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Celem pracy jest ocena wypływu wybranych czynników środowiskowo-społecznych na dojrzewanie dziewcząt. Badaniami objęto grupę 3855 dziewcząt z terenów województwa lubuskiego w wieku od 10 do 16 lat. Materiał został zebrany w latach 2015–2016 przez pracowników Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego. W pracy zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego z wykorzystaniem techniki ankiety. Narzędziem badawczym był kwestionariusz ankiety, w którym zawarto pytania retrospektywne Zebrany materiał opracowano statystycznie, wyliczając średnie arytmetyczne badanych cech, odchylenie standardowe, wielkość min-max, współczynnik zmienności oraz poziom istotności różnic. Ze szczegółowej analizy materiału wynika, że przeciętnie najwcześniej dojrzewają:– dziewczęta zamieszkałe w małych i średnich miastach, względem mieszkanek wsi, przy różnicy statystycznie istotnej; – córki ojców z wykształceniem wyższym, przy zróżnicowaniu statystycznie istotnym, w odniesieniu do córek ojców z wykształceniem najniższym; – córki matek z wykształceniem wyższym;– córki ojców i matek będących pracownikami umysłowymi;– pierworodne, przy zróżnicowaniu statystycznie istotnych, względem urodzonych z trzeciej i dalszych ciąż;– jedynaczki (dojrzewały najwcześniej, a różnicę statystycznie istotną odnotowano między nimi a dziewczętami z rodzin wielodzietnych). Czynnikami dużej mocy, w sposób statystycznie istotny decydującymi o wcześniejszym dojrzewaniu dziewcząt, okazały się wyłącznie: środowisko zamieszkania, wykształcenie ojców, kolejność urodzenia i liczba dzieci w rodzinie. Na przestrzeni ostatnich 15 lat obserwujemy zjawisko obniżania się wieku menarche, co świadczy o zdecydowanej poprawie warunków środowiskowych (zwłaszcza żywieniowo-higienicznych) naszego społeczeństwa.
The aim of the study is to evaluate the impact of selected social and environmental factors on girls’ puberty. The study was conducted on the group of 3855 girls residing in lubuskie voivodeship, aged 10–16. The material was collected in 2015–2016 by the employees of the University of Zielona Gora The diagnostic survey was used in the study as a research method. As a research tool a questionnaire containing retrospective questions was applied. The collected material was analyzed statistically calculating the arithmetic means of the studied traits, standard deviation, minimum-maximum, coefficient of variation and the level of significance of differences. The detailed analysis of the material shows that on average the girls who mature early are those:– who live in small and medium towns in relation to the girls living in rural areas with a statistically significant difference; – whose fathers have higher education with a statistically significant difference in relation to the daughters of fathers with the lowest education;– whose mothers have higher education;– whose fathers and mothers are white-collar workers;– who were first-born children with a statistically significant difference in relation to girls born as third or subsequent children;– who are only children; only children matured the earliest and a statistically significant difference was observed between them and the girls from large families. Residential environment, father’s education, birth order and number of children in the family proved to be powerful factors that are statistically significant determinants of girls’ early puberty. Over the last 15 years, the age of menarche has lowered, which proves that environmental conditions (especially nutrition and hygiene) of our society has improved significantly.
The aim of the paper was to determine the level of motor development and changes in motor performance in children from rural areas from Częstochowa region (Silesia Province) examined in the years 1999 and 2012. The research included boys and girls aged 7-9 from primary schools in Wręczyca Wielka Commune in Kłobuck County (Silesia Province). The first study was conducted in November in the school year 1999/2000 and embraced 270 students (135 girls and 135 boys); the same number of students – 270 students (135 girls and 135 boys) – was examined in the school year 2012/2013. The evaluation of motor performance was done on the basis of Zuchora Physical Fitness Index following the instructions included in the manual. The results were subjected to statistical analysis and arithmetic means and measures of spread were calculated. In order to determine the directions and scope of changes in motor performance the 2012 study results were normalized to the results obtained in 1999. The assessment of the significance of differences was made with the help of t Student test. In the years 1999-2012 unambiguous significant changes in the level of motor performance in particular age groups were not observed in girls and boys aged 7-9 from rural areas. The observed changes in motor structure refer to the progress of results in agility tests and abdominal muscle strength tests as well as regression in speed in the case of girls. Other results were at similar level. In the case of boys, the authors reported a decrease in the level of results obtained in speed tests and tests of muscle strength of the arms. Whereas similar results were obtained in strength tests, abdominal muscle strength tests and jumping ability tests. The improvement in flexibility skills was also observed.
