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Ius Matrimoniale
vol. 26
issue 2
The author of the presented article discusses the issue of indissolubility of marriage in the writings of 4th century Latin Church Fathers. His analyses proved that among patrologists there are mixed opinions concerning the value of some writings on this topic. The majority of patrologists believes that, apart from Ambrosiaster, all other writers of that time gave no consent for people to remarry while some patrologists think the opposite.On the basis of the research carried out by H. Crouzel, the author pointed out that, apart from Ambrosiaster, all Church Fathers agreed that the texts of Mt 5, 32 and 19, 9 should be interpreted as an exception to the rule of not abandoning the spouse. Only Ambrosiaster stood for entering into a new marriage not only in the case of adultery but also for a few other reasons. Some patrologists think that his writings reflect certain practices adopted in the Church of that time. In this case, however, it was not a common practice but, as Kamas believes, a kind of laxism which appeared in the practice of a local Church.
L’autore presenta e commenta la sentenza definitiva pronunciata dal turno rotale (come tribunale di quarta istanza) c. Colagiovanni il 22 novembre 1988 in causa Romana „nullitatis matrimonii”. La sentenza dichiara la nullità del matrimonio (contratto il 11 IX 1971) ,,ob exclusionem boni sacramenti” dal convenuto. Dopo le due sentenze negative l’attrice - avendo i nuovi argomenti - ha chiesto la nuova proposizione della causa che le è stata concessa dal turno rotale c. pinto. Lo stesso turno ha pronunciato la sentenza positiva dopo di ciò la causa é stata giudicata dal turno superiore c. Colagiovanni. Proprio la sentenza di questo tribunale fa l’oggetto del commento.
Nella sentenza rotale del 13 dicembre 1989 c. Palestre, pronuziata - „pro nullitate” - in seconda istanza, si tratta del caso in cui l'attore ha escluso l’indissolubilità del matrimonio nell'ipotesi „che il tradimento - come dichiara lui stesso - si fosse verificato, sarebbe scattata immediatamente la mia ferma e radicata mentalità meridionale di considerare come morta e seppellita la moglie e considerare me stesso come non sposato”. Nello suo studio l'autore presenta il suo commento alla suddetta sentenza.
Ius Matrimoniale
vol. 26
issue 4
The author of the presented study carried out a thorough analysis of theregulations concerning the privileges of the faith functioning in the canonical legal order in the context of the doctrine of indissolubilty of marriage (Pauline privilege, dissolution of polygamous and polyandric marriages, dissolution of marriage because of captivity or persecution – can. 1149 CIC). He proved that the current privileges of the faith are of a much wider range than the Pauline privilege included in the Bible. The author suggests that the source of these institutions is not Pauline privilege itself but rather the conception of substitute papal power exercised in the name of Christ.
Ius Matrimoniale
vol. 14
issue 8
Nella presente riflessione teologico-giuridica , l’autore vuole richiamare l'attenzione su uno degli elementi costitutivi del matrimonio: sul valore d ’indissolubilità. Si deve notare con grande attenzione che questo entra in vigore in modo speciale nel momento dell’unirsi in matrimonio dei cristiani, acquistando un marchio d’indissolubilità costante. Non c ’è bisogno di dimostrare , perché questo viene confermato dall’esperienza di vita, che la questione d ’indissolubilità del vincolo matrimoniale è essenzialmente e fondamentalmente importante per l’istituzione del matrimonio , per coniugi, per la chiesa e per tutta la famiglia umana. Prendendo tutto questo in considerazione , si aspetta che la cura della salute e dell’integrità del matrimonio , diventi l’impegno non soltanto delle istituzioni responsabili, ma anche di ogni persona umana.
L’esclusione di una proprietà essenziale del matrimonio costituisce, secondo il can. 1101 § 2 del “codex iuris canonici” e il can. 824 § 2 del “codex canonum Ecclesiarium Orientalium”, il titolo di nullità del matrimonio. Una proprietà essenziale del matrimonio é l’indissolubilità /kan. 1056 eie e kan. 776 § 3 ccEccl. Orient./ che va sotto il nome di “bonum sacramenti”. Essendo 1’ indissolubilità una proprietà essenziale del matrimonio, chi vuol contrarre un matrimonio dissolubile, sia in modo assoluto che ipotetico, non intende il matrimonio voluto da Dio e contrae invalidamente.L’autore presenta la figura giuridica del suddetto titolo di invalidità del matrimonio riferendosi successivamente al positivo atto di volontà, ai modi della esclusione /directe-indirecte, absolute-hipotetice/, alla prova della esclusione /confessio simulantis, causa simulationis, circumstantiae/ e alla relazione del kan. 1101 § 2 al kan. 1099 eie /considerato come aulomono/.
Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia relację, jaka zachodzi pomiędzy istotnym przymiotem małżeństwa – nierozerwalnością – a celem małżeństwa – dobrem potomstwa. Autor artykułu zwraca uwagę na ich ścisły związek. Nierozerwalność małżeństwa staje się podstawą do zrodzenia, a następnie wychowania potomstwa. Dziecko, które jest owocem miłości rodziców, ma prawo do życia w pełnej rodzinie – nierozerwalnej wspólnocie swoich rodziców. Takie prawo implikuje odpowiedni wzrost dziecka. Natomiast rozerwanie węzła małżeńskiego wpływa zdecydowanie negatywnie na potomstwo. Istnienie takiej relacji pokazuje, że prawda o nierozerwalności małżeństwa powinna być broniona. Świadomość nierozerwalności stanie się na pewno źródłem istnienia w kolejnych pokoleniach szczęśliwych rodzin.
This article presents the relationship between an essential attribute of marriage – indissolubility, and the purpose of marriage – the good of offspring. The author draws attention to their close relationship. Pope John Paul II touched this problem in his speech to the employees of the Roman Rota in 2002. Indissolubility of marriage becomes the basis for procreation and education of o>spring. A child who is the fruit of the parents’love has the right to live in full family – in indissoluble community of their parents. Such a law will correct the child’s development. Breaking a marriage a>ects strongly negative on offspring. The author shows the necessity of indissolubility and the negative consequences of divorce of their parents. The existence of such a relationship shows that the truth of the indissolubility of the marriage should be defended. Consciousness of indissolubility is the source of happiness in their families.
True marital community is based on disinterested mutual gift which the spouses give of themselves. The capability of self-giving comes from the fact of the man’s personal character. Love is a principle and a legal validity of marital community, enables the total return oneself for second person. By giving oneself back in love to other person a special form of love is developing, with which we are defining as nuptial love. The unselfish gift from itself is gaining the special significance in the marriage, is standing at his bases, carrying loves into not a particular dimension. Nuptial love accepting the person as the multidimensional good.
Prawdziwa wspólnota małżeńska opiera się na bezinteresownym wzajemnym darze, który małżonkowie dają z siebie. Z faktu osobowego charakteru człowieka wynika możliwość darowania siebie. Miłość jest zasadą i mocą wspólnoty małżeńskiej, umożliwia całkowite oddanie się drugiej osobie. Przez oddawanie siebie w miłości innej osobie rozwija się szczególna forma miłości określana jako miłość oblubieńcza. Bezinteresowny dar z siebie posiada specjalne znaczenie w małżeństwie, stoi przy jego podstawach, nadając miłości szczególny wymiar. Miłość oblubieńcza uznaje osobę za wielowymiarowe dobro.
Polonia Sacra
vol. 21
issue 1(46)
Synod biskupów opublikował owoc swych prac o powołaniu i misji rodziny w Kościele iświecie w dokumencie Relacja końcowa, skierowanym do papieża Franciszka. Dokument ten ukazuje sytuację małżeństw i rodzin we współczesnym świecie. Synod kontynuuje tradycyjną naukę Kościoła o małżeństwie i rodzinie, a także proponuje pewne rozwiązania trudności i zagrożeń trapiących małżeństwa i rodziny, odwołując się do Bożego miłosierdzia.
The Synod of Bishops issued the outcome of its work about the mission of the family in the Church and in the world, in the document titled The Final Report of The Synod of Bishops to the Holy Father, Pope Francis. The document in question presents situation of marriages and families in the contemporary world and the pros and cons of their situation. The Synod continues the traditional teaching of the Church about marriage and family. It also offers, referring to the Divine Mercy, solutions to some problems and difficulties that put in danger families and marriages nowadays.
Polonia Sacra
vol. 20
issue 1(42)
Obradujący w dniach od 5–19 października 2014 roku III Nadzwyczajny Synod Biskupów zajął się małżeństwem i rodziną w społeczności świeckiej i w Kościele oraz zagrożeniami uderzającymi w rodzinę. Dużo miejsca ojcowie synodalni poświęcili sprawie pomocy zagrożonej rodzinie, a w szczególności osobom rozwiedzionym, które zawarły ponowny związek małżeński. Obrady były utrzymane w klimacie wierności tradycyjnemu nauczaniu Kościoła o małżeństwie i rodzinie, chociaż niektórzy ojcowie przedkładali propozycje, które wybiegają poza jego ramy.
The Third Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops was held in the Vatican from 5 to 19 October 2014. The paper offers a short presentation and analysis of the documents of the meeting. The discussions during the Synod were concentrated on the marriage and family issues, especially in the context of the problems and threats, which the modern world poses to the two institutions. The Fathers of the Synod also dedicated a lot of time during the discussions to the issues of assistance and help to families, as well as to the divorced faithful who contracted another, but only a civil one, marriage. The deliberations during the Synod reflected rather the traditional catholic teaching, but some of the voices during discussion did not follow it.
Ius Matrimoniale
vol. 26
issue 1
The author of the presented article carried out an analysis of the writings of Early Christian Latin writers of 2nd and 3rd centuries concerning the unity and indissolubility of marriage. He pointed out that all of them stood for the unity of marriage (Tertullian, Marcus Minucius Felix, Saint Cyprian, Novatian). Some interpretative controversies arise among patrologists around the texts of Tertullian and Lactantius concerning the indissolubility of marriage. The author proved, mainly on the basis of the views of Crouzel, that these texts should be interpreted primarily in the context of conditions in which they were written. They should not be perceived as consent for a new marriage in the case of adultery.
Il turno rotale c. Faltin ha diciharato la nullità del matrimonio F.- C. nella sentenza definitiva (in IV istanza) del 19 febbraio 1992 dal titolo della esclusione della indissolubilità da parte della attrice. La sentenza é stata pronunziata dopo 17 anni dal momento della introduzione del libello al tribunal e di prima instanza.Dopo due sentenze negative e il rifiuto della richiesta della attrice riguardante la "nova causae propositio" (da parte del turno rotale c. Davino) l’appello della stessa attrice é stato ammesso dal turno rotale superiore (c. Pompedda) e in seguito il matrimonio delle parti é stato dichiarato (in III istanza) invalido dal titolo accusato. Finalmente il turno rotale c. Faltin (di IV istanza) ha confermato la sentenza precedente pronunziando l’invalidità del matrimonio "ob exclusionem boni sacramenti" (si tratta della exclusione condizionata).L’autore presenta la suddetta sentenza definitiva esponendo sia i motivi giuridici sia quelli inseriti nella parte "in facto".
Ius Matrimoniale
vol. 23
issue 17
Esta sentencia del Tribunal de la Rota de la Nunciatura Apostólica en España confirma en tercera instancia la sentencia de validez del matrimonio. La esposa presentó demanda de nulidad de su matrimonio ante el tribunal eclesiástico alegando exclusión de la indisolubilidad por su parte. El tribunal de primera instancia declaró la nulidad del matrimonio juzgado, el de segunda instancia se pronunció a favor de la validez. En esta sentencia el ponente estudia diversos aspectos del vicio de consentimiento matrimonial. Especialmente centra su atención en los criterio que debe reunir el acto de la exclusión. Analizando la parte in facto es posible estudiar el modo y los criterios de verificación de la existencia de un acto positivo de la voluntad excluyente.
Ius Matrimoniale
vol. 28
issue 1
The case concerns the marriage between Marcin and Maria, who, after a three-year-long relationship, entered into marriage on 24 July 2984, after being granted a dispensation from an impediment to marriage (the bridegroom-to-be was not christened). At first marriage, the fruit of which was a child, was happy, but in August 1992 it was broken by wife. Marcin brought the case before the Tribunal C. to have the marriage declared null and void, citing numerous reasons for nullity. The Tribunal determined the matter on 24 March 1995 concerning two reasons: Maria’s total simulation of marriage consent and Marcin’s error regarding the indissolubility of marriage. The parties, complainant’s three witnesses and one witness called ex officio (a priest who prepared the parties for marriage) were examined during evidentiary instruction and then, on 30 I 1996, the Tribunal passed a negative sentence regarding both reasons for nullity.After the complainant appealed to K. Tribunal (Tribunal of Second Instance) on 3 September 1997, a negative sentence was passed regarding simulation, but a positive sentence was passed regarding the indissolubility of marriage.Pursuant to canon 1682 § 1 of the Code of Canon Law, the matter was transmitted to the third instance, namely the Roman Rota, where a negative sentence was passed on 9 July 1999. In the commentary on Rotal sentence, the author highlights the fact that the judges were able to demonstrate skillfully that Marcin’s error did not determine his will.
Essendo l’indissolubilità una proprietà essenziale del matrimonio, chi voul contrarre un matrimonio dissolubile (con positivo atto di volontà), sia in modo assoluto che ipotetico, contrae invalidamente (can. 1101 § 2). La diffusione assunta dal divorzio ed il conseguente formarsi di una mentalità divorzista e, più in generale, aliena da tutto ciò che limita o coarta l’espansione della propria naturale libertà, rendono particolarmente frequente come capo di nullità Esclusione dell’indissolubilità del matrimonio. Esso viene oggi invocato più spesso dinnanzi ai tribunali ecclesiastici nelle cause matrimoniali. Riferendosi alla dottrina canonistica e alla recente giurisprudenza della Rota Romana l’autore presenta successivamente l’oggetto della esclusione del „bonum sacramenti”, la natura, le possibili forme e i modi dell positivo atto di volontà nonché le prove relative alla suddetta esclusione.
Ius Matrimoniale
vol. 9
issue 3
„Exclusio boni sacramenti” (can. 1101 § 2 del CJC) rimanendo uno dei titoli dell'invalidità del matrimonio più spesso presentati nella cause matrimoniali presso i tribunali ecclesiastici esige una retta interpretazione, per cui è necessario rivolgersi alla giurisprudenza della Rota Romana. Riferendosi alla più recente giurisprudenza rotale riguardante l’esclusione del „bonum sacramenti” l’autore riferisce le seguenti questioni: la retroattivita del can 1101 § 2 del CJC, la fonte del titolo dell'invalidità del matrimonio, il positivo atto di volontà (l’essenza e le proprietà, le azioni che non hanno i segni del positivo atto di volontà, le forme e i modi di prendere), l’inesistenza della differenza fra ,,ius” e „exercitium iuris”,                 la prova dell’ escusione.
Ius Matrimoniale
vol. 20
issue 14
L’autore presenta e commenta la sentenza definitiva del Tribunale Apostolico della Rota Romana c. Boccafola del 21 novembre 2002 (negative) nella causa Nahsvillen (U.S.A.) dal can. 1099 C.I.C. (l’error determinans voluntatem); si tratta del matrimonio dei protestanti. Il turno rotale non ha condiviso la tesi dell’attore dimostrando che il suo errore circa l’indissolubilità è stato un semplice errore speculativo riguardante il matrimonio in genere, invece non è stato applicato al matrimonio concreto di cui si tratta nella causa, e perciò non ha determinanto la sua volontà.
W niniejszym opracowaniu autorka skoncentrowała się na instytucji przywileju pawłowego, funkcjonującego w kanonicznym porządku prawnym. Osądzając funkcjonowanie tejże instytucji w kontekście historycznym, skupiła uwagę na szczegółowej analizie kan. 1143-1147 Kodeksu Prawa Kanonicznego z 1983 r. Z przeprowadzonych analiz wynika, iż zastosowanie przywileju pawłowego możliwe jest po spełnieniu następujących warunków: 1) małżeństwo naturalne zostało zawarte w sposób ważny przed przyjęciem sakramentu chrztu przez któregokolwiek ze współmałżonków; 2) przyjęcie sakramentu chrztu przez jedną ze stron nastąpiło w sytuacji, gdy drugi współmałżonek pozostaje nieochrzczony; 3) odejście strony nieochrzczonej nastąpiło w sposób rzeczywisty lub jednoznaczny; 4) wstąpienie w nowy związek małżeński przez ochrzczoną stronę stanowi przyczynę rozwiązania poprzedniego węzła małżeńskiego; 5) strona ochrzczona na podstawie przywileju pawłowego powinna zawrzeć związek małżeński z katolikiem; 6) ordynariusz miejsca, w przypadkach szczególnych, w wyniku zaistnienia poważnej przyczyny, ma prawo udzielić zezwolenia na małżeństwo strony nawróconej ze stroną nieochrzczoną; 7) strona nieochrzczona ma prawo do zawarcia małżeństwa ze stroną katolicką, gdy współmałżonek pogański zamieszkiwał z nią w pokoju, bez obrazy Stwórcy, by następnie odejść.
In this study the author is concentrates on the institution of the Pauline Privilege that functions in the canon law. Assessing the functioning of this institution in the historic context, she focused her research on detailed analyses of the canons 1143-1147 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law. From the conducted analyses it appears, that usage of the Pauline Privilege is possible after fulfillment of the following requirements: 1) natural marriage was concluded effectively before the baptism of both of the spouses; 2) baptism of one of the spouses was conducted in the situation when the other spouse remains non-baptized; 3) the leaving of the non-baptized party was performed in a factual and unambiguous manner; 4) proceeding to another marriage by a baptized party is the cause of the dissolution of the previous wedlock; 5) based on the Pauline Privilege, the baptized party should marry a Catholic; 6) the diocesan of the area in the specific cases and as a result of a serious cause, has the right to give permission for a marriage of a converted party with a non-baptized party; 7) the non-baptized party has the right to enter wedlock with a Catholic party, when the infidel had lived with the latter in peace, with no offence to the Creator, to then walk away.
Ius Matrimoniale
vol. 33
issue 2
Niniejszy artykuł podejmuje temat zagrożeń instytucji małżeństwa widzianych przez biskupów polskich w latach 1918-1939. W okresie dwudziestolecia międzywojennego biskupi czuwali nad czystością nauki o małżeństwie i byli wyczuleni na pojawiające się zagrożenia dotyczące tej instytucji. Stąd też w opracowaniu zostanie zaprezentowane nauczanie biskupów w listach pasterskich i odezwach, najpierw na temat świętości małżeństwa, a następnie zostaną omówione zagrożenia w postaci ślubów cywilnych, rozwodów, małżeństw mieszanych, czy błędnie pojmowanego świadomego macierzyństwa.
This article raises the subject of threats to the institution of marriage as seen by the Polish bishops in 1918-1939. In the interwar period, the bishops watched over the purity of the teaching on marriage and were sensitive to emerging threats to this institution.Therefore, this article will present the teaching of the bishops in pastoral letters and messages first on the sanctity of marriage and then will discuss the threats in the form of civil weddings, divorces, mixed marriages or misconceived conscious motherhood.
Ius Matrimoniale
vol. 30
issue 1
The author presents provides a commentary on the judgment (a negative) nullitatis matrimonii oft the Roman Rota c. Erlebach, passed 3.02.2011 (in the third instance) by a turnus of auditors coram Erlebach on the grounds of exclusion of the indissolubility of marriage (from the archidiocese of Montevideo). The court of first instance passed a positive judgment and the second instance court issued a negative judgment. The case concerns a marriage concluded in 1973 by a man who was permeated by Marxist philosophy, rejected God and religion, and even marriage. The man married under the pressure of the fiancé’s family as well as for obtaining material benefits.Both the court testimonies of the man and the witnesses (the woman defendant refused to testify) they did not let you know the plaintiff’s will. It was also missing causa proxima exclusion of bonum sacramnti, as well as circumstances pro simulatione; moreover, many circumstances deny the simulation.The verdict c. Erlebach is an example of an in-depth assessment of the evidence, which showed the views and beliefs of the man, but did not show a positive act of will.
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