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Evangelical tradition within Protestantism does not perceive Eucharist as a focus of spiritual life. Central position is accorded rather to the preached and studied Word of God, which should be practically applied in the daily life of believers. Two sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist, often called “ordinances”, are usually treated as visible and at the same time derivative forms of God’s Word. Evangelicals celebrate Eucharist (Lord’s Supper, Communion) with the deep reverence that is required in the case of the rite instituted by the Lord of the Church. Most Churches of that tradition officiate Lord’s Supper once a month on Sunday and also during the main Christian Feasts (at Good Friday in particular) and view it as a commemoration of the propitiatory sacrifice that Jesus Christ offered once for all on the Cross of Calvary for the salvation of the sinful. Communion is always distributed to all partakers under two kinds: bread and wine. For the believers the Eucharist is an occasion for repentance from sins, renewal of relationship with God, thanksgiving for redemption of humankind and joyful community with Jesus Christ in the midst of the Christian congregation. This is an act of adoration of Triune God that strengthens and nourishes the believer on his or her daily walk.
The first Protestants, who came from Czechia and Saxonia, settled in the region of Szadek and Zduńska Wola at the turn of the 18th century. An Evangelical-Augsburg Church parish was established in Zduńska Wola in 1827. In the 1820s fourty Protestant families resident in Szadek succeeded in taking over the Holy Spirit church building. As the number of migrants from Germany increased and the community of Protestant residents grew, new facilities and institutions serving their needs came into being. Chapels and cemeteries in Zduńska Wola, Szadek and Łobodzice started functioning in the first half of the 19th century. The most outstanding among the clergy men who were actively engaged in the life of the Evangelical community was Edward Boerner, who held the office of parson in 1856–1910. In the interwar period the largest Protestant communities near Szadek, apart from Zduńska Wola, were Łobudzice, Annopole, Izabelów, Pratków i Zborowskie. World War II and the post-war period brought displacements of German population and disappearance of the heritage of the Evangelical community in this region.
Is there any mysticism specifi cally evangelical and how does it diff er from other forms of mysticism conditioned by a confession or religion? To answer such questions, fi rst of all, mysticism, a diffi cult to defi ne term, has to be thematized. Mysticism as a phenomenon expanding boundaries of any confession or religion, can have an important meaning for the contemporary society, providing it with an old answer to the current challenges of our times. Experiencing the unity with God has played and still does play an important role also within Protestantism, even though originally the reformers were skeptical toward mysticism. A brief look at Martin Luther and his theology, as well as at the contemporary protestant theories of mysticism reveals that the evangelical identity and mysticism do not exclude each other. However, Evangelical Christians can communicate their mystical experiences only if they resort to the religious language of their tradition. In addition, they have to perceive such experiences in the light of the basic theses underlying evangelical theology in order to sustain their evangelical identity. Thus, mysticism in a modifi ed form constitutes one of the main sources evangelical spirituality stems from.
Czy istnieje mistyka ewangelicka i czym różni się ona od mistyki w innych religiach lub wyznaniach? Aby odpowiedzieć na to pytanie, należy przede wszystkim opisać trudny do zdefiniowania termin „mistyka”. Mistyka jako zjawisko przekraczające granice religii i wyznań może mieć ważne znaczenie dla współczesnych społeczeństw i być dawną odpowiedzią na aktualne wyzwania naszych czasów. Doświadczenie jedności z Bogiem odgrywa i zawsze odgrywało ważną rolę także w protestantyzmie, chociaż pierwotnie reformatorzy byli sceptyczni wobec mistycznych doświadczeń. Krótkie spojrzenie na Marcina Lutra i jego teologię, a także na współczesne protestanckie teorie mistyki wskazuje, że tożsamość ewangelicka i mistyka nie wykluczają się wzajemnie. Jednakże ewangeliccy chrześcijanie mogą jedynie przekazywać swoje mistyczne doświadczenia w odwołaniu się do ich języka religijnego i własnej tradycji. Ponadto muszą oni interpretować te doświadczenia w świetle podstawowych założeń teologii ewangelickiej, aby w ten sposób zachować swoją ewangelicką tożsamość. Tak rozumiana mistyka stanowi jedno z głównych źródeł ewangelicznej duchowości.
The period of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century was a very profitable period for Łódź and consequently for ecclesial structures. Factories and enterprises, which were set up in this period, attracted to Łódź many people from various parts of the continent, including many Protestants. This led to the building of four churches (Holy Trinity’s, St. John’s, St. Matthew’s, St. Michael’s) which up till now (although in new circumstances) exist in our city. At the same time active parishes were formed around them and gathered evangelicals in Łódź. Despite organizational difficulties this period was the time of development for protestant community in Łódź. This period ended with the outbreak of the war in 1939 and its consequences, i.e. deportations in 1945.
Protestants in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the Years 1777-1786: Between the Union of Sielec and Conflicts (Introduction to the Topic) This article examines the eighteenth century attempts to stimulate cooperation amog Protestants in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Such endeavors were undertaken in the years 1775-1776 in Great Poland, while in 1777 the Union of Sielec between Protestants of Little Poland and Mazowsze was concluded. The union was intended to bring together Protestant congregations as religious entities without interfering in particular doctrinal and religious differences among them. In 1780, Protestants representing all parts of the Commonwealth met at a general council in Węgrów. Unfortunately, the existing differences among the groups prevailed and led to conflict. In effect, the followers of the Sielec Union failed to find a conciliatory platform with the Great Poland Protestants, who were backed by the Russian Ambassador Otto von Stackelberg. In 1782, the General Council of Węgrów was dissolved, which led to the collapse of the Sielec Union. The latter section of the article examines the political prosecution of Protestants, who were attacked by the Permanent Council and the Parliament of 1784. Stackelberg’s interference, as well as the attitude of the Polish king Stanislaus Augustus towards Protestants, have been also presented.
On 25 October 1642, Adam Fister, a Cracow merchant, reported to the local justice that the Lübeck tradesman Casper Bekman had recurred to magical practices with the help of the witch he visited at the Spital Garden, behind the city walls, near St Florian’s Gate. Next to the Spital, serving as an almshouse, there was a cemetery with the graves discovered in 1837. They were groundlessly connected with the Polish Brethren, and this false interpretation has its continuation today in the name of Arian St., downtown Cracow. In fact, the hospital and the graveyard belonged to the local Lutheran congregation, and the Cracow merchants whose opinions Fister recalled at the court were its members.
25 października 1642 r. krakowianin Adam Fister zdał relację miejscowemu wójtowi o magicznych rytuałach odprawianych na prośbę lubeckiego kupca Kaspra Bekmana przez czarownicę w ogrodzie szpitalnym za murami miejskimi, nieopodal Bramy Floriańskiej. Wzmiankowany w źródle szpital-przytułek sąsiadował z cmentarzem, którego groby odkryto w 1837 r. Połączono je wtedy bezpodstawnie z braćmi polskimi, a współczesnym świadectwem tej fałszywej tradycji jest ul. Ariańska. Faktycznie szpital i cmentarz należały do miejscowej gminy luterańskiej, jej członkami byli zaś zapewne wymienieni w źródle krakowscy kupcy.
The article discusses the legacy of Protestantism in Poland and the Protestant collections preserved in museum institutions in Poland. The author presents the collections of Evangelical artefacts amassed in various ways and forms and at different times, which thus constitutes a preliminary typology of the legacy of the Reformation. For simplification, she defines Evangelical objects as all objects which are part of the broadly-understood Protestant legacy. The spectrum of these objects is very broad, ranging from artefacts in traditional museum institutions, through sacred places, works of art, technical monuments, ephemera, cemeteries, to virtual collections of audiovisual and digitised legal instruments. The examples quoted in the text do not exhaust the subject, but evidence the vastness and richness of the legacy acquired as a donation after the Reformation movement initiated by the Augustinian monk Martin Luther.
Artykuł podejmuje problematykę spuścizny protestantyzmu w Polsce i protestanckich zbiorów zachowanych w placówkach muzealnych w kraju. Autorka przedstawia zasób ewangelickich artefaktów gromadzonych w różny sposób, w różnej formie i w różnym czasie tworząc tym samym wstępną typologię reformacyjnego dziedzictwa. Wszelkie obiekty wchodzące w skład szeroko rozumianej protestanckiej spuścizny nazywa w uproszczeniu ewangelikaliami. Ich spectrum jest bardzo szerokie, począwszy od artefaktów w tradycyjnych placówkach muzealnych, przez budynki sakralne, dzieła sztuki, zabytki techniki, dokumenty życia społecznego, cmentarze, na wirtualnych kolekcjach dokumentów audiowizualnych i zdigitalizowanych aktach urzędowych kończąc. Przytoczone w tekście przykłady nie wyczerpują zagadnienia, a jedynie wskazują na ogrom i bogactwo spadku jaki otrzymaliśmy w darze po reformacyjnym ruchu zapoczątkowanym przez augustiańskiego mnicha Marcina Lutra.
In the 17th and 18th centuries Osieczna, a small town 10 km north of Leszno, was a conflict zone of two Christian denominations – Catholics and evangelicals. The main cause of religious unrest and the consequence of the fall of the Evangelical community was the Polish-Swedish war 1655–1660 and related political and religious disturbances among the inhabitants of the Leszno region. It also was a consequence of the doctrinal and ecclesiological differences of believes and the intensifying of so-called counter-reformation. The first persecution of the evangelical community took place between 1656–1666. At that time, pastor Joachim Wüstehube was banished from the city. Another wave of persecution started immediately in 1668 and its aftermath (expulsion of pastor Paul Clapius and the loss of the temple) lasted formally until 7 March 1769, when the owner of Osieczna, earl Mikołaj Skoroszewski, issued a letter of tolerance to local dissenters, resulting in the revival of the community (new church building, pastor appointment) on 13 January 1793. The study revealed that the first persons involved in the conflict analyzed situations were catholic clergy and evangelical pastors. According to German historiographers from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries pastors were the first victims of the conduct of Catholics. Catholic authors and contemporary scholars, on the other hand, point out the omitted issue of the positive and anti-Polish attitude of Lutherans (especially from Leszno) to the Scandinavian invaders during the Swedish Deluge. The religious anxieties of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries are a complex matter of which research is difficult and marked by a certain degree of conjecture. The reason for this condition is the lack of sufficient amount of preserved archival materials for Osieczna from the discussed period. Social issues, including interfaith relationships in the city, require further research.
Osieczna, niewielkie miasto leżące 10 km od Leszna, w XVII i XVIII w. była areną konfliktu dwóch wyznań chrześcijańskich – katolików i ewangelików. Głównym powodem niepokojów wyznaniowych i w konsekwencji upadku gminy ewangelickiej był potop szwedzki (1655–1660) i związane z nim zaburzenia natury polityczno-religijnej wśród mieszkańców regionu leszczyńskiego. Była to także konsekwencja różnic doktrynalno-eklezjologicznych wyznań i nasilającej się tzw. kontrreformacji. Pierwsze prześladowania osieckiej gminy ewangelickiej miały miejsce w latach 1656–1666. Wypędzono wówczas z miasta pastora Joachima Wüstehube. Kolejna fala prześladowań nastąpiła już w 1668 r. i jej następstwa (wygnanie pastora Paula Clapiusa i utrata świątyni) trwały formalnie do 7 marca 1769 r., gdy właściciel Osiecznej, hrabia Mikołaj Skoroszewski, wydał list tolerancyjny dla miejscowych innowierców, co przyniosło odrodzenie się gminy (budowa kościoła, powołanie pastora) dopiero 13 stycznia 1793 r. W trakcie badania wykazano, że pierwszymi osobami biorącymi udział w analizowanych sytuacjach konfliktowych byli duchowni katoliccy i pastorzy. Według historiografów niemieckich z przełomu XIX i XX w. pastorzy byli pierwszymi ofiarami postępowania katolików. Natomiast autorzy katoliccy i współcześni badacze wskazują na przemilczaną przez historiografów niemieckich kwestię pozytywnego i antypolskiego stosunku luteran (szczególnie leszczyńskich) do skandynawskiego najeźdźcy podczas polskiej ofensywy wiosną 1656 r. Osieckie niepokoje religijne XVII–XVIII w. są kwestią złożoną, której badania nastręczają trudności i są naznaczone pewną dozą przypuszczeń. Powodem tego stanu jest brak dostatecznej liczby zachowanych materiałów archiwalnych dla Osiecznej z omawianego okresu. Kwestie społeczne, w tym relacje międzywyznaniowe w mieście, wymagają dalszych badań.
The agricultural district of Wieluń in the interwar period was an area with less religious diversity than Poland and the Łódź Province. The Roman Catholic denomination definitely dominated – both in terms of the number of believers, the number of clergy, organizational structures and material base. Judaism occupied the second place, with the majority of the faithful concentrated around eight communes. The podium was closed by Augsburg Evangelicals scattered throughout the district with the parish in Wieluń. The remaining denominations were sparse, and among them only the Orthodox had their own parish, which were liquidated.
Rolniczy powiat wieluński w okresie międzywojennym był obszarem o mniejszym zróżnicowaniu religijnym i wyznaniowym niż Polska i województwo łódzkie. Zdecydowanie dominowało tu wyznanie rzymskokatolickie – zarówno pod względem liczby wiernych, liczby duchownych, struktur organizacyjnych, jak i bazy materialnej. Drugie miejsce zajmował judaizm, gdzie większość wiernych skupiona była wokół ośmiu gmin. Podium zamykali ewangelicy augsburscy rozsiani po całym powiecie z jedyną parafią w Wieluniu. Pozostałe wyznania były nieliczne, a wśród nich jedynie prawosławni posiadali własną parafię, która uległa likwidacji.
The article deals with the issues of religious education, its transformations and geopolitical and ethnic conditions in Bielsko (Bielsko-Biała). It presents the ethnic structure of the city at the time when Poland regained independence as well as subsequent changes that took place during the interwar period and after the Second World War. Once in Poland, Bielsko embarked upon an accelerated process of Polonisation, which stifled German education and led to a rapid expansion of Polish education. In practice, German education was limited to religious education in the Bielski Syjon (Bielitzer Zion) district. Numerous restrictions along with the spread of fascist ideology led to the complete radicalisation of the German community, thus giving the impression that Evangelical education equals German education. Unfortunately, the stigmatisation of Evangelical education and evangelicals themselves as Germans led to persecutions and alienation attempts after the war. The fate of the Catholic school run by the School Sisters of Notre Dame was similar. The accusations of collaboration with Nazi Germany during the occupation and the postwar state policy towards the Catholic Church made the sisters cease their education agenda. Despite difficulties, religious education in Bielsko-Biała recovered quickly after the 1989 political transformation. Today, it is experiencing its renaissance. Schools run by various religious denominations, often scoring high in education rankings, are very popular among both students and parents.
A church reform introduced in East Prussia in 1525 brought the change of current religious relationships. In place of catholic Church the new Lutheran confession was officially introduced. To the half of the 19th century mixed marriages and mutual conversions have rarely appeared. Only in the 19th century, along with numerical height of the catholic community this problem started appearing more often. Analysis of statistical datas from the end of the 19th age and the 20th beginning are showing that such marriages have more often been contained in the Lutheran Church, and that the children were also being raised mainly in this faith. Also the balance of mutual conversions was advantageous for the Lutheran Church. Therefore in connecting to the roman catholic Church the Lutheran Church did not only lose, but even attracted new faithful. After the Second World War Lutherans became minority faith. Because of dislike from authorities and intolerance from new catholic settlers, Lutherans tried to avoid mixed marriages. If it already reached them, in general the marriage ceremony and baptism of children took place at the Roman Catholic Church. Sometimes occurred that the Lutherans on Masuria made conversion to Catholic faith right before entering into marriage with the Catholic. To the end of the fiftieth years mixed marriages constituted the little percent contained in both churches of marriage ceremonies. If to add the high birth rate in Masuria families, a statement that the mixed marriages and conversions to Catholicism did not have a direct effect to the demographic situation of the Lutheran Church on Masuria will be entitled. Clearly negative consequences of catholic – Lutheran marriages turned up only at the more late period. Taking the mentioned subject matter was aimed at introducing to the issue of the interrelation the evangelical and catholic community on Masuria. These issues have always aroused great emotions, especially when it was direct confrontation of representatives of both religious groups. Particularly when containing mixed marriages and associated with them conversions reached situations, in which both Churches accused each other mutually against the proselytism and the religious intolerance. It seems that It was a long-lasting element of the mutual coexistence, evangelicals and Catholics which with special power appeared in the first post-war years. Also in late years the interrelation was not also deprived of difficult and dramatic moments.
Niniejszy artykuł jest próbą przedstawienia problematyki współistnienia dwóch społeczności wyznaniowych na terenie Mazur na przełomie XIX i XX w. Szczególnej analizie poddane zostaną małżeństwa mieszane, zawierane przez przedstawicieli obydwu społeczności oraz związane z tym zjawisko zmiany wyznania (konwersji). Celem autora jest uchwycenie zmian we wzajemnych ewangelicko-katolickich relacjach w kontekście zmieniającej się sytuacji politycznej i demograficznej. W dalszej części podjęta zostanie próba analizy socjologicznej zachodzących zjawisk i ich wpływu na rozpad społeczności ewangelickich Mazurów.
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