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The content of volume 3, issue 1 of the International Journal of Research in E-learningproves that technology is the key to the future of (higher) education. Authors from eleven countries consider present and future trends in the development of education. The present volume includes nine papers gathered in four chapters.
The theme of the 9th edition of the International Scientific Conference DLCC2017: Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Distance Learning (www.dlcc.us.edu.pl) was “Effective development of teacher’s skills in ICT and e-learning”; the conference also included reports from the IRNet project. The conference was held on 16–17 October 2017 in Cieszyn and Katowice. It was organised by the Faculty of Ethnology and Educational Science at the University of Silesia in Cieszyn. The co-organisers were: the University of Ostrava (the Czech Republic); the Silesian University in Opava (the Czech Republic); the Constantine Philosopher University in Nitra (Slovakia); the Twente University (the Netherlands); the University of Extremadura (Spain); the Curtin University in Perth (Australia); the Borys Grinchenko Kiev University (Ukraine); the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia (Russia); the Dneprodzerzhinsk State Technical University (Ukraine); Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland; Polish Pedagogical Association, Branch in Cieszyn; Polish Scientific Association of Internet Education; and IADIS – International Association for Development of the Information Society.
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Modern science undergoes enormous changes and transformations. Science 2.0 is a term used to refer to processes, trends, and phenomena related to the use of new technologies, and information and communication technologies in science, in particular tools, services, and online resources. This trend stresses the benefits of increased collaboration and cooperation between researchers and scientists. However, it refers primarily to the consequences of using these technologies. The authors of this volume analyse and discuss some important topics and try to find the answers on current research questions.
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“Commission Staff Working Document. Annex II. Results of the public consultation on the EU’s modernisation agenda for higher education” presents “the key findings of the public consultation on the future of the EU’s agenda for the modernisation of higher education systems. The results of the consultation underpin the specific initiatives related to higher education presented in the Skills Agenda and will inform the EU’s future strategy for the modernisation of higher education. […] A second area where skills gaps are highlighted in the consultation responses encompasses the broad fields of Science Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM), where many national authorities and stakeholders see a need to strengthen high-level skills provision. In particular, several contributions note a specific need for more ICT specialists and for students across the board to acquire better digital skills” (http://ec.europa.eu/socialmain.jsp?catId=1223&langId=en&moreDocuments=yes, accessed 15 February 2017).
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The policy goal of the technology literacy approach is to enable learners, citizens, and the workforce to use ICT in order to support social development and to improve economic productivity. Related policy goals include increasing enrolments, making high-quality resources available to everyone, and improving literacy skills. Teachers should be aware of these goals and be able to identify the components of education reform programmes that correspond to these policy goals. Corresponding changes in the curriculum entailed by this approach might include improving basic literacy skills through technology and adding the development of ICT skills into relevant curriculum contexts (UNESCO, 2011).
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The use of new technologies in education implies new teacher roles, new pedagogies and new approaches to teacher education (Makrakis, 2005). The successful integration of ICT into the classroom will depend on the ability of teachers to structure the learning environment in new ways, to merge new technology with new pedagogy, and to develop socially active classrooms, encouraging co-operative interaction, collaborative learning and group work. This requires a different set of classroom management skills. The teaching skills of the future will include the ability to develop innovative ways of using technology to enhance the learning environment, and to encourage technology literacy, knowledge deepening and knowledge creation. Teacher professional learning will be a crucial component of this educational improvement. However, professional learning has an impact only if it is focused on specific changes in teaching (UNESCO, 2011).
W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z wykorzystaniem teorii małych światów w celu określenia grupy osób potencjalnie zainteresowanych ofertą edukacyjną w formie e-learningu. Zaproponowano mechanizm, który umożliwia wyselekcjonowanie takiej grupy na podstawie informacji udostępnianych w portalach społecznościowych.
