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The economic development of each voivodeship and country significantly depends on the condition of microenterprises, which function in these regions. The aim of this study was to indicate the role and importance of microenterprises in processes of regional development and shaping the local labor market. The analysis of microenterprises in the years 2010–2014 was developed on the basis of GUS data. Characteristics of the number of active enterprises and levels of remuneration were used to describe the scale of number and dynamics of changes in the business activity run by microenterprises. Conclusions: 1. In the years 2010–2014, the number of microenterprises was increasing with the exception of 2013 in Poland and 2012 in Podkarpackie Voivodeship. 2. The ratio of people employed in microenterprises per 1000 residents presented the large disparity between Poland and Podkarpackie Voivodeship. 3. Amounts of remuneration in microenterprises in the years 2010–2014 in Poland was much higher than in Podkarpackie Voivodeship.
The main objective of the paper is to indicate the role of the Japanese MSMEs in ASEAN, major drivers, strategies and destinations of their internationalization through FDI within the region, including home market’s institutional support. The following research methods were used: primary source analysis, descriptive statistical analysis, comparative analysis, and case studies. When studying motives of entry into markets of Southeast Asia, it appears that Japanese businesses are mostly market- and/or efficiency-seeking, appreciating ASEAN for both rising market potential and inexpensive labour forces. As for now, internationalization of the Japanese MSMEs through FDI used to concentrate in five ASEAN member states, namely, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam, mostly in automotive and electronics industry, however, further progress of trade liberalization and improvement of intra-regional physical connectivity would benefit other countries and sectors in the future.
Public procurements are one of the main methods of the state’s influence on the economy. The aims of the procurement should be the implementation of the Value for Public Money as the eff ectiveness rule, which means the exponential growth of the strategic procurements: innovative, green and social; concerning National Purchase Policy, particularly the fast growth of innovative procurements. The Polish Ministry of Development and Finance is preparing a new Public Procurement Act. This Act should replace the Act of 29 January 2004 — Public Procurement Law (Journal of Laws of 2017, item 1579). The overall objective is to obtain better Value for Public Money, to deliver better outcomes for societal and other public policy objectives while increasing the efficiency of public spending. This is the very good moment for some proposals connected with the improvement of SME’s situation in public procurement.
Factors, which determine the value of real estate in macro, micro and ultra environment are presented in this article. A key point used in order to classify determinants belonging to macro, micro and ultra environment was the presentation of qualities of real estates. According to the literature these features were divided into physical, economic, legal and environmental. The so called complex model of real estate estimation was also proposed in order to determine the real estate value including variables, which defined the value of properties and variables, which affected this value. Determinants specifying a particular real estate i.e. diagnostic variables from ultra environment were included to the variables which determined the value of real estate. At the same time determinants placed in micro and macro environment were assigned to variables which affected the value of the property.
The main aim of the article is to present the benefits and barriers of projects financing with the means of the European funds by MSMEs. The analysis was based upon the statistics data published in Poland by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development, Eurostat and the European Commission. The analysis of the sources on the subject as well as observations of the business practices allowed for the formation of a thesis that Poland competently utilised the European funds between 2007–2013 and thereby benefited considerably. The EU funds have been a useful instrument in reducing the impact of the economic crisis. Well invested EU funds have also had a positive effect on GDP growth in Poland and have increased the competitiveness of the Polish economy. An enterprise applied for co-financing of projects relating to various fields. Beginning with the purchase of tangible assets, through land purchase or immaterial and legal assets purchase up to consulting and training activities (via subsidizing personal development and the improvement of vocational training for staff). Nonetheless, despite the significant influence of the funds into the GDP growth dynamics and the increase in the standard of living, in the overall view the Polish economy has not gained much in the innovation aspect due to the fact that the financial resources acquired by the Polish companies from the subsidies were largely earmarked to purchase the already existing western technologies, thus, making them dependent upon the know-how of the huge western conglomerates – which must be disapprovingly assessed. Lack of innovation among Polish enterprises hampers their competitiveness and leads to economic stagnation. Thus, activities aimed at the increase of innovations and the competitiveness of the Polish economy shall be of significant importance for the years 2014–2020. Four issues will have to be fulfilled: research, development, implementation and the expansion onto foreign markets.
Artykuł ma charakter badawczy i jego celem jest wskazanie strategii konkurowania stosowanych przez mikro- i małe przedsiębiorstwa (MMP) z Małopolski, zarówno na rynku krajowym, jak i na rynkach zagranicznych. Na podstawie wyników badań własnych stwierdzono, że: 1) małopolskie MMP nie tworzą kompilacji unikatowych zasobów i umiejętności w zakresie budowania strategii konkurencji, zarówno na rynku macierzystym jak i międzynarodowym, oraz 2) małopolskie MMP nie różnicują swoich strategii w zależności od potrzeb i uwarunkowań rynków docelowych. Spostrzeżenia te stanowić mogą podstawę dla określenia kierunków dalszego rozwoju badanych przedsiębiorstw w zakresie ich umiędzynarodowienia.