Celem niniejszego opracowania było określenie poziomu rozwoju motorycznego i zmian występujących w sprawności motorycznej dzieci ze środowiska wiejskiego z regionu częstochowskiego (woj. śląskie) badanych w latach 1999 i 2012 . W badaniach uczestniczyli dziewczęta i chłopcy w wieku 7 - 9 lat ze szkół podstawowych w gminie Wręczyca Wielka w powiecie kłobuckim (woj. śląskie). Pierwsze badanie zostało przeprowadzone w listopadzie w roku szkolnym 1999/2000 i objęto nim 270 uczniów (135 dziewcząt i 135 chłopców), podobnie kształtuje się liczba badanych w roku szkolnym 2012/2013 - 270 uczniów (135 dziewcząt i 135 chłopców). Sprawność motoryczną badanych oceniono w oparciu o próby Indeksu Sprawności Fizycznej Zuchory stosując się do zaleceń zawartych w instrukcji. Wyniki badań poddano analizie statystycznej wyliczając średnie arytmetyczne i miary rozsiewu. W celu określenia kierunków i rozmiarów przemian w sprawności motorycznej wyniki badań z roku 2012 unormowano na rezultaty uzyskane w 1999 roku. Oceny istotności różnic dokonano przy pomocy testu t- Studenta. W latach 1999-2012 u dziewcząt i chłopców w wieku 7-9 lat pochodzących ze środowiska wiejskiego nie odnotowano jednoznacznych istotnych zmian w poziomie sprawności motorycznej w poszczególnych grupach wieku. Zaobserwowane zmiany struktury motoryczności w przypadku dziewcząt dotyczą progresu rezultatów w próbach gibkości i siły mięśni brzucha oraz regresu w szybkości. Pozostałe wyniki były na zbliżonym poziomie. W przypadku chłopców, odnotowano obniżenie się poziomu wyników uzyskanych w próbach : szybkości i siły mięśni ramion, zbliżone wyniki uzyskano natomiast w próbach wytrzymałości, siły mięśni brzucha, skoczności. Odnotowano również poprawę zdolności gibkościowych.
The publication presents the findings of an inquiry conducted among 110 girls aged 15 - 17 who had been directed, on the grounds of being “out of school and out of work”, to two one-year vocational schools in Warsaw (catering and clothing). All the girls enrolled in these schools were the subjects of the study. The first point to be established was whether the girls classified as “out of school and out of work” had in fact not been attending school or gainfully employed for a longer period of time prior to admission. In point of fact the job question did not really enter the picture since almost all the subjects had never yet been employed, partly on account of their age: only 31 per cent of them had reached their 17th birthday at the time of the inquiry. Most of them had previously been attending school, while the period of idleness was as a rule very short: as many as 70 per cent had been in attendance until the end of the preceding school year and had found themselves without a place at the beginning of the new one. The number which had quit or interrupted school attendance in the course of the preceding school year came to 24 per cent; only 6 per cent had longer breaks in schooling of a year or more. However, if we forego this formal criterion of non-attendance and take into account not only failure to enroll in a school, but also systematic truancy, it turns out that the number not attending school is much larger: two-thirds of the subjects had either left school or, though nominally in attendance had in fact been systematically truant in the course of the preceding school year. The question of the criteria employed to classify young people as “out of school and out of work” merits special emphasis because, as we shall see, it was systematic staying away from school though nominally enrolled rather than brief official breaks in attendance which proved bad prediction for subsequent adjustment in the one-year vocational school. Two-thirds of the girl subjects had fallen behind in elementary school, and among 46 per cent this retardation came to at least two years. The school retardation of the subjects was not only much greater than the general rate among children in the higher grades of elementary school in Poland, but also greater than among boy subjects attending analogous one-year vocational schools. So large a degree of school retardation prompts the question whether poor progress was not due to the diminished intelligence level of the subjects. This point was examined with the help of Raven’s Progressive Matrices, tests of achievement in basic subjects, and the opinions obtained from teachers at the schools which the subjects had previously attended. A large percentage of the girls (41 per cent) had low and very low Raven scores (under 25 percentiles). Girls attending one-year vocational schools had far worse scores than average school children, and worse ones than boys attending one-year vocational schools and even than boys attending two-year vocational schools. These Raven scores must be put into the context of data obtained by other means. As had been said, tests were made of the level of achievement in basic subjects (Polish and mathematics). The percentage of subjects who displayed a very low level of achievement was greater than the percentage with low and very low Raven scores. The girls attending one-year vocational schools differed markedly in level of achievement from the control group of elementary school children. Additional information on the abilities of the subjects was obtained from questionnaires answered by teachers at the schools