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The main purpose of the article is to determine the means of functioning of the conceptof language ethics in the awareness of the students in Bydgoszcz. The respondents, on the onehand, signal certain questions connected with language ethics and exchange views constitutingthe elements of a broadly understood language culture, on the other hand, – provide quiteextensive and dependable definitions of language ethics, in which they take into considerationvarious contexts. The students being questioned usually associate the ethics of word withpoliteness, respect toward the partner of conversation, responsibility for words, dependabilityand honesty in language contacts. The academic youth clearly places in opposition the languageethics with such notions as a lie or linguistic manipulation, regarding them asunethical.
The main purpose of the article is to determine the means of functioning of the concept of language ethics in the awareness of the students in Bydgoszcz. The respondents, on the one hand, signal certain questions connected with language ethics and exchange views constituting the elements of a broadly understood language culture, on the other hand, – provide quite extensive and dependable definitions of language ethics, in which they take into consideration various contexts. The students being questioned usually associate the ethics of word with politeness, respect toward the partner of conversation, responsibility for words, dependability and honesty in language contacts. The academic youth clearly places in opposition the language ethics with such notions as a lie or linguistic manipulation, regarding them as unethical.
Politeness has many faces and definitions. When people respect and use the politeness formulas which were adopted in their culture then this could be interpreted as a guarantee of a certain social order and hierarchy. To cease following the valid standards could possibly result in emotional reactions especially when it comes to environments where the power order matters more than elsewhere, which would include the academic communities in Poland. The main aim of the article is to answer the question whether the analysis of politeness manifestations in the university e-mail correspondence could perchance trigger emotions by the group of students, who were investigating the problem.
The subject of the article are the changes of politeness customs, above all the language ones, which have occurred and continue to occur after 1989. The aim of the discussion is to verify the thesis that these changes are of democratic character, including the answer to the question of what it means and whether these changes in terms of communication cooperation of the members of society are equally desirable as the change of system for which the majority of Poles opted in the first free elections. The politeness changes have been discussed based on the example of such social attitudes as: politeness egalitarianism, feminist (equality) goals of women, politeness individualism and creativism, lack of recognition for authorities, permissiveness towards deviations from the politeness standard.
The object of this paper is politicians’ utterances and statements of the period 2011-2019, which were addressed in the media (the radio, television, and Twitter) to other politicians and journalists. This paper intends to describe 8 most common manners of depreciating political opponents and their actions. The research material under analysis shows that the language used by Polish politicians, no matter which party they are members of, becomes more and more impolite. At times, such verbal behaviours fulfi l the ludic function and are desired by the audience, listeners, or readers. However, the described phenomenon is disturbing since the media and the people who appear there form the everyday language behaviours of Poles.
The article compares the indicated formulas used in personal letters in times when other indirect forms of written dialogue were not known with the formulas used in modern personal electronics letters. The aim of the paper is to answer the question what pragmalinguistic changes (except for formal linguistic) occurred in relation between the sender and the addressee of the letter. To what extent have epistolary conventions changed and how it is related to the evolution of politeness customs. Among the changes of customs I would like to emphasize the forms of distance and community created by the correspondents.
This article discusses the changes occurring in the traditional model of Polish politeness. The changes were discussed based on three issues concerned with linguistic politeness of enterprises having their business profiles in social media: politeness relationships with their customers, spelling of forms of address, their formal language forms. The descriptive approach was applied to that end. It boils down to indicating changes in linguistic politeness behaviours observed in the analysed media compared to traditional patterns. The material basis comprises 1,290 posts published in the period 2014–2022 on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. The reasonability of such research is attested to by the noticeably growing impact exerted by social media on Polish language users, which will result in a transformation of the Polish politeness model.
The article discusses the problem of teaching Polish as a foreign language to hearing impaired persons – therefore it should be considered as an item of the glottodidactic research cycle. The subject of the analysis are emails and other written communications of persons with hearing impairment posted at Internet forums. The aim of the analyses is to present problematic areas in the Polish language which are visible in the material gathered. These areas refer to the so called socio-cultural competence which forms a part of communicative competence. Problems spotted refer not only to the inability to use a correct variation of the Polish language, but also to the lack of command of courteous forms which should appear in communication with persons of unknown or superior status. Causes of the difficulties observed in written communications posted by hearing impaired persons should be tracked back not only to the lack of appropriate didactical offer, but mostly to the cultural separation between the deaf and the hearing persons.