The aim of the paper is to identify strategies of micro and small enterprises (MSE) from Małopolska, deployed both in the domestic and foreign markets. Results of an empirical research are presented. They focus on 353 micro and small enterprises registered in the Małopolska region (southern Poland). Our findings show that (1) MSE from Małopolska do not compile unique resources and skills while they create competitive strategies, neither in domestic, nor foreign markets, and (2) MSE from Małopolska do not differentiate their strategies depending on the needs and conditions in the target markets (their strategies are not flexible geographically). These findings and following recommendations support enterprises in their internationalisation. This is a research article.
Статья имеет исследовательский характер, а ее цель – указать стратегии конкурирования, применяемые микро- и малыми предприятиями (ММП) из Малой Польши как на национальном, так и зарубежных рынках. На основе результатов собственных исследований констатировали, что: 1) малопольские ММП не создают компиляций уникальных ресурсов и умений в области формирования стратегий конкуренции, а также 2) малопольские ММП не дифференцируют свои стратегии в зависимости от потребностей и обусловленностей целевых рынков. Эти замечания могут быть основой для определения направлений дальнейшего развития обследуемых предприятий в отношении их интернационализации.
Leasing is often used especially in the SME sector (micro, small and medium entrepreneurs). The popularity of this form of financing, despite the rather substantial costs, is primarily due to the fact that the company, not having its own financial resources for investment and having difficulty in obtaining bank loans, may benefit from the lease. In fact, the only collateral required here is a blank promissory note (other protection does not apply because the subject of the lease agreement remains the lessor's property), while banks charge relatively high security, examine the creditworthiness of companies and carefully analyze its financial situation. They also often, supervise the proper use of funds from the loan. All these limitations can be avoided choosing to purchase capital goods by leasing rather than a bank loan. Under conditions of considerable competition that prevails in the market, leasing gives SMEs the ability to implement new techniques and technologies promising high efficiency, without engaging their capital. Because they do not invest their own funds, lessee has the ability to make quick development decisions, which makes the unit more competitive. It can also carry out unexpected, but in certain conditions, profitable investments. This increases the liquidity of the company. Leasing, as a source of investment financing has many advantages for the lessee. The aim of the Authors is an attempt to analyze the legal and economic leasing business activity.
Głównym zadaniem poszczególnych samorządów terytorialnych jest rozwiązywanie podstawowych problemów mieszkańców regionów, powiatów czy gmin. Aktualnie jednym z najważniejszych zadań, które przed nimi stoją jest ograniczenie występującego na ich terenie bezrobocia, szczególnie ludzi młodych, w tym absolwentów szkół wyższych. Problem ten szczególnie jest dostrzegalny na terenie województwa mazowieckiego. Na jego terenie, w roku akademickim 2011/2012 funkcjonowało 107 szkół wyższych, tj. 23,5% ogółu działających na terenie kraju. Wśród nich 91 było szkołami prywatnymi i wyznaniowymi o bardzo zróżnicowanych kierunkach i poziomach nauczania. Szkoły te usytuowane są nie tylko w centrach podregionów Mazowsza, ale również w wielu innych miastach powiatowych, a nawet mniejszych ośrodkach miejskich. W roku 2010 dyplomy ich ukończenia uzyskało ponad 83 tys. absolwentów i stanowili oni 19,9% absolwentów wszystkich uczelni w kraju. W latach 2000–2010 stopa bezrobocia na terenie województwa mazowieckiego zmalała z 12,6% do 9,7% i była niższa niż na terenie całego kraju (12,4%). Odwrotnie przedstawiała się sytuacja absolwentów szkół wyższych. Liczba bezrobotnych tej grupy znacznie zwiększyła się – z 13,0 tys. w roku 2000 (4,3% ogółu zarejestrowanych bezrobotnych) do 29,9 tys. na koniec trzeciego kwartału 2011 roku (12,6% ogółu zarejestrowanych bezrobotnych). Najwyższe bezrobocie wśród tej grupy zanotowano w największych ośrodkach miejskich regionu, a więc w tych ośrodkach województwa, w których istnieje najwięcej szkół wyższych i relatywnie więcej oferowanych jest wolnych miejsc pracy. Najmniej bezrobotnych z wyższym wykształceniem zarejestrowano w większości miast regionu, z reguły najmniejszych i wsiach gminnych, pełniących centra administracyjne, kulturalne i gospodarcze szeregu gmin. Spośród tych absolwentów w roku 2010 pierwszą pracę podjęło tylko 22%, z tego 29% w podmiotach sektora publicznego i ponad 70% w sektorze prywatnym. Dlatego też, rozwój podmiotów sektora prywatnego, a szczególnie małych i średniej wielkości przedsiębiorstw, zlokalizowanych szczególnie w małych miastach i wsiach gminnych, zwiększenie liczby zatrudnionych w nich pracowników i dostosowanie kwalifikacji absolwentów do potrzeb tych podmiotów ma zasadnicze znaczenie dla zmniejszenia bezrobocia, w tym również wśród absolwentów szkół wyższych.
