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IT security of computer networks plays an increasingly important role in business operations; but at the same time the importance of its systematic improvement not always is perceived, nor are implemented ameliorations due to incorrectly accepted models or strategies. Some models of the global computer network comprehensive protection, called trust framework, are discussed by the author of this article.
The article deals with quantifying the influence of environmental and socio-economic factors on life expectancy in Poland, that has been increasing since 1992 as a result of falling infant mortality rate, the development of civilisation and improving quality of life, among others. The process brings about changes in the number and demographic structure of the population, one outcome of which is an expanding share of elderly people. The research goal was focused on estimating econometric models that allow understanding how socio-economic factors influence  life expectancy in Poland.
W artykule podjęto próbę kwantyfikacji wpływu czynników środowiskowych oraz społeczno – ekonomicznych na przeciętne trwanie życia. Od 1992 r. obserwuje się intensywność tego zjawiska, będącego skutkiem spadku umieralności niemowląt, jak również postępu cywilizacyjnego i poprawy jakości życia. Zjawisko to wpływa na zmiany w liczbie i strukturze demograficznej ludności, co w konsekwencji prowadzi do przyrostu udziału osób starszych w populacji. W świetle poczynionych spostrzeżeń oszacowano modele makroekonomiczne, które pozwalają zrozumieć mechanizmy wpływu uwarunkowań zewnętrznych na procesy demograficzne.
The aim of the article is to present the author’s proposition of typology of organizational network models. The considerations were based on the analysis of the literature on the subject of the described organizational network models and their typology, and the main part of the article is a proposal of the typology of organizational network models. The starting point was the assumption that typologies play an important role in building theory, and the concept of network is ambiguously defined and described in network theory. The multitude of features and parameters describing organizational networks indicates a large diversity of their models. The article reviews the criteria for the division and types of organizational networks in light of the literature on the subject, and presents the characteristics of organizational network models by their origin, the main mechanism explaining the functioning of the network, the method of network coordination, and the author’s typology of organizational network models due to the criterion nature and complexity of relationships appearing in them.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie autorskiej propozycji typologii modeli sieci organizacyjnych. Rozważania oparto na analizie literatury przedmiotu w zakresie opisywanych modeli sieci organizacyjnych i ich typologii, a zasadnicza część artykułu to propozycja typologii modeli sieci organizacyjnych. Punktem wyjścia było przyjęcie założenia, iż typologie odgrywają ważną rolę w budowaniu teorii, a w teorii sieci niejednoznacznie definiuje się i opisuje samo pojęcie sieci. Wielość cech i parametrów opisujących sieci organizacyjne wskazuje na duże zróżnicowanie ich modeli. W artykule dokonano przeglądu kryteriów podziału i rodzajów sieci organizacyjnych w świetle literatury przedmiotu, a także przedstawiono charakterystykę modeli sieci organizacyjnych ze względu na pochodzenie, główny mechanizm wyjaśniający funkcjonowanie sieci, sposób koordynacji sieci oraz autorską typologię modeli sieci organizacyjnych ze względu na kryterium charakter i złożoność relacji w nich występujących. Opracowana typologia wskazuje na cztery główne kategorie modeli sieci organizacyjnych: sieci biznesowe, sieci franczyzowe i agencyjne, sieci publiczne i współczesne modele sieci złożonych.
Autor opracował model restrukturyzacji organizacyjnej przedsiębiorstwa górnictwa węgla kamiennego, możliwy do wykorzystania w procesach restrukturyzacji przedsiębiorstw górniczych i pozagórniczych. Model restrukturyzacji organizacyjnej obejmuje kompleksowo wszystkie najważniejsze obszary działalności przedsiębiorstwa górniczego, w których możliwe jest również dokonywanie zmian cząstkowych, w zależności od potrzeb. Zastosowana autorska metoda badawcza LIDER wykorzystana do identyfikacji obszarów działalności oraz oceny gotowości liderów zmian do przeprowadzenia restrukturyzacji organizacyjnej, stanowi element łączący części badawczą, empiryczną i aplikacyjną. Model restrukturyzacji organizacyjnej umożliwia formułowanie strategii globalnej oraz strategii funkcjonalnych w kluczowych obszarach działalności badanych przedsiębiorstw.
The author has designed a model for organizational restructuring of a mining company that can be implemented in the restructuring processes of mining and non-mining companies. The model for organizational restructuring covers comprehensively all top-importance activity domains of a mining company, which, depending on the needs, have also a potential for partial changes. The author's research method, LIDER, applied for identifying activity domains and assessing the change leaders’ readiness to undertake organizational restructuring, provides a link between the research, empirical and application part. The model for organizational restructuring allows to evolve a global strategy and functional strategies for key activity domains of companies under investigation.
Starting from 80 years ago, formulated the theory of central facilitiesing. W. Christaller, the article shows the weakness in the current socio-economic conditions, eg in the context of the growing distance of workplaces and homes of consumers, by increasing their mobility (far motoring). Proposes his own concept in the form of the model, expressed in the system of equations.
Wychodząc od sformułowanej przed 80 laty teorii ośrodków centralnych W. Christallera, autor artykułu wykazuje jej ułomność w aktualnych warunkach ekonomiczno-społecznych, na przykład w kontekście rosnącej odległości miejsc pracy i miejsc zamieszkania konsumentów, wskutek rosnącej ich mobilności (dzięki motoryzacji). Proponuje własną koncepcję w formie modelu wyrażonego układem równań.
Once more development and governance of metropolitan regions are in scientific and political discussion. Although metropolises are dependent systems and nodes of flows, up to now interdependencies and interactions are reflected only partially. Also governance activities are selective and fade out several aspects of interconnection. In consequence modified governance activities are to be discussed, which consider information and knowledge flows in a better way in future.
Po raz kolejny rozwój i zarządzanie regionów metropolitalnych stanowią temat dyskutowany na płaszczyźnie naukowej oraz politycznej. Chociaż metropolie są systemem zależnych węzłów i powiązań, to obecnie współzależności i interakcje są jedynie częściowo odzwierciedlane. Zarządzanie jest ograniczone, a niektóre aspekty wzajemnych powiązań słabną. W opracowaniu mowa jest o działaniach kierowniczych, czyli o przepływie wiedzy i informacji.
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Simulation model of consumer decision making

In this paper a simulation model is presented, which by means of a cellular automaton allows us to analyze the process of decision making by consumers. The model takes into account the influence of the neighborhood, as well as of advertising. It works on the basis of a two-dimensional cellular automaton with a von Neumann neighborhood.
W pracy przedstawiono model zachowań konsumentów, w którym, po analizie literatury dotyczącej tych zagadnień, zachowania konsumentów zostały uzależnione od najbliższego otoczenia. Otoczenie to rozumiane jest jako rodzina, przyjaciele i znajomi. Do symulacji wykorzystano dwuwymiarowy automat komórkowy z otoczeