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The author reports on a Session of the Government Experts Committee which was held on April 13—24, 1970 in Paris to work out a draft of convention on means of prohibiting and preventing the illic it import, export and transfer of ownership of cultural property. At the Committee’s sessions representatives of 60 countries were present, among them those of Poland. 109 amendments have been submitted to the draft which finally was adopted by 45 votes against 2 abstentions. The draft has to be submitted to the UNESCO General Meeting to be voted once again at its XVI Annual Session this autumn. The above draft generally lists the categories to which cultural properties may be classified, however, it leaves to member countries the question of decisions a s to detailed classification o f cultural property in accordance with the local laws in force. The draft suggests that the individual countries ought call into being their own organizations fo deal with preservation of cultural property (where they have still not been created) at the same time recommending to provide such organizations with the suitable financial means enabling them to fu lfill the tasks put before them. It also proposes an introducing of universally respected export certificates without of which no cultural property could be exported or imported by the country interested. The draft puts on the member countries an obligation to issue the acts that w ill prohibit their museums and similar cultural institutions to purchase cultural properties coming from thefts in museums or other state owned buildings as well as to provide the sanctions for violating this prohibitory measure. It has been clearly stated in the draft that any exports of cultural property as a direct or intermediate result of occupation of the country’s territory by a foreign power should be considered untolerable. The draft provides the participation o f UNESCO in accomplishing o f tasks set by convention and in particular of those in the field o f education and information, consultations and expert examinations, as well as in coo rd in a tion and „goodwill se rv ic e s”. Though too much general and in some respects not precise enough a s to its character, which the faults may potentially lead to difficulties to apply the convention in practice, the draft as compared with the 1954 recommendations represents an important step towards the improvement of international relations in the field of imports and exports of cultural property.
The Polish People’s Republic ratified, in 1976, the Convention Concerning the Protection o f the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO in Paris, November 16, 1972. The first step which initiated UNESCO activities in the that sphere — says the author — was the international campaign started a dozen or so years ago and aimed at saving the rock-cut temples in Abu Simbel in Nubia. That campaign, and and the following ones of similar nature, made the foundation for the setting up o f a system o f international cooperation and assistance striving for protection of the cultural heritage of outstanding and universal value. Proceeding with his deliberations the author quotes the assumptions of the Convention formulated in its preamble and points out to their significance from the viewpoint of interpretation o f the provisions o f that act. Now one of the most important tasks in the sphere of national protection o f the cultural and natural heritage is the state’s task o f including the programme for that protection into general planning. The author is aware o f the complexity of that task and the difficulties involved in its implementation because of the ditferent assumptions and values employed by the staff of monument protection service and by planners and making premises for the preparation of plans. Moreover, in some cases the planners’ failure to take into account all the elements o f environment results in the undesirable fact of certain goods o f the heritage discussed being an obstacle to implementation of plans. ' Another group o f the tasks examined by the author are those ensuing from ratification o f the Convention by Poland. The most essential there is, in his opinion, that o f drawing up an index of the goods of the nation’s cultural and natural heritage which should be proposed for being entered into the ’’list o f the world heritage”. As regards the heritage o f culture, such an index should be drawn up, together with relevant scientific documentation, by the Centre for Documentation o f Historical Monuments, Warsaw, in association with scientific institutions, major museums, and the branch offices of the Centre. In consonance with the stress laid by the Convention on the growing role of science, the author takes up the problem of the need for enchancement of the number o f high-skilled personnel to work in the respective lines of the service for the protection of the cultural and natural heritage, for improvement and development o f the scientific and research potential actively engaged in the protection o f the heritage discussed. Reference is also made of the contribution paid by Polish conservators and scientists, especially those versed in Mediterranean archeology, to the work on saving a number of monuments abroad. The following part of the paper comprises an attempt at an evaluation of the Convention. Its significance is seen by the author to lie in the grounding of a realistic system of cooperation o f the international community in protecting the goods of the said heritage which are recognized as those o f universal importance. What is meant by him as the reality o f that system is, on the one hand, the fact o f a subsidiary character having been imparted to international assistance and, on the other, that of prividong for the Convention being put into effect due to the indispensable material means of the World Heritage Fund. The author is highly appreciative o f the fact of the problems o f the cultural heritage, and those of the natural one, having been combined in the Convention. This solution is recognized as a correct one on account o f common elements appearing in the protection o f both o f them, to mention but similar tasks involved, and methods employed, in that protection and the legal institutions which serve it. In view o f the ever growing and negative role of the threats of various kinds, the author postulates preparation of a comprehensive inter-ministerial (horizontal) programme for cooperation which would take into consideration not only the problems of the protection o f the cultural and natural heritage, but also those of environmental protection in the full sense of the word. The author concludes his paper in determining the Convention as an act, internationalist in its essence which, like the whole of UNESCO activities, is far from a cosmopolitan approach to the cultural and natural heritage of the respective nations.
