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In the past traditional media would prefer a linear, one-direction information flow: from the sender to the recipient. The new media have departed from this communication mode and switched to interactivity, i.e. a two-way model: from the sender to the recipient and the recipient to the sender. Interactivity was regarded a symptom of the times, a civilisation revolution, a way to build communities in a real sense as much as in the virtual one. Interactivity was decisive for an interpersonal character of communication. I used the past tense in order to highlight the role of interactivity and this is not a mistake. Many situations in the teenagers' everyday life indicate the “passage” of interactivity and this brings about the passing of participation, a sense of “technological loneliness”, a wrongly defined self-sufficiency. This thesis is bald and will certainly stir many controversies. The departure from interactivity as such would be more dangerous than an uncontrolled Homo sapiens' evolution towards Homo videns. This would not only be a crisis associated with a lost of reasons and cognitive abilities (non vidi, ergo non est), but also a dialog participation crisis and a crisis of communication in general. Can we completely give up interactivity? For the benefit of what?
W przeszłości mass media tradycyjne (prasa, radio, telewizja) preferowały linearny, czyli jednokierunkowy przekaz informacji: od nadawcy do odbiorcy. Nowe media odeszły od tego sposobu komunikowania na rzecz interaktywności, czyli dwukierunkowego modelu: od nadawcy do odbiorcy i od odbiorcy do nadawcy. Interaktywność była postrzegana jako znak czasu, rewolucja cywilizacyjna, droga do budowania wspólnot − zarówno w wymiarze realnym, jak i wirtualnym. Interaktywność decydowała o interpersonalnym charakterze komunikacji. W podkreślaniu roli interaktywności użyłem czasu przeszłego. To nie pomyłka. Wiele sytuacji z codziennego życia nastolatków wskazuje na „przemijanie” interaktywności, a co za tym idzie − przemijanie uczestnictwa, to jakaś „samotność technologiczna”, źle rozumiana samowystarczalność. Ta teza, odważna i zapewne postawiona jako problem badawczy, wzbudzi wiele kontrowersji. Samo odejście od interaktywności byłoby chyba bardziej niebezpieczne niż niekontrolowana ewolucja Homo sapiens w stronę Homo videns. Byłby to już nie tylko kryzys utraty rozumu i zdolności poznawczych (non vidi, ergo non est), lecz także kryzys uczestnictwa, kryzys dialogu i generalnie kryzys komunikacji. Byłby to początek elektronicznej samotności. Czy można zrezygnować z interaktywności? Na rzecz czego? Te pytania mogą stanąć u podstaw kolejnej teorii komunikacji.
vol. 8
issue 3
Teoria użytkowania i gratyfikacji jest jednym z podejść badawczych nad mediami. Doświadczenia odbiorców zachęcają lub demotywują ich do określonego sposobu korzystania z mediów. McQuail (2008, s. 418) klasyfikuje gratyfikacje z korzystania z mediów w 4 kategorie: rozrywka, użyteczność społeczna, odniesienie do siebie i poszukiwanie informacji. Natomiast Klebaniuk (2004) proponuje na podstawie badania korzystania z telewizji gratyfikacje intrapsychiczne i interpsychiczne. Artykuł w sposób syntetyczny prezentuje teorię użytkowania i gratyfikacji. Tekst zawiera także informacje z badania pilotażowego diagnozującego preferowane funkcje odbioru mediów: prasy, książek, radia, telewizji i internetu w wybranej grupie osób.
The uses & gratification approach is one of the prominent strategies in the mass media research. The experience of the audience encourages or demotifies them to a specific way of using media. McQuail (2008, p. 418) classifies media usage gratifications into four categories: entertainment, social utility, self-reference and searching for information. Klebaniuk (2004), on the other hand, proposes on the basis of the study of the use of television intrapsychic and interpsychic grants. The article in a synthetic way presents the theory of uses & gratification. It also includes informations from a pilot study to diagnose preferred media reception: newspapers, books, radio, television and the Internet in a selected group of people.
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Logosfera a więzi społeczne

This paper demonstrates the role of logosphere in strengthening social bonds. In a broader sense logosphere is the layer of the word in human environment, both within mediosphere and outside it. It occurs in symbiosis with the remaining environment layers, i.e. iconosphere, sonosphere, and galenosphere (the layer of silence). In a narrower meaning logosphere occurs when it is organized by the people who form it (family, school, orphanage, etc.). The basic properties of such logosphere involve: the primacy of the word, dialogicity, and its environmental character. Reflection on these properties leads to a conclusion that their functioning contributes to the enhancement of social bonds linking the participants of logosphere.
The author writes that the diversity of quality of life, access to social goods and opportunities in life for different groups significantly changed attitudes towards television and its place in the structure of services.
