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Parents of disabled children not only deal with raising a child but also with their disability. The whole family experiences various implications as their lives are strongly affected by the disability. Undeniably, the whole life depends on a disability, which forces parents to redefine the family life and give it a new meaning. The conducted research was located in the stream of constructivist and interpretative research. The attempt of meeting and understanding the world the parents preserve in their memories allowed togain ‘genuine’ knowledge about a family with a chronically ill child. Told narrations present difficult parenthood and everyday problems that a family must deal with. Parents’ biographies concern not only weaknesses which they have to face fighting for normal life for their children but also show determination in their constant struggle in everyday life. Everyday life is very complex for them. Thus, the reality that the separents create is full of both negative and positive emotions, moments of happiness, love and mutual respect.
The purpose of the studies was to search for personality correlates of psychosocial adjustment of chronic disease patients. The group of 246 male patients with coronary heart disease was included into the studies. Correlations were analysed between the intensity of some selected personal traits, the intensity of limitations resulting from the disease process and its therapy, and the level of patients’ psychosocial adjustment and well-being. The studies have confirmed that the neuroticism, extraversion and openness are the essential correlates of the adjustment. In order to predict the psychosocial adjustment of chronic patients accurately, it is necessary to consider some variables connected with the disease. They can be the independent predicators of the adjustment, they can also modify the adjustment level when interacting with personality variables.
Wstęp. Obserwowany na świecie wzrost zachorowania na choroby cywilizacyjne dotyczy w dużym stopniu również dzieci. Cel pracy. Ocena sytuacji zdrowotnej dzieci uczęszczających do trzech pierwszych klas szkół podstawowych we Wrocławiu. Materiał i metody. Badaniem objęto 1984 dzieci (97,92%) – 934 chłopców (47%) i 1050 dziewczynek (53%), w wieku 6,5–9,5 lat z 26 wybranych losowo publicznych szkół we Wrocławiu. Badania przeprowadzano w latach 2009–2011. Rozdano 4000 ankiet, w których pytano rodziców o przebyte i aktualne choroby oraz wady rozwojowe. Wyniki. Zespoły genetycznie uwarunkowane były rozpoznane u 15 (0,75%), wady układu moczowego – u 24 (1,2%), serca – u 9 (0,45%), przewodu pokarmowego – u 24 (1,2%), wady wzroku – u 236 (11,8%), choroby alergiczne – u 597 (30,1%), astma oskrzelowa – u 33 (1,51%) badanych. Z powodu chorób endokrynologicznych leczonych jest 15 (0,75%) dzieci. U 66/934 (7,06%) chłopców rozpoznano wady układu moczopłciowego. U 402 (20,2%) dzieci rozpoznano wadę postawy,z czego u 20 (1%) wady były utrwalone. Wnioski. Opieka pediatryczna w szkołach jest niezadowalająca. Najważniejszymi problemami zdrowotnymi u dzieci klas I–III są choroby alergiczne oraz wady postawy, na co wpływ mogą mieć czynniki środowiskowe. W celu poprawy stanu zdrowia dzieci konieczna jest edukacja prozdrowotna dzieci, a szczególnie rodziców
Background. Increase in civilization diseases prevalence has also been noticeable in children worldwide. Objectives. The aim of this study was to assess the health situation of Wroclaw’s children during the first three years of school education. Material and methods. The study included 1984 children (97.92%), 934 boys (47%) and 1050 girls (53%), who were attending 26 randomly selected public schools in Wrocław. The study was conducted in 2009–2011. 4000 questionnaires on past and current chronic diseases as well as developmental disturbances were given to legal guardians of children taking part in the project. Results. Genetic disorders and syndromes were present in 15 (0.75%) children, malformations of urinary system in 24 (1.2%), heart defects in 9 (0.45%), digestive system disease in 24 (1.2%), vision defects in 236 (11.8%), allergy in 597 (30.1%) and asthma in 33 (1.51%) participants. 15 (0.75%) children were treated due to endocrinological diseases. In 66/934 (7.06%) boys genital organs malformations were diagnosed. Stature defect was diagnosed in 402 (20.2%) examined, including 20 (1%) with fixed defects. Conclusions. Pediatric care provided in school is unsatisfactory. Allergy and stature defects dominated among all found disorders that could result from environmental factors. Effective education of healthy lifestyle should help to improve health status of school children.