AbstractIntroduction: Active, value-based cultural policy leads to development of culture and forms of cultural expression of individuals, groups or societies; also, it has direct influence on activities of creative industries combining artistic activity and entrepreneurship, operating in the free market and growing globalisation conditions.Aim of the study: The main purpose of this paper is to analyse strategic approaches to contemporary cultural development policies implemented in mature democracies, in order to understand their educational implications and to be able to support effective, innovative and rational changes in the field of culture by creating a source of synthetic data.State of the art: As a result of conducted analyses, four strategic approaches intended to increase culture development have been identified, worked out as a result of cultural policies implemented by European democracies, focused on: 1) protection of cultural heritage, totality of creative accomplishments of mankind and supporting prestigious professional artistic creation as a source of creativity and innovation; 2) building democracy and participation in the cultural life, as well as building cultural capital of civil society as a stimulus for development and its driving force; 3) promulgation of cultural diversity in the field of creation, treated as a factor conducive to opening to Others and mutually enriching; 4) fostering personal development and higher quality of human centred life as the objective and sense of cultural policy in the era of globalisation and media impact.Conclusion: The study on educational implications of cultural policies, conducted in the longer-term perspective, has shown a broader view on the educating role of culture as a factor impacting personal development of every man; shifting from education- into personality-oriented way of thinking; seeking to improve the quality of man and fostering his development through self-development and enrichment of one’s identity, as well as by contacting other cultures, understanding cultural differences.
Wprowadzenie: Aktywna polityka kulturalna ukierunkowana na wartości jest instrumentem prowadzącym do rozwoju kultury jako takiej oraz form wyrazu kulturowego jednostek, grup lub społeczeństw; a także wywiera bezpośredni wpływ na działania przemysłów kreatywnych, łączących działalność artystyczną z przedsiębiorczością, w warunkach wolnego rynku i postępującej globalizacji.Cel badań: Głównym celem prezentowanego artykułu jest próba analizy strategicznych kierunków rozwoju współczesnej polityki kulturalnej w krajach dojrzałej demokracji, dyktowana potrzebą zrozumienia ich edukacyjnych konsekwencji oraz pragnieniem- przez stworzenie źródła syntetycznej informacji- wspierania skutecznych, nowoczesnych i racjonalnych zmian w obszarze kultury.Stan badań: W toku prowadzonych analiz ustalono cztery kierunki strategiczne intensyfikacji rozwoju kultury, wypracowane przez politykę kulturalną państw europejskich, zorientowane na: 1) ochronę dziedzictwa kulturalnego, uniwersum twórczych dokonań ludzkości oraz wspieranie rozwoju profesjonalnej twórczości artystycznej typu prestiżowego, jako źródła kreatywności i innowacyjności; 2) kształtowanie demokracji i partycypacji w życiu kulturalnym oraz kapitału kulturowego społeczeństwa obywatelskiego, jako impulsu rozwojowego i jego siły napędowej; 3) promowanie twórczej różnorodności kulturowej, traktowanej jako czynnik otwierający na Innych i wzajemnie wzbogacający; 4) sprzyjanie rozwojowi osobowemu i wyższej jakości życia zorientowanego antropocentrycznie, jako cel i sens polityki kulturalnej w epoce globalizacji i mediatyzacji.Podsumowanie: Badania konsekwencji edukacyjnych polityki kulturalnej, prowadzone w szerszej perspektywie „długiego trwania”, ukazują poszerzenie edukacyjnego myślenia o kulturze jako czynniku indywidualnego rozwoju ludzi; przeniesienie punktu ciężkości z myślenia pedagogicznego na osobowościowy, personalistyczny; zabieganie o podniesienie tzw. jakości człowieka i jego rozwój, rozumiany jako samorozwój, wzbogacanie tożsamości osoby, także przez kontakt z innymi kulturami, rozumienie odmienności kulturowych. 
Jan Paweł II przez 27 lat pontyfikatu sprawował władzę nad Patrimonium Ecclesiae, które stanowi znaczącą część ogólnoludzkiego dziedzictwa kultury. Na forum międzynarodowym zabiegał o upowszechnienie idei oraz wartości humanistycznych i personalistycznych kultury. W dziedzinie legislacyjnej uaktualnił kodyfikację prawa kanonicznego ochrony zabytków sakralnych. W zakresie administracji utworzył autonomiczną instytucję odpowiedzialną za zachowanie i krzewienie dziedzictwa kościelnego. Rozwinął teologię sztuki oraz twórczości artystycznej. Prowadził twórczy dialog z artystami oraz promował dziedzictwo sakralne w całym świecie. Wpisał się złotymi zgłoskami w poczet papieży, którzy zachowywali nie tylko dziedzictwo sakralne, ale także zabytki antyczne oraz liczne dzieła świeckie.
For the 27 years of his pontificate John Paul II exercised control over Patrimonium Ecclesiae, which is a substantial part of human cultural heritage. In the international forum he struggled to propagate the humanistic and personalistic ideas and values of culture. In the field of legislation he updated the codification of canon law concerning protection of historical sacred monuments. In the field of administration he created an autonomous institution responsible for maintaining and propagating church heritage. He developed the theology of art and artistic work. He conducted a creative dialogue with artists and promoted the sacred heritage throughout the world. His name is immortalized among the popes who maintained not only the sacred heritage, but also the monuments of antiquity and numerous works of secular art.
W artykule podjęto temat dziedzictwa kulturalnego i jego ochrony. W pierwszym rzędzie zdefiniowano pojęcie dziedzictwa kulturalnego. Następnie odniesiono się do problemu dóbr kultury zagrożonych zniszczeniem, ujmując dziedzictwo kulturalne w kontekście infrastruktury krytycznej. Na koniec omówiono kwestię ochrony dziedzictwa kulturalnego. Leitmotivem artykułu są uwagi zawarte w ONZ-owskiej Konwencji w sprawie ochrony światowego dziedzictwa kulturalnego i naturalnego.
The subject matter of the paper is cultural heritage and its protection. At the beginning, the author defines the notion of cultural heritage. Afterwards, the problem of cultural goods at risk of damage is taken up, and cultural heritage is set in the context of critical infrastructure. Finally, the issue of protection of cultural heritage is discussed. The leitmotiv of the paper are remarks included in the United Nations Convention concerning the protection of the world cultural and natural heritage.
Przełom XX i XXI w. to czas, kiedy uświadomiono sobie, że o znaczeniu, sensie i wartości, jakie reprezentuje dziedzictwo materialne, w gruncie rzeczy decydują elementy niematerialnego dziedzictwa kulturalnego. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest ustalenie, co należy rozumieć przez „dziedzictwo niematerialne” i jakie zjawiska temu dziedzictwu zagrażają. W 2003 r. na forum UNESCO przyjęto Konwencję o ochronie niematerialnego dziedzictwa kulturalnego, w której zdefiniowano to pojęcie i wskazano na przykładowe przejawy dziedzictwa niematerialnego. Jednak w związku z tym, że świadomość konieczności ochrony tegoż dziedzictwa zrodziła się stosunkowo niedawno, a Konwencja jest pierwszym wiążącym aktem prawa międzynarodowego, jaki dotyczy dziedzictwa niematerialnego, powstaje potrzeba dogłębnego zrozumienia wszelkich aspektów tego zjawiska. Artykuł odwołuje się więc nie tylko do odpowiednich postanowień Konwencji. Przybliża on również stanowisko przedstawicieli doktryny i odwołuje się do opracowań dostępnych na stronach NID – instytucji kompetentnej do spraw dziedzictwa kulturalnego, której zadaniem jest realizacja postanowień Konwencji na terytorium RP.
At the turn of the XXI century it has been realized that the elements of the intangible cultural heritage in fact determine the meaning, sense and values that are represented by elements of tangible heritage. The purpose of the hereby article is to determine what should be understood by „intangible heritage” and what phenomena pose a threat to this heritage. In 2003, the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage has been adopted by UNESCO, in which Convention the aforementioned concept had been defined and exemplary manifests of intangible heritage had been indicated. However, due to the fact that the awareness regarding the necessity of protection of the aforementioned heritage has appeared only recently and the Convention is the first binding act of international law that relates to intangible heritage, a necessity to thoroughly understand all aspects of the phenomenon arises. Thus, the article refers not only to particular provisions of the Convention. It presents also the standpoint of the representatives of doctrine and refers to studies available on the website of NID – an organization competent in regard to cultural heritage, the purpose of which is the realization of the provisions of the Convention on the territory of the Republic of Poland.
In his reflections on international and European legal norms referring to the protection of cultural heritage in Poland the author presented select international bilateral conventions (involving the Republic of Poland and West Germany) as well as international European Council conventions which unfortunately do not encompass Poland; they include the Convention about the protection of architectural heritage (1985) which Poland did not ratify. European Community legislation is discussed against the background of the Treaty on the establishment of the European Community and the “Association Convention” embracing Poland and the European Community together with its member states. The proposed analysis pertains to UNESCO legislation whose norms are binding for Poland upon the basis of signed and ratified international conventions. The author outlined the backdrop of constitutional expressions pertaining to the protection of cultural heritage, and examined the relations between the concepts of “national” and “European (joint) cultural heritage” .
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