Political correctness is a set of techniques whose task is to counteract foreclosure and discrimination based on distinctiveness. The aim of the analysis of the phenomenon is to specify and characterize these mechanisms. Political correctness study also reveals that this phenomenon is subjected to ideologies. Understanding the source of this process is facilitated by the theory of the moral foundations of Jonathan Haidt. It is about innate and acquired elements of human morality, which affect the perception of reality and the valuation of its basic elements.
Celem artykułu jest sformułowanie zasad grzeczności językowej, obowiązujących w polskich mediach społecznościowych (dalej MS). By zminimalizować ryzyko błędu badawczego, bezpośredniej analizie poddano przykładową stronę najpopularniejszego w Polsce serwisu społecznościowego Facebook. Przeprowadzone analizy pokazały, że: na kształt grzeczności wpływają m.in. techniczne możliwości medium; akceptowanymi zachowaniami komunikacyjnymi jest mówienie o sobie samym i formułowanie pośrednich aktów mowy; za równorzędne uznawane są komunikaty werbalne i pozawerbalne; najważniejsze kulturowe zasady grzecznościowe to nastawienie na szczerość rozmowy i prześmiewczy stosunek do rzeczywistości; choć przejawy tradycyjnego modelu grzeczności i modelu obowiązującego w MS różnią się, to oba modele opierają się na tym samym skrypcie komunikacyjnym – dostosowaniu się do oczekiwań odbiorcy.
The main objective of this article is to formulate the principles of linguistic politeness that are operative in Polish social media (SM). The analysis focuses on the most popular SM in Poland – Facebook. The research has shown that the form of linguistic politeness operative in SM depends on: technical functionality; talking about oneself and using indirect speech acts is a commonly accepted behaviour in SM; verbal and non-verbal messages are considered equivalent acts of linguistic politeness; the most important cultural principles underlying linguistic politeness in SM are an orientation towards sincerity of conversation and a ridiculing attitude towards reality. Although the manifestations of the traditional and the social media model of linguistic politeness differ, both use the same communication script: conforming to the expectations of the recipient.
Celem artykułu jest analiza życzeń urodzinowych jako przykładów grzeczności językowej. Materiał badawczy stanowi korpus składający się ze stu życzeń z okazji 65. urodzin, tj. momentu przejścia na emeryturę, pojawiających się na najpopularniejszych niemieckojęzycznych stronach internetowych z życzeniami. W nawiązaniu do koncepcji językowego obrazu świata przeprowadzona analiza ma na celu rekonstrukcję językowego obrazu szczęścia kreowanego w niemieckojęzycznych internetowych aktach życzeń. Wysoce skonwencjonalizowane teksty życzeń wskazują bowiem na wspólny dla nadawcy i odbiorcy życzeń system wartości (ogólnie pojęte szczęście/pomyślność i/lub bardziej uszczegółowione wartości takie jak radość, zdrowie, materialny dobrobyt, długie życie, przyszłe doświadczenia, sukces/kariera, spokój/odpoczynek, szczęśliwe/udane relacje z bliskimi osobami, radosne/udane świętowanie urodzin) utrwalonych w języku i składających się na szczęście. Praca zawiera także uwagi dotyczące struktury oraz stopnia skonwencjonalizowania życzeń urodzinowych. Oprócz tradycyjnych realizacji aktu życzeń przedstawiono liczne przykłady przełamywania konwencji gatunkowej (m.in. współwystępujące akty mowy takie jak podziękowanie, pochwała/komplement, gratulacje, toast), ilustrujące zmiany dokonujące się we współczesnym modelu grzeczności.
The article aims to analyse birthday wishes as examples of linguistic politeness. The research material consists of 100 wishes for the 65th birthday, that is the moment of retiring, which appear on the most popular German websites with wishes. The main purpose of the undertaken analysis is to reconstruct the linguistic picture of happiness created in German online wishes. Highly conventionalized texts of wishes point to a system of values shared both by the sender and by the recipient of wishes (generally understood happiness/prosperity, and/or more specific values such as joy, health, material well-being long life, future experiences, success/career, peace/rest, happy/successful relationships with loved ones, joyful birthday celebrations). These values are embedded in language and are believed to embody happiness. The article also contains comments on the structure and degree of conventionalization of birthday wishes. In addition to the traditional realisation of the act of wishing, numerous examples of breaking the genre convention are presented (including co-occurring speech acts such as thanking, praise/compliment, congratulations, toast), illustrating changes in the contemporary model of politeness.
