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The Church showing the anthropological reality of the family emphasizes its foreground value and role in the life of the Church and society. Ministerial service of the Church to the families encloses the abundance of spirituals, moral and financial help. Nowadays multiple children families shouldn't be associated only with negative circumstances, especially when it's aware. The Conference of Polish Episcopate clearly states that identifying multi-child families with pathology is hurting and unauthorized. Multi-child family is crucial for the development of the society and work human capital, it creates a great chance for its future. Despite in some cases greater poverty, large family is happier as it creates an environment rich in interpersonal relations and statistically is more religious. Such kind of families should be supported by proper legal help and tax reductions. A family with many children is a picture of civilization of love and live, it strengthens love – selfless gift for another human being and generous accepting of new life, affecting the life of the whole society. The Church should advocate more strongly in favor of parenthood and multi-child families as important environment for Church and whole community from educational, cultural, economic and demographic point of view.
Kościół ukazując antropologiczną rzeczywistość rodziny, przedstawia jej pierwszoplanową wartość i ważne miejsce w życiu Kościoła i społeczeństwa. Duszpasterska posługa Kościoła wobec rodziny zawiera się w bogactwie pomocy duchowej, moralnej i materialnej. Obecnie wielodzietność nie powinna być kojarzona jedynie z negatywnymi zjawiskami, zwłaszcza kiedy staje się świadoma. Rodzina wielodzietna jest niezbędna w rozwoju społeczeństwa, stanowi wielką szansę dla jego przyszłości. Pomimo niekiedy większego ubóstwa materialnego, jest bardziej szczęśliwa, gdyż jest środowiskiem bogatszym w relacje międzyludzkie oraz zazwyczaj jest bardziej religijna. Rodziny wielodzietne powinny być wspierane przez państwo poprzez właściwą opiekę prawną oraz ulgi podatkowe. Rodzina hojnie obdarzona dziećmi jest świadectwem cywilizacji miłości i życia. Wzmacnia miłość – bezinteresowny dar na rzecz drugiej osoby i wielkoduszne przyjmowanie życia, powodując reperkusje w całym życiu społecznym. Kościół powinien z większą mocą kształtować przychylny klimat wobec rodzicielstwa oraz rodzin wielodzietnych, jako środowiska ważnego dla Kościoła oraz społeczności lokalnej i narodowej z punktu widzenia wychowawczego, kulturowego, ekonomicznego i demograficznego.
Ius Matrimoniale
vol. 27
issue 3
This article is dedicated to the celebration of marriage according to selected directories of ministry of families. Mentioned documents devote a lot of place to the rites of the marriage. In the first part of the article there were presented theological and pastoral meaning of the celebration of marriage. The second part pointed out preparations to marriage. The third part tells about ways of marriage celebration and in the last part there were discussed the place and the time of wedding.
Ius Matrimoniale
vol. 25
issue 1
The article addresses the issue of the formation of higher seminary students in the area of family pastoral care. First, the need for the formation of students for family pastoral care is presented. Next, the necessity of human, intellectual, spiritual and pastoral formation in relation to the establishment of marriages and families by future pastors was pointed out. 
The article systemizes the knowledge about actions taken by the family pastorate for the Catholic married couple. The actions are referred to the marital bond in the legal, material, psychological, spiritual, moral and religious spheres. They are considered in three aspects: assumptions about help towards the couple, their realization and the main problems that appear in the work for the married couple.
Because of the growing number of individuals, married couples and families who need support, the Directory of Pastoral Office of Catholic Church Families has indicated at the need of creating and developing the networks of parish, district and diocese counselling. The article shows how the marriage and family counselling functions in diocesies. It also pre­sents historical factors of the beginning of marriage and family counselling and brings about its actual characteristic. The article discusses fundamental problems of that counselling from the theoretical and practical perspective. It indicates at the need of its continued, professional development so that the marriage and family counselling could develop harmoniously and sup­port the individuals, married couples and families in an effective way.
Ze względu na wciąż rosnącą liczbę osób, małżeństw i rodzin potrzebujących wsparcia Dy­rektorium Duszpasterstwa Rodzin Kościoła katolickiego w Polsce wskazało na potrzebę tworze­nia i rozwijania sieci poradni parafialnych, rejonowych i diecezjalnych. Artykuł prezentuje funkcjono­wanie poradnictwa małżeńsko-rodzinnego w diecezjach, przybliża historyczne uwarun­kowania powstania oraz dokonuje aktualnej jego charakterystyki. Omawia zasadnicze problemy tego porad­nictwa z perspektywy teoretycznej i praktycznej. Wskazuje na potrzebę dalszego profesjonalnego jego rozwoju, tak by poradnictwo małżeńsko-rodzinne mogło się harmonijnie rozwijać i skuteczniej przychodzić z pomocą wszystkim potrzebującym osobom, małżeństwom i rodzinom.
Der Artikel diskutiert die Frage des Programms und der pastoralen Projekte von Bischof Wilhelm Pluta (1910 - 1986) im Kontext der Konflikte mit der damaligen Regierung und einem Teil des Klerus. Die Analyse der vorhanden Quellen erlaubte die Unterscheidung der von Pluta aufgeworfenen theologischen und sozialen Fragen und der Quellen seiner theologischen Inspiration.Sein pastorales Programm führte zur Formation und Begleitung von Laien und zu ihrer aktiven Beteiligung am gesellschaftlichen Leben und den Initiativen der römisch-katholischen Kirche. Dies ist zu einer Konfliktquelle geworden. In den Augen der Regierung stellte er in der Frage das angenommene politische Modell, denn der Klerus erforderte ein Umdenken über seine Identität und eine Änderung der Art und Weise, wie er seine Berufung durch Seelsorge umsetzt. Bei der Lösung der Konflikte spielte die reife Persönlichkeit von Pluta eine entscheidende Rolle.
W artykule podjęto zagadnienie programu i projektów duszpasterskich Biskupa Wilhelma Pluty (1910 – 1986) w kontekście konfliktów ówczesną z władzą państwową i częścią duchowieństwa. Analiza dostępnych źródeł pozwoliła wyodrębnić zakres zagadnień teologicznych i społecznych poruszanych przez Plutę oraz źródła inspiracji teologicznej. Jego program duszpasterski prowadził do formacji i towarzyszenia osobom świeckim oraz ich aktywnego zaangażowania w życie społeczne i działalność Kościoła rzymskokatolickiego. To stało się źródłem konfliktu. W oczach władzy stanowił zagrożenie dla przyjętego modelu politycznego, od duchownych wymagał zmiany w myśleniu o swojej tożsamości oraz zmiany w sposobie realizacji powołania poprzez duszpasterstwo oparte na relacji interpersonalnej i aktywnym, zaangażowanym towarzyszeniu osobom świeckim na drodze formowania sumienia. W rozwiązywaniu zaistniałych konfliktów rozstrzygającą rolę miała dojrzała osobowość Pluty.
Ius Matrimoniale
vol. 17
issue 11
The sign of Church’s care in Poland about marriage and family is recently publication of Instruction priesthood of family through The Conference Episcopate of Poland. Its desire, in the presence visible and growing crisis marriage and family, to offer systematical help and support in priesthood of family. Collect, systematize and order principle and practice use in priesthood of family and propose new solution service conferment of marriage and family life new shape and size. Worth these essence, instructions and promises thoroughness to know, to study and to include in priesthood life the Church in Poland, and carry fruits in service family and marriage. Belong to hope that essences contents in Instruction miss to hearts and hands every priest and lay engagement in priesthood of family.
Nurt SVD
issue 2
Artykuł przedstawia duszpasterską troskę Kościoła katolickiego o osoby, które zawarły małżeństwo sakramentalne, a następnie rozwiodły się i obecnie żyją w związkach niesakramentalnych. Czasem tworzą one ponowne małżeństwa cywilne, niekiedy żyją razem w związku przypominającym małżeństwo. Najpierw ukazano sytuację tychże osób w świetle nauczania Kościoła. Następnie zaprezentowano udział związków i małżeństw niesakramentalnych w życiu Kościoła pomimo ich skomplikowanej sytuacji małżeńskiej. Wreszcie przedstawiono praktyczne towarzyszenie duszpasterskie i rozeznawanie ze spowiednikiem odpowiedzialności moralnej osób rozwiedzionych żyjących w ponownych związkach przypominających małżeństwo. W trudnej sytuacji małżeńsko-rodzinnej Kościół pragnie ofiarować tym osobom swoją macierzyńską troskę, zrozumienie, jak również właściwą – zgodną z Pismem Świętym i nauczaniem Kościoła – pomoc duszpasterską. Po spełnieniu istotnych warunków może to skutkować udzieleniem sakramentów.
Some people, after break-up of their sacramental marriage, form informal unions with other partners; others contract civil marriage. This article is about pastoral care provided by the Catholic Church to divorced living in non-sacramental unions. The first part of the article presents the teaching of the Church on this matter. The next part describes the role of informal unions and non-sacramental marriages in the life of the Church. The rest of the article is devoted to pastoral practice and the role of confessor in recognising moral responsibility of divorced persons living in new unions resembling marriages. The Church understands them, extends a helping hand to them and offers pastoral assistance, in concord with the Scripture and her teaching. It may include sacramental assistance, after fulfilling necessary conditions.
A family which is founded on love, and the sacrament of marriage of the parents is the best environment for living, raising and rehabilitating a disabled child. His/her presence presents numerous difficulties that the parents have to overcome. Disability often negatively impacts the child’s acceptance of the parents. Due to the child’s disability the relationship between the parents may be disturbed; its impact is also perceptible in the relationship of the affected child with his/her siblings and other family members. Parents not always can look after their disabled child and deal with his/her rehabilitation and upbringing. Such difficulties constitute a challenge for various people and social institutions that help families with disabled children. Among them is also the Church whose pastoral care is meant to directly assist families and guide them in their seeking material, medical and psychological help.
The article compares the teaching contained in the exhortation of John Paul II entitled Familiaris consortio and the exhortation of Pope Francis entitled Amoris laetitia. The subject taken for the comparison is preparation for marriage. The analysis of both exhortations has shown that Pope Francis uses a slightly different terminology regarding the same stages of formation. Francis uses the following rich images concerning the stages of preparation for marriage: “education of love”, “maturation of love” and “superiority of love”. Francis deepens the personalistic thought of John Paul II. The analysis shows the continuity of the pastoral concept present in both examined documents.
Bp Wilhelm Pluta (1910-1986) należał do prekursorów nowoczesnego duszpasterstwa małżeństw i rodzin w Polsce. Interesował się tym tematem już jako kapłan archidiecezji katowickiej, opracowując materiały zawierające strukturę i treść nauk przedślubnych i kursów przedmałżeńskich. Idee wówczas wypracowane leżały u podstaw jego działalności jako biskupa od 1958 r. Stanął on na czele Komisji Episkopatu do spraw Duszpasterstwa Rodzin, której przewodniczył przez pierwszą kadencję w latach 1965-1970, opracowując m.in. „Pierwszą instrukcję Episkopatu Polski dla duchowieństwa o przygotowaniu wiernych do sakramentu małżeństwa i duszpasterstwa rodzin”. Najważniejszą zasługą bpa Wilhelma Pluty w omawianym obszarze jest rozwój współczesnych kursów przedmałżeńskich i poradnictwa rodzinnego. Bp Pluta miał w sferze przygotowania do małżeństwa dobrze przemyślaną wizję strategiczną, która obejmowała wiele elementów, począwszy od wychowania maleńkich i starszych dzieci, poprzez kursy przedmałżeńskie i nauki przedślubne aż do duszpasterstwa małżeństw, łącznie z tworzeniem w parafiach elity rodzin katolickich, świadomie dążących do świętości poprzez życie rodzinne. Nie tylko miał wizję, ale faktycznie starał się wcielać ją w życie, m.in. opracowując potrzebne materiały dydaktyczne i szkoląc duchowieństwo i świeckich, co w latach sześćdziesiątych XX w. było wielką nowością. Bp Pluta brał aktywny udział w synodzie biskupów na temat rodziny w Rzymie w 1980 r. akcentując sprawę wnoszenia wartości Bożych w życie rodzinne. Po dziś dzień większość jego idei i wskazań w sferze duszpasterstwa rodzin pozostaje aktualnych.
