificity of the contract of annuity, requiring a decisive breakthrough in the mode of systemic and functional interpretation.
L’articolo si propone di esaminare, nel contesto del principio dell’UE riguardante la libera circolazione dei capitali, i limiti posti ai trasferimenti di immobili agricoli disciplinati nella legge sul regime agricolo dal punto di vista della loro ammissibilità. Nello studio sono stati presentati i fenomeni economici e climatici in atto nel mondo, e in particolare nell’UE, i quali fanno sì che l’introduzione di soluzioni legislative volte a limitare i trasferimenti di immobili agricoli sembri ormai inevitabile. In seguito, è stato discusso il principio dell’UE riguardante la libera circolazione dei capitali, comprese le condizioni secondo le quali si possono ammettere i limiti al principio stesso. Alla luce delle costatazioni formulate, si è proceduto alla valutazione degli strumenti che limitano i suddetti trasferimenti. L’analisi svolta porta a constatare che la maggior parte delle soluzioni adottate riesca a superare il test di giudizio per l’ammissibilità delle restrizioni, sviluppato positivamente nella giurisprudenza della Corte di giustizia dell’Unione europea, benché alcune di esse sollevino dubbi.
The aim of the considerations was to assess the admissibility of restrictions of trading in agricultural real estate introduced by the Act on shaping the agricultural system in the context of the EU principle of free movement of capital. The article presents the economic and climatic phenomena that have been taking place worldwide and in the European Union in particular, which make the introduction of legal solutions limiting trading in agricultural land inevitable. The EU principle of free movement of capital is discussed, including the premises for the admissibility of restrictions of this principle. In the light of these findings, an assessment of instruments that restrict trading in agricultural real estate has been made. The analysis carried out in the article leads to the conclusion that most of the adopted solutions pass the test of admissibility of introducing restrictions that has been developed in the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union. Some of these restrictions, however, raise doubts.
Celem rozważań jest dokonanie oceny dopuszczalności ograniczeń w obrocie nieruchomościami rolnymi uregulowanych w ustawie o kształtowaniu ustroju rolnego w kontekście unijnej zasady swobody przepływu kapitału. W artykule przedstawione zostały zjawiska ekonomiczne i klimatyczne jakie mają miejsce na świecie, a w szczególności w UE, które powodują, że wprowadzanie rozwiązań prawnych ograniczających obrót nieruchomościami wydaje się nieuniknione. Omówiona została unijna zasada swobody przepływu kapitału, w tym przesłanki dopuszczalności ograniczenia tej zasady. W świetle tych ustaleń dokonana została ocena instrumentów, które ograniczają obrót nieruchomościami rolnymi, do których zalicza się przede wszystkim zasada nabywania nieruchomości rolnych przez rolników indywidualnych, zasada nakazująca prowadzenie gospodarstwa rolnego na nabywanej nieruchomości rolnej przez okres 5 lat i wprowadzająca zakaz zbywania nabytej nieruchomości w tym czasie bez uzyskania zgody dyrektora generalnego KOWR oraz prawo pierwokupu i nabycia przysługujące KOWR. Przeprowadzona w artykule analiza prowadzi do wniosku, że większość przyjętych rozwiązań przechodzi pozytywnie wypracowany w orzecznictwie TSUE test dopuszczalności wprowadzania ograniczeń, chociaż niektóre z tych ograniczeń budzą wątpliwości.
L’oggetto dell’articolo riguarda le restrizioni, presenti nell’ordinamento giuridico polacco, all’acquisto di azioni e quote da parte di stranieri nelle società proprietarie di immobili agricoli (usufrutto perpetuo). La Polonia, come alcuni Paesi dell’UE, ha introdotto specifiche limitazioni alla compravendita degli immobili, ricorrendo sia agli strumenti di diritto privato sia a quelli di diritto pubblico nell’esercitarne il controllo. Il grado di ingerenza da parte del legislatore polacco nelle operazioni di acquisto e vendita di azioni e quote delle società commerciali è stato valutato dal punto di vista giuridico, sulla base della legge in materia di acquisto degli immobili da parte di stranieri e di quella sul regime agricolo.