Thanking, belonging to expressive speech acts, according to the classification by Searle (1969), can be regarded as worth exploring due to the fact that gratitude, as a component of value systems, is as the fundamental emotion underlying social relations, and thus reflected in the language, especially fixed expressions, crucial for linguistic politeness. The aim of the present research is to compare explicit and implicit formulas (as referred to by Kerbrat-Orecchioni 2001) of the act of thanking in French and Polish. The examined material is composed of exemplary utterances retrieved from blogs, social networking sites, and internet fora. The methodology used includes studies on speech act theory (Austin 1962), typology of speech acts (Searle 1969), as well as research papers on language politeness by Kerbrat-Orecchioni (1996, 2001) and gratitude (SieradzkaBaziur 2017). Moreover, the author refers to comparative studies on politeness acts conducted up to now (Romero 2000, Rădulescu and Scurtu 2003, Perez 2005, Grossmann and Krzyżanowska 2018, Meng 2012). The author classifies collected explicit and implicit utterances, juxtaposing French and Polish examples and providing an analysis based on pragmatic parameters. As a result, the author creates a corpus of utterances used for expressing gratitude along with a study on diverse thanking formulas in both languages.
The aim of this article is to analyse the components of the additional notes contained in Polish language messages sent on postcards in the second half of the 20th century and at the beginning of the 21st century. The conducted examination is intended to identify the elements constituting the structure of the additional notes (i.e. the speech acts used most commonly there) and to determine the functions fulfilled by the individual components of the postscript. The stimulus for taking up this type of investigations was the fact that no research on correspondence sent on postcards had been carried out before. Overall, the analysis covered more than 2,600 postscripts separated from postcard messages. The study proves that constative statements as well as initiative and reactive speech acts are frequently found in the additional notes. It also points to the numerous functions the postscript or its individual components might play in a postcard letter. The polite and phatic functions come to the foreground, but the informative and emotional functions are also among the important ones.
This is a paper on innovations in linguistic politeness in the Bulgarian language at the turn of 21st century. The changes of forms of address referred to in the title will be analysed diachronically with a broader time and cultural background. Note that for centuries the Bulgarian language has not known forms similar to the Polish pan / pani. People would address each other with their first names, “you” or – when they needed to show respect – they would use additional determinants of age or social status of the person, but the rest of their utterances would be in the second-person singular. More “sophisticated” milieus used the forms of господин and госпожа (of Old Church Slavonic origin) perceived as outdated and excessively sophisticated – they are recorded as such in the Bulgarian dictionary published in 1976. After 1990, господин and госпожа lost their obsolete and sophisticated characteristics, became neutral and commonly used, although it was not easy to get accustomed to them. This paper describes individual stages of losing the old habits and sometimes painful getting used to the new forms. It also shows the differences between forms of address used nowadays by various circles.
Artykuł dotyczy innowacji w obrębie grzeczności językowej w bułgarszczyźnie przełomu XX i XXI wieku. Tytułowe zmiany form adresatywnych rozpatrywane będą z diachronicznego punktu widzenia, na szerszym tle czasowym i kulturowym. Należy zauważyć, że przez wieki bułgarszczyzna nie znała form podobnych do polskiego pan / pani. Ludzie zwracali się do siebie po imieniu, na „ty”, bądź – kiedy zaistniała konieczność wyrażenia szacunku – używali dodatkowych określeń związanych z wiekiem lub statusem społecznym danej osoby, ale dalsza część wypowiedzi formułowana była w 2. osobie liczby pojedynczej. W bardziej „wyrafinowanych” kręgach obowiązywały formy господин i госпожа (o proweniencji cerkiewnosłowiańskiej), odbierane jako przestarzałe i nacechowane – tak są jeszcze odnotowane w słowniku języka bułgarskiego z 1976 roku. Po 1990 roku formy господин i госпожа straciły nacechowanie, stały się formami neutralnymi i powszechnie używanymi, choć przywyknięcie do nich nie było łatwe. Artykuł dotyczy różnych etapów odwykania od starych przyzwyczajeń i bolesnego czasami przywykania do nowych form. Ukazuje również różnice między formami adresatywnymi używanymi współcześnie przez różne środowiska.
