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Pielgrzymki na Warmii, podejmowane w czasach nowożytnych z pobudek pokutnych, przetrwały do XXI wieku. Motywy religijne tych praktyk nadal stanowią istotny czynnik motywujący ich uczestników. Pomimo procesów sekularyzacyjnych, które w przeszłości silnie były wspierane przez ograniczenia ustrojowe w zaborze pruskim i czasach PRL-u, takie lokalne pielgrzymki – łosiery – w wielu miejscach Warmii na nowo się odradzają. Jedną z nich jest pielgrzymka biegnąca trasą, którą wędrowano po 1877 r. z Olsztyna do Gietrzwałdu. Przypadający w tym roku jubileusz 140-lecia wydarzeń w Gietrzwałdzie uznanych za objawienia Matki Bożej zapewne przyczyni się do spopularyzowania tej comiesięcznej wędrówki pątników. W tym kontekście zarysowano genezę, dzieje i poddano analizie specyficzne elementy regionalnego dziedzictwa kulturowego, które tę formę turystyki wpisują w dzieje Warmii.
The ratification by Poland in 2011 of the 2003 UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage means that the Polish state undertakes to carry out actions which will help implement the recommendations in the Convention and lead to the establishment of inventories of phenomena in need of special protection, dissemination and appreciation. The idea of the Convention is to make the relevant communities sensitive to the value of their own culture, its uniqueness. But its message also clearly entails the thought of possible loss of precious, perhaps the most precious values of tradition and of the implications of such situations; including the disturbances of the cultural identity. Torn for a variety of causes out of their familiar physical and mental territory, especially due to wars and resulting cultural violence, migrant communities live with this consciousness. Their experiences are a model example of a social and cultural system thrown off relative balance developed through years of rootedness. How do they find their place in a new reality and to what extent does their intangible heritage contribute to those processes or, to the opposite, to what extent does it hamper them? May the recommendations of the Convention become an insurance policy also for them, a guarantee which would ensure the possibility to maintain specific aspects of self-consciousness, cultural continuity, or will the recommendations remain dead letter for them due to changes imposed by the constant confrontation with other cultural patterns. What are the chances that those “managers” of the Convention implementation process in the Polish reality will notice and appreciate the specific nature of cultural processes which take place in the territories incorporated into Poland after World War II? The unique but undergoing continuous processing heritage of displaced Polish communities but also of other ethnic and national groups, returnees and political refugees? Will they not reject as objectionable the phenomena of continuation in a variety of forms by those communities of the heritage of other communities which under the pressure of history left their territories? Even if they do not receive an unequivocal answer at first, such questions should be posed because they absorb numerous local communities as well as observers and researchers who study their tradition.
We present to you another fascicle of jointly created periodical (in the current six-monthly form) – a collective work, which can be, without exaggeration, described as: joint effort. If I were to title it separately, the title would be: Between tangible and intangible heritage – the idea of comprehensive protection of the world’s cultural and natural heritage. It sounds elevated, maybe even pompous, however – as we know well – in the global perspective, there are diverse situations, a current example might be the devastated Aleppo, which is, after all, not the only site of crime against cultural heritage. The threads of intangible heritage, in this volume, both from the perspective of up-to-date UNESCO documents and conventions, and from the perspective of “archaeology of notions” and research on intangible heritage of the Polish rural areas, as well as the narratives of collective memory, constitute the first part of the volume. The second part, on the other hand, for a kind of a