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Aim. The aim of the article is to define the possibilities of education in the concept of postmetaphysical thinking. The definition takes into account the need to understand education as an open process of developing an authentic personality. The new understanding of education helps to orient the educational process in the family and school towards the person of the pupil and the development of his real possibilities. Concept. The article is built around a comparison of metaphysical and post-metaphysical thought. It describes the fundamental differences between both types of thinking, with a focus on the importance of others and openness in the interpretation of fundamental pedagogical categories. Attention is paid to the understanding of the pupil, the teacher, the process of education, and the goal of education. The pupil is interpreted as a person who has individual and original abilities. The process of education is understood as the development of the individual abilities of the pupil. The objective of education is determined on the basis of the pupil's abilities. The aim of upbringing is not predetermined. The openness of pedagogical practice necessitates the openness to continuous updating of educational and training methods. Results and conclusion. Creation of a basic framework for the innovation of pedagogical practices. The proposed framework views pedagogical success as a means of finding a sense of self, leaves room for alternative solutions, and emphasises the importance of students' individual abilities. It allows for pedagogy based on acceptance of otherness. Through the pedagogy thus interpreted, it creates a path for creative solutions to educational problems while developing not only the individual abilities of students but also their capacity for tolerance, which is a prerequisite for the functioning of a democratic society, through the pedagogy thus interpreted. Cognitive value. The article presents problems that arise when using classical pedagogy, i.e. pedagogy based on metaphysical thinking. The aim of classical pedagogy is the passive passing of knowledge and the production of graduates with the same abilities and knowledge. Pedagogy based on a postmetaphysical approach educates pupils whose value is based on human nature. Each pupil is accepted according to his individual abilities. He is an original and authentic human being.
The paper presents the goals of creation of various kinds of didactic trails in Poland. Various methods of presenting information and of conducting geographical field trips on such trails are described. Thanks to that, it is possible not only to broaden the students' knowledge about the given area but also to develop numerous skills and attitudes leading to the awareness of the geographical environment and its value in human life. The paper contains also a procedure for creating one's own didactic trail in the nearest area.
The members of the international community of education policy makers have been changing dramatically their views on educational goals in the last decades, reflecting the important changes in the society. The Czech Republic has launched a curricular reform corresponding to the priorities of the international community. Yet the objectives of the reform were not subject to national discussion and the societal support to them seems rather doubtful. Such support is nevertheless crucial for a successful implementation of the reform. This article investigates in how the Czech society reflects the changes in the education system, whether any changes are required at all, and whether and how the public attitudes to educational goals have changed since the 1990s. The results of available surveys of the Czech society’s attitudes to education are compared.
Nowosad Inetta, Społeczno-kulturowe uwarunkowania demokratyzacji edukacji na Tajwanie [Social and cultural preconditions for the process of democratization in Taiwanese education]. Kultura – Społeczeństwo – Edukacja nr 2(14) 2018, Poznań 2018, pp. 137–154, Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-0422. DOI 10.14746/kse.2018.14.12. The article focuses on changes introduced in Taiwan’s education since 1949, which reflect the social changes taking place in this country. Special attention is drawn to the origin and the course of two particularly important processes, i.e. democratisation and taiwanisation, which have radically changed the face of education, revealing Taiwan’s ‘balancing’ between the East and the West. While depicting their essence, also complex links with Taiwan’s policies towards China and its orientation onto economic growth were taken into account.
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The authors consider how the relationship between reading literacy and communication education can be defined and using the example of education for critical reading, they present communication education as an autonomous component of the Czech language and literature education, with its own subject matter, educational objectives and content. They gradually come to the realisation that reading literacy, as it is usually understood, belongs among key competences due to its character (it is part of the communication competence). Supported by the results of the analyses of the causes of curricular reform failure, they draw attention to the potential risks which may arise when we attempt to translate key competences directly into teaching. They claim that it is essential to start from a sectoral basis, to formulate field-specific educational objectives and content in individual fields of education and to investigate their relation to key competencies. In the final part of their reflection, they present a model of communication education which deals with mental processes and structures associated with communication activities, while the educational goal then lies in the students’ ability to reflect on these processes and influence them in accordance with their own needs and intentions. In this concept, educational content is the theory, terminology and knowledge needed to understand these processes.
