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The paper proposes a new kind of universalism, i.e., a philosophy of “mankind-for-itself.” This conception which deals with the human world is based on some essential features of the western cultural world, indicated by the author, as well as on Karl Marx’s and Georg W. F. Hegel’s ideas and conceptions.
Scholars agree that question of existence was ignored by the ancient Greeks. The main cause of such a state was the way that the ancients perceived the world. We can found this imgage not only in their mythology, but also in their philosophy. Jacek Wojtysiak claims, for antic Hellenes the world was relatively contingent, which means that for them anything that was, was not something necessary, because the whole reality was constantly changing. Therefore, the universe and its laws could receive different form that they have now. But the ancients didn’t perceived reality as radically contingent, which means that they received the universe as eternal and it was impossible that it would not exist. This is the way Greeks concentrated on the question of nature of the reality, what was it basic substance, and what decide that the universe was what it was.Charles H. Kahn’s considerations are important in the study of the ancient conception of being and existence. Basing on the analysis of language of ancient Greeks, he answers the question why they didn’t considered the question of existence. Kahn claims that for ancients the main issue in Greek’s theory of being was not the question of the existence, but truthfulness meaning of the verb einai. This linguistic investigations are useful because, as he claims, the way how we are perceiving the reality depends on language we use. It also applies to ontological consideration.
The article is devoted to special languages in the world today. The author describes their essence, place, role and importance.
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Aristotelova zmena paradigmy v ontológii

Aristotle‘s intellectual contribution to ontology has been interpreted in history as the culmination of the preceding evolution of philosophy. To a large extent he himself contributed to such a Hegelian notion of his place in the history of metaphysics, or more precisely ontology. In this paper, we will argue that Aristotle brought about a 180-degree change in ontological thinking, a conceptual revolution that can be described in terms of Kuhn’s “paradigm shift.” This means that what was previously described by philosophers as a false or illusory reality is, according to Aristotle, a true reality. Paradigmatic examples of such true reality are not elements or roots (of all the different things), atoms, or ideas, but ordinary medium-sized material objects, especially plants, animals, humans and their essences.
Aristotelov myšlienkový prínos v ontológii sa v dejinách interpretuje ako určité zavŕšenie predchádzajúceho vývoja filozofie. On sám veľkou mierou prispel k takémuto heglovskému ponímaniu svojho miesta v dejinách metafyziky, resp. ontológie. V tomto príspevku budeme argumentovať v prospech tézy, že Aristoteles uskutočnil v ontológii myšlienkový obrat o 180°, konceptuálnu revolúciu, ktorú je možné označiť kuhnovským termínom – zmena paradigmy. To znamená, že to, čo bolo dovtedy filozofmi označované ako nepravá až iluzórna skutočnosť, je podľa Aristotela pravá skutočnosť. Paradigmatickými príkladmi takejto pravej reality nie sú prvky či korene (všetkých vecí), atómy, idey, ale bežné materiálne objekty strednej veľkosti, predovšetkým rastliny, zvieratá, ľudia a ich esencie.
The article presents the theoretical and pedagogical analysis of the formation of artistic and performance skills of the future pianists from China in terms of vocational training; disclosed the scientific approach (art history, cultural, educational), based on which the concepts of “skill” and “performance art” are generalized. In order to enrich the theoretical and methodological framework the author suggested his own interpretation of the concept of “artistic and performance skills”, developed its structure in the relationship of the following components: personal-motivation, competency, reflexive. Analysis of educational, cultural and philosophical research papers made possible disclosure of the nature, structure and content of such concepts as “skill”, “mastery”. The results of this analysis have established the theoretical basis for the definition of the key concept of the study “Art and mastery”, which we understand as a higher level of complex theoretical, technological, psychological and pedagogical knowledge and techniques of the instrumentalist aimed at disclosing the artistic content of music, formed in the process of training and implemented in the educational and performing activities. The structure of artistic and performance skills of the future pianists from China is defined and analyzed. It is represented by the following interrelated components: personality, motivation, competence, reflective. Personality-motivational component includes emotional and volitional characteristics and motivation of the future pianist from China, performs catalytic function and highlights the psychological readiness and ability of the individual to exercise artistic and performing activities, leads to the improvement of their own professional experience. Competence component performs information, orientation, transmitting function, represented by the unity of educational, cultural, musical and theoretical expertise as well as a set of skills that ensure practical realization of artistic and performance skills of the future pianist from China. Reflexive component contains critical and heuristic principles, serving as a source of new knowledge, performing a regulatory function. Prospects for further scientific research. The study does not cover all issues of the formation process of artistic and performance skills of the future pianists from China. It opens the prospect for a better understanding of conditions, factors, patterns, forming technology features of artistic and performance skills of the future professionals in the later stages of professional pedagogical training.