which these girls had previously attended. On this evidence, more of them were found to be “dull” than had been suggested by their Raven scores. The variations in the data obtained from different sources require clarification. Raven’s Progressive Matrices test only certain abilities (reasoning visual perception) important to learning. But there are also a number of other abilities which play a part in progress at school (e.g. memory, audial perception, verbal abilities) and deficiencies where these are concerned might have contributed to the low scores of the subjects in the tests of achievement and to the teachers’ estimates of their abilities. The failures or difficulties of a part of the subjects at school might have been connected with disturbances in these particular learning abilities. But they might equally well have been due to personality factors or – and this seems especially important given the evidence obtained in interviews – to considerable neglect at home. The school retardation of the subjects, their achievement level, their low Raven scores and the teachers’ opinions of their poor abilities are all signs that their being “out of school and out of work” was clearly bound up with failures at school and objective difficulties with learning. The next question was the degree of social maladjustment of the subjects. Only a small number of the girls (18 per cent) had no record of considerable school retardation, presented no particular problems of conduct at school, and displayed no symptoms of social maladjustment. The biggest quantitative problem among the subjects were the girls (almost half) who only manifested evidence of maladjustment as regards school work, i.e. retardation of two or more years, systematic truancy, and repeated discontinuance of school attendance. Only a third of the girls were found, however, to have other symptoms of social maladjustment: keeping demoralized company, running away from home, excessive drinking, stealing and suspected sexual promiscuity. It was only these girls in whom the relevant symptom or symptoms had occurred frequently or jointly that were classified as socially maladjusted. It should be added, however, that only three of the girls had been previously convicted, only 10 per cent were found to have committed thefts and only 10 per cent were suspected of sexual promiscuity. These percentages are insignificant when compared to those found in girls brought before the courts. However, for a third of the girls to reveal evidence of social maladjustment constitutes a relatively large proportion if it is compared with the degree of social maladjustment found in an average schoolgirl population. In the inquiry a comparison was made of the girls who displayed only symptoms of maladjustment at school (notably considerable school retardation) with those whose behaviour indicated evidence of social maladjustment as well. It was found that the subjects in the latter category tended indeed to come more frequently from adverse home environments and were more often described by school teachers as excitable, restless and aggressive. Although systematic truancy has in this study been placed under the heading of maladjustment at school, it proved in fact to be more frequent among the socially maladjusted girls than those who displayed only school maladjustment. This fact, as well as evidence of a connection between social maladjustment and certain personality features, suggest that it is not difficulties and failures at school as such, but the modes of reaction to them that lead to major maladjustment. The next point tackled by the inquiry related to the environmental, health and personality factors behind the subjects’ non-attendance of school and lack of employment. Here the data was obtained by means of background interviews and interviews with 62 of the girls who qualified most obviously for the designation of “out of school and out of work” on account of interrupted school attendance and systematic truancy. Of these 62 girts, as many as 44 per cent came from broken homes. Among their families there was a high incidence (47 per cent) of excessive drinking by the father. A third of the fathers had criminal convictions and in 30 per cent of the families there were brothers with convictions. This data indicates that the girls who were “out of school and out of work” had frequently been brought up in homes which constituted socially negative educative environments and got their children off to a bad start in life. Health data showed that 29 per cent of the girls “out of school and out of work” had suffered various protracted illnesses resulting in long absences from school which could have led to low achievement level. Hospital or sanatorium treatment had been prescribed at some time for 44 per cent. The interviews afforded grounds for suspecting that 23 per cent had suffered brain damage. These are all factors which interfere with progress at school. But they are obstacles which could have been more easily overcome if the girls could have counted on the help and care of their families; in the home environment in which many of the subjects grew up, on the other hand, they formed serious barriers to normal results at school. Finally progress at school has been analysed in 110 pupils attending one-year schools as well as their accomplishment in