counterweight, is devoted only to tangible heritage, focusing on the issues of wooden architecture, and strictly speaking, on wooden sacral construction, on both sides of the Polish-Ukrainian border in which we see a tremendous potential for further common research and academic cooperation. The second part of the volume is concluded by an interesting article devoted to framework architecture of Uhlans’ barracks in Toruń. In the third, final part, we present articles of diverse subject matter, a considerable substantive significance, discussing, among others, Polish successes related to entries on the UNESCO’s World Heritage List to which the National Heritage Board of Poland contributed greatly, but also presenting hazards concerning possible further entries, which should not be forgotten, just like we should not forget about people of exceptional merits, whose profiles we recall. Let us return, however, to our reality and our questions about intangible heritage. What is it for an ordinary inhabitant of the country between the Odra River and the Bug River, how does our ordinary compatriot understand them and does he or she have keys to it, or has someone hidden it, to use a euphemism..? It seems there is a long march ahead of us. If today someone asked me about what I believe to be the most important throughout our entire spectrum of the intangible heritage, I would certainly reply: my homeland and my faith. And if I was asked what I would most gladly enter to the intangible heritage list, I would say: all Polish “żurawiejka” poems, even though they might be obscene, including my favourite, which I would not dare to quote. Not so long ago, on the occasion of a full, six-hundredth anniversary of concluding the Horodło Union, Kazimierz Wóycicki from the Eastern Europe Study Centre of the Warsaw University wrote: „We live in the 21st century, and we still think in categories of the 19th century. This happens because great narrations determining the sense of modern nations were created exactly in the 19th century, when the most important thing was defending identity against external impacts. Historiography of remembrance, dealing with social representations of the past, enables gaining a distance to those tales shaped in the 19th century, through a dialogue of narratives” and, at the same time, enables expansion of the methodological scope of research on phenomena related to intangible heritage. Dear Sirs and Madams, to conclude, I would like to give my regards to the entire editorial team, who for a few recent years, working with devotion, perfection and energy, have done truly a lot in the Kraków office – it can be said without a shade of exaggeration that they re-formatted and modernized the way of thinking about our periodical. I would like to thank wholeheartedly, not only on my own behalf, the editor Ms. Olga Dyba, the editorial secretary – Mr. Andrzej Siwek and the editor Mr. Tomasz Woźniak. Dear friends – you are real professionals, and a hard act to follow... Yours respectfully Jacek Serafinowicz Editor-in-Chief
Celem artykułu jest przybliżenie zjawiska, które mimo tego, iż posiada już dość długą tradycję/historię nie doczekało się (przynajmniej w Polsce) kompleksowych badań z perspektywy dziedzictwa i turystyki. Artykuł należy traktować jako wstęp do analizy turystyki folklorystycznej/folkturystyki i etnoturystyki posiadających szczególne miejsce w turystyce kulturowej. Jest to bowiem forma turystyki skoncentrowana przede wszystkim na dziedzictwie niematerialnym (a dokładniej na jego widowiskowych formach). Intencją autorki jest aby propozycje interpretacyjne zawarte w tekście stanowiły punkt wyjścia dla bardziej wnikliwej, interdyscyplinarnej dyskusji w kręgach tak teoretyków, jak i praktyków, akademików, jak i touroperatorów, zarówno tych zajmujących się z różnych perspektyw aspektami dziedzictwa niematerialnego i turystyki, jak i tych, którzy koncentrują się bezpośrednio na widowiskowym ruchu folklorystycznym rozumianym jako: działalność artystyczna (muzyka, taniec, śpiew, sztuka, rękodzieło, etnodizajn i inne formy ekspresji opierające się na szeroko pojętym folklorze), działalność marketingowa (rodzaj atrakcji promocyjnej – produktu regionalnego, etnicznego lub/i narodowego) ale także szerzej jako regionalizm i etnicyzm.