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Zkušenost mezi smyslem a hodnotou

The article focuses on Max Scheler’s philosophical conception of “material value ethics” which criticises Kant’s formalistic understanding of the a priori and seeks to offer a different conception of it that would work rather with the a priori of intentional contents. The entire project is based on the phenomenological conception of Wesen (usually translated misleadingly as “essence“) – it is the essences that constitute the realm of material a priori. On a closer look, however, the notion of Wesen (essence) itself is in Scheler far from clear. There are at least two different conceptions to distinguish. The paper opts for one that treats Wesen (essence) not as something objective in itself, as some kind of peculiar given content, but rather as a fullness of meaning. It develops this conception further and, in light of it, also interprets some other concepts important for Scheler, such as value, person and the world. On this reading Max Scheler’s philosophic conception appears to be a specific position sui generis, distinct from both the subjective formalism of Kant and the content idealism of Husserl.
Článek se zaměřuje na filosofickou koncepci tzv. „materiální etiky hodnot“ Maxe Schelera, která proti známému Kantovu apriornímu formalismu rozvíjí možnost obsahového, tj. materiálního apriori. Scheler se v této záležitosti opírá zejména o fenomenologicky zavedený pojem podstaty – právě podstaty a jejich vzájemné vztahy mají vytvářet říši onoho materiálního apriori. Při bližším pohledu se však ukazuje, že sám tento pojem podstaty není u Schelera tak zcela jasný a že je možné jej chápat přinejmenším dvěma různými způsoby. Autor si pak vybírá tzv. pojetí nepředmětné, které podstatu nenahlíží jako obsahovou danost zvláštního druhu, nýbrž jako prožívanou plnost smyslu, aby následně toto pojetí více rozpracoval a v jeho světle následně interpretoval další pro Schelera klíčové pojmy hodnoty, osoby a světa. Nabízí tak chápání Schelerova přístupu jako zcela původní filosofické koncepce, která se principiálně nekryje ani s Kantovým subjektivním formalismem, ani s Husserlovým obsahovým idealismem.
The article contains a review of the main arguments proposed by the philosophers of late structuralism (including the so-called post-structuralism) against Edmund Husserl’s phenomenology, particularly, his theses on semantics. Polemics against the Husserlian conception of semantics are grounded in the structuralists’ opposition to the various theses of Husserl’s phenomenologies (both the transcendental constitutive and the genetic). Initially (particularly in the 1950s), it was an attempt at combining the logical and linguistic theses of Husserlian phenomenology with the structuralist theses proposed by Ferdinand de Saussure, as known from late works by Maurice Merleau-Ponty. In the 1960s, it was an attempt at challenging the status of subjectivity – the subject, including the transcendental ego and the role of consciousness. Simultaneously, it is a polemic against essentialism, in regard to ontological, epistemological and anthropological theses. In the article, I focus on the polemics of the thinkers (i.a. Gilles Deleuze, Jacques Derrida, Jean-François Lyotard) that reformulated Saussure’s theses, against Husserlian semantics which they considered in reference to the broad understanding of a sign, exceeding the sign of language.
