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Entrepreneurship on the net makes the expansion possible in fields where in the real world very often it would be unworkable because of many obstacles and limiting factors like costs - which are quite simply to overcome on the net. It is easy to set up a web site available to millions of people in the world who type the web site address or find what they are looking for in Google or via another search engine. The Internet market is open to all ideas and hence we should take advantage thereof. The number of internet shops has increased by 100% against the numbers from last year. The number of buyers has increased as well. Thanks to the World Wide Web, e-mails and communicators, entrepreneurs have a chance to communicate with clients on a global scale. It was merely not so long ago in 1977, when Ken Olson, the president and founder of the Digital Equipment Corp. Company stated, there is no reason as to why anyone should want to have a computer at home”. Today, most businesses, including most of us cannot imagine a life without a computer or the Internet that in the age of advanced technology has become a common work tool. The work above presents the history of the Internet and the most important elements which have influenced its development and without which the virtual world would not have existed. The thesis will present an in-depth look at the Internet’s range and capacity, possibilities it creates, and also challenges the safety features Internet consumers face. Additionally it will provide explanations of the most important definitions used in the world of e-business.
Treści pornograficzne, czyli takie, które mają jawnie seksualny charakter i których nadrzędnym celem jest wywołanie przynajmniej u części odbiorców podniecenia seksualnego, w założeniu są kierowane do grona osób dorosłych. Jak jednak wskazują wyniki licznych polskich i światowych badań prowadzanych wśród najmłodszych, znaczna część dzieci i młodzieży już na dość wczesnym etapie rozwoju styka się z tego rodzaju materiałami. Jedną z przyczyn takiego stanu rzeczy jest łatwy dostęp do pornografii w internecie. Opisany fenomen rodzi pytania o konsekwencje i wpływ takich doświadczeń na rozwój psychoseksualny młodego człowieka. Rzetelna analiza prezentowanego problemu wydaje się jednym z kluczowych elementów w projektowaniu szeroko rozumianych działań profilaktycznych i edukacyjnych skierowanych do dzieci i młodzieży.
Pornographic material is any product containing explicit sexual descriptions, designed to increase sexual arousal of some of its users. Intentionally it is created for adults. However, the results of many studies from Poland as well as from other countries prove a significant amount of children and adolescents are exposed to such material. Also, because of the internet youth are able to access pornography very easily. There is a question about the influence of pornography consumption among the youngest. It is important to analyse that problem carefully, so suitable preventive and educational programs designed for children and adolescents could be made.
Bhutan to odosobnione himalajskie królestwo z jednym z najmłodszych na świecie systemów medialnych. Pierwszy dostawca internetu – Druknet, został wprowadzony razem z telewizją w 1999 roku. Od tego czasu media rozwijają się w szybkim tempie, a ich wpływ na nieprzygotowane społeczeństwo jest znaczny. Bhutańczycy są silnie związani ze swoimi buddyjskim tradycjami i wierzeniami, które przenikają wszystkie aspekty ich życia. W Bhutanie postęp i rozwój nie mierzy się produktem krajowym brutto, ale wskaźnikiem szczęścia krajowego brutto (Gross National Happiness – GNH). Służy to podkreśleniu innego podejścia do ludzkiej egzystencji. Zamiast mierzyć postęp finansowymi wskaźnikami władze Bhutanu wybrały wskaźnik GNH, który mierzy jakość życia i postęp społecznym w sposób bardziej holistyczny i niematerialistyczny. To stanowisko odbija się w tym, jak wykorzystywane są media oraz internet. Mają pomagać społeczeństwu podczas przejścia z tradycyjnego świata do tego bardziej nowoczesnego, globalnego zachowując jednocześnie odpowiednie wartości, wierzenia i obyczaje. Niniejszy tekst jest tekstem przeglądowym, w którym autor nie tylko opisuje Internet w Bhutanie i jak jest on używany w tym himalajskim królestwie, ale również stara się przyjrzeć temu, jak media społecznościowe i technologia informacyjna współgrają ze sobą aby pokonać naturalne bariery geograficzne oraz społeczne.
Bhutan is a secluded Himalayan kingdom with one of the youngest media systems in the world. The country’s first Internet service provider – Druknet was simultaneously introduced with television in 1999. Since then media are growing exponentially and their impact on unprepared society is significant. Bhutanese people are strongly attached to their Buddhist traditions and beliefs that influence all aspects of their lives. Moreover, Bhutan embraces Gross National Happiness (GNH) in place of Gross National Product (GNP) to signify different approach to human existence. Instead of measuring progress in the financial terms Bhutanese authorities chose GNH designed as an attempt to define an indicator and a concept that measure quality of life or social progress in more holistic and psychological terms. Those particularities are mirrored in the way the Internet and media are being used: to help society to embrace change and during the process, outline and endorse the right values, including public ones. This paper will be not only an overall look at the Internet in Bhutan, and how it is used in the Himalayan Kingdom but also try to take a closer look at the use of social media and issues with ICT overcoming the natural geographical barriers in efficient communication.
Niniejszy artykuł stanowi próbę podsumowania zagrożeń związanych ze zjawiskiem, jakim jest pornografia. Praca ma wymiar teoretyczno-praktyczny. W pierwszej kolejności zostanie przedstawiona część teoretyczna oraz wnioski płynące z przeglądu dostępnej literatury. Następnie zaprezentowane zostaną wybrane przykłady case study zaczerpnięte z praktyki psychologicznej odnoszącej się do działalności w telefonie pomocowym UMCS w Lublinie. Inicjatywa ta miała początek w marcu 2020 w momencie rozpoczęcia pracy zdalnej z powodu koronawirusa. Telefon przeznaczony był głównie dla studentów UMCS. Celem niniejszej pracy jest ukazanie wybranych zagrożeń związanych z korzystaniem ze stron pornograficznych w warunkach upowszechnienia Internetu. W pracy zostanie przedstawiony przykład case study 29-letniej kobiety w aspekcie trudności psychologicznych po wykorzystaniu filmu pornograficznego bez jej zgody. Dodatkowym przykładem będzie kwestia uzależnienia 31-letniego mężczyzny od pornografii oraz zmniejszenie możliwości prokreacyjnych.
This article is an attempt to summarize the risks associated with phenomenon of pornography. The work has a theoretical and practical dimension, because in addition to the theoretical part and a review of the available literature, the aspects related to the presentation of selected examples of case studies from the authors’ psychological practice regarding the activity on the help telephone of Maria Skłodowska-Curie University in Lublin were dealt with. This initiative started in March 2020 when he started working remotely due to the coronavirus. The phone was intended mainly for UMCS students. The aim of this study is to present selected threats related to the use of pornographic websites in the conditions of popularization of the Internet. The paper presents an example of a case study of a 29-year-old woman in the aspect of psychological difficulties after using a pornographic film without her consent. An additional example will be the question of the addiction of a 31-year-old man to pornography and the reduction of reproductive possibilities.
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Niniejszy artykuł dotyczy związków autobiografii ze współczesnymi przejawami narcyzmu, który rozwija się w przestrzeni internetu. Z jednej strony popularna jest literatura auto/biograficzna, z drugiej strony – coraz więcej osób prowadzi konta na portalach społecznościowych, gdzie udostępniane są prywatne, a nierzadko intymne treści. W związku z tym autor mierzy się w artykule z takim problemem: jakie są związki pomiędzy rozwojem współczesnych mediów elektronicznych a dużym zainteresowaniem odbiorców (i twórców) literatury auto/biograficznej?
The article is focused on the relations between autobiography and present-day narcissism, which takes a whole new turn within the cyberspace. On the one hand, we can observe significant popularity of autobiographical literature, on the other – more and more people create their image using internet and social media. Therefore the author is trying to answer to a significant question: what is the main connection between new media and autobiographical literature?
Artykuł przedstawia występujące w literaturze przedmiotu próby zdefiniowania fake newsa. Cel: Przedstawienie różnych podejść definicyjnych, opisanie specyfiki fake newsa oraz scharakteryzowanie prób typologii zjawiska. Metody badań: Analiza literatury przedmiotu oraz źródeł internetowych. Wyniki i wnioski: Wyodrębnienie składowych fake newsa oraz jego cech charakterystycznych koniecznych do stworzenia spójnej definicji. Wartość poznawcza: Uporządkowanie obecnego stanu wiedzy na temat fake newsa.
The article presents the attempts to defi ne fake news in the subject literature. Scientific objective: To present various defi nitional approaches, describe the specifi cs of fake news and characterize typology of phenomenon. Research methods: Analysis of the literature of the subject and online sources. Results and conclusions: Separation of the fake news components and its characteristics necessary to create a coherent defi nition. Cognitive value: Sorting the current state of knowledge about fake news.