Our perception of reality is subjective. Each person perceives reality in a different way, experiencing only a fraction of it. And yet we believe, or rather we want to believe, that there is an objective reality. Today one needs an extensive knowledge so as not to get lost in the hotchpotch of information provided by the modern media, and to find the information essential for us. Subconsciously, we are looking for an authority to provide us with an interpretation of reality, explanation, personal opinions and even instructions on how to understand it. Mass media have taken up this role in the modern, technologically developed society. The belief in the omniscient media drives people to perceive the media-generated images and news as more real than their own life experiences. Not without a reason the media consciously resort to manipulation. There is a conviction that one can rule over people by gaining power over their imagination. An average receiver of the 21st century media is a perfect target for the modern television, Internet, video games, etc; overworked, tired and stressed, s/he will trust the media and the information they provide. And again we come back to the question of whether it is the media that create the world, or is it the world that shapes the mass media? Whatever the answer, we arrive at further questions: the question of responsibility in the communication process, responsibility for spreading honest and reliable information, and responsibility for creating social relationships.
Celem głównym niniejszej pracy było poznanie pozytywnych oraz negatywnych aspektów korzystania ze środków masowego przekazu, a cel szczegółowy to zbadanie ich oddziaływania na styl życia dzieci klas 4-6 w bialskich szkołach podstawowych. Metody i techniki badania: Badanie przeprowadzono w lutym 2017 roku w Społecznej Szkole Podstawowej i w Szkole Podstawowej nr 5 w Białej Podlaskiej. W badaniu wzięło udział 100 uczniów, zastosowaną metodą była metoda sondażu diagnostycznego z wykorzystaniem kart autorskiego projektu ankiet i autorskiego kwestionariusza. Pytania zawarte w kwestionariuszu dotyczyły ilości czasu codziennie poświęcanego przez uczniów na korzystanie z różnych mass mediów oraz ich wpływu na styl życia dzieci. Obliczenia statystyczne wykonano w programie PQStat. Wyniki: Charakterystykę grupy badanej przeprowadzono na 100 uczniach z podziałem na klasy, płeć, miejsce zamieszkania, ilości czasu poświęconego na korzystanie z mediów. Wnioski: ––W badanej grupie uczniów można stwierdzić, iż środki masowego przekazu oddziałują na ich styl życia. ––Badane dzieci mają najczęściej kontakt z mediami poprzez telefon komórkowy, Internet, telewizję oraz komputer. ––Największy wpływ zdaniem badanych na kształtowanie zachowań i wychowanie uczniów ma szkoła, znajomi, Internet oraz telewizja.
The main purpose of the present work was to identify positive and negative aspects of using mass media, and the specific objective is to examine their impact on the lifestyle of children in grades 4-6 in primary schools in Biała Podlaska. Research methods and techniques: The study was conducted in February 2017 at Społeczna Szkoła Podstawowa (Community Primary School) and Szkoła Podstawowa nr 5 (Primary School No.5) in Biała Podlaska. 100 students participated in the study, the applied research method was the method of a diagnostic survey using surveys and questionnaire forms designed by the author. Queries included in the questionnaire concerned the amount of time devoted daily by students to the use of various mass media and their impact on the children’s lifestyle. Statistical calculations were made in the PQStat software. Results: The study group was characterized with the participation of 100 students divided into groups based on the grade they were in, their sex, place of residence, amount of time spent using media. Conclusions: ––In the examined group of students, it may be concluded that mass media influence their lifestyle. ––The examined children most often have contact with the media via a mobile phone, the Internet, television and a computer. ––According to the respondents, school, friends, the Internet and television have the biggest influence on the shaping of behaviours and upbringing of pupils.
The article aims in arranging the discourse concerning the celebrities’ morality that is visible in their behaviour which is made public by mass media. It indicates the problematic reasons and consequences of this phenomena. The text concentrates on the priority of profit in the promotion mechanism: “morality of the celebrities”. The narration is derived from the notion of “celebrity” and develops into approximating of possible understanding of morality connected with celebrities’ views – it qualifies the opinions on the level of situation- based existential ethics. On the example of a fragment of breakfast television programme: Dzień Dobry TVN, the article depicts difficulties with grasping the core of this moral orientation. Afterwards, the article discusses a problem of media influence and, consequently, the celebrities’ influence on the recipients. It shows a scheme of profit-oriented media creation of celebrities and the way in which they state moral issues.