Bishop Wilhelm Pluta (1910-1986) was one of the precursors of the modern pastoral care of families in Poland. He was interested in this subject already as a priest of the Archdiocese of Katowice, developing materials containing the structure and the content of premarital courses. The ideas developed in that period were the guidelines of his activities as bishop since 1958. He became the first chairman of the Episcopal Commission for Pastoral Assistance to Families (1965-1970), drawing „The first instruction of the Polish Episcopate for clergy about preparing the faithful to the sacrament of marriage and the pastoral care of families”. The most important achievements of Bishop Wilhelm Pluta in this area are the development of modern premarital courses and family counseling. Bishop Pluta presented a wellconsidered strategic vision in the area of marriage preparation, which included many elements, starting from education of children, through premarital courses up to the pastoral care of families, including the creation in parishes of the elite of catholic families, consciously striving for holiness in their family life. Not only had he the vision, but he actually put it into practice, by developing teaching materials and training clergy and lay people, which was a great novelty in those years. Bishop Pluta took an active part in the Synod of Bishops on the family in Rome in 1980, stressing the problem of bringing God’s values into family life. To this day, most of his ideas and guidelines in the field of pastoral care of families remain valuable.
vol. 22
issue 48
The post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia published on 8 April 2016, offers distinctive and specific theology of family based on the Eucharist. Throughout the document, Pope Francis highlights the significance of Eucharist in the family life. According to him, Eucharist has a unique role in the creation and formation of the Christian families. He calls Eucharist “a medicine for the imperfect” to heal the wounds of the family. Therefore, all the Christian families have to meditate on the great mystery of Eucharist to learn the basic lessons of Christian love and communion. Pope Francis exhorts the priests to apply the logic of mercy in the pastoral field. Amoris Laetitia strongly emphasises the need for the pastoral companion- ship by the priests to those who are weak and live in the situation of error. They have to be invited to come to the main stream of the Church, since Church is the house of all the faithful. In fact, every family may try to practise the Eucharistic love. In short, Amoris Laetita is a useful handbook for all the faithful to know the basic principles of family life and the value of Eucharistic centred Christian life.
Posynodalna adhortacja apostolska Amoris Laetitia ukazuje specyficzną teologię rodziny opartą o Eucharystię. W całym dokumencie papież Franciszek uwydatnia znaczenie Eucharystii w życiu rodziny. Według niego Eucharystia spełnia niezastąpioną rolę w tworzeniu i formacji chrześcijańskich rodzin. Papież nazywa Eucharystię „lekarstwem dla niedoskonałych” leczącą rany rodzin. Dlatego też chrześcijańskie rodziny powinny medytować tajemnice Eucharystii, aby nauczyć się podstaw prawdziwej miłości i komunii. Papież Franciszek wzywa kapłanów do stosowania logiki miłosierdzia na gruncie duszpasterskim. Amoris Laetitia usilnie podkreśla potrzebę duszpasterskiego towarzyszenia wszystkim tym, którzy są słabi i żyją w grzechu. Także oni powinni być zaproszeni do życia w Kościele, gdyż ten Kościół jest domem dla wszystkich wierzących. Wszak każda rodzina może żyć miłością ewangelijną. Amoris Laetitia jest użyteczna wskazówką dla poznania podstawowych zasad życia rodzinnego i wartości Eucharystii skupiającej chrześcijańskie życie.
Ius Matrimoniale
vol. 31
issue 1
Code of Canon Law promulgated by John Paul II gave the secular in church the possibility to take part in the service of managing, teaching and sanctifying. Canon 228 seems to be the most significant and fundamental code rule to apply the canonical mission. The first point informs: „Persons who are found suitable are qualified to be admitted by the sacred pastors to those ecclesiastical offices and functions which they are able to exercise according to the precepts of the law”. The following paragraph states: „Persons who excel in necessary knowledge, prudence, and integrity are qualified to assist the pastors of the Church as experts and advisors, even in councils according to the norm of law”. Code of Canon Law of 1983, which in a very synthetic way formalises the preparation for marriage, draws the attention to some significant pastoral elements and, which is important, leaves the initiative in all not specified matters to specific conferences of Bishops and ordinaries of place. Polish Episcopal Conference meeting the expectations of the teaching of the Second Ecumenical Council of the Vatican and code norms published „Family Pastoral Directory”, which became the legal foundation for the requirement of demanding the sanction of competent power for family life counsellors to serve in Church, which formally means having missio canonica. Polish dioceses respectively are developing the norms relative to the requirements set for family life counsellors during diocese synods or outside of them.
