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Microtoponyms as a way of creating folk cultural places – the approach of linguistic anthropologyThe paper deals with selected issues of linguistic anthropology with the purpose to examine a few theoretical assumptions of its methodology, taking into account Keith H. Basso’s study on the creation of cultural places as a result of linguistic activity. The research is based on the empirical material obtained from Polish native speakers, namely, folk tales of the residents of the Augustów County. Mikrotoponimy jako sposób kreowania ludowych miejsc kulturowych – podejście antropologii lingwistycznejTematyka artykułu dotyczy wybranych zagadnień antropologii lingwistycznej. Celem opracowania jest rekonesans głównych założeń metodologicznych antropologii języka z uwzględnieniem badań Keitha H. Basso z zakresu „tworzenia miejsc kulturowych” w rezultacie działalności językowej. Jako materiał empiryczny wykorzystano wypowiedzi polskich natywnych użytkowników języka – opowieści etniczne mieszkańców powiatu augustowskiego.
Lusatia is a phenomenon in the history of Europe. For many centuries its inhabitants bravely struggled against the German element, preserving their identity. Such conduct has earned them our admiration. Does this admiration find reflection in the Polish language, for instance in the proper names used today? This article makes an attempt at answering this question. Special attention has been paid to the onyms including the words Łużyce/Lusatia, łużycki/Lusatian, Łużyczanin/Łużyczanka/male or female inhabitant of Lusatia, excerpted from the Internet with the use of Google browser. Their analysis shows which factors also played an important role in the formation of such names, i.e., sympathy and interest in the inhabitants of Lusatia – the people who have been cultivating their culture, language and customs for many years and who, because of their conduct, are worthy of our reflection.
The question of necessity to preserve the names of small geographical sites has emerged in Belarusian linguistics. The main purpose of the article is to identify and analyse the microtoponyms of the Kamenkovsky Village Council as part of the toponymic continuum of the Uzda region. One scientific publication by R. A Filippovich is devoted to the analysis of the microtoponymic units of marked territory, where microtoponyms of the village of Kul of Uzda district are studied. The author of the article collected the material for the study by talking to the residents of the studied area and analysed it in structural and semantic terms. Microtoponyms of onym and appellative origin are distinguished. Toponymic names are formed by adjectivation from the names of villages and by direct transferring of the name of a larger site to a smaller one. Anthroponymic units are usually formed from the full name or nickname of the person on whose territory a specific geographical site is located. Microtoponyms of apellative origin are often motivated by the appearance or internal characteristics of geographical items; features of the natural environment; structures towering over the territory; they also reflect economic processes and keep the memory of historical events, people’s occupations, etc.
У беларускай лінгвістыцы акрэслілася пытанне пра неабходнасць захавання назваў дробных геаграфічных аб’ектаў. Асноўная мэта артыкула – фіксацыя і аналіз мікратапонімаў Камянкоўскага сельскага савета як часткі тапанімічнага кантынуума Уздзеншчыны. Аналізу мікратапанімічных адзінак адзначанай тэрыторыі прысвечана адзіная навуковая публікацыя Р. А. Філіповіч, дзе вывучаюцца мікратапонімы в. Куль Уздзенскага раёна. Матэрыял для даследавання сабраны аўтарам артыкула ад інфарматараў – жыхароў даследаванай тэрыторыі і прааналізаваны ў структурным і семантычным плане. Вылучаюцца мікратапонімы адонімнага і адапелятыўнага паходжання. Адтапонімныя найменні ўтвараюцца шляхам ад’ектывацыі ад назваў вёсак і шляхам прамога перанясення назвы больш буйнога аб’екта на больш дробны. Адантрапонімныя адзінкі ўтвараюцца звычайна ад прозвішча, імя або мянушкі чалавека, на тэрыторыі якога знаходзіцца геаграфічны аб’ект. Мікратапонімы адапелятыўнага паходжання часта матываваныя знешнім выглядам або ўнутранымі характарыстыкамі геаграфічных аб’ектаў; асаблівасцямі прыроднага асяроддзя; аб’ектамі, што ўзвышаюцца над тэрыторыяй; адлюстроўваюць эканамічныя працэсы і захоўваюць памяць пра гістарычныя падзеі, заняткі людзей.