The article presents the issues related to the use of the small worlds theory in order to determine a group of people potentially interested in the educational offer in the form of e-learning. Proposed mechanism which allows selection of the group on the basis of information collected available in social networks.
vol. 7
issue 4
W artykule zaprezentowano problematykę związaną z wirtualizacją zasobów informatycznych i ich wykorzystaniem w procesach dydaktycznych, głównie w odniesieniu do e-learningu. Ograniczone zasoby sprzętowe w istotny sposób wpływają na dostępność oraz efektywność tej formy nauczania. Opracowanie, a następnie wdrożenie odpowiedniego modelu wirtualizacji może pozwolić na lepsze upowszechnienie wiedzy z wielu dziedzin.
The article presents issues related to virtualization of IT resources and their use in the processes of teaching, especially in relation to e-learning. Limited hardware resources have a significant impact on the availability and an effectiveness of this teaching form. The development and implementation of the appropriate virtualization model can allow for a better promotion of knowledge in many areas.
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Platformy e-learningowe

E-learning to w skrócie przekazywanie wiedzy i umiejętności przy użyciu komputerów i sieci informatycznych. Odnosi się bezpośrednio do procesów i aplikacji używanych do przekazu. Można do nich zaliczyć nauczanie poprzez stronę internetową, nauczanie w oparciu o komputer i multimedia, wirtualną klasę czy też wirtualne grupy robocze. Nauczana treść dostarczana jest poprzez sieć Internet. Używane są do tego celu aplikacje LMS, których mnogość pozwala na wybór tej, która najlepiej sprosta wymaganiom danego ośrodka kształcenia.
E-learning is essentially the computer and network enabled transfer of skills and knowledge. It refers to using electronic applications and processes to learn. E-learning applications and processes include Web-based learning, computerbased learning, virtual classrooms and digital collaboration. Content is delivered via the Internet. A learning management system (LMS) is software for delivering, tracking and managing training/education. LMSs range from systems for managing training/educational records to software for distributing courses over the Internet and offering features for online collaboration.
This paper reports on The National Prescribing Curriculum (NPC), a series of online, casebased modules designed to improve prescribing performance and confidence in emerging Australian prescribers. The modules mirror the decision-making process outlined in the WHO Guide to Good Prescribing (de Vries et al., 1994) and were developed as an initiative to combat emerging data that, increasingly, medical graduates demonstrate shortfalls in basic pharmacological knowledge and prescribing skills (Hilmer et al., 2009). The modules are situated in real life situations and include complex, authentic tasks. As most learners access the modules in a self-paced mode, sophisticated levels of expert and peer feedback have been integrated into the modules.
This paper reports on two research projects, one completed and a partial follow-up study in the early stages of investigation. The first study investigated a range of factors that directly affect the quality of web-supported learning opportunities. The outcome of that study is a taxonomy of critical success factors for quality web-supported learning based on six categories: institutional factors, technical factors, pedagogical factors, instructional design factors, lecturer factors and student factors. The new study takes as starting point one of the categories of the taxonomy, namely lecturer factors. Using appropriate media effectively should be seen as part of the development of personal and teaching proficiencies. However the literature reveals that there remain various barriers to academics adopting learning technologies as a matter of course in their practice and that the uptake of institutional e-learning systems remains in the hands of enthusiasts. Academics need to be supported in investigating the use of appropriate technology to enhance and expand their teaching practices. A research study is underway at Oxford University (UK) to determine the level of uptake of the virtual learning environment, as well as the barriers and limitations that academic staff encounter in moving forward along the technology adoption curve (Moore, 1999).
This practical paper reports on significant Learning Activity Management System (LAMS) work currently being undertaken at The University of Nicosia in Cyprus; a growing number of full e-courses have been, and are being, created using LAMS and a suite of specialized programs in order to provide an alternate and more convenient educational service for students. Critical administrative, organizational, personnel, pedagogical and technological issues have had to be addressed to support this important project. Some implications of the way students work online will be discussed, sample e-lecture materials will be presented, and suggestions for future technical development will be made. The paper concludes with the assertion that LAMS can be used to deliver local and international full e-learning courses effectively and inexpensively within a supportive and dynamic administrative and organizational superstructure.