The subject of this article is restrictions on the acquisition by foreigners of shares in companies that are owners (perpetual usufructuaries) of agricultural real estate under the Polish legal system. Poland, similarly to some other EU Member States, has restricted the freedom to trade in real estate and introduced control over this trade through the use of instruments from the private as well as public law sphere. The degree of interference by the Polish legislator in trading in shares of commercial companies has been assessed basing on the Act on the acquisition of real estate by foreigners and the Act on the shaping of the agricultural system.
Agricultural real estate has a special place in national economies, and is of crucial political importance. Many investors believe that real properties are areas with high potential of the growth of value, in part due to the demand for food, and in part due to the ability to change their function to the commercial one. The aim of the article is to present the institutional and legal conditions of investment in agricultural real estate in Poland in force until 1 May 2016, with an attempt to assess the attractiveness of such investment and an indication of the potential effects that will be caused by recent changes in legislation. The author analyses the legal conditions of investing in agricultural property in Poland against the principles adopted in selected EU countries, which allows her to identify differences and similarities in the treatment of agricultural property in Poland and the selected EU countries. In addition, she analyses the market size through the volume of transactions of agriculture real estate in Poland, conducts the analysis of changes in the prices of agricultural land in Poland, pointing out changes in the price of such land in the selected European countries. The research also includes the volume of purchase of agricultural real estate by foreigners in Poland. The author uses the study of literature, legal acts, the analysis of the existing data and own calculations.
Nieruchomości rolne mają szczególne miejsce w gospodarkach narodowych, a także duże znaczenie polityczne. Wielu inwestorów uważa, że są to tereny o wysokim potencjale wzrostu wartości, po części ze względu na popyt na żywność, a po części ze względu na możliwość zmiany funkcji z rolnej na komercyjną. Celem artykułu jest zarysowanie obowiązujących do 1 maja 2016 r. uwarunkowań instytucjonalno-prawnych inwestowania w nieruchomości rolne w Polsce wraz z próbą oceny atrakcyjności takich inwestycji oraz wskazanie potencjalnych skutków, które zostaną wywołane ostatnimi zmianami uregulowań prawnych. Autorka dokonuje analizy uwarunkowań prawnych inwestowania w nieruchomości rolne w Polsce na tle zasad przyjętych w wybranych państwach UE, co pozwala na wskazanie odmienności i podobieństw w traktowaniu nieruchomości rolnych w Polsce i wybranych państwach UE. Ponadto analizuje wielkość rynku poprzez volumen transakcji takimi nieruchomościami w Polsce, przeprowadza także analizę zmian cen gruntów rolnych w Polsce wskazując jednocześnie zmiany poziomu cen takich gruntów w wybranych państwach europejskich. Badania obejmują także wielkość zakupów nieruchomości rolnych przez cudzoziemców w Polsce. Autorka posługuje się badaniem literatury przedmiotu, egzegezą aktów prawnych, analizą danych zastanych oraz własnymi obliczeniami.
The article presents selected legal instruments affecting the turnover of agricultural real estate in Poland. Changes since 2016 have introduced not only a new legal regime, but also numerous restrictions on the purchase of agricultural real estate. In some respects, they correspond to the resolution of the European Parliament, which encourages EU Member States to protect the agricultural nature of real estate. The current legal status, however, significantly affects the Treaty free movement of capital. In addition, it limits constitutionally protected property. The Polish regulations have been presented against the background of the regulations of selected European countries.