The Convention on Safeguarding of Intangible Heritage arises from the need of including in the discourse on heritage the non–western ways of living the past. We could say that if the Convention from 1972 was aimed at realizing the UNESCO political agenda on the ground of the Western modern utopian project of universalism, the Convention of 2003 puts in motion the post-modern utopia of relativism, yet without renouncing the modern tools with which to realize it. According to the 2003 Convention, it is the multiplicity of value systems, and the heritage as their expressions put in the inventory, that become the assets of humanity construed as a community (UNESCO’s political objective). The multicultural character of heritage affirmed in the Convention from 2003 has an emancipatory meaning: the subaltern, peripheral value systems are given, at least in theory, the same position as the so far dominating value system of the colonizers. In a decentralized world Europe becomes a province in the same way as the rest of the world, and the Indian, Japanese or Australian perspective is equally valid as the European of American. However, the Convention on Safeguarding of Intangible Heritage, which is supposed to enhance the status of phenomena not included in the 1972 Convention, located outside the authorized heritage discourse, requires different safeguarding strategies. First, as it is a human activity that gets protection, and not at all, or to the less extend the material result of this activity, what is not valid here is the safeguarding by conservation, which is the basic strategy in the case of the objects inscribed in the World Heritage List. The crucial strategy in safeguarding of intangible heritage is education which includes the skills and rules into intergenerational transmission. The institutions and persons involved in safeguarding of intangible heritage are first and foremost required to provide suitable conditions for the future development of a cultural practice declared heritage. What is safeguarded are the living cultural traditions, and not their historical reconstructions. The safeguarding based on education can also result in broadening the group of depositaries of a practice which will become being practiced outside of its community of origin. On the other hand, a living practice will evolve and change, and of crucial importance is then the continuity of traditional system of intergenerational transmission. The article addresses several questions related to implementation of the 2003 Convention in Polish cultural context. Some heritage–related notions involved in discursive practices within the field of humanities and social sciences in Polish academic tradition are discussed, and history–related production of hierarchies within the field in Polish academia pointed at in the context of the heritage of local subalterns (peasants) and minorities. The social impact of these practices is exposed, as they have influenced both the translation of international documents and their reception, as well as the safeguarding practices. The local developments are contextualized within the international conservation and heritage studies discourse.
The article deals with the non-material qualities contained in the landscape of historical cities. Features of this sort are connected with the concept of contents comprehended as sense, essence, significance and message, i. e. as something which has been deciphered, associated, and experienced upon the basis of the perceived elements. Special emphasis has been placed on immaterial qualities associated with cultural legacy as a whole: existential meanings, archetypes, and the symbolic inspired by intellectual or artistic currents, religion, social and political relations, components decisive for the preservation of identity, the tradition of a given site, and the concept of genius loci. The author demonstrates that non-material qualities are embedded in certain types of the urban landscape – its particular elements and traits. While analysing the past from the point of view of an intentional register of the landscape contents by means of signs and symbols, she defines the assorted sources of such contents as well as the varieties and manners of expression. Much attention has been devoted to the contemporary reception of all sorts of meanings amassed in urban space in the course of past years. The presented reflections evoke a proposal of a method of registering the contents and their ensuing analysis, performed in studies concerned with the urban landscape. This method refers to semiotics, the science of signs, and thus enhances landscape studies by introducing a separate current, which takes into consideration all symptoms of the contents, and accompanies another current referring to the form of the landscape and its substance. The proposed method makes it possible not only to record the content in question, but also to define the non-material quality constituted by it. The purpose of making the reader aware of the existence of such a quality involves both its protection and a process of rendering its carriers more legible.