Development and implementation of professional multimedia and interactive e-learning courses are time-consuming and expensive. There is a need to find a new ways of improving high standard e-learning offer without incurring significant financial resources. Here, Rapid Instructional Design (RID) might be useful due to its focus on cost and time reduction involved in developing e-learning courses while ensuring an acceptable to users level of quality. The aim of this article is to present adaptation of the RID concept to e-learning projects management process and verify its practical use. It starts with research problem analysis on creating e-learning courses with limited time and financial resources. Then, follows a literature review of the RID concept and potential benefits for its applying to e-learning initiatives realization. Next, there is, based on RID, project management approach on e-learning courses development described. The last two parts of this paper outline methodology and results of using proposed approach obtained during its implementation for two e-learning projects and follow author's discussion on applying it to different kinds of e-learning initiatives, in reference to mentioned results.
Celem artykułu jest wskazanie możliwości wykorzystania systemów ekspertowych w nauczaniu na odległość. W artykule przedstawiono standardy e-learningu, inteligentne systemy nauczania, zaliczane do najwyżej zorganizowanych systemów komputerowego wspomagania procesu edukacyjnego, oraz przykłady zastosowań systemów ekspertowych. Literaturę przedmiotu zebrano na podstawie analizy zawartości bibliograficznych baz danych: ERIC (1966-) i INSPEC (1969-). Wybrano reprezentatywne przykłady systemów stosowanych w edukacji, do nauczania języków obcych, matematyki i muzyki. Omówiono zintegrowany system szkoleniowy, pozwalający na dostosowanie nauczania do indywidualnych cech ucznia. Zwrócono szczególną uwagę na systemy ekspertowe z interfejsem w języku naturalnym. W zakończeniu wskazano na możliwości zastosowania e-learningu z wykorzystaniem systemów ekspertowych do wspomagania nauczania i uczenia się oraz w kształceniu użytkowników bibliotek.
This article aims to identify the possibilities of using expert systems in distance learning. This paper presents the standards of e-learning, intelligent teaching systems classified as the most organized computer aided learning process and examples of applications of expert systems. Literature was collected on the basis of analysis of bibliographic databases: ERIC (1966 -) and INSPEC (1969 -). Representative examples of systems used in education, teaching of foreign languages, mathematics and music were selected. An integrated training system that allows you to adjust the curriculum to individual student characteristics was discussed in the article. Particular attention was devoted to expert systems with natural language interface. The possibility of using e-learning with the use of expert systems to support teaching and learning and training for library users was indicated at the end.
vol. 7
issue 3
Cechą charakterystyczną początku XXI w. jest rozwój nowoczesnych form kształcenia z wykorzystaniem internetu. Przyczyn występowania tego zjawiska należy się doszukiwać w rozwoju technologii sieciowych oraz zachodzących procesach globalizacji sprzyjających wzrostowi znaczenia edukacji na odległość. Jej różne modele są ciągle dyskutowane, testowane i wdrażane, począwszy od wykorzystania internetu jako dodatkowego źródła informacji, po całkowicie zdalny proces uczenia się, włącznie z kontrolą aktywności oraz oceną wyników nauczania i tworzeniem społeczności uczących się.
The characteristic feature of the beginning of the XXI century is the development of modern teaching forms with the use of the internet. The development of network technologies and globalization processes favoring the growth of distance learning significance are the reasons for such a phenomenon. The distance learning various models are being constantly discussed tested and implemented. It concerns the use of the Internet as the additional source of information and entirely remote learning process, including the activities monitoring, assessment of learning outcomes and creation of learning communities.