The aim of the article is to examine whether the provision of Article 8a of the Act on modelling the agricultural system concerns the supervision or control of the National Agriculture Support Centre (KOWR) over the performance of obligations of an agricultural real estate’s buyer. In addition, the study aims to explain KOWR’s rights with respect to this buyer and to examine what will determine the future recovery of agricultural property by KOWR acting on behalf of the State Treasury when it is found that the property is not used in accordance with the obligations set out in the Act on modelling the agricultural system. The research is carried out using the following methods: examination of the law in force, analysis of judicial decisions and relevant literature. The analysis demonstrates that KOWR cannot issue any binding orders or recommendations for an agricultural real estate’s buyer, i.e. it does not have any supervisory measures, therefore the provision of Art. 8a of the act concerns control, and the legislator used the concept of supervision in this provision wrongly and unnecessarily. Moreover, it is clarified that if an inspection demonstrates that the buyer uses the agricultural property contrary to the provisions of the Act, it does not mean that the State Treasury will regain it, as KOWR may not have the financial resources to pay the market value of the property pursuant to the provisions of the Act on real estate management.
Celem artykułu było zbadanie, czy przepis art. 8a u.k.u.r.1 dotyczy nadzoru, czy też kontroli KOWR nad wykonaniem obowiązków nabywcy nieruchomości rolnej. Ponadto przedmiotem opracowania było wyjaśnienie uprawnień KOWR2 wobec nabywcy nieruchomości rolnej oraz ustalenie, od czego w przyszłości będzie należało odzyskanie nieruchomości rolnej przez KOWR działający na rzecz Skarbu Państwa, gdy zostanie stwierdzone, że nieruchomość nie jest wykorzystywana zgodnie w obowiązkami wskazanymi w ustawie o kształtowaniu ustroju rolnego. Badania zostały przeprowadzone z wykorzystaniem metod: formalnej, dogmatycznej, analizy orzecznictwa oraz literatury przedmiotu. W wyniku przeprowadzonych analiz stwierdzono, że KOWR nie może wydawać nabywcy nieruchomości rolnej żadnych wiążących poleceń lub zaleceń, tzn. nie dysponuje żadnymi środkami nadzorczymi, wobec czego przepis art. 8a u.k.u.r. dotyczy kontroli, a ustawodawca w tym przepisie mylnie i niepotrzebnie posłużył się pojęciem nadzoru. Ponadto wyjaśniono, że stwierdzenie w wyniku kontroli, że nieruchomość rolna jest wykorzystywana przez nabywcę niezgodnie z przepisami ustawy o kształtowaniu ustroju rolnego, nie oznacza, że Skarb Państwa odzyska ją, gdyż KOWR może nie dysponować środkami finansowymi na zapłatę wartości rynkowej nieruchomości zgodnie z przepisami ustawy o gospodarce nieruchomościami.
W artykule zaprezentowano badania dotyczące prawnych regulacji związanych z instrumentem planistycznym jakim jest miejscowy plan zagospodarowania przestrzennego. Autorzy skupili się na problematyce związanej z podejmowaniem, kształtowaniem i stosowaniem miejscowego planu zagospodarowania przestrzennego na przykładzie postępowania komunalizacyjnego nieruchomości rolnych Skarbu Państwa. W tym celu w pierwszej części opracowania zostały poddane analizie prawne uwarunkowania oraz procedura podejmowania miejscowego planu zagospodarowania przestrzennego. Przedstawiono założenia oraz cele, jakie powinien spełniać miejscowy plan zagospodarowania przestrzennego. W drugiej części artykułu uwaga została poświęcona zagadnieniu dotyczącemu postępowania komunalizacyjnego nieruchomości rolnych należących do Skarbu Państwa. Analizowana jest problematyka oraz wątpliwości podnoszone zarówno przez doktrynę, jak i orzecznictwo, w szczególności w zakresie spełnienia przesłanki związanej z rolnym przeznaczeniem nieruchomości w miejscowym planie zagospodarowania przestrzennego.