Maria Znamierowska urodziła się 13 maja 1898 r. w Kibartach na Litwie. W latach 20. XX w. studiowała etnologię na Uniwersytecie Stefana Batorego (USB) w Wilnie pod kierunkiem prof. Cezarii Baudouin de Courtenay-Ehrenkreutz oraz prof. Kazimierza Moszyńskiego. Pracę rozpoczęła w stworzonym przez prof. Ehrenkreutz uniwersyteckim Muzeum Etnograficznym, które poza kolekcją kultury materialnej prowadziło badania i gromadziło zapisy folkloru ustnego i muzycznego. M. Znamierowska organizowała wystawy budownictwa ludowego oraz prowadziła badania ludowego rybołówstwa, czego dotyczyły jej prace – magisterska i doktorska. W 1925 r. wyszła za mąż za zoologa i entomologa prof. Jana Prüffera. Po II wojnie światowej Znamierowska-Prüfferowa przybyła razem z grupą profesorów USB do Torunia, i na nowo utworzonym uniwersytecie została zatrudniona jako adiunkt w Katedrze Etnologii i Etnografii Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika (UMK). Próbowała zorganizować przy Katedrze muzeum etnograficzne na wzór wileński, ale mogła tylko stworzyć dział etnograficzny w Muzeum Miejskim w Toruniu (1946–1958). W 1955 r. otrzymała tytułu profesora, a w 1959 r. otworzyła odrębne Muzeum Etnograficzne w Toruniu, tworząc także przymuzealny park etnograficzny. W 1963 r. powstała jej najważniejsza wystawa „Tradycyjne rybołówstwo ludowe w Polsce”. M. Znamierowska-Prüfferowa była zaangażowana w powstawanie w Polsce muzeów na wolnym powietrzu i publikowała na temat muzealnictwa etnograficznego. Dyrektorem toruńskiej placówki była przez 13 lat, zostawiła muzeum z kolekcją 15 000 eksponatów i obszernym Archiwum Folkloru. W latach 1958–1963 była kierownikiem Katedry Etnografii UMK, a do 1988 r. prowadziła wykłady z muzealnictwa. Brała udział w wielu konferencjach etnologicznych i muzealniczych w Europie. Aktywnie pracowała w Polskim Towarzystwie Ludoznawczym, pełniąc różne funkcje, a w 1978 r. została jego członkiem honorowym. Na emeryturze nadal prowadziła badania terenowe i pracowała nad ostatnią publikacją, będącą podsumowaniem jej badań nad rybołówstwem (1988). Zmarła w 1990 r. w Toruniu i tutaj została pochowana. Od 1990 r. Muzeum Etnograficzne w Toruniu nosi jej imię.
Artykuł przybliża nadal stosunkowo mało popularny w Polsce – tak w antropologii, jak i w innych dyscyplinach badających w różny sposób dziedzictwo kulturowe – jego nowy paradygmat oraz ukształtowane na jego bazie interdyscyplinarne krytyczne studia nad dziedzictwem. Zakładają one m.in., że dziedzictwo jako proces jest praktyką skoncentrowaną na przeszłości, realizowaną w teraźniejszości oraz w większości z myślą o przyszłości. Z natury jest niematerialne, dlatego warto postrzegać je bardziej w kategoriach czasownika niż rzeczownika. Głównym celem artykułu jest jednak – inspirowana powyższym zwrotem krytycznym – propozycja tzw. nowej metodologii w antropologicznych badaniach dziedzictwa rozumianej nie jako alternatywa a uzupełnienie i dopełnienie innych podejść. Oparta na teorii heterodoksyjnej i analizach autoryzowanych dyskursów dziedzictwa bada je według podejścia performatywnego, prakseologicznego, mediacyjno-facylitacyjnego i partycypacyjnego (w działaniu). Na bazie zaproponowanej przeze mnie synkretycznej perspektywy badawczej – na wybranych przykładach badań własnych – staram się ukazać zmieniającą się współcześnie rolę antropologa, który z „tłumacza”, interpretatora i arbitra staje się asystującym-brokerem. W konsekwencji zmienia się jednocześnie postrzeganie depozytariuszy jako jedynie badanych, edukowanych oraz aktywizowanych a następnie monitorowanych według zaleceń i dyrektyw ogólnopolskich i międzynarodowych opartych przede wszystkim na polityce UNESCO i UE, które powinni wdrażać. Heterodoksyjne, partycypacyjne i miediacyjno-facylitacyjne badania dziedzictwa w działaniu stawiają ich w roli współbadaczy i równoprawnych, aktywnych graczy mających realny wpływ na współtworzenie i rozwijanie krajowego i światowego systemu ochrony dziedzictwa niematerialnego.