Disability and chronic illness are social issues that have been constituting one of the most frequent reasons for social assistance given by social welfare centres for many years. The aim of the paper was to present the social support and pedagogical support in social work provided to people with chronic illness and disability. The text is a cause for thought about finding new areas of activity in social work based on socio-pedagogical support.
It is worth looking at chronic illness with its pain, suffering and increasing limitations from the perspective of time. By time we mean subjective time relating to the perception and dynamics of the malady in the patient’s impressions and the role which time plays in the structuring of the patient’s life and experience. The main focus of this article is the experience of progressive kidney failure (uraemia), a condition which requires regular dialysis or kidney transplantation. Due to its specific crises, hopes and periods of waiting, painstaking medical procedures lasting many hours and turning points in the disease’s trajectory, time and its passage are a particularly adequate instrument with which to analyse the experiences of patients with uraemia. These experiences are discussed against the backdrop of selected elements of health care and attitudes towards transplantation which provide the social context for patients’ struggle with illness.
Chronic diseases determine children’s functioning in different areas of their life. It is caused very often by unclear experiences which are result of typical disease unit (such as physical pain, activity restriction), impact into environment (feeling of danger, fear, physical suffering).Very important seems to be here unit’s activity which play main role in coping process1. Because of many experiences child gain knowledge referring to concrete events strictly connected to therapy process. Basing on this child have a possibility to choose proven strategies which are foundation to effective coping with disease and give possibility to gain wellbeing, efficiency, independence which lead to effective development.
Life is of great value to any human being and can be considered to be a fundamental concept. It has a determined temporal dimension, although it remains unknown to a given individual. An overview of relevant literature demonstrates that much has been written on the subject of health and ability and it has been quite extensively discussed. Yet this concept remains valid because its meaning is constantly changing. People are not able to completely free themselves from diseases/disabilities. During one’s lifetime one is exposed to periodic or permanent difficulties or limitations. Human life involves functioning on the border of health and disease, full ability and disability. It is important, however, how one deals with difficulties that one must face, who one will meet on one’s way and what kind of help will be offered. This paper aims to present a theoretical framework of health and disease, including chronic disease and disability.
Wstęp. Nieswoiste Zapalenie Jelit plasuje się w grupie pięciu najczęściej występujących chorób przewodu pokarmowego i jest najczęstszą przewlekłą chorobą przewodu pokarmowego u dzieci. Dzieci z uwagi na wczesny okres rozpoznania będą chorowały najdłużej i najciężej, ale mają możliwość prowadzenia życia zbliżonego do ich zdrowych rówieśników. Celem podjętych badań było poznanie stopnia samokontroli dorastającej młodzieży z NZJ w związku z koniecznością przejścia pod opiekę poradni gastroenterologicznych dla osób dorosłych po 18 roku życia. Materiał i metody. Badanie przeprowadzono wśród młodzieży od 15 do 18 roku życia ze zdiagnozowanym NZJ, pacjentów Poradni Gastroenterologicznych w Warszawie i Rzeszowie. Wyniki. Rozpoznanie wrzodziejącego zapalenie jelita grubego podało 50,67% dzieci, natomiast chorobę Leśniowskiego- Crohna, 42,67% . Średni wiek zachorowania wśród dzieci wynosił ok. 12,13 ±3,82. Ponad połowa respondentów ocenia zakres posiadanych informacji o jednostce chorobowej za raczej wystarczający. W ogólnej populacji badanej młodzieży znacząca większość potrafi samodzielnie formułować swoje obserwacje i wątpliwości dotyczące terapii. Ponad 90% chorych objętych badaniami deklaruje znajomość nazw oraz dawek przyjmowanych leków, jednak u 1/5 regularność ich stosowania nadal nadzorują rodzice. Podczas wizyt u specjalisty wszystkim respondentom towarzyszą rodzice. Ponad połowa badanych w razie potrzeby nie potrafiłaby samodzielnie skontaktować się ze specjalistą. Tematyka zachowań ryzykownych (palenie, picie, narkotyki) oraz współżycia seksualnego nie jest podejmowana podczas wizyt. Wnioski. 1. Młodzież zna istotę choroby, jednakże tylko w małym zakresie jest włączana w proces samodzielnej kontroli. 2. W poradniach gastroenterologicznych dla dzieci tematyka pozamedyczna, jak: styl życia, płodność, rozwój zawodowy nie jest podejmowana.
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is among five most frequent gastrointestinal diseases and is the most common chronic disease of the gastrointestinal tract in children. Although children due to the early diagnosis will suffer the longest and the most acute, they may lead a life similar to their healthy peers. The aim of the study was to investigate the degree of selfcontrol in adolescents with IBD in connection with the necessity of the transition to the care of gastroenterology clinic for adults at the age of 18. Material and methods. The survey was conducted among young people aged 15 to 18 diagnosed with IBD, the patients of Gastroenterological Clinics in Warsaw and Rzeszow. Results. Ulcerative colitis was diagnosed in 50.67% of the children while Crohn’s disease was found in 42.67%. The average age of the onset was approx. 12.13 ± 3.82 among the children. More than a half of the respondents assessed the range of possessed information about the disease entity as rather sufficient. Vast majority of young people in the overall study population could formulate their observations and concerns regarding the treatment independently. Over 90% of patients in the study declared knowing the names and doses of medicines, however, in one fifth of the subjects the regularity of their administration was still supervised by parents. All respondents were accompanied by parents during a visit at a specialist. More than a half of the respondents would not be able to contact a specialist alone if necessary. The subject of hazardous behaviour (smoking, drinking, drugs) and sexual intercourse was not discussed during the visits. Conclusions. 1. Adolescents knew the essence of the disease, but were engaged in the process of self-control only to a limited extend. 2. Nonmedical issues like lifestyle, fertility, professional development were not discussed in the gastroenterological clinics for children.
Wstęp. Astma oskrzelowa jest chorobą przewlekłą, która ogranicza funkcjonowanie chorych w róznych sferach życia codziennego, w aspekcie fizycznym, społecznym i emocjonalnym. Dlatego badania HRQoL mogq byc cennym uzupełnieniem badania lekarskiego, szczególnie ważnym u chorych przewlekle.
Background. Bronchial asthma is a chronic disease, debilitating the physical, social and emotional aspects of patients’ life. Therefore the HRQoL assessment may serve as a supplement to medical assessment, which is especially important in patients with chronic conditions.
A chronic condition in a child creates a difficult situation for his/her family, because it is connected with negative experiences and the necessity to assume additional responsibilities. That is why many parents of chronically ill children need support from a variety of specialists and relevant social institutions. Social support in relation to the family with a chronically ill child can have a formal or informal character. Informal support involves help offered by family, friends, relatives or volunteers who are representatives of associations and organizations providing help (support groups). This type of support is based on strong emotional relations. Formal support constitutes help offered by institutions and professionals employed in health centers i.e. health clinics, hospitals, clinics, rehabilitation centers, sanatoriums or hospices. Only joint activities aimed at supporting families and ill children will allow eliminating the threats associated with child disease.
Przewlekła choroba dziecka stanowi sytuację trudną dla jego rodziny, gdyż wiąże się z negatywnymi przeżyciami i podjęciem dodatkowych obowiązków. Dlatego wielu rodziców dzieci przewlekle chorych wymaga wsparcia ze strony różnych specjalistów i odpowiednich instytucji społecznych. Społeczne wsparcie w stosunku do rodziny dziecka przewlekle chorego może mieć charakter formalny lub nieformalny. Wsparcie nieformalne obejmuje pomoc od rodziny, przyjaciół, krewnych oraz wolontariuszy będących przedstawicielami stowarzyszeń i organizacji niosących pomoc (grupy wsparcia) – istotą tego wsparcia są wytworzone silne relacje uczuciowe. Wsparcie formalne stanowi pomoc instytucji i profesjonalistów zatrudnionych w ośrodkach leczniczych, tj. poradniach zdrowia, szpitalach, klinikach, ośrodkach rehabilitacyjnych, sanatoriach czy hospicjach. Tylko wspólne działania, wspierające rodzinę i dziecko chore, pozwolą na eliminację zagrożeń wynikających z choroby dziecka.
W artykule zostanie podjęta próba syntezy wiedzy teoretycznej oraz uogólnionych rezultatów doniesień empirycznych na temat postrzegania siebie przez dzieci z chorobami przewlekłymi. Należy podkreślić, że proces poznawania siebie, swoich możliwości, ale także ograniczeń w różnych obszarach życia jest długotrwały, niezwykle złożony i wieloczynnikowy, szczególnie jeśli chodzi o dzieci, i musi uwzględniać specyfikę poszczególnych jednostek chorobowych.
This paper attempts to synthesize the theoretical knowledge and generalize the empirical results regarding self – perception in children with chronic disease. It should be emphasized that the process of self – perception and own possibilities and restrictions in different areas of life is very complicated, long lasting and multifactorial, especially in children, taking into consideration the characteristics of particular disease entities.
Background In Poland average life expectancy extends, while the number of the elderly who are active in the labor market decreases. Material and Methods The study population consisted of 429 people aged 50–70 years old living in the community of south-eastern Poland. The respondents were divided into 2 study groups: group I – late middle age (50–60 years old) and group II – early old age (61–70 years old). With the use of questionnaires they were given, we obtained their socio-demographic data, assessed their cognitive and emotional state, as their physical activity levels. We used the Tinetti test to assess their gait and balance. Results We did not find statistically significant difference in cognitive functioning between the studied groups (p = 0.109). Moreover, there was no significant relationship between belonging to an age group and suffering from depression (p = 0.06) as well as no major differences were observed in the general level of physical activity in relation to age (p = 0.112). Our study found that most of our subjects, regardless of gender, declared their willingness to continue professional work after reaching retirement age. Conclusions The results of own research did not show significant differences in psychophysical state between people in late middle age and at the beginning of old age. Most of the researched participants declared their willingness to continue professional work. Due to changing demographic conditions, it is becoming an important issue to maintain the highest possible level of professional activity of older people in the labor market in Poland. Med Pr 2018;69(4):375–381
W artykule zawarte są teoretyczne rozważania na temat choroby przewlekłej, jaką jest cukrzyca oraz nad stylem życia i jego uwarunkowaniach. Autorka przedstawia wyniki badań własnych prowadzonych na temat stylu życia seniorów z cukrzycą typu 2. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników badań wyodrębniono styl dominujący, najbardziej rozpowszechniony: „Unikanie wyborów egzystencjalnych” i style alternatywne: „Aktywni w sieci ograniczeń”, „Na pograniczu poświęcenia i ofiary”, „Nastawienie na korzystanie z przyjemności życia i »używanie życia«”, realizowane przez nieliczne osoby.
The article contains theoretical reflections on diabetes as a chronic disease, on the lifestyle and its conditioning. The author presents results of her own research on the lifestyle of people with type 2 diabetes. Based on achieved results the prevailing and the most widespread style has been determined as ‘Avoiding existential choices,’ accompanied by alternative styles: ‘Active in the network of restrictions,’ ‘On the border between dedication and sacrifice,’ ‘Focus on enjoying pleasures of life and “using life”, ’ adopted by few.
In the article, I emphasize the interdisciplinary nature of the quality of life concept, which is used in many scientific disciplines. The approach to this issue depends largely on the perspective of the subject that is concerned with this problem. Quality of life changes with age, the level of self-awareness, and social roles and life tasks a person takes on. That is why I have sought to outline the determinants of quality of life and its dimensions. I stress the point that these issues are particularly important from the point of view of chronically ill children, as the development of illness may have a negative impact on their physical, mental, and social spheres. Moreover, the constantly increasing number of children with chronic diseases creates a need for a closer investigation into problems in their psychosocial functioning that are determined by their health condition. The article aims to present the issues of quality of life as well as illness and its impact on the quality of life of children with chronic diseases.