The article presents research on legal regulations related to the planning instrument which is the local spatial development plan. The authors focus on issues related to undertaking, shaping and applying the local spatial development plan on the example of communalization of agricultural real estate owned by the State Treasury. For this purpose, the first part of the study analyzes legal conditions and the procedure of establishing a local spatial development plan. The assumptions that should be met by the local spatial development plan, as well as the objectives that should guide its adoption were presented. In the second part of the article, the authors pay attention to the issue concerning communalization of agricultural real estate belonging to the State Treasury. Issues and doubts raised by both doctrine and jurisprudence are discussed, in particular as regards the fulfillment of the premise related to the agricultural purpose of the real estate in the local spatial development plan.
The subject of the article is the assessment of the applicable provisions on fees in land and mortgage register proceedings and an attempt to indicate the directions of possible normative changes. The first part will present the practical aspects of the provisions on applications including a request to establish a land and mortgage register and to connect real estate to existing land and mortgage registers. Next, considerations will be presented on selected problems with the assessment of the amount of fees for applications for the entry of ownership of agricultural real estate and entries in section III of the land and mortgage register referred to in Article 43a of the Act on Court Costs in Civil Cases. The last chapter will include de lege ferenda proposals regarding changes in the regulation of fees in matters related to land and mortgage register proceedings.
Le considerazioni svolte riguardano il problema di applicazione delle disposizioni di legge sul regime agricolo nel campo relativo alle regolazioni giuridiche riguardanti l’agricoltura contenute nel codice civile. Nello specifico, tenendo conto della legge in esame, si intende discutere la successione delle aziende agricole, inclusa la divisione dell’eredità, di cui fa parte l’azienda agricola, la cessazione della comproprietà nonché la cessazione della divisione del patrimonio comune dei coniugi. L’obiettivo che il legislatore si è prefissato è stato quello di garantire la tutela dei terreni agricoli, prevista nelle disposizioni del codice civile, pure a livello della compravendita degli immobili agricoli. Sorgono, tuttavia, dubbi interpretativi relativi alla mancanza di identità semantica nelle espressioni utilizzate in entrambi gli atti giuridici, il che porta a modificare istituti codicistici. È inaccettabile che, in virtù delle disposizioni di leggi specifiche, vengano modificati gli istituti giuridici riguardanti l’agricoltura contenuti nel codice, posti a garanzia della proprietà agricola. Questo modo di „modificare” il codice civile porta a incoerenze e disfunzioni del sistema giuridico.
The considerations concern the applicability of the provisions of the Act on shaping the agricultural system to the legal regulations of agriculture contained in the civil code. The focus is on the inheritance of agricultural holdings, as well as the division of inheritance consisting of an agricultural holding, the abolition of joint ownership of an agricultural holding and the division of joint property of spouses, taking into account the provisions of the Act on shaping the agricultural system. The intention of the legislator was to ensure protection of agricultural land also in the scope of trading in agricultural real estate that has been provided for in the civil code. However, there are doubts regarding the interpretation of the terms used in both legislative acts as it leads to certain differences in  the understanding of institutions defined in the code. However, this is an unacceptable situation and the provisions of special laws must not change the legal definitions of agricultural institutions guaranteeing agricultural property. This way of "amending" the civil code results in the inconsistency and dysfunctionality of the legal system.
Rozważania dotyczą stosowania przepisów ustawy o kształtowaniu ustroju rolnego do regulacji prawnorolnych zawartych w Kodeksie cywilnym. Obejmują dziedziczenie gospodarstw rolnych, w tym dział spadku, w skład którego wchodzi gospodarstwo rolne, zniesienie współwłasności gospodarstwa rolnego (zarówno w drodze umowy, jak i orzeczenia sądowego) oraz podział majątku wspólnego małżonków, z uwzględnieniem regulacji ustawy o kształtowaniu ustroju rolnego. Założeniem ustawodawcy było zapewnienie ochrony ziemi rolniczej także w zakresie obrotu nieruchomościami rolnymi, przewidzianej w przepisach Kodeksu cywilnego. Wątpliwości interpretacyjne budzi jednak brak tożsamości znaczeniowej zwrotów użytych w obu aktach prawnych, co prowadzi do modyfikacji kodeksowych instytucji. Nie do przyjęcia jest to, że mocą przepisów ustaw szczególnych zmianie ulegają kodeksowe instytucje prawnorolne stanowiące gwarancję własności rolniczej. Taki sposób „nowelizowania” Kodeksu cywilnego prowadzi do niespójności i dysfunkcjonalności systemu prawnego.