Polonia Sacra
vol. 22
issue 1(50)
Artykuł podejmuje zagadnienie audiowizualnego przepowiadania słowa Bożego poza liturgią, rozumianego jako uobecnianie się Kościoła „wyruszającego w drogę” (Evangelii gaudium). Często to  właśnie środki społecznego przekazu, wśród nich zwłaszcza internet, stają się miejscami odległymi, ku którym powinniśmy wyjść, do których powinniśmy chcieć dotrzeć. Autor próbuje sformułować najważniejsze wskazówki dla głosicieli słowa Bożego w  telewizji i  internecie, podejmuje refleksję nad specyfiką mediów, treścią i  formą przepowiadania oraz techniką przekazu. Przekaz audiowizualny  – jak każda inna forma komunikacji werbalnej  – wymaga od  nadawcy umiejętnego posługiwania się pozawerbalnymi środkami przekazu. Nie jest to  łatwe, bo  w  przeciwieństwie do komunikacji face to face nadawca nie widzi odbiorcy, nie odbiera informacji zwrotnej, nie wie, jakie emocje wywołuje jego wypowiedź. Mowa ciała jest tu  elementem kluczowym. Przekaz audiowizualny sprzyja emfazie stanów emocjonalnych, wyrazu twarzy czy zachowań przestrzennych. Osobowość telewizyjną charakteryzuje świadomość panowania nad własnymi ograniczeniami i umiejętne wykorzystanie zalet. Ekran – bardziej niż perfekcyjny „model” człowieka, bez wad i ułomności – lubi człowieka autentycznego, który potrafi być sobą. Mimika, gesty, kontakt wzrokowy, szczery uśmiech, poczucie humoru, uprzejmość – stają się niezwykle ważne w przekazie ekranowym.
The article takes up the issue of audiovisual proclamation of the word of God outside liturgy understood as  the presenting of  a  Church which “goes forth” (Evangelii gaudium). It is often the social media, among them especially the Internet, that become the far places we should want to reach. The author seeks to formulate some crucial directions for those who proclaim the word of God on television and the Internet. While doing so, he also reflects on the specificity of the mass media, the content and form of the message as well as the technical aspects of its transmission. An audiovisual message – like any other form of verbal communication – requires from the sender competence in using non-verbal means of communication. This is not an easy skill, as contrary to face to face communication, here the sender does not see the receiver, gets no feedback, does not know what emotions his message evokes. Here, body language is the crucial element. Audiovisual message facilitates emphasis on emotional states, facial expressions or spatial behaviors. A television personality is characterized by the ability to consciously control their limitations and skillfully take advantage of their good points. The screen prefers someone who is authentic, who can be himself/herself rather than someone perfect, a  “model” human without faults and defects. Facial expressions, gestures, eye contact, an honest smile, sense of humor, kindness – all of these become extremely important in an audiovisual message.
The Church must tirelessly seek appropriate means and language to effectively proclaim every person’s universal vocation to salvation. Today’s witnesses to the Gospel should use the potential of old and new means of communication in preaching and ministry. Above all, they should revive in themselves the courage to settle on ‘new areopaguses’. The most important goal of evangelization is to bring every person to an encounter with Christ, who is the main content of the proclaimed Good News. The authors of this monograph did not forget about it. By showing both the enormous possibilities and certain limitations of the new media in proclaiming the Gospel to the world, they first asked themselves whether those countless texts, images and sounds that fill today’s periodicals, radio, television, film truly reflect the face of Christ and let His voice be heard.
The article presents the findings of a study conducted to determine the extent to which media affect health-related decisions and behaviour of Warsaw inhabitants. The analysis includes also correlations between age and sex and the impact of mass media on health attitudes. The results of the study indicate that the mass media play an important role in the process of forming health behaviours. Modelling health beliefs through social campaigns proves effective. Additional and supplementary materials offered as part of campaigns are insufficient to shape behaviours of their target audience successfully. The older the individual, the more often he/she looks for data regarding health issues in the mass media. Women are the group that is more susceptible than men to modelling through contents presented in TV series. Young people treat film and television characters as authorities and role models in the field of health beliefs more frequently than adult respondents do.
It can be observed that the sexualization of media messages and the associated related objectification, mainly of women, has been gaining momentum in recent years. These phenomena influence the functioning of women, including, among other things, the perception of their bodies and the actions and activities theyundertake. The exploitation of women as sexual objects is particularly often used in advertising. The article’s purpose is to describe this phenomenon and possible forms of support and education, especially for young women.
Można zauważyć, że seksualizacja przekazów medialnych i związane z nią uprzedmiotowienie, głównie kobiet, przybiera na sile w ciągu ostatnich lat. Zjawiska te nie pozostają bez wpływu na funkcjonowanie kobiet, w tym m.in. na odbiór własnego ciała, ale też na podejmowane działania i aktywności. Wykorzystanie kobiet jako obiektów seksualnych szczególnie często stosowane jest w reklamach. Celem artykułu jest opis tego zjawiska oraz możliwych form wsparcia i edukacji, szczególnie młodych kobiet.
