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In 2010 sex education became a surprising target of criticism in the secular Czech Republic. The voices of social conservatives were raised and were answered by the Minister of Education, who launched a reform of educational curricula to exclude sex education. This article analyses the discursive strategies employed by conservative opponents of sex education and highlights the interpretive repertoires of sexuality and gender. The authors argue that Czech conservatives deploy both a moral panic strategy and a discursive strategy of empowerment that uses positive sanctions to support ‘good sex’, defined exclusively as marital, procreative heterosex. This interpretive repertoire of ‘good and healthy sexuality’ is universally intelligible and thus has the potential to resonate not only with social conservatives but throughout society. When combined with other socially conservative agendas it has the capacity to regiment the public space and diminish the role of public institutions.
The paper focuses on the manner people active within the Committee for the Defence of Democracy present their protests. The author analyses the way the protests’ image presented by the interviewees is built, as well as the sources of its form and content. The aim is to identify the applications of discursive strategies used in the positive self- and the negative other presentation. As it is shown, in the process of discursive construction of the protests, the ‘us’ and ‘them’ dichotomy, and the specific rules that form the basis for the functioning of the public sphere in Poland are applied. Hence, the distinctions are created with nominations (metaphors, naturalising), predications (positive, negative traits) and representations (examples) referring to the figures of civilised and uncivilised men present in the Polish public discourse. Thus, the analysed presentation of the protests can be interpreted as inscribed in the binary structure of civic discourse.
Drawing on discourse analysis and ethnomethodology, this study presents an analysis of online political discussions on the contentious issue of agricultural subsidies as a case of ‘talk-in-(inter)action’. A corpus retrieved from an internet forum biased towards right-wing framings of political issues furnished this study with a means to focus on an ‘inter-discursive’ contestation taking place within a debate setting characterised by an asymmetric representation of opposing viewpoints. Entries criticising and entries defending agricultural subsidies and/or farmers were juxtaposed and analysed as culturally adroit performances of the social role of a representative of a local majority or minority opinion. The paper provides an elucidation of the unequal demands on representation of these diverse positions and clarifies the effects of some frequently employed discursive strategies, which bolster both the persuasiveness of the promoted interpretation and the positioning of the represented discourse on the battlefield of gaining/maintaining discursive dominance. It is argued and shown that the position of local dominance vs. subordination is not a matter only of numerical prevalence, but also (and perhaps primarily) of the interactional co-production of respective positions and of the discursive accomplishment of corresponding social roles.
This article deals with the special issue of Studie z aplikované lingvistiky / Studies in Applied Linguistics 1/2015 devoted to Critical Discourse Analysis, particularly one of its approaches, i.e. Discourse-Historical Approach (DHA). The studies included in the issue, i.e. Wodak and Reisigl’s model study explicating the main concepts and analytical tools of DHA and four case studies by Czech linguists inspired by DHA, are reanalyzed. Drawing on this reanalysis, the disputable aspects of the textual analysis conducted in the spirit of DHA are identified as follows: 1) the individual steps in the analysis (the identification of topics in the discourse analyzed, the identification of discursive strategies and the analysis of linguistic means) are implemented separately, hence the choice of linguistic expressions as a means of argumentation is not exposed and the discursive strategies of nomination and predication are analyzed separately; 2) the analysis shifts back and forth between the micro-context and the macro-context without adequate substantiation and does not devote sufficient attention to individual linguistic means; 3) the identification of topoi or fallacies does not sufficiently capture the role of linguistic means in argumentation and its relationship to other discursive strategies.
This article offers an analysis of the following TV series: Six Feet Under, House M.D., Dexter, Breaking Bad, House of Cards, Fargo, Better Call Saul. These 21st century productions are known as “new generation TV series”, “neo TV series” or “post soaps”. This genre, even though it has originated from older television forms, in most cases has now very little in common with them. For my research I used the discourse-historical approach in the critical discourse analysis. The main aim of the analysis was to describe discourse strategies which are most commonly used to present the condition of a contemporary man and society. The analysis led to several conclusions. Discourse strategies which are most vivid in post soaps concern ethical relativism. Their creators engage in a play with the audience – by showing the dilemmas of their (anti-)heroes they force the viewers to reflect on their moral choices. Post soaps show men with their vices and stress how fragile is their mental structure. Unlike traditional TV series which were axiologically “safe”, post soaps could be described as “wishy-washy” or “unsafe” in this respect. The picture of human condition drawn in post soaps is full of pessimism and even though it is only partially true, it resembles postmodern reality much more than the one presented in traditional television series. As far as producers and broadcasters are concerned, still the most important criteria that allow to evaluate the success of a production are audience ratings and economic balance. New generation television series, however, prove that this genre does not have to be cliched, unambitious, full of banal didacticism or to avoid sensitive social issues to earn the recognition in the eyes of both ordinary viewers and experts.