While considerable academic efforts have focused on integrating cutting-edge educational technologies into learning and instruction, it is not yet clear what effect the implementation of these technologies have had on enduring educational goals. This article reminds educations stakeholders that any plan for technology implementations should be based on serving broad educational goals. Regardless of how attractive cutting-edge technologies are, their application in education should be evaluated in light of enduring educational goals as summarized in the following: to develop responsible citizens who have basic knowledge and skills and who will become effective problem solvers and lifelong learners. This article reviews educational goals in several contexts to illustrate that while variations have evolved and many educational technologies have emerged, the basic educational goals have remained relatively stable. In reviewing the challenges and opportunities for emerging educational technologies, the basic argument herein is to begin with these basic educational goals rather than committing to the latest educational technological fad.
Każde działanie ludzkie powinno zawierać aspekt celowości, dlatego najtrudniejsze zadanie, jakim jest wychowanie, tym bardziej nie może zostać pozbawione tego wymiaru. W okresie od 2006 do 2013 roku, w ramach zajęć, obejmujących wybrane aspekty wychowania dzieci i młodzieży, prowadzonych ze studentami pedagogiki, realizowane były zagadnienia omawiające cele wychowania. Rezultaty dyskusji dotyczącej wybieranych przez nich i pomijanych celów stały się okazją do rozważań obejmujących refleksje na temat przyczyn sporu o cele wychowania, upatrywanego przede wszystkim w kryzysie kultury normatywnej nowoczesnego świata.
Every human action should include an aspect of purpose. For this reason, the very difficult task such as upbringing a human being cannot be deprived of this dimension. During the period from 2006 to 2013, issues related to educational purposes were discussed in the course of university classes. These lessons covered selected aspects of upbringing children and youth and were conducted with pedagogy students. The results of discussions concerning aims which were either chosen or rejected by students became an opportunity for reflection on the core of the dispute over educational aims. Its main cause was primarily seen through the spectrum of crisis in the normative culture of the modern world.
Blessed Jerzy Matulewicz, created an original conception of Christian formation, irrespective of age and education level. It was addressed to his renewed Congregation of Marian Fathers, and thus, indirectly, to the laypersons among whom they were to work. Basically, it consisted in attaining the unity of body, mind, and spirit. To this end, he envisaged a combination of the Marian and the Pauline charisma, spirituality and apostolate, simplicity and the radicalism of the Gospel, love and commitment. In this way, a new man (homo Dei) comes into existence, whose desire is to see God (visio Dei). This aim may be achieved through sanctifying grace and asceticism. Without this spiritual work assisted by God’s grace it is impossible to be pleasing to God, that is to become a saint.
Porażkę i sukces wychowawczy/edukacyjny należy postrzegać i analizować w kontekście różnych pojęć i zjawisk pedagogicznych mających znaczenie w rozwoju każdego człowieka. Do nich z pewnością zaliczyć należy samo rozumienie pojęcia wychowanie, któremu ze względu na brak jasnych i logicznych kryteriów nadaje się różne znaczenia treściowo-zakresowe. Ważną kategorią w rozważaniach na temat sukcesu i porażki wychowawczej jest pojęcie celu wychowania. Dojście do niego stanowi sukces wychowawczy, a brak osiągnięcia celu można traktować jako porażkę wychowawczą. Sukces wychowawczy zależy od poprawnej strategii formułowania etapowych i operacyjnych celów wychowania, zaś porażka jest wynikiem braku zrozumienia ich znaczenia. Bez znajomości i jasnego uświadomienia celu wychowawczego nie można na końcu drogi dochodzenia do niego orzekać o sukcesie bądź porażce wychowawczej. Zmierzając do wyznaczonego celu wychowawczego należy zdawać sobie w pełni sprawę, iż cele należy wyprowadzać z wartości rozumianych jako wektory ukierunkowujące drogę życiową dzieci i młodzieży. Wartości te nigdy nie występują samoistnie, lecz zawsze tworzą określone systemy. Definiujemy je jako byty cenne i godne pożądania, które stanowią cel dążeń ludzkich. Dochodzenie do sukcesu wychowawczego wymaga ustawicznego stawiania pytania o wartości oraz zrozumienia ich roli w procesie formacyjnym młodego człowieka. Droga do sukcesu pedagogicznego wymaga zatem pokonywania i przezwyciężania wielu trudnych do przewidzenia przeszkód przez wszystkich, którzy są w pełni świadomi roli wychowania. Na tej drodze mają miejsce chwilowe, a niekiedy i długotrwałe załamania, poczucie zawodu, a nawet przegranej w dochodzeniu i realizacji stawianych celów