The cultural security of Poland is a multifaceted state inscribed in widely understood national security and security of social unit. It is also a state, which should be considered from material and non-material perspective based on components of culture, shaping cultural peculiarities of nation and guiding its development directions. The analysis of factors related to the cultural security of Poland allows to perceive this state not only from the perspective of historically shaped, relatively constant components of culture, but also from the perspective of threats occurring in endogenous and exogenous environment. It is primarily concerned with cultural change, particularly modifying value systems, and national identity of Poles, which is extremely difficult and unmeasurable subject of research.
The article is based on analysis of the main ways of presenting the idea of cooperative movement in Polish media discourse – in the mainstream periodicals – in years 2007–2012. The Author was tracking key motives of describing cooperative movement by editorial staffs and their chosen ways of assessing the idea of cooperative movement. The main sources of information are digital archives of major Polish newspapers and magazines. The Author supports the idea of high value of the cooperative movement and proposed recommendations indicate available ways of improving image of cooperative movement where it needs amends. The qualitative methods were used – first of all content analysis.
Scientific interests of Bishop dr. Adam Lepa focus on family as the environment of socialization and upbringing, and on the mass media. He is interested in both negative and positive effects of the media on the life of an individual, family and society, and in the first place, in how to use the media in a creative way and prepare, especially children and young people, to this task. These themes were discussed in 9 books (Pedagogika mediów [Media pedagogics] had 3 editions), 162 scientific articles in collective works and journals, 105 popular articles, 242 commentaries and 90 interviews in various magazines, he has published until 2007. In his works, he competently analyzes present social, family, educational, religious, moral, political and economic problems. He is one of the best known and most cited authors specializing in the area of propaganda and manipulation, as well as in the media pedagogics. He is author of the original theory of the media environment whose main components are the iconosphere and the logosphere; nowadays the iconospehere dominates over the logosphere, while they should remain in harmony. School and family have the best conditions to organize the logosphere, and they should be the first to prepare the young generation to make an appropriate use of the media. In his works, Bishop dr. Adam Lepa connects the theory and the practice. His scientific attainments has interdisciplinary character and closely connected with pedagogics, sociology, sociology of education, communication and journalism, ethics, pastoral theology. The works of Bishop dr. Adam Lepa make a great contribution to these subdisciplines. In his scientific research, Bishop dr. A. Lepa always shows concern for man, for man's ability to use the modern media competently and make them serve his development. Being a wise and good person, Bishop Lepa creates a „civilization of the future” based – in agreement with the thought of the Holy Father John Paul II – on the culture of love and peace.
The article raises the issue of the impact of mass media on distance education. Com-munication is a key element of the educational process. It is particularly important in distance education. The authors analyzed books, radio and television, as well as the Internet as a means of mass communication, and showed the impact, of the changes taking place, on the de-velopment of distance education. The authors indicate how changing the forms of mass communication has influenced changes in the way and effectiveness of education. Special importance is attributed to the feedback communication that enabled the emergence of the Internet.
In Kazakhstan media space is extending, it actively influences the public consciousness being a powerful tool of information, cultural and educational ties, a factor of development of creative abilities of an individual of the new millennium. In this regard, social relationships and models of modern identity get more complex, forcing us again to try to understand such phenomena as “media” and “media culture” and their role in society. Therefore, the role of the media remains important in our country. As the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev noted: “We shall dramatically increase the informational content of the life of Kazakhstani society, widen the ability of Internet technologies both in informing citizens and in strengthen the ongoing” feedback” betwee the state and the population”.
Catholic social teaching pays attention to the necessity of showing greater interest in the process of evangelization by means of social communications, especialy through new media platforms. These platforms promote and impose their own lifestyles, behaviors, preferences, choices, hierarchies of values and motivations. The presence of the on these platforms leads to a greater awereness of what Christianity is. With an increased involvement of the Church in the media, there will be a greater space given in conversations about such themes as Church, God, faith, conscience and responsibility. Mass media puts pastoral ministry in a new perspective, but it also constitutes a real challenge, especially in so far as ethical requirements are concerned.
Nowa Krytyka
issue 38
Svetovid is a Slavic four-headed god, which could be a metaphor of American military-industrial-media complex. Aim of this article is to analyze four main dimensions of mentioned above complex. First, probably the most obvious face of the complex are military interventions abroad, especially after World War II in the Greater Middle East. Second face is a wasteful character of the military spending, inefficiency of the military and corporate bureaucracies. Third element is presence of the militarism in the society, especially in American schools, which becomes vehicles for the army recruitment process. Last face of the military-industrial-media complex is a cultural one, epitomized by the film directed by Clint Eastwood, American sniper. In conclusion author describes some contradictions deeply embedded in American militarism.
In article I present the phenomenon of fear of technology. Media education helps to overcome the technological concerns of humanity. Technology does not determine us, but we need “three fundamental options: formation, participation and dialogue”. This is the last apostolic letter of John Paul II. He started and he ended His pontificate, saying: do not be afraid.
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