Objectives Current demographic trends, such as society aging, the spreading of chronic diseases, as well as early retirement choices, lead to the dwindling labor market population. Taking into consideration the foregoing tendencies and their consequences, the issue of the shrinking labor force resources seems to be the most important challenge for the labor market. In response to it, this paper identifies individual and institutional causes of withdrawal from the labor market, and explores the views of Polish stakeholders on existing strategies for the occupational re-integration of persons with chronic diseases (PwCDs). Material and Methods Polish results of 2 European projects: “Participation to Healthy Workplaces and Inclusive Strategies in the Work Sector” (the PATHWAYS project) and “The Collaborative Research on Aging in Europe” (COURAGE in Europe) complemented each other. The cross-sectional population data and data from stakeholders’ interviews were used. Results The authors identified several causes which could encourage people to withdraw from the labor market before attaining the official retirement age at 3 different levels: individual, occupational, and institutional. Although research has shown that the macro-level situation is crucial to staying occupationally active, in Poland stakeholders have reported the lack of effective coordination in the implementation of policies for the occupational re-integration of PwCDs. Conclusions A decision to cease work prematurely reflects a combination of many different factors, such as individual determinates, work characteristics, personal convictions, and systemic solutions. The study demonstrated that, despite the awareness of the dwindling resources of labor force, the employment-related challenges faced by PwCDs as well as people who are close to the retirement age remain unaddressed. Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 2019;32(5):695–721
ObjectivesThe main objective of this study is to examine the relationship between health and an early exit from paid employment in the Finnish, Polish, and Spanish populations. The authors have addressed the following 3 issues: who chooses not to work according to gender patterns, whether the health status is a determinant of being non-employed, and what diseases are associated with being non-employed.Material and MethodsThe studied material consists of data from the Collaborative Research on Ageing in Europe (COURAGE in Europe) project. The analysis was based on a sample of 5868 individuals, including 1214 from Finland, 2152 from Poland and 2532 from Spain. In the paper, these data were complemented with the results of the PArticipation To Healthy Workplaces And inclusive Strategies in the Work Sector (PATHWAYS) project. Results: The results of the study revealed that self-rated health was a strong predictor of being non-employed for different reasons. Chronic diseases, such as arthritis, angina, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, depression and hypertension, were typically associated with an increased risk of being non-employed due to health problems and early retirement. Women more frequently reported arthritis and depression, while a higher proportion of men suffered from angina and diabetes.ConclusionsThe results obtained by the authors highlight the importance of evaluating gender patterns in work cessation and, at the same time, the importance of gender-focused actions in terms of preventing withdrawal from the labor market. In principle, all chronic diseases have some impact on participation in the labor market. It is worth noting, however, that each of them affects workforce participation in a different manner, depending on the specific disease, country and gender. For this reason, tailored support to every individual’s needs is highly recommended.
The aim of the article was to summarize the results offered in the research on occupational functioning of women with endometriosis. We followed PRISMA guidelines. Database search was done in November 2017 using EBSCO. In the review were included the articles clearly referring to the relationships between endometriosis and work or any aspect of work (e.g., work productivity, work ability, absenteeism). Eight papers were included in the final review. Seven studies were cross-sectional, 1 retrospective. The majority of researchers used standardized research measures, such as Work Ability Index, Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire or Health Related Productivity Questionnaire. Only in 2 studies the reference group was considered, one of them consisted of healthy women. The results clearly indicate that endometriosis is a disease that causes major disturbance in occupational functioning of the suffering women. In the future the researchers should search for individual and organizational correlates of the improvement of occupational functioning in this group of patients. The methodology of the existing studies has been evaluated and the methodological cues for future research has been given. Med Pr 2018;69(6):663–671
Rocznik Lubuski
vol. 46
issue 2
The article provides an overview. It presents the concept of health and illness and outlines the problem of changes experienced by a child as a result of his or her illness. It describes the phenomenon of stress, and reviews studies into a child’s strategies for coping with the stress caused by this situation. The article also points to the most important predictors regarding the desired, i.e. active, ways of coping with stress caused by a chronic disease in children.
Artykuł ma charakter przeglądowy. Przybliżono w nim pojęcie zdrowia i choroby, zarysowano problematykę zmian doświadczanych przez dziecko w związku z pojawieniem się u niego choroby, scharakteryzowano zjawisko stresu, a także dokonano przeglądu badań rozpoznających dziecięce radzenie sobie ze stresem spowodowanym tą sytuacją. Wskazano także na najważniejsze predyktory pożądanego, czyli aktywnego radzenia sobie przez dzieci w sytuacji stresu powodowanego chorobą przewlekłą.
Due to the aging of societies, the increased prevalence of patients with dementia is observed. Parkinson’s disease is one of the most frequent neurodegenerative disorders and occurs mainly in people in age over 50 years. The core symptoms of Parkinson’s disease are bradykinesia, tremor and plastic rigidity. The main purpose of the study was to looked for answers to questions about the individual sense of experience, about relationships with others, and to change behaviours focused on taking life actions. The following research questions were sought: What meaning does the respondent give to her experience? How does she respond to news of chronic illness? How does illness change a person’s life? How does living with a chronic disease affect an individual’s identity? The study was conducted in February 2019 by the author of the article, using the biographical method and narrative interview technique. Social scientific research on experiencing chronic illness focuses directly on pivotal players in health care – people who are sick. The research on experiencing chronic illness emphasizes how people come to view themselves as chronically ill, and how illness affects their lives.
Z uwagi na proces starzenia się społeczeństw częstość występowania zespołów otępiennych stale wzrasta. Choroba Parkinsona jest jedną z najczęstszych chorób neurozwyrodnieniowych i dotyczy przede wszystkim pacjentów po 50. roku życia. Głównymi objawami choroby Parkinsona są zaburzenia w postaci spowolnienia ruchowego, drżenia spoczynkowego i wzmożenia napięcia mięśni typu plastycznego. Głównym celem przeprowadzonego badania było poszukiwanie odpowiedzi na pytania o indywidualny sens doświadczeń, relacje z innymi oraz zmianę zachowań ukierunkowanych na podejmowanie działań życiowych. Poszukiwano odpowiedzi na następujące pytania badawcze: Jakie znaczenie nadaje respondentka treści swoich doświadczeń? Jak reaguje na wiadomość o chorobie przewlekłej? Jak choroba zmienia życie człowieka? Jak życie z chorobą przewlekłą wpływa na tożsamość jednostki? Badanie zostało przeprowadzone w lutym 2019 r. przez autorkę artykułu za pomocą metody biograficznej i techniki wywiadu narracyjnego. Badania naukowe w zakresie nauk społecznych nad doświadczaniem chorób przewlekłych koncentrują się bezpośrednio na kluczowych graczach w służbie zdrowia – ludziach chorych. Badania nad chorobą przewlekłą ukazują, jak ludzie postrzegają siebie jako osoby przewlekle chore i jak choroba wpływa na ich życie.
Przedmiotem rozważań niniejszego opracowania jest przedstawienie wybranych metod terapeutycznych w procesie leczenia dziecka przewlekle chorego. W artykule wskazano też perspektywę pedagogiki terapeutycznej (leczniczej). Choroba przewlekła jest przykrym, obciążającym zdarzeniem w życiu człowieka. Jest zaburzeniem wielopłaszczyznowym, ponieważ powoduje trudności w funkcjonowaniu na wielu poziomach: fizycznym, społecznym, emocjonalnym, poznawczym. Pedagogika terapeutyczna zapewnia jednostce realizację podstawowych potrzeb psychospołecznych i biologicznych.
The article presents some of the therapeutic methods used in the treatment of a chronically ill child. The prospect of therapeutic pedagogy is presented in the undertaken topic. Chronic disease is an unpleasant, stressful occurrence in a human life. This is a multidimensional disorder as it causes difficulties in functioning at different levels, such as physical, social, emotional and cognitive. Therapeutic pedagogy provides an individual with basic psychosocial and biological needs.
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