Zgodnie z jedną z definicji gamifikacja polega na wykorzystaniu technik znanych z gier fabularnych do kształtowania zachowań i postaw ludzi w sytuacjach, które grami nie są. Działania te służyć mają zwiększeniu zaangażowania uczestników danego działania w procesy – szczególnie te, które wydają się być rutynowe i nudne. Sama technika opiera się na odczuciach zadowolenia, jakie czują ludzie w wyniku np. pokonywania trudności, zdobywania nagród, ale także w wyniku rywalizacji czy współpracy. Technika gamifikacji wykorzystywana jest w różnych dziedzinach życia społecznego. W artykule podjęta zostanie próba przyjrzenia się możliwościom zastosowania gamifikacji w kształceniu studentów, dodatkowo z wykorzystaniem metod i technik kształcenia na odległość. Studenci z trudem uczą się przedmiotów, które uważają za niezbyt interesujące, trudne lub nudne. Działania związane z gamifikacją mają prowadzić do wytworzenia u odbiorców odczuć zadowolenia i satysfakcji z pokonywania poszczególnych poziomów trudności zagadnień dydaktycznych, czy też radości ze wspólnych osiągnięć grupy, albo zaangażowania w rywalizację. Wprowadzenie tych działań do procesu dydaktycznego mogłoby korzystnie wpłynąć na uzyskanie przez studentów planowanych efektów kształcenia. W takiej sytuacji nauczyciel powinien podejść do organizacji procesu dydaktycznego jak kierownik, któremu został powierzony projekt do realizacji. W związku z tym już na początku prowadzonych zajęć powinny zostać ustalone zasady pracy na zajęciach dydaktycznych i poza nimi, uwzględniające elementy mechaniki gier. W artykule przeanalizowane zostaną niektóre elementy gamifikacji wraz z podaniem możliwości zrealizowania ich z wykorzystaniem platformy e-learningowej KAAFM.
According to one definition, gamification consists in using techniques known from role-playing games to shape behaviours and attitudes of people in situations which are not games. These actions are designed to increase the involvement of participants in the process, especially in those which appear to be routine and boring. The technique itself is based on the feelings of satisfaction experienced by people as a result of, for example, overcoming difficulties, winning awards, but also as a result of competition or cooperation. The technique of gamification is used in various areas of social life. The article attempts to look at the possibilities of using gamification in the education of students in addition to the use of distance learning methods and techniques. Students have some difficulty to learn the subjects that they find not very interesting, difficult or boring. The activities associated with the gamification are intended to create a sense of satisfaction for the learners on defeating the difficulty levels of didactic issues, to the joys of the group’s collective achievements, or to engage in competition. Introducing these activities to the didactic process could have a positive impact on the student’s achievement of the planned learning outcomes. In such a situation, the teacher should approach the organization of the didactic process like a manager to whom the project was entrusted. As a consequence, at the beginning of the classes, the principles of working in and outside of the classroom should be established, taking into account the elements of the game mechanics. The article will analyze some elements of the gamification together with the possibility of applying them using the KAAFM e-learning platform.
Rocznik Lubuski
vol. 43
issue 1
The article presents the possibilities of using information and communication technologies in the teaching process on the example of moderating a discussion forum on an e-learning platform. The author, using her own experience and a phenomenological insight into her own practice, gives practical tips on how to activate persons learning by conducting a discussion in virtual space. The addressed issues comprise tips on the aims and usefulness of a forum; as well as on how to: start a forum, choose the topic, ask questions, deal with the traps of forum moderation, activate its participants, finally, end a discussion. Such a way of active arrangement of learning space and activation of learners fits in with the paradigmatic didactic change described by the formula the shift from teaching to learning, which the author of this article expands by adding and e-learning.