Jednym z najważniejszych kultów maryjnych w Hiszpanii jest kult Matki Bożej z El Rocío, w której pustelni co roku gromadzą się tysiące wiernych napływających z różnych miejsc. Przejawy tego kultu w innych krajach świata są zasadniczo związane z grupami andaluzyjskich imigrantów, choć nie była to jedyna droga jego rozprzestrzeniania się. Obchody święta Matki Bożej z Rocio poza granicami Hiszpanii polegają generalnie odtwarzaniu na mniejszą skalę podstawowych elementów pielgrzymki do Almonte, przy jednoczesnym zagłębianiu się nie tylko w jej aspekty religijne, lecz także w kulturowe i społeczne, mające swoje korzenie w bogatym niematerialnym dziedzictwie Andaluzji. W tym artykule przeanalizujemy ślady tego kultu w takich krajach jak, między innymi, Argentyna, Stany Zjednoczone, Kolumbia, Brazylia, Meksyk czy Peru.
One of the most important Marian cults in Spain is that of El Rocío, in whose hermitage thousands of faithful congregate every year from many diff erent places. Its devotional roots in other countries are fundamentally linked to groups of Andalusian immigrants, although this is not the only way of penetrating them. In their celebration, they generally reproduce on a small scale and overcoming geographical distances, the basic elements of the Almonte pilgrimage, deepening in cultural and social aspects, beyond the religious ones, which sink their roots in the rich Andalusian immaterial heritage. In this article we will analyze the traces of their devotion in countries such as Argentina, the United States, Colombia, Brazil, Mexico and Peru, among others.
The article discusses the current state of preservation of the intangible cultural heritage in the rural areas of Podlasie and the most important problems related to its protection. It has been assumed that Podlasie covers the area of the present Podlaskie Voivodeship, excluding its western part that belongs to Kurpie. At the beginning the article outlines the settlement processes that led to the current cultural diversity of the inhabitants of this region. The Podlaskie Voivodeship is the most ethnically and religiously diverse area in Poland. It is inhabited by national minorities: Belarusian, Lithuanian and Ukrainian, as well as an ethnic minority – the Tatars. Ethnic and national divisions are accompanied by a religious division, because apart from the Catholics, Podlasie is inhabited by many followers of the Orthodox Church. One of the effects of this ethnic and national diversity is the presence of East Slavic dialects with local varieties. These distinctions are reflected, among others, in the toponymy. Linguistic diversity is visible in the oral folklore, especially in ritual songs, including Konopielki, which are sung in the Podlasie region on Easter and are particularly interesting. Oral folklore includes also legends that nowadays rapidly disappear as a result of the lack of intergenerational transfer. Coexistence of two Christian denominations in Podlasie results in wealth of customs, ceremonies and beliefs related to the annual cycle of feasts. The article presents three selected annual customs and ceremonies worth protecting by being listed in the National Intangible Cultural Heritage List: playing the ligawka, a large trumpet-like musical instrument, in Advent in Ciechanowiec, celebrations of the last days of carnival, called zapusty, in Radziłów, and a tradition of prayers with wax votives in Krypno. Undoubtedly, one of the most important issues of protection of intangible heritage in the Podlasie region is the problem of transferring knowledge and skills associated with traditional crafts. Basketwork, pottery and weaving deserve particular attention among them. The article mentions also the problem of folk medicine in the context of the activity of the healers who are called szeptuchy in Podlasie. In the summary there have been listed the most important problems of protection of the intangible heritage in Podlasie.