The article presents the founding idea of pastoral care of families as a sub-field of practical theology as well as its significance for the saving work of the Church. The issue is presented in several stages. The starting point is a reflection on the notion and unique nature of pastoral care of families, then it is presented as a scientific discipline but also an important element of the saving activity of the Church focused on the family. Also, the main areas of concern are outlined. The highlight of the article is point 5 attempting to show the idea of having a textbook for family pastoral work, an aid that has never been conceived in Poland. In fact the presentation is not a mere outline but quite a concrete and detailed plan.
One of modern challenges facing not only politicians, economists or sociologists is the demographic makeup of Poland, which is a derivative of tendencies that are visible in the whole of Europe. Demographic changes are not leaving the Church unaffected. One has to take into account the decreasing number of children and the youth, who are the a major target of pastoral initiatives in Poland. The adult and elderly groups existing in the Church will grow, which will create a demand for new and adequate pastoral solutions for them. The pastoral care of families, elderly, lonely and sick will face special challenges. The article attempts to present the lines of development of activities conducted in the mentioned sectors of pastoral care which the Polish Church should pay attention to.
Currently, when attempts are made in various ways to weaken the family unit through the promotion of so-called open relationships, divorce and through the legalisation of homosexual partnerships, it seems that care and protection of the family unit is much more of a necessity now than in the past. That is why Pope John Paul II stated in apostolic exhortation Familiaris consortio, that care for the family should be the principal pastoral mission of the Church. Everybody, especially priests and all lay people should take all opportunities and make every effort to help married couples and families in fulfilling their basic duties. The article is devoted to tasks of family pastoral care. They are: defense of human life from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death; preparation for marriage and life in family; help the family and especially young married couples; family counseling; pastoral care of families that are in difficult and abnormal situations. „The Church’s pastoral action must be progressive in the sense that it must follow the family, accompanying it step by step in the different stages of its formation and development” (FC 65).
Apart from the care for the families, the family ministry also deals with all the issues concerning the betrothed. The period of engagement is a special time that should be devoted to discussing the plans for the future such as: the choice of the place to live in, the duties of each spouse, the financial issues, the sexual issues, social life, leisure, bringing up children and preparing them for the responsible life in the light of their real vocation. The proper, valuable and responsible experience of the engagement period helps to overcome the modern threats. These include: pairing among teenagers to be „only” with each other, the premarital „trial” cohabitation and the improper promotion of experiencing the engagement period in the media. The pastoral care of the family ministry for the future spouses is the action which will show them the appropriate way in order to help them to positively establish a successful marriage and family. The future spouses are supposed to decide to get married by an act of personal choice which should be well thought out, free and prayed for.
Invoking the pastoral constitution in the contemporary world Gaudium et spes it may be concluded that the Church, proceeding the Christ's work, is obliged to study and interpret the signs of the times in the clear light of the Gospel. It should be done so as to answer the modern men questions and to come up to men’s expectations in the most effective way adapted to theirs mentality. (Vgl. GS 4). (Zur Erfüllung dieses ihres Auftrags obliegt der Kirche allzeit die Pflicht, nach den Zeichen der Zeit zu forschen und sie im Licht des Evangeliums zu deuten). In the creative tension the Church- the World, there is the pastoral work undertaken. It is the organized Church activity, carrying the Christ redemptive work out through preaching the word of God, the Liturgy, ministry and testimoning to the Christian life. There is the need for adaptation to new, constantly changing conditions. Otherwise, even the most effective ways of the Church activity are in danger of ossification and maladjustment to the various modern challenges. The Church is faced with a task to get to know and understand the World, to which it is sent by Christ himself. One of the modern challenges is the demographical situation of Poland, which is the reflection of the European tendencies. The problem mentioned above is crucial not only for politicians, economists and sociologists but also for the ministry. The European and Polish societies are getting older. This phenomenon generates many various social problems which influence the pastoral activity of the Church. The given phenomenon analysis, presented in the following article, requires the research of the consequences that arose due to the demographical situation of Europe and Poland. What is more, it requires the presentation of some possible pastoral care initiatives (concerning families and the elders) as well as conducting charitable activities. Furthermore, the analysis shows the actions, that should be taken into consideration by the Polish Church while preparing pastoral programmes.
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