Artykuł pokazuje możliwości wykorzystania nowoczesnych technologii informacyjnych i komunikacyjnych w procesie kształcenia na przykładzie moderowania forum dyskusyjnego na platformie zdalnego nauczania. Autorka, korzystając z własnych doświadczeń oraz dokonując pewnego fenomenologicznego wglądu we własną praktykę, konstruuje pewne wskazówki praktyczne, pozwalające na aktywizowanie osób uczących się za pomocą prowadzenia dyskusji w wirtualnej przestrzeni. Poruszona problematyka dotyka zatem kwestii samego rozpoczęcia forum, jego celowości i przydatności, doboru tematu, postawienia pytań, radzenia sobie z pułapkami moderowania forum, aktywizowaniem jego uczestników, wreszcie kwestii zakończenia dyskusji. Taki sposób aktywnego aranżowania przestrzeni uczenia się oraz aktywizowania osob uczących się wpisuje się w paradygmatyczną zmianę dydaktyczną, opisaną formułą the shift from teaching to learning, którą to autorka rozszerza przez dodanie . . . and e-learning.
The pandemic period forced universities to move towards remote working. During this period, teachers sought the best solutions within their capabilities. As a result of the experience gained during the pandemic period, universities are preparing to develop the best practices of remote teaching and to incorporate these practices in the processes of student education. The paper presents a proposal for the adaptation of the educational processes of computer science students in undergraduate engineering courses in the post-pandemic period.
Okres pandemii wymusił na uczelniach przejście na pracę zdalną. W tym okresie prowadzący zajęcia poszukiwali najlepszych rozwiązań w ramach swoich możliwości. W wyniku zdobytego doświadczenia w okresie pandemii uczelnie przygotowują się do wypracowania najlepszych praktyk zdalnego nauczania oraz włączenia tych praktyk w procesach kształcenia studentów. W artykule przedstawiono propozycję adaptacji procesów kształcenia studentów informatyki na studiach inżynierskich I stopnia w okresie po pandemii.
This article gives some examples of students’ systematic semi-autonomous work in the multimedia master’s seminar, which enhances their language competencies as well as strictly technical skills. The theoretical background, based on the results of research carried out by the author in 2005–2019, demonstrates how knowledge of learners’ first and second languages is advantageous during the acquisition of a third language. Seeing that this process is individual (every learner has his or her different “linguistic biography”), it is difficult take this fact into account in the coursebooks. E-learning courses, which allow students to work in semi-autonomy, become helpful in this situation. Accommodating the needs of biand trilingual students, prospective foreign-language teachers and translators create their own multimedia resources that fill gaps in the didactic offerings. Moreover, the unusual forms of learning by teaching (LdL – from the German phrase Lernen durch Lehren) improve the quality of the learning process, helping students achieve the desired language and communication skills.
Rozwój gospodarki opartej na wiedzy, upowszechnianie się nowoczesnych idei kształcenia: Life Long Learning, Learning-by-doing, Knowledge-on-demand to jedne z czynników determinujących zapotrzebowanie na wyspecjalizowane usługi edukacyjne. Obecnie jesteśmy świadkami swoistego boomu edukacyjnego. Pojęcie edukacji przekroczyło mury nie tylko placówek oświatowych, ale i uczelni wyższych. Powiedzenie „człowiek uczy się przez całe życie” stało się bardzo trafnym określeniem współczesnego społeczeństwa. Do wspomagania edukacji wkroczyła technologia informatyczna już nie tylko jako narzędzie, ale jako samodzielne medium. Każdego dnia powstaje mnóstwo treści o charakterze edukacyjnym, które wymagają standaryzacji. W artykule zostaną zaprezentowane najbardziej popularne standardy zapisu danych cyfrowych w e-learningowych materiałach edukacyjnych.
The development of knowledge-based economy, promoting modern styles of learning, such as The Life Long Learning, The Learning-by-doing, The Knowledge-on-demand are one of the most important factors determining the demand for specialized educational services. Currently we can observe educational boom. The education has exceeded the walls of the schools and universities. Popular saying “a man learns throughout his whole life” has become a very relevant to definition of present society. Now, the Information Technology and Internet are not only as a tool, but are a stand-alone environment. Every day we create a lot of educational contents that require standardization. The paper presents the most popular standards for recording digital data used as e-content.
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