Autor artykułu rozważa problem ontologicznego rozróżnienia między trans­cendencją i immanencją Boga w myśli teologicznej Makarego Egipskiego. W cen­trum jego analiz leży apofatyczny sposób interpretacji niewyrażalnej, niedostęp­nej i niepoznawalnej natury Boga, a także pojęciowe i terminologiczne sposoby wyrażania Bożej obecności w stworzonym bycie. Autor analizuje główne terminy stosowane przez Makarego, poprzez które wyraża on z jednej strony absolutne oddalenie Boga od świata, a z drugiej Jego obecność w świecie. Ponadto, poprzez pryzmat pneumatologii i chrystologii, rozpatruje duchowy i ascetyczny wymiar antropologicznych i soteriologicznych poglądów zawartych w teologii Makarego.
In the article the author reflects on the problem of the ontological distinction between the transcendence and immanence of God in the theological thought of Macarius of Egypt. The focus of his analysis is on the apophatic approach to the interpretation of the unutterable, inaccessible and unknowable nature of God and the conceptual and terminological ways in which God’s presence is expressed in created being. The main terms by which Macarius expresses God’s absolute remoteness from the world, on one hand, and His presence in the world on the an­other, are analyzed. The researcher considers the spiritual and ascetic dimension of the anthropological and soteriological views of Macarius’ theology through the prism of the pneumatology and christology.
The article examines the figure and the teaching of the famous Byzantine theologian, Hesychast and Church leader of the fourteenth century St. Gregory Palamas. The author considers the problem of the intratrinitarian being of God in the Palamas’ doctrine and analyses the key characteristics of this “hidden” dimen­sion of the Holy Trinity. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the apophatic approaches in answering the question: how can God, who is actively present in the created world and filling it, be at the same time completely ontologically re­moved from created reality. In this context the author analyses the key notions which express the “intradivine” transcendence of God’s being: ousia, hipostasis, intratrinitarian relation, theologia, oikonomia.
W niniejszym artykule autor analizuje nauczanie św. Grzegorza Palamasa, znanego bizantyńskiego teologa, hezychasty i przywódcy duchowego Kościoła XIV wieku. Autor omawia problem wewnątrztrynitarnego bytu Boga w nauczaniu Palamasa i analizuje atrybuty kluczowe tego „ukrytego” wymiaru Trójcy Świętej. Szczególną uwagę zwraca na prezentację podejścia apofatycznego w odpowiedzi na pytanie: w jaki sposób Bóg, który jest aktywnie obecny w świecie stworzonym i napełnia go, może jednocześnie być całkowicie oddalony od świata stworzone­go pod względem ontologicznym? W tym kontekście autor analizuje kluczowe pojęcia, które wyrażają wewnątrztrynitarną transcendencję Bożego bytu: istota, substancja, wewnątrztrynitarna relacja, teologia, ekonomia zbawienia.
This article aims to reconstruct Max Scheler’s conception of three types of knowledge, outlined in his late work Philosophical Perspectives (1928). Scheler distinguished three kinds of knowledge: empirical, used to exercise control over nature, eidetic (essential) and metaphysical. The author reviews the epistemological criteria that underlie this distinction, and its functionalistic assumptions. In the article’s polemic part he accuses Scheler of a) crypto-dualism in his theory of knowledge, which draws insufficient distinctions between metaphysical and eidetic knowledge; b) totally omitting the status of the humanities in his classification of knowledge types; c) consistently developing a philosophy of knowledge without resort to the research tools offered by the philosophy of science, which takes such analyses out of their social and historical context (i.e. how knowledge is created in today’s scientific communities).
Although the concept of human nature may seem problematic, its a-historical essentialism can be used to show the fall of modern European philosophy into the historical pit of unsolvable contradictions. This paper explores the problems of logical contradictions between the modern and universalistic concept of human nature and the discriminative model of inferior-superior humans, mainly illustrated by racism. First, this papershows that the concept of human nature is valid beyond the arguments related to evolution and social contexts, although the human nature is modelled by them, and that the concept is not opposed to the specific cultural peculiarities of different human communities. Furthermore, common elements of racism both at the moment of its creation and nowadays suggest a radical possibility for resolving the antagonisms between the thesisof universality in the human being and the thesis of the particularity of unique cultures.