The author states that the number of countries in which i-voting is applied is not large, while there are discussions on this subject in many countries., There is also a tendency to give up this method of voting. Although more and more voters use i-voting, it does not significantly increase voter turnout during elections. In the opinion of the author, there are many dangers arising from the introduction of i-voting, but the most important one seems to be the lack of confidence of voters in this way of voting and the belief in falsifying of voting and election results. The lack of universal access to computers and the Internet is also significant.
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Koniec epoki

Widmo krąży po planecie – widmo Internetu. Wszystkie potęgi starego świata połączyły się do świętej nagonki przeciw temu widmu. Po nieznacznej modyfikacji, pierwsze słowa MANIFESTU KOMUNISTYCZNEGO [1] zaczynają brzmieć niepokojąco współcześnie. Baza i nadbudowa znów się rozmijają, cyfrowym społeczeństwem próbują zarządzać prawa oraz instytucje z epoki węgla i stali. Jeśli dodać eksplozję demograficzną i malejące zapotrzebowanie na pracę, mamy obraz uderzająco podobny do tego z czasów rewolucji przemysłowej. Tylko czekać, aż ktoś przypomni ostatnie słowa MANIFESTU, i zawoła: Internauci wszystkich krajów, łączcie się!
A spectre is haunting the Planet — the spectre of Internet. All the powers of old World have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre. After a slight modification, the first words of the Communist Manifesto begin to sound as if written nowadays. Base and superstructure again diverge, and the laws and institutions of the era of coal and steel are trying to rule over the digital society. If you add to the picture population explosion and the decreasing demand for labor, we get a whole strikingly similar to that of the times of industrial revolution. Just wait until someone remembers the last words of the Manifesto, and cries out: Internet Users of All Countries, Unite!
Catholic social teaching pays attention to the necessity of showing greater interest in the process of evangelization by means of social communications, especialy through new media platforms. These platforms promote and impose their own lifestyles, behaviors, preferences, choices, hierarchies of values and motivations. The presence of the on these platforms leads to a greater awereness of what Christianity is. With an increased involvement of the Church in the media, there will be a greater space given in conversations about such themes as Church, God, faith, conscience and responsibility. Mass media puts pastoral ministry in a new perspective, but it also constitutes a real challenge, especially in so far as ethical requirements are concerned.
Quantifier of our century is the media that define the present century as a time of media democracy, or, more narrowly, of e-democracy. Politicians around the world submitting their political campaigns, interviews, speeches to the plans of media. They need media to communicate with the citizens of their countries, with voters, with national and international institutions. Models of communication created this way, according to the theory of public relations, can have the character of propaganda, marketing or of a dialog. The phenomenon of video-ideology and the resulting political youtubization analyzed by the Author fits in all these three models. The paper identifies three channels of PR communication of the world of politics to the world of audience/electorate. The first two channels are top-down schemes, created by the political power base, applied to influence and shape political attitudes of citizens. The third channel is bottom-up formed grassroots citizens’ attitude, which is a meaningful response of the electorate to the political action.