wychowawczych. Rodzi się zatem refleksja i powstaje sytuacja, w której pojawiają się pytania: gdzie popełniono błąd, na czym on polega, jak należy go rozwiązać, jak unikać kolejnych? Ustalenie błędu wychowawczego jest niezwykle trudne. Niekiedy można go dostrzec już na etapie bieżących działań podmiotu wychowującego. Błędy wychowawcze są następstwem niezadowalającego poziomu świadomości wychowawczej i kultury pedagogicznej. Wyrazem optymalnego poziomu świadomości wychowawczej i kultury pedagogicznej rodziców i pedagogów jest podejmowanie przez nich takich czynności i działań w procesie wychowawczym, które można określić mianem wspomagania rozwoju dzieci i młodzieży. Z jednej strony prowadzą one do optymalizacji procesu dochodzenia do sukcesów, zaś z drugiej przyczyniają się do minimalizowania porażek wychowawczych. Proces wspomagania rozwoju podmiotu wychowywanego musi być poprzedzony poprawnym zorientowaniem się w kwestiach dotyczących porażki i sukcesu wychowawczego. Proces wspomagania rozwoju ma przede wszystkim służyć skuteczności wychowania. O skuteczności wychowania decydują kompetencje pedagogiczne, a więc świadomość celów wychowawczych, umiejętność ich realizacji oraz sposoby jej pomiaru.
Pedagogical (i.e. educational) success and failure should be perceived and analyzed within the context of a broader range of educational definitions and phenomena affecting the development of human beings generally. Without doubt, grasping the proper definition of education must itself figure here, due to the fact that this definition is frequently invested with quite varied content and scope-related meanings, lacking as it does any logically precise criteria. The term educational goal is an important category in deliberations about educational success and failure. Achieving it spells educational success, while not doing so can often be equated with educational failure. Educational success depends on choosing the correct strategy when formulating both progressive and operational educational goals; yet failure tends to issue from a deficient understanding of their meaning and role. Without knowledge and a clear awareness of the nature of the educational goal, it is impossible to judge either educational success or failure, even from the standpoint of having reached the end of the process that is supposed to be directed towards it. When aiming to achieve some definite educational goal, one should be fully aware of the fact that such goals are meant to arise from values understood as vectors that serve to direct children and young people in the course of their lives. We do define our values, of course, but these never appear autonomously: instead, they always give rise to determinate systems in the form of valuable entities considered worthy of being desired and constituting a goal for human aspirations. The process of achieving educational success requires a constant questioning of values, as well as an understanding of their role in the formation process of young people. Therefore, the road to pedagogical success requires the overcoming and surmounting of numerous obstacles – of a sort not easily anticipated – by all those who are fully aware of the significance and the role of upbringing where adolescents are concerned. On this road, temporary and sometimes lasting breakdowns occur, along with a feeling of disappointment or even defeat as one is in the process of arriving at or implementing one’s preferred set of pedagogical goals. Consequently, one has afterthoughts, and a situation arises in which questions appear, along such lines as “Where has the mistake been made?”, “What does it mean?”, “How should it be solved?”, and “How can one avoid subsequent ones?” Identifying the nature of an educational fault is an extremely complex matter. It might be possible to detect it even while the educational activities in question are taking place. Educational mistakes occur as a consequence of the unsatisfactory level of one’s educational consciousness and pedagogical conduct. Those actions and activities undertaken in the course of the educational process by parents and educators that can be referred to as facilitating actions and activities in the context of the development of children and young people express an optimum level of educational consciousness and pedagogical conduct. On the one hand, such actions and activities optimize the process of achieving successes and, on the other, they contribute to minimizing any educational failures. The process of facilitating the development of a person being educated must be preceded by a proper orientation as regards the matter of educational success and failure. That process is primarily supposed to enhance the effectiveness of education. Hence it is pedagogical competence, conscientiousness in relation to educational goals, the skilfulness of the latter’s implementation and the methods used to measure this that, taken together, decide the effectiveness of any education.