In the article, the Authors attempt to systematically formulate “property”, from the point of view of both – Polish and EU legislation. They highlight various understandings of property and point out, how complicated the evolution of this law aspect has been. The point of reference in the conducted analysis is the assumption that property is one of the most important elements of the legal order. It is also perceived as a pillar of social and economic system. At the same time, property, and more precisely – its juridical concept assumed by a legislator as a factor shaping not only the content of property right but also determining its allowable forms, constitutes a fundamental instrument used by a country to influence its social and economic reality. As a reference to the Polish law, the Authors presented understandings of property that result from the constitution and civil law and pointed out fundamental differences between them. They highlighted also the fact that the constitutional concept of property is normatively superior to the other concept, what is reflected by the fact that property, formulated in the Constitution as an elementary right, determines the requirements concerning statutory under-standing of property. According to the principles of EU legislation, property is also perceived as an elementary right, but, as in the Polish law, it does not constitute an absolute (unlimited) right. It is though indicated that public interest in the broad sense of the term may constitute a legal prerequisite for interference in owner’s entitlements.
Wraz z wejściem w życie ustawy ograniczającej egzekucje z nieruchomości rolnych doszło do wprowadzenia do polskiego porządku prawnego chaosu. Niniejszy artykuł stanowi przegląd oraz analizę orzecznictwa sądów w zakresie prowadzenia egzekucji z nieruchomości rolnych. W pierwszej części przedstawiono definicję ustawową nieruchomości. W części głównej artykułu szczegółowo przedstawiono egzekucję z nieruchomości rolnych po wejściu w życie nowelizacji ustawy. Wskazano, jakie warunki strony muszą spełnić, aby w drodze wyjątku uzyskać prawo własności do nieruchomości rolnych zgodnie z prawem. Analizie poddano fakt, iż zgodnie z polskim ustawodawstwem prawo pierwokupu jest przyznane tylko współwłaścicielom nieruchomości rolnych.
The article provides an overview and analysis of the case law of courts in the field of execution concerning agricultural real estate. In the first part shows a statutory definition of real property. Thereafter, the main part of the article presents in detail an execution concerning immovable property after entering into force on amendment act. The article points out the conditions which have to be fulfilled in order to exceptionally obtain the ownership of agricultural real estate in accordance with law. Regulation were analysed in view fact, that pursuant to the Polish legislation, the right of pre-emption is granted only to coowners of agricultural real estate.
The Polish legislator introduced a series of mechanisms limiting the possibility of turnover of agricultural real estate. The rule has been adopted that only an individual farmer may be the acquirer of farming land, which excludes e.g. a commercial law company. The Agricultural Property Agency has been equipped with several competences enabling it considerable interference with the agricultural real estate turnover. The amendment to the Act on the Formation of Agricultural System, binding since 30 April 2016, has introduced several limitations in the acquisition of agricultural real estate by companies governed by commercial law. The acquisition of agricultural real estate with the consent of the President of the Agricultural Property Agency is the only option for legal persons to acquire agricultural real estate. In practice, the above regulations considerably hinder the conduct of agricultural activities by commercial law companies. The principle of the freedom of agricultural activities entails the choice of the form of conducting of such activities. The analysed regulations do not give such freedom. The introduction of a farm company, i.e. the subject whose main activity would be of an agricultural character and which could be treated like an individual farmer, into the Polish, law might constitute a be a good solution to this problem.