Ninety four local names from Warmia and Mazury are described in this article. All of them were created with use of animal names. They were created throughout the ages by Old Prussians, Germans and Poles who lived in the region. The names have been divided into three groups. The first one contains lost names, used during the interwar period. The second group contains names used during the interwar period and accounted for during terrain exploration in the end of the 20th century and in the beginning of the 21st century. The third group contains names used by the people who migrated to the region after the year 1945, not accounted for before that time. On the basis of the used names it can be said that the region was inhabited by forest animals such as: beavers, badgers, wild boars, deer, hedgehogs, moles, foxes, moose, mice, bears, lynxes, aurochs, wolves, hares and domesticated animals such as: bulls, mares, horses, cats, goats, cows, sheep, pigs and oxen. The Old Prussian names account for aurochs and foxes. German and Polish names used after the year 1945 account for: foxes, badgers, wolves, bears, deer, beaver, cats, goats, oxen, hares and cows, horses, sheep and pigs. Microtoponyms used nowadays contain animal motives such as: beaver, badger, bull, wild boar, deer, hedgehog, mare, horse, cat, goat, cow, fox, moose, mouse. All analyzed names are the testimony of the past language and culture of the inhabitants of the region. They are the evidence of the bond formed by the man and environment.
The article presents dialect house names in the Gorenjska/Upper Carniola region, motivated by names for peasant landowners, collected as part of the project What do you call your house? (2009–2020). The material has been compared with dialect appellatives collected by means of a uniform survey method in selected local dialects within the Slovenian Linguistic Atlas (SLA), i.e. V181 farmer, V185 big farmer and V186 cottager, which enables comparative analysis of dialect appellatives and proper names on all linguistic levels: phonological, morphological, lexical (with etymology) and syntactic.
V prispevku so predstavljena s poimenovanji za kmečke posestnike motivirana narečna hišna imena na Gorenjskem, zbrana v večletnem projektu Kako se pri vas reče? (2009–2020). Gradivo je primerjano z narečnimi apelativi, zbranimi z enotno anketno metodo v izbranih krajevnih govorih Slovenskega lingvističnega atlasa (SLA), tj. V181 kmet, V185 gruntar in V186 bajtar, kar omogoča primerjalno analizo občnoimenskega in lastnoimenskega narečnega gradiva na vseh jezikovnih ravninah – fonološki, morfološki, leksični (z etimologijo) in sintaktični.
W artykule został zbadany proces powstawania, wprowadzania, transformacji mitu o carycy Katarzynie II we współczesnej przestrzeni białoruskiej oraz jego formy. W tym celu dokonano analizy różnego rodzaju legend poświęconych tej postaci historycznej, jak również mechanizmów ich powstawania i rozpowszechnienia. Autorzy zwracają uwagę na główne przejawy utrwalenia tego mitu w społeczeństwie. W artykule stwierdza się, że w ogólnej liczbie legend i opowieści o Katarzynie II można wyróżnić dwa główne bloki: toponimy w taki czy inny sposób powiązane z Katarzyną II oraz legendy o wydarzeniach historycznych, w których brała ona udział lub miała z nimi coś wspólnego. Przykłady takich legend i tradycji ilustrują tezy zawarte w tekście.
У артыкуле даследуецца працэс узнікнення, укаранення, трансфармацыі і формы міфу пра царыцу Кацярыну ІІ у сучаснай беларускай прасторы. Дзеля гэтага аўтарамі былі прааналізаваны розныя віды паданняў і легенд, прысвечаных гэтай гістарычнай постаці, а таксама даследаваны механізмы іх з’яўлення і пашырэння. Аўтары звяртаюць увагу на асноўныя праявы гэтага міфу ў грамадстве. У артыкуле вызначана, што ў агульнай колькасці легенд і паданняў пра Кацярыну ІІ можна вылучыць два асноўныя блокі: тапонімы, якія так ці інакш звязаныя з Кацярынай ІІ, і легенды пра гістарычныя падзеі, у якіх яна прымала ўдзел альбо мела да іх нейкае дачыненне. Прыклады такіх легендаў і паданняў ілюструюць прыведзеныя ў тэксце тэзісы.
The article is an attempt to study the process of creation, introduction and transformation of Katherine’s myth in modern Belarusian spaces. The authors analysed various types of legends concerning this historical character. Special attention is paid to the understanding of the mechanisms of her mythicizing. The article deals with different types of legends, which are finally classified into two major subtypes: toponyms which are in different ways related to the tsarina, and legends that tell us about different events and actions she took part in within the Belarusian territories. The article is provided with numerous examples to illustrate these cases.
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