a successive year. A total of 40 per cent of the subjects attended the one-year vocational schools very irregularly, cutting over a quarter of the days of instruction. This poor attendance record had a statistically significant interdependence with systematic truancy in the preceding school year (though insignificant with the break in school attendance prior to enrolment in the one-year vocational school). This indicates that truancy schould be regarded by schools as a particularly urgent warning to pay greater attention to the children involved. Irregular attendance of the one-year vocational schools was also connected with social maladjustment in the period preceding admission. The girls with the greatest degree of social maladjustment were the ones who found it hardest to adapt in the vocational schools. A year after the end of the school year in which the inquiry was conducted, follow-up interviews were made in order to see if the former pupils of the one year vocational schools were still attending school or gainfully employed. It was found that almost half the girls were continuing their education and 29 per cent were working (half of them in jobs matching their vocational qualifications); only about a fifth were “out of school and out of work”. The reasons they gave for this varied and in certain cases the fact that they were neither attending school nor working was clearly justified by special circumstances.
The article discusses the theoretical views and empirical evidence about the features of social adaptation of gifted students. Describes the indicators of mental development of gifted students and their level of social adaptation. The article also discusses the features of smart indicators for gifted children with reference to gender peculiarities.
W artykule omówiono aspekty teoretyczne i dowody empiryczne dotyczące adaptacji społecznej uzdolnionych uczniów. Autorka opisuje wskaźniki rozwoju psychicznego uczniów zdolnych oraz ich poziom adaptacji społecznej, także w zależności od płci.
Liturgical ministry, which has its roots in the times before Jesus Christ’s birth, has been exercised by boys and young men for thousands years. The 20th century liturgical reforms have also opened doors to girls’ and women’s liturgical ministry. The aim of the article is to present the changes in celebration throughout history and to clarify the range of possibilities and general competences of women and girls during the celebration. The article presents state of the research in 2020 and does not include the issues raised in the motu proprio Spiritus Domini. The article is divided into four chronological parts. The first one deals with the archetypes of minsters from the Old Testament. The second one characterizes the evangelical context of the liturgical ministry. The third part describes the development of the altar boys’ service over the centuries. The fourth part concerns on the times after the Second Vatican Council, therefore on the actual liturgical renewal in the Church all over the world and in Poland. The text itself is based on the Holy Bible, the Church’s Magisterium’s documents and source literature. The thesis analyzes the above texts and is of analytical and theoretical nature. The result shows specific possibilities of women’s involvement in liturgical ministry structures. It also names the roles they undertake in liturgical groups during celebrations. Based on the available sources and historical circumstances it should be enabled for women and girls to engage in ministry that includes reading and singing, whereas the traditional liturgical ministry, apart from bringing the altar gifts by the laity, should be reserved for men and boys unless the diocesan bishop decides otherwise.
Background and aim. Judo is a popular sport worldwide. It was created as a means for holistic education and it is regularly practiced by hundreds of thousands of youngsters. This systematic review is aimed at summarizing the evidence on the physical, physiological/ motor and social/psychological effects of judo participation in children. Methodology. The review was conducted according to the PRISMA-P protocol. The Cochrane Library, PubMed, PsycINFO, Scopus, SportDiscus, Web of Science, DOAJ, LILACS and SCIELO databases were consulted for document retrieval by using the terms “judo” and “child” and other related terms, and the snowballing technique was also used. The Newcastle-Ottawa Scale was used to assess the quality of the selected studies. The studied variables were study type and aims, sample, interventions and procedures, measurements and outcomes. Results. Nine studies, all cohort studies, were selected for inclusion. Judo participation improved participants’ arms bone mineral and fitness in variables such as flexibility, muscular endurance or agility, and also avoided the increase of their subcutaneous fat levels, but did not prove to be superior to participation in other sports. On the contrary, judo participants showed higher levels of anger that their peers. Conclusion. Research in this field is sorely lacking. Judo participation can be of help in achieving the World Health Organization’s suggested standards on physical activity for health, but special attention should be paid at the psychological outcomes of this participation as negative effects on anger have been reported.
Tło i cel. Judo to sport popularny na całym świecie. Został stworzony, jako sposób holistycznej edukacji i jest regularnie praktykowany przez setki tysięcy młodych ludzi. Niniejszy przegląd systematyczny ma na celu podsumowanie dowodów na fizyczne, fizjologiczno-motoryczne i społeczno-psychologiczne skutki uczestnictwa w zajęciach judo dzieci. Metody. Przegląd przeprowadzono zgodnie z protokołem PRISMA-P. Skorzystano także z zasobów Biblioteki Cochrane, PubMed, PsycINFO, Scopus, SportDiscus, Web of Science, DOAJ, LILACS i SCIeLO posługując się wyszukiwaniem słów “judo” i “dziecko” oraz innych pokrewnych terminów, a także zastosowano technikę nielosowego doboru próby tzw. metody kuli śnieżnej. Do oceny jakości wybranych badań wykorzystano Skalę Newcastle-Ottawa. Badane zmienne obejmowały rodzaj i cele badania, dobór próby, interwencje i procedury, pomiary i wyniki. Wyniki. W analizie uwzględniono dziewięć badań, były to wszystko badania kohortowe. Uczestnictwo w treningach judo poprawiło kondycję kości ramiennej uczestników i sprawiło, że zmienne, takie jak elastyczność, wytrzymałość mięśni czy zręczność, również pozwoliły uniknąć wzrostu poziomu podskórnej tkanki tłuszczowej. Udział w zajęciach judo nie okazał się lepszy we wszystkich aspektach od udziału w innych sportach. Przeciwnie, adepci judo wykazywali wyższy poziom gniewu niż ich rówieśnicy. Wniosek. Ilość badań w omawianej dziedzinie jest niewystarczająca. Uczestnictwo w zajęciach judo może być pomocne w osiąganiu zalecanych przez Światową Organizację Zdrowia standardów w zakresie aktywności fizycznej dla zdrowia, ale należy zwrócić szczególną uwagę na wyniki psychologiczne, gdyż odnotowano negatywny wpływ na stan emocjonalny ćwiczących (gniew).
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przybliżenie budzącego coraz większe zaniepokojenie demografów i decydentów zjawiska niedoboru kobiet w populacjach wielu państw Azji, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem przodujących w eskalacji tego zjawiska Chin i Indii. Tezą prezentowanego wywodu jest stwierdzenie, że omawiane zjawisko będzie mieć w przyszłości bardzo negatywne konsekwencje społeczne, ekonomiczne i polityczne dla obu państw, które mimo wieloletnich starań nie chcą, nie potrafią lub nie są już w stanie odwrócić negatywnych trendów demograficznych. W artykule omówiono kolejno: specyfikę i skalę zjawiska, jego usytuowanie przestrzenne, bezpośrednie – fizyczne i pośrednie – kulturowe, religijne i obyczajowe przyczyny negatywnego trendu, ale także podejmowane próby przeciwdziałania niekorzystnym tendencjom oraz ich obecne i potencjalne skutki.
The purpose of this article, is to introduce – awakening a growing concern of demographers and policy-makers – phenomenon of the deficiency of women in the populations of many countries in Asia, with a particular focus – leading in an escalation of this phenomenon – China and India. The thesis of the present paper is that the phenomenon will have in the future a very negative social, economic and political consequences to the two countries, which, despite many years of efforts, can not or are no longer able to reverse the negative demographic trends. The article discusses: the specificity and scale of the phenomenon, its spatial location, direct – physical and indirect – cultural, religious and moral reasons for the negative trend, but also presents attempts to counter negative trends and their current and potential impact on the society
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