The main task of particular local self-governments is to solve basic problems of inhabitants of regions, counties and communes. At present, one of their greatest tasks is to reduce the level of unemployment especially among young people, including graduates of higher education institutions. This problem is particularly apparent on the territory of Mazowieckie Province. In the academic year 2011/2012, 107 higher education institutions i.e. 23,5 per cent of all domestic universities operated on its territory. It included 91 private and denominational schools ofering a broad range of felds of study and levels. These schools are situated not only in the centres of subregions of Mazowsze, but also in many other county towns as well as smaller urban centres. In 2010 over 83 thousand people completed education on their territory, which made up 19,9 per cent of all the university gradutes in Poland. In the years 2000–2010 level of unemployment on the territory of Mazowieckie Province decreased from 12,6 per cent to 9,7 per cent and was lower than on the territory of the country (12,4 per cent). T e situation of graduates of higher education institutions was diferent. Te number of the unemployed in this group increased considerably from 13 thousand in 2000 (4,3 per cent of all the registered unemployed) to 29,9 thousand at the end of the third quarter of 2011 (12,6 per cent of all the registered unemployed). The highest level of unemployment in this group was marked in the biggest urban centres of the region, that is, in those centres of the province which include the highest number of higher education institutions and ofer the highest number of vacancies. T e lowest number of unemployed university graduates was marked in most towns of the region, usually the smallest towns and communal villages, which functioned as administrative, cultural and economic centres of a number of municipalities. In 2010, 22 per cent of these graduates took up their frst job – 20 per cent in the public sector and over 70 per cent in the private sector. Owing to this, development of private sector entities, small and medium-sized enterprises in particular, located in small towns and villages, increasing the level of employment and adjusting graduates’ qualifcations to their needs, is of great signifcance for reducing unemployment among the graduates of higher education institutions.
vol. 2
issue 30
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienia zarysu nowej procedury, umożliwiającej zwiększenie dostępu przedsiębiorców do poręczeń wadialnych udzielanych przez fundusze poręczeń kredytowych, które stanowią jedną z dostępnych niepieniężnych form wnoszenia zabezpieczenia w postępowania o udzielenie zamówienia publicznego w postaci wadium. Metodologia wykorzystana do przedstawienia tematu oraz realizacji celu artykułu, opiera się głównie na opinii oraz zawodowym doświadczeniu autora. Rezultatem przeprowadzonej analizy jest zwrócenie uwagi, że poręczenia wadialne, pomimo właściwego usankcjonowania w polskim systemie prawnym, są nadal w marginalny sposób wykorzystywany przez przedsiębiorców ubiegających się o udzielnie zamówienia publicznego. Jednocześnie większość funduszy poręczeń kredytowych koncentruje się na udzielaniu tego typu poręczeń, co w konsekwencji powoduje malejący udział poręczeń kredytowych oraz zmianę profilu działalności funduszy poręczeniowych. Dalsze zwiększania sprzedaży poręczeń wadialnych, wymaga od funduszy poręczeniowych modyfikacji istniejących procedur w celu zwiększenia popularności poręczeń wadialnych wśród przedsiębiorców.
The purpose of the article is to outline a new procedure that will enable economic operators to increase their access to tender bonds provided by funds for credit guarantees which are among the non-monetary forms of submitting a deposit in public procurement procedure. Methodology used to present the topic and to achieve the goal of the article is mainly based on the expertise and professional experience of the author. Results of the research outline that despite being properly established in Polish law, tender bonds have as yet been scarcely applied by economic operators requesting to participate in public contract award procedures. Moreover, the majority of credit guarantee funds focus on providing this type of sureties, with the consequence being an increasingly declining share of credit sureties and changes in these funds’ business profile. In order to continue this increase in tender bond sale, credit guarantee funds need to modify their existing procedures so as to make this type of security more popular among economic operators.
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