Polski ustawodawca wprowadził szereg mechanizmów ograniczających obrót nieruchomościami rolnymi. Wprowadzono zasadę, że tylko rolnik indywidualny może nabyć grunty rolne, co wyłącza możliwość ich nabycia m.in. przez spółki prawa handlowego. Agencja Nieruchomości Rolnych została wyposażona w szereg kompetencji pozwalających na znaczący wpływ na obrót gruntami rolnymi. Nowelizacja ustawy o kształtowaniu ustroju rolnego obowiązująca od 30 kwietnia 2016 r. wprowadziła szereg ograniczeń w nabywaniu nieruchomości rolnych przez spółki prawa handlowego. Nabycie nieruchomości rolnej za zgodą Prezesa ANR jest jedynym sposobem na uzyskanie własności nieruchomości rolnej przez osoby prawne. Powyższe regulacje w praktyce znacznie utrudniają prowadzenie działalności rolniczej przez spółki prawa handlowego. Zasada wolności działalności gospodarczej oznacza m.in. wybór formy, w jakiej można taką działalność podejmować. Kształt analizowanych przepisów takiej wolności nie daje. Być może właściwym rozwiązaniem byłoby wprowadzenie do prawa polskiego spółki rolnej, a więc podmiotu, którego głównym rodzajem działalności byłaby działalność rolnicza i który mógłby być traktowany na równi z rolnikiem indywidualnym.
As a result of the amendment of the Act on Shaping of Agricultural System of 11 April 2003, numerous restrictions have been imposed on the agricultural real estate turnover. Pre-emption of agricultural property has been modified. The scope of the right to acquire agricultural real estate by the Agricultural Property Agency has been widen, now it encompasses any acquisition of ownership of agricultural real estate through any legal action or legal event. The principle of acquisition of agricultural real estate only by an individual farmer introduced by the aforementioned amendment leads to marginalization of the institutions of the pre-emption of agricultural property and the right to acquisition of agricultural real estate, which can be executed only in several cases. This article describes the issues concerning execution of the obligation to notify the entitled of the pre-emption of agricultural property and the right to acquisition of agricultural real estate, such as the time of occurrence of this obligation, manner and term of its execution. Fulfilment of this obligation commences the term in which entitled party can execute its pre-emption or acquisition right. Failing to meet this obligation results in invalidity of the acquisition of agricultural real estate.
W wyniku nowelizacji ustawy o kształtowaniu ustroju rolnego z dnia 11 kwietnia 2003 r. obrót nieruchomościami rolnymi został objęty licznymi restrykcjami. Zmodyfikowano prawo pierwokupu oraz rozszerzono zakres prawa wykupu nieruchomości rolnych przysługującego Agencji Nieruchomości Rolnych, które aktualnie obejmuje nabycie własności nieruchomości rolnej w drodze wszelkich czynności prawnych i zdarzeń prawnych. Ustanowiona w wyniku nowelizacji zasada nabycia nieruchomości rolnych wyłącznie przez rolnika indywidualnego prowadzi do marginalizacji prawa pierwokupu oraz wykupu, które faktycznie mogą być wykorzystane jedynie w kilku przypadkach. W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z realizacją obowiązku zawiadomienia uprawnionego z prawa pierwokupu oraz wykupu, tj. moment powstania tego obowiązku, sposób i termin jego realizacji. Realizacja obowiązku zawiadomienia skutkuje rozpoczęciem biegu terminu do wykonania prawa pierwokupu lub wykupu. Brak zawiadomienia powoduje nieważność nabycia nieruchomości rolnej.
The article presents the latest regulations related to spatial planning and its impact on the sale of agricultural real estate in the light of the Act on shaping the agricultural system. Relations between spatial planning and agricultural real estate indicate the tendency of essential planning authority of the municipality and thus to that they influence the sale of agricultural real estate, excluding the application of the law on shaping agricultural system. The article also presents a model of shaping the state policy in the field of preserving the agricultural character of real estate.
The article presents current development trends related to European regulations concerning agricultural property trade. The legal instruments proposed by the European Parliament and the European Commission, which which are supposed to preserve the agricultural character of the property, has been presented. These regulations should help farmers to keep their jobs. They also recommend creating strict supervision over the turnover of agricultural real estate.
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