The article analyses responses to the acts of partner’s positive evaluation (praises and compliments). However, I focus on the language of young people because I want to show changes in the courtesy of Poles. Contemporary cultural tendencies attack especially young people, who – under their influence – often revalue existing habits and patterns of their behavior. It seems that these changes are most visible in the young generation. Traditional Polish politeness can be combined with the attitude of modesty, i.e. with diminishing the speaker’s role. Nowadays, however, it can be observed that young people’s behavior is not compatible with this rule. It includes, among others, responses to compliments and praises, embodying the principle of agreeing with the speaker. It is a new linguistic behavior gaining more and more supportersnot only among young people.
W artykule analizuję repliki aktów dodatniego wartościowania partnera: pochwał i komplementów. Koncentruję się jednak na języku młodzieży, ponieważ chcę pokazać zmiany zachodzące w zachowaniach grzecznościowych Polaków. Współczesne tendencje kulturowe mocno oddziałują zwłaszcza na młodzież, która – pod ich wpływem – często przewartościowuje dotychczasowe obyczaje i sposoby zachowań. Zmiany te najlepiej widoczne są właśnie w języku młodego pokolenia. Tradycyjną polską grzeczność można łączyć z postawą modestywną, czyli umniejszaniem roli własnej osoby. Współcześnie wśród zachowań młodzieżowych da się wskazać jednak takie, które zaprzeczają tej zasadzie. Są nimi między innymi odpowiedzi na komplementy i pochwały będące realizacją zasady zgadzania się ze współrozmówcą. Jest to nowe zachowanie językowe, zyskujące sobie jednak coraz więcej zwolenników, nie tylko wśród ludzi młodych.
The aim of the article is to show a strong sense of community between runners. About kindly relationships witness acts of politeness, that occur in the communication of people practicing this sport. The analyzed material comes from the social networking site Facebook, through which runners inform about competitions or trainings. The article analyzed posts include examples of acts of politeness, such as: greetings and farewells, invitations, declaring the help, refusal, requests and advice, declaring to aid, congratulations and wishes.
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie silnego poczucia wspólnoty pomiędzy biegaczami. O życzliwych relacjach świadczą akty grzecznościowe, które występują w komunikacji osób uprawiających ten sport. Analizowany materiał pochodzi z portalu społecznościowego Facebook, za pośrednictwem którego biegacze przekazują sobie informacje dotyczące zawodów sportowych czy też wspólnych treningów. W artykule zostały zanalizowane wybrane wpisy będące przykładami aktów grzecznościowych, takich jak: powitania i pożegnania, zaproszenia, deklarowanie pomocy, odmowy, prośby i rady, wspieranie i gratulowanie oraz życzenia.
The aim of the article is to present the socio-cultural factors that influenced the differentiation of current models of politeness in the Croatian and Polish language. The analysis has been subject to verbal behaviors and their corresponding non-verbal behaviors and the evaluation of these behaviors by Croatian speakers. Formal and informal greetings, farewells and modes of address were used as examples.
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie czynników socjokulturowych, które wpłynęły na zróżnicowanie aktualnych modeli grzeczności w języku chorwackim i języku polskim. Analizie poddane zostały zachowania werbalne i korespondujące z nimi zachowania niewerbalne, a także ocena tych zachowań przez chorwackich użytkowników języka. Jako materiał egzemplifikacyjny posłużyły powitania, pożegnania oraz formy adresatywne w rejestrze oficjalnym i nieoficjalnym.
The aim of the article has been to bring attention to the instability of the Polish pattern of electronic correspondence by using a distinct comparative background, i.e., the practice of teaching the Polish language to foreigners outside the territory of Poland (in this particular case – the Italians). The efficiency of the modern didactic methods in combination with a high degree of conventionality of the rules of language etiquette are conducive for a quick mastery of correct (expected) linguistic behaviours by the students of the Polish language learning it outside Poland. It turns out, however, that in the Internet reality, the standards of linguistic politeness – generally accepted by a given language community – undergo negative reevaluation due to which the native users of both the Polish language as well as other languages, encounter problems with a dynamic and chaotically changing formula of contacting by means of e-mail.
The aim of the article has been to bring attention to the instability of the Polish pattern of electronic correspondence by using a distinct comparative background, i.e., the practice of teaching the Polish language to foreigners outside the territory of Poland (in this particular case – the Italians). The efficiency of the modern didactic methods in combination with a high degree of conventionality of the rules of language etiquette are conducive for a quick mastery of correct (expected) linguistic behaviours by the students of the Polish language learning it outside Poland. It turns out, however, that in the Internet reality, the standards of linguistic politeness – generally accepted by a given language community – undergo negative reevaluation due to which the native users of both the Polish language as well as other languages, encounter problems with a dynamic and chaotically changing formula of contacting by means of e-mail.