The article contains reflections on the “speculative realism”, a direction in 21st century philosophy initiated by Graham Harman, whose books (The Quadruple Object, Object-Oriented Ontology. A New Theory of Everything) continue and process Martin Heidegger’s concept of “the quadruple” (das Geviert), and they also use the ideas of such thinkers as Edmund Husserl and Bruno Latour. The basic problem formulated in this text arises from the following questions: is speculative realism another turn in scientific research, or rather a return to those sources of thinking that take into account the complexity and the irreducibility of reality to any metaphysical instance? What is the role of the “speculative turn” in cultural studies, in various interpretative practices?
vol. 204
issue 4
The main question of the text concerns the status of value in Georg Simmel’s thinking. According toSimmel, values are submitted to “idealization,” which can be considered a kind of “constructed essentialism.”Together with the concept of construction, “constructed essentialism” first appeared implicitly in Kant’s theseson the human rational equipment containing necessary inborn dispositions and, particularly, in his theses ontranscendental schematism. However, it was Fichte and Schelling who applied the term “construction” to thedescription of cognitive processes. In his theses concerning the idealization of values as conventionally accepted,socially and economically constructed relations, Simmel refers to the anthropological, cognitive equipment: tothe human propensity to seek patterns, ideals, and even ideas. Such a formulation of the process of idealizationspreads Simmel’s concept of value dialectically between constructivism and anthropological essentialism. Material and Methods Results Conclusions
Roczniki Filozoficzne
vol. 69
issue 1
This paper consists of my responses to the comments by nine commentators on my book Are we Bodies or Souls? It makes twelve separate points, each one relevant to the comments of one or more of the commentators, as follows: (1) I defend my understanding of “knowing the essence” of an object as knowing a set of logically necessary and sufficient conditions for an object to be that object; (2) I claim that there cannot be thoughts without a thinker; (3) I argue that my distinction of “mental” from “physical” events in terms of whether anyone has privileged access to whether or not they occur, is a clear one; (4) and (5) I defend my account of metaphysical modality and its role in defending my account of personal identity; (6) I defend my view that Descartes’s argument in favor of the view that humans are essentially souls fails, but that my amended version of that argument succeeds; (7) I claim that my theory acknowledges the closeness of the connection in an earthly life between a human soul and its body; (8) I argue that my Cartesian theory of the soul-body relation is preferable to Aquinas’s theory of that; (9) I argue that a material thing cannot have mental properties; (10) I argue that any set of logically necessary conditions for an object to be the object it is, which together form a logically sufficient condition for this, mutually entails any other such set; (11) I deny that a dualist needs to provide an explanation of how the soul has the capacities that it has; and finally (12) I defend my view that souls have thisness, and claim that that is not a difficulty for the view that God determines which persons will exist.
vol. 67
issue 4
One of the most important theses of Existential Thomism is that contingent things are composed of essence and existence. The thesis is immediately supplemented by a proviso that these components are not parts in the regular sense of the word. Essence and existence are not extended pieces of the thing which can be detached from it. They are inseparable aspects of the thing wherein inseparability is understood as a sort of dependence. In my paper I analyze the thesis of the inseparability of existence. For me this is untenable. I argue that this inseparability blocks up the essential function ascribed by Thomists to existence: the function of making the thing real. Thus to save this function we are forced to export existence to outside the thing. It contradicts our deep belief that existence is the most intimate aspect of the thing. Therefore the Thomistic analysis of existence seems to be invalid.
Jedną z najważniejszych tez tomizmu egzystencjalnego jest, że rzeczy przygodne składają się z istoty i istnienia. Teza ta jest od razu uzupełniana zastrzeżeniem, że nie chodzi tu o części w regularnym sensie. Istota i istnienie nie są rozciągłymi kawałkami rzeczy, które mogą być od niej oddzielone. Są niesamodzielnymi aspektami rzeczy, przy czym niesamodzielność rozumiana jest jako pewien rodzaj zależności. W moim artykule dokonuję analizy tezy o niesamodzielności istnienia. Jest ona dla mnie nie do utrzymania. Argumentuję, że niesamodzielność blokuje istotną funkcję, którą tomiści przypisują istnieniu: funkcję czynienia rzeczy realną. Stąd, aby zachować tę funkcję, zmuszeni jesteśmy do przeniesienia istnienia poza rzecz. Przeczy to naszemu głębokiemu przekonaniu, że istnienie jest najbardziej intymnym aspektem rzeczy. Dlatego tomistyczna analiza istnienia wydaje się być nietrafna.