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie, w jaki sposób można odnosić diagnozy i troski teorii krytycznej do uczenia się i nauczania dorosłych, a w szczególności jak teorie uczenia się dorosłych można rozbudowywać w świetle kierunkowych idei Szkoły Frankfurckiej. Naczelna diagnoza powtarzana w artykule mówi, iż pedago- giczna idea całożyciowego uczenia się podziela dziś los każdego innego podsyste- mu edukacji: jest w coraz większej mierze zagarniana przez neoliberalną ideologię fundamentalizmu rynkowego, traktującego uczenie się jako źródło ekonomicznego postępu oraz klucz do konsumpcyjnego uczestnictwa w napędzaniu gospodarki, i dlatego całkowicie pozbawiającego je jego publicznego, etycznego i emancypacyj- nego znaczenia. Warunkiem wstępnym owego uczestnictwa jest, całkiem po prostu, akceptacja – zdolność jednostki do przystosowania się do istniejącego stanu rze- czy. Teoria krytyczna ukazana tu jest jako narzędzie pozwalające głębiej zrozumieć współczesny fenomen hegemonii rozumu instrumentalnego. Spożytkowana pedago- gicznie daje możliwość uwrażliwiania uczących się dorosłych na desubiektywizujące oddziaływania władzy i ideologii oraz zachęca ich do rozwijania emancypacyjnej podmiotowości zorientowanej na budowanie autonomicznej biografii, a także obronę świata życia i przestrzenie społeczeństwa obywatelskiego przed intruzją etyki rynku oraz biurokratycznej racjonalności.
The paper aims to illuminate the ways we can connect the concerns of critical theory to adult learning and teaching and how, in particular, adult learning theory can be reframed in the light of critical theory. The diagnosis reiterated here is that the pedagogical idea of lifelong learning is currently partaking the lamentable fate of all the other sub-systems of education: it is increasingly being subsumed under the neoliberal ideology of market fundamentalism which sees learning as a vehicle to economic progress and to consumptionist participation in the economy and thus strips learning of its public, ethical and emancipatory significance. The main precondition of this participation is, simply, acceptance – the individual’s ability to c o n f o r m to the existing state of things. This essay is an attempt to show how critical theory can help us understand the present domination of the instrumental reason, guide adult learners in unmasking the workings of power and ideology, and instigate them to develop an emancipatory subjectivity, capable of resisting the prevalent spirit of market fundamentalism and oriented towards building an autonomous biography, at the same time defending the human life-world and civil society against the intrusion of capitalist ethics, market forces, and bureaucratic rationality.
Wczesne dostrzeżenie zaburzeń w funkcjonowaniu dzieci i młodzieży oraz próba motywowania do zmian są nie lada wyzwaniem dla rodziców czy nauczycieli. W niniejszym artykule przedstawione zostało ogólne spojrzenie na socjoterapię jako pewnego rodzaju pomoc psychologiczną „w obszarze oświaty i instytucji opiekuńczo-wychowawczych, ukierunkowaną na dzieci i młodzież z grup ryzyka i/lub przejawiające zaburzenia w funkcjonowaniu psychospołecznym, która polega na intencjonalnym uruchamianiu czynników pomocowych, wykorzystujących procesy grupowe w celu kompensacji potencjalnych deficytów rozwoju psychospołecznego uczestników grupy” (Jankowiak, 2013, s. 49-50). Zostały zaprezentowane treści dotyczące interdyscyplinarnego rozumienia pojęcia socjoterapii, jej celów, budowania relacji socjoterapeutycznej, diagnozy oraz pracy w zakresie zachowania i wychowania, emocji oraz korygowania obrazu własnej osoby.
Early recognition of disorders in the behavior of children and teenagers as well as attempts to motivate them to change is a challenge for parents and teachers. In this article, a general view of sociotheraphy as a kind of psychological assistance will be presented “in the field of education and care-educational institutions, targeted at children and adolescents at risk and manifesting disorders in psychosocial functioning, which is based on intentional activation of help factors, using group processes to compensate for potential deficits in the psychosocial development of group participants” (Jankowiak, 2013, pp. 49-50). The contents of our interdisciplinary understanding of the sociotherapy concept will be presented in the article, as well as its goals, building a sociotherapeutic relationship, diagnosis and work in the field of behavior and upbringing, emotions and correcting one’s personal self-image.
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