Przedmiotem rozważań jest językowy obraz wiejskiej grzeczności, wpisany w metodologię badań dialektologicznych, ukierunkowanych socjolingwistycznie i kulturowo. Funkcjonujący w środowisku wiejskim model grzeczności, oparty na tradycji i wynikających z niej zasadach życzliwości, skromności, uczciwości, deklaracji pomocy, wdzięczności oraz poszanowania godności, należy bardziej do przeszłości niż współczesności. Wyraźnie widoczne jest to w używaniu takich zwrotów, jak: bądźcie z Bogiem, Boże dopomóc, Boże dopomóż do roboty, Boże dopomóż, Boże pomóc, Bóg wam pomóż, niech będzie pochwalony Jezus Chrystus, niech będzie pochwalony, Panie Boże dopomóż, pochwalony, pochwalony Jezus Chrystus, szczęść Boże, z Bogiem, zostańcie z Bogiem, do widzenia, dzień dobry, a także w dwojeniu, czyli zwracaniu się przez wy, formach pluralis maiestaticus z grzecznościową końcówką -cie w stosunku do osób starszych ze środowiska wiejskiego, zaimkach on, ona kierowanych do osób obcych lub form trybu rozkazującego, występujących w funkcji przyzwolenia i zaproszenia w kontaktach wewnątrzwiejskich. W stosunku do osób młodych funkcjonuje zazwyczaj grzecznościowy zwrot ty lub zwracanie się po imieniu, a osoby obce określane są mianem pan, pani. Jednak coraz częściej przenoszone są do środowiska wiejskiego obce kulturowo wzory, a zachodzące zmiany mają charakter autonomiczny i są konsekwencją zarówno przemian cywilizacyjno-obyczajowych, jak i wymiany pokoleń oraz procesów globalizacyjnych.
The article discusses the language picture of rural politeness as seen through the prism of sociolinguistic and cultural-dialectological research. At present, the model of politeness which has functioned in the rural context and which is based on traditional values, such as kindness, modesty, honesty, readiness to help, gratitude and respect for human dignity, appears to be a matter of the past rather than the present. The model is reflected in the use of expressions such as: bądźcie z Bogiem ‘Go with God, God bless’, Boże dopomóc, Boże dopomóż do roboty, Boże dopomóż, Boże pomóc, Bóg wam pomóż ‘Lord help me’, niech będzie pochwalony Jezus Chrystus, niech będzie pochwalony ‘Praise be to God, Praise the Lord’, szczęść Boże ‘God bless’, z Bogiem, zostańcie z Bogiem, ‘May God be with you’ (lit. ‘Stay with God’), do widzenia ‘good bye’, dzień dobry ‘good morning’, in the majestic plural wy ‘you’ form with a polite -cie suffix employed when addressing older villagers, in the pronouns on ‘he’, ona ‘she’ used with reference to strangers, and in the imperative forms expressing permission and invitation. When young people are addressed, villagers use their names or the polite ty ‘you’-sg. form; however, when strangers are addressed, then the words pan ‘sir’, pani ‘madam’ are used. Yet more recently forms “alien” to the traditional rural culture are heard more often as well. This change has an autonomous character; it is a result of the customs-, civilization- and globalization-related processes as well as the generational change.
The purpose of the text was to determine, inter alia, what tools does communication grammar give in the process of interpreting a text. A dialogue between K. Wojewódzki and M. Figurski from their show „Poranny WF”, aired on Radio Eska Rock on June 12, 2012 was analyzed. The following research activities were carried out sequentially: 1. Defining the propositional content against the background of the language situation and its pragmatic considerations. 2. Characterizing the interactive system and investigating of conversational strategies. 3. Recognizing the intention of the broadcasters of conversational sequence and confronting with the theory of linguistic joke. 4. The relationship between the intention of the senders and the effects of their statement. It was concluded that the dominant strategy of the examined verbal operations was the axiological and emotive strategy. Intentions of the broadcasters were not read in accordance with their assumptions. In the context of linguistic joke, the indicated dialogue proved to be a misguided behavior and the ways of reception gave rise to qualifying it (in the context of linguistic etiquette and ethics) as rude and violating the principle of respect for the dignity of the partner of language contact.
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