The article discusses some discursive practices in the current discourse on education in Poland. The research showed that some cognitive and interactive aspects of civil discourse shape axiological, ideological and political contexts. The condition of current public debate in Poland, dominated by ritual chaos strategies, antagonizing social actors and idealizing the debate’s subject, has also got an influence on the bottom-up initiative in discourse. The analysis demonstrated that the new symbolic elites take communicative patterns of the dominating discourse and they create neither their own forms nor strategies of participating in the public discourse that could belong to civil society practices (eg. communicative strategies based on dialogue and agreement, nonreactive forms of social activities).
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczące dyskursywnych konstrukcji problemów społecznych i ich rozwiązań, które podejmowane są przez wybrane organizacje młodzieżowe działające w Polsce. Analizą objęto sześć z nich: AIESEC Polska, ATD Czwarty Świat Polska, Centrum Inicjatyw UNESCO, Centrum Inicjatyw Międzykulturowych Horyzonty, Młodzież Wszechpolska i Obóz Narodowo-Radykalny. W artykule odpowiadamy na następujące pytania badawcze: 1) Co wybrane organizacje młodzieżowe uznają za problem? 2) Przy pomocy jakich strategii dyskursywnych formułują one problemy? oraz 3) Jakie działania ukierunkowane na rozwiązanie problemów podejmują? Analizą treści wypowiedzi i zastosowanych strategii dyskursywnych objęto łącznie 696 różnych gatunkowo i objętościowo tekstów (m.in. programy, regulaminy, statuty, newslettery, wpisy w mediach społecznościowych). Wyniki analiz pozwoliły na opis i porównanie badanych organizacji z wykorzystaniem kategorii pedagogii i różnych jej typów (pedagogii aktualnego czasu, etno-pedagogii, pedagogii lęku, pan-pedagogii i folk-pedagogii) i w efekcie – na ukazanie podobieństw i różnic w zakresie spraw uznawanych przez badane organizacje za problematyczne, w tym dotyczących kwestii (wielo)kulturowych.
In the article, the results are presented of the research on discursive constructions of social problems and their solutions, which are undertaken by selected youth organizations operating in Poland. Six of them were analyzed: AIESEC Poland [in Polish: AIESEC Polska], ATD Fourth World Poland [ATD Czwarty Świat Polska], UNESCO Initiatives Centre [Centrum Inicjatyw UNESCO], Center for Intercultural Initiatives Horizons [Centrum Inicjatyw Międzykulturowych Horyzonty], All-Polish Youth [Młodzież Wszechpolska] and National Radical Camp [Obóz Narodowo-Radykalny]. The article provides answers to the following research questions: 1) What do selected youth organizations consider to be a problem? 2) By what discursive strategies do they formulate problems? 3) What actions are they taking to solve the problems? The analysis of the content and applied discursive strategies covered a total of 696 texts of various genres and volumes (including programs, statutes, newsletters, entries in social media). The results of the analyses allowed for a description and comparison of the researched organizations using the categories of pedagogy and its different types (pedagogy of the current time, ethno-pedagogy, pedagogy of fear, pan-pedagogy and folkpedagogy), revealing similarities and differences in the scope of issues considered by organizations as problematic, including those related to (multi)cultural issues.
The article explores the ways in which discursive naming strategies reflect polarized stance on the COVID-19 pandemic, and serve as means of discrediting ideological opponents. The data for the analysis, excerpted from Monco PL and Google search engines, exemplify the uses of the nominal derivative covidianin in Internet discourse. The material exhibits a two-fold function of this derivative: 1) it is embedded within the conceptual category of RELIGION in order to exploit the FAITH–REASON dichotomy; 2) it is used to portray ideological opponents as representing the category of OTHER. The analysis employs the cognitive linguistics framework, thus broadening the traditional formal and semantic description to include conceptual content underlying the newly coined structure and emergent meanings, as well as the cognitive critical discourse analysis model.
Artykuł dotyczy polaryzacji stanowisk w dyskursie o pandemii, odzwierciedlającej się w wykorzystaniu strategii nominacyjnych mających na celu dyskredytację ideowych przeciwników. Zgromadzony na potrzeby analizy materiał, zawierający użycia derywatu covidianin, pochodzi przede wszystkim z wypowiedzi internautów. Konteksty zostały wyekscerpowane za pomocą wyszukiwarki Monco PL oraz przeglądarki Google. Autorki opisują dwa stosowane przez nadawców sposoby wyzyskiwania struktury słowotwórczej covidianin na potrzeby dyskursywnego deprecjonowania ideowych oponentów: 1) osadzenie jej w kategoriach pojęciowych RELIGII, które służy budowaniu opozycji WIARY i ROZUMU; 2) przedstawianie przeciwników ideowych jako reprezentantów kategorii OBCYCH. W analizie wykorzystują podejście kognitywne, poszerzające opis formalno-semantyczny o treści pojęciowe leżące u podstaw nowo powstałej struktury i wyłaniających się z niej znaczeń oraz aparat krytycznej kognitywnej analizy dyskursu.
This article aims to present the results of the critical analysis and interpretation of the debate on the issue of compulsory vaccination conducted in the weekly magazine Polityka in 2012. Based on the analysis of discursive strategies employed in the examined text, the constitutive role of the strategy of authorization has been found, which, because of excessive use of rhetorical devices and the power of “rhetoric of exclusion,” paradoxically resulted in “the problem” of authority. The results have been discussed from a pedagogic perspective, which is particularly interested in educational consequences of discursive practices and pedagogy. In view of its particular organizational and ideological dimensions, the analyzed discourse was interpreted through the prism of persuasion and pathos relations in the pedagogy of fear-fear of the discursively constructed ENEMY.
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie rezultatów krytycznej analizy i interpretacji polemiki na temat obowiązkowych szczepień, toczonej na łamach tygodnika „Polityka” w 2012 roku. Na podstawie analizy strategii dyskursywnych, zastosowanych w badanym tekście, stwierdzono konstytutywną rolę strategii autoryzacji, która – wobec nadmiaru zastosowanych przez polemistów środków retorycznych oraz sile „retoryki wykluczania” – paradoksalnie zrodziła „problem” autorytetu. Uzyskane rezultaty omówione zostały z perspektywy pedagogicznej, szczególnie zainteresowanej edukacyjnymi konsekwencjami praktyk dyskursywnych i pedagogii. Ze względu na specyficzne organizacyjne i ideowe wymiary badanego dyskursu, został on zinterpretowany przez pryzmat związków perswazji i patosu w pedagogii lęku – lęku przed dyskursywnie konstruowanym WROGIEM.
Celem pracy jest zbadanie werbalnego i niewerbalnego agresywnego zachowania na przykładzie telewizyjnych dyskusji politycznych. Analizie poddano fragmenty programu Maybrit Illner. Uwzględnione zostały przy tym prozodyczne cechy wypowiedzi oraz mimika, gestykulacja i mowa ciała mówcy i słuchacza, a na płaszczyźnie językowej – strategie konwersacyjne, typ illokucyjny, formy adresatywne oraz szczególne środki morfologiczne, składniowe i semantyczne. Część analityczną poprzedza krótkie wprowadzenie terminologiczne.
The aim of this paper is to investigate verbal and non-verbal aggressive behaviour on the basis of political TV debates such as Maybrit Illner. The analysis includes prosodic aspects of a statement, facial expressions, gestures and body language of both the speaker and hearer as well as conversational strategies, illocution, forms of address and characteristic morphological, syntactic and semantic means. The analytical part is preceded by a short terminological introduction.
Der Aufsatz setzt sich zum Ziel, verbales und nonverbales aggressives Verhalten am Beispiel politischer Fernsehdiskussionen zu untersuchen. Einer genauen Analyse werden Ausschnitte aus der Sendung Maybrit Illner unterzogen. Berücksichtigt werden dabei prosodische Eigenschaften der Äußerungen sowie Mimik, Gestik und Körperhaltung des Sprechers bzw. des Hörers und auf der verbalen Ebene – Konversationsstrategien, Illokutionstyp und Anredeverhalten sowie morphologische, syntaktische und semantische Besonderheiten. Dem analytischen Teil geht eine kurze terminologische Einführung voraus.
W codziennych rozmowach pytający i udzielający odpowiedzi pozostają w mniej więcej symetrycznym związku, a odpowiadający nie jest zobowiązany do udzielenia odpowiedzi. Na sali sądowej sytuacja jest odmienna. Przesłuchiwani w charakterze zarówno świadków są zobligowani do udzielania odpowiedzi na pytania prawników. Autor bada strategie dyskursu obrońców na sali sądowej w Sądzie karnym w mieście Adama (Region Oromia) w Etiopii. Celem badania było pokazanie środków perswazji stosowanych przez obronę w celu uzyskania pożądanych odpowiedzi. Badanie wypełnia lukę, gdyż do tej pory nie zajmowano się tą tematyką w odniesieniu do strategii dyskursu sądowego w Etiopii.
In everyday conversation the questioners and answerers are in an approximately symmetrical relationship that questioners do not have the information that they are requesting and the answerers are not obliged to answer. On the contrary, in the rule and role governed courtroom question/answer dyad, lawyers usually have particular version of events to control the language of the respondents where witnesses are compelled to respond, and do not have the right to question. So, it may hold back the production and interpretation of the evidence, and consequently hinder the execution of the tasks of the court trial. Such types of courtroom language-related problems are unexplored by academic research in Oromia Regional State. In this regard, no or little is known about these courtroom language-related problems in the criminal courts of the region. In an attempt to fill-in the existing gap, this study investigates how widespread such courtroom linguistic problems are and contribute to the limited conceptual and methodological values of linguistic analysis of courtroom oral discourse in legal institutions of the region. The analysis of this study is based on the authentic, naturally occurring courtroom defense lawyers-witnesses dyad of some Oromia Regional State Criminal Courtrooms. The aim of the study is, therefore, to present the discursive strategies of defense lawyers questioning forms and functions in their attempts to deconstruct persuasive testimony. In so doing, based on the way in which lawyers exploit the specialized speech-exchange linguistic system of the courtroom, the study focuses on the analysis of defense lawyers question forms and functions from the pragma-dialectical discourse perspectives. The findings of the study suggest that the use of declarative question, tag question, and projection question forms are the defense lawyers’ discursive strategies to control and dominate the language of the witnesses. Such questioning forms function by potentially damaging witnesses’ admission and limiting their response boundaries and are found the influential defense lawyers’ discursive strategies through which the existing narratives of the witnesses are attacked and deconstructed.
The present contribution focuses on the discursive strategies used in the Polish online media when they appeal to the feeling of love of the fatherland. The current Polish public discourse on patriotism continues to be marked by historical events such as the three partitions of the country, the uprisings against the invaders, and the two world wars, and the national identity is often perceived through the prism of love for the fatherland. For this reason, in this article the author examines the discursive strategies currently used the Polish national media as well as the meanings that terms such as patriot, patriotism, and patriotic acquire. The corpus-based analysis draws on articles from online newspapers’ archives published by representative Polish media from right, left and liberal center political orientations (wSieci, Do Rzeczy, Krytyka Polityczna, Dziennik Trybuna, Kultura Liberalna and Liberté).
La présente contribution porte sur les stratégies discursives présentes dans le discours des médias numériques qui font appel au sentiment de dévouement envers la patrie. Le discours public polonais reste en étroit rapport avec la mémoire historique de la nation, marquée par les trois partages du pays, par les soulèvements contre les envahisseurs et par les guerres mondiales. Tout cela a certainement influé sur la représentation de l’identité, souvent perçue à travers le prisme de l’amour pour la patrie. Pour cette raison, nous nous proposons d’examiner les stratégies discursives présentes dans le discours de la presse nationale d’actualité afin d’étudier l’emploi des termes « patriote », « patriotisme » et « patriotique » dans la presse polonaise. Nous nous appuierons sur un corpus d’articles publiés en ligne par des titres représentatifs de la presse numérique dont l’orientation politique est soit de droite, soit de gauche, soit de centre libéral (wSieci, Do Rzeczy, Krytyka Polityczna, Dziennik Trybuna, Kultura Liberalna et Liberté).
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