vol. 7
issue 1
The article attempts to delineate the core of the metaphysical thought of Thomas Aquinas consisting in overcoming Platonism and Aristotelianism. By following the teaching of great European Thomists of the 20th century, Etienne Gilson and Cornelio Fabro, the author tries to summarize that which, according to him, seems to constitute the core content of Thomistic metaphysics, especially its turn to the theme of being. He also refers to selected critical texts of more recent Anglo-Saxon Thomists, such as Lawrence Dewan and Stephen Brock, who call for more attention to the subject of essence. By doing so, the author considers the notion of being consisted of essence and existence, the questions of ontological difference and real distinction, the relationship between the finite and the infinite, and also the linkage between causality and participation.
This is a Polish translation of a fragment of Institutiones Philosophicae ad usum studiosorum Academiae Polocensis by Giuseppe Angiolini S.J. It corresponds to an article, entitled On Being, its Essence and Existence. The original Latin text is also included in the article.
vol. 19
issue 2
Christian feminist theory faces many stresses, some due directly to the apparent nature of Christianity and its seeming patriarchy. But feminism can also be thought inherent in Christianity. All people are made in God’s image. Christians should view women and men as equals, just as they should see people of all races as equals. The basic question discussed, within a biblical and philosophical framework, is if it possible for Christian feminist theory to hold that there is an essence to being a woman, being a man or being human all the while recognizing vast differences among women, among men and among human persons? I propose a beginning solution to this problem.
The paper analyzes landscapes of indigenous societies. Howard Morphy, in his work focusing on the Aborigines, treated the landscape as a representation of past mythical events. Such an approach involves taking a closer look at the material aspects of landscape and emphasizes the existence of realties between contemporary Aborigines and the past. A different theoretical approach was developed by Tim Ingold, conceptualizing landscape as a human-land relationship based on essence, where all beings derive their essential form and substance directly from the land, which embodies the creative forces of the ancestors. Ingold’s understanding of landscape led me to rethink my research in the Altai Mountains of Southern Siberia, conducted 25 years ago. I argue that the relationship with the land is crucial for the Altaian people. The land’s essence is not changeable and all living beings are its emanation. The landscape is therefore not a record of the past, but an active field in which the relationship between human and non-human subjects and the land is established.
Geography seeks to explain spatial relations in nature and in the social environment. In general terms, geography can be described as “the art of reading the space”. To a geographer, geographic environment is a book which he/she is trying to read, its content, the meanings, the symbols and relations between the events. In order to read the space one needs intuition, going beyond existing schemes, the sense of beauty and unrestricted thinking as well as being sensitive to other people. That is why should exceed the borders of science and make it possible to discover the sense of human existence of Earth. Geographic thinking is key to explain the world around (natural and social) and, consequently, to understand the place occupied by man. Its objective is to discover the truth of human being, the inhabitant of Earth.
Geograf próbuje wyjaśnić relacje przestrzenne w przyrodzie i w środowisku społecznym. Z kolei geografię można określić jako „sztukę czytania przestrzeni”. Dla geografa środowisko geograficzne to książka, którą próbuje odczytać, poznać jej treść, znaczenia, symbole i relacje między obserwowanymi wydarzeniami. Aby odczytać przestrzeń, potrzebna jest intuicja, wykraczająca poza istniejące schematy, poczucie piękna i nieograniczona wyobraźnia, swoboda myślenia oraz wrażliwość na innych ludzi. Dlatego należy dążyć do przekraczania granic nauki i tym samym umożliwić odkrycie sensu ludzkiej egzystencji w społeczeństwie. Myślenie geograficzne jest kluczem do wyjaśnienia otaczającego świata (naturalnego i społecznego), a przez to zrozumienia miejsca zajmowanego przez człowieka na Ziemi. Tym samym myślenie geograficzne zmierza do poznania prawdy o człowieku, o istocie terytorialnej zanurzonej w rzece czasu
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