The article discusses the contemporary comprehension of the concept of the cultural heritage against a wider background of the heritage of culture. The authoress considered the significance of time and the value of historical monuments assessed according to the classical Riegel systematic as well as contemporary experiences that recommend taking into consideration the dynamics of processes caused by the monuments. The article introduces a static differentiation and the currently indispensable dynamic model of an analysis of the value of monuments, with due consideration for complex monument-society interactions. Special emphasis is placed on the economy - monuments relation, which lately has assumed particular significance. The authoress also discussed questions associated with the concept of authenticity judged along the axis of time and the role of original matter as an information carrier determining the existence of all the other assets of a historical monument. In doing so, she distinguished three types of transformation to which the monuments were subjected in the past and still are today, dividing them into non-invasion, annexation and absorption. The text delves into the consequences of choosing the type of transformation for the retention of the authenticity and integration of the monuments. By embarking upon the question of integrity, the text mentions two categories - technical and aesthetic. Next, the authoress examined the outcome of the latter's violation and the possibility of avoiding its negative effects. Additionally, she drew attention to the fact that monuments comprise irreplaceable resources, and hence unsuitable conditions and undertakings that eliminate contact with the authentic monument also destroy its non-material values. Situations that blur the antiquity of historical monuments by changing them into buildings indistinguishable from their contemporary successors are evidence of nearsightedness. More, they are contrary to economic, conservation and social purposes.
Upon the basis of the Taybet Zaman Hotel in the Kingdom of Jordan the article shows how it is possible to create an exceptional tourist site and salvage a historical monument important for local culture while respecting its substance. The hotel was established in the old centre of a Bedouin village leased from the inhabitants. Its adaptation for a new function was conducted by taking into consideration all the principles of conservation - maximum respect for the original matter, a distinction between the old and the new, the avoidance of glaring contrasts, and the preservation - albeit symbolic, in view of the introduced alterations - of the original residential-trade functions. Hotel Taybet Zaman is the pride and joy not only of its owners but also of the local community - it even contains a royal apartment used by the monarch and his family. The authors managed to create an exceptional site, different from the network hotels built at present. Taybet Zaman - its Arabian name means: 'the village of Taybet, just as centuries ago' - is already the second undertaking of the owners in which they used historical monuments as a base for creating tourist amenities. Skilful revitalisation carried out in accordance with the art of conservation and with consideration for the historical monument guaranteed success, also financial. The example of Taybet Zaman emphasises the importance of the adroit use of the assets of historical monuments in their adaptation to new functions. It also demonstrates how by cultivating local heritage and identity it possible to play a prominent cultural role by enabling monuments to cease being an unwanted and costly burden and to obtain profits from their original character.
W artykule przybliżamy przypadek przestrzeni postindustrialnej Nowej Tkalni przy ul. Kilińskiego w Łodzi, będącej częścią dawnego imperium Karola Scheiblera, który posłuży nam do zaprezentowania napięć pomiędzy aktorami życia miejskiego i związanego z tym prawa do miasta, w tym także dziedzictwa. Jednocześnie wskażemy na istotności włączania różnorodnych aktorów w proces kształtowania narracji (również tych wpływających na rozszerzanie pola badawczego) o nim. W swoich rozważaniach wykorzystałyśmy przede wszystkim perspektywę spojrzenia na tę przestrzeń jako na przestrzeń codzienności – pracy, która została naznaczona wydarzeniem niecodziennym – wizytą Jana Pawła II w 1987 r. Zastanawiamy się więc nad praktykami i strategiami upamiętniającymi/zapominającymi w kontekście praktyk miejskich związanych z konstruowaniem dziedzictwa oraz prawa do niego.
The paper presents the case of post-industrial space of the New Weaving Mill in Kilińskiego Street in Łódź, which was a part of Karol Scheibler’s empire. We use it to illustrate the tensions between actors of the city life and the related right to the city including the right to heritage. At the same time, we indicate the significance of involving different actors in the process of creating narratives (also those contributing to the extension of the research field) of it. In our discussion, we mostly perceive this space as everyday space – space of work that was marked with an unusual event: the visit of John Paul II in 1987. Thus, we consider the practices and strategies for commemorating/forgetting in the context of urban practices connected with the construction of heritage and the right to it.
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