Informacje dostępne na stronach internetowych mają w turystyce ogromne znaczenie. Dzięki nim turysta może szczegółowo zaplanować podróż – przyjazna strona internetowa może wręcz zadecydować o jego wizycie w danym miejscu. Wśród stron, z których korzystają turyści, znajdują się strony internetowe muzeów. Turysta szuka na nich przede wszystkim danych o lokalizacji placówki, mapy dojazdu, cen biletów czy godzin otwarcia, jak również informacji o wystawach. Coraz częściej strony muzeów są jednak czymś więcej niż tylko wirtualnym informatorem. Wiele instytucji umieszcza w internecie multimedialne materiały edukacyjne czy digitalizuje swoje zbiory, co umożliwia zapoznanie się z nimi bez wychodzenia z domu i czyni je dostępnymi dla całego świata. Celem artykułu jest sprawdzenie, czy strony internetowe polskich muzeów są przygotowane na wirtualne wizyty anglojęzycznych internautów. Dla potrzeb artykułu przebadano strony internetowe wybranych muzeów w Polsce pod kątem udostępniania informacji w języku angielskim. Sprawdzono, czy strona ma wersję anglojęzyczną, czy łatwo można przełączyć jej wersję językową oraz czy wersja anglojęzyczna odpowiada treściowo wersji polskojęzycznej, czy przetłumaczono tylko niektóre informacje
Purpose: To analyze the content of websites according to their pro-ana subject matter, in order to better understand their significance in the pathogenesis, symptoms and treatment of anorexia. Materials and methods: In the study, 50 websites including pro-ana sites were analyzed. The material was evaluated for inclusion of content promoting behavior typical of people with eating disorders. Results: Sixty percent of analyzed sites were blogs, which are individuals’ online diaries, and 34 percent were Internet forums. Access to 78 percent of the analyzed pages was unrestricted. Eighty-two percent of sites included the so-called thinspirations, which are pictures, songs and videos inspiring the viewer to be thin. Stories of weight loss and related problems were present on 69 percent of the sites. Other features were advices on radical diets, recipes, nutritional supplements, drugs and sets of exercises that help in weight loss. Conclusions: Pro-ana websites contain texts and images influencing body image. They may confirm the belief that pro-ana is an attractive way of life. A thorough analysis of the content of these pages makes it clear that their message may negatively affect the treatment of patients with anorexia
Prace Etnograficzne
vol. 42
issue 4
This essay explores meaning complexity of pornographic materials conceived as quasi-private though its true “professional” provenience. The main subjects of analysis are easily accessible ads of various paid X-rated websites. Author treats advertising texts as a source of knowledge about narrative strategies and stereotypes. An interpretative tool chosen for the task is Mikhail Bakhtin’s Theory of Carnival – in particular: concept of “grotesque realism” and four fundamental categories of “carnivalesque” (familiar interaction between people, eccentric behavior, misalliances, sacrilegious). The article is based on the results of research conducted in the years 2002–2004.
Developing coherent and comprehensive nation brand is of vital importance for Ukraine today. Building the strong nation brand requires active use of available tools and resources, amongst which one of the key places is occupied by the mass media. This article explores how Ukraine uses the trans-border media to create and represent self-image for the world. The mass media (such as television and internet) as well as governmental websites that are focused on promoting the image (brand) Ukraine abroad were analyzed. This paper concentrates on the key problems and disadvantages of this practice.
The paper focuses on those aspects of global society which justify its perception as an information or network society. The keyword describing the essence of these social changes is the Latin term ‘inter’. The network society evolved thanks to the Internet, with its users sometimes referred to as – a portmanteau of Internet and Astronaut – the Internauts. Thanks to it, the mass media became the source of interactivity, and pushed towards interconnecting everything. As a result of this development, the concept of interdisciplinarity acquired a new, special meaning. Thanks to the Internet we now face a new formula of social interaction; the processes of internalisation and interiorisation acquired a new character, and the model of exercising power and politics has undergone dramatic changed.
Romanian legislation has had to adapt to new challenges. Following the ratification by our country of the provisions of the Council of Europe on cybercrime, in addition to substantive law provisions, procedural provisions have been introduced, which are intended to regulate the activity of criminal investigation bodies in investigating cybercrime offences.
The internet business is one of the most dynamically developing sectors of the global economy. Internet companies attract ever higher investment despite elevated risk, therefore developing valuation methods adapted to their specificity is of growing importance. This article is an attempt at providing theoretical grounds for potential approaches used in the valuation of such companies. Some of the major difficulties arise from the following reasons: 1) in the early stages of development, internet companies, like many other start-up companies, generate losses or symbolic profits; 2) internet companies grow at a very fast rate (hundreds or thousands of percent p.a.); 3) the future of internet companies is very uncertain.The analysis of different valuation methods carried out in this article points to the conclusion that methods well grounded in theory, such as the Discounted Cash Flow and Real Options methods, have not lost any of their relevance in the "new economy". What is necessary however is to adopt a different approach to probability estimation and consider the internet companies' high flexibility in making business decisions when faced with dynamically changing market conditions. The article also addresses a crucial issue for the stock value of public internet companies - the investors' expectations and emotions.
Some  universities in  Central and Eastern Europe are facing a crisis of identity.  Academic institutions have for centuries   developed  independence,  liberal education and independent research.  Freedom and independence have  always been essential   for  the quality of academic work.  Thanks to this , scholars and scientists  were restricted only by  their own ignorance, which in its  turn , was restricted by experience. It meant that the age of the scholar was usually connected to his knowledge. The older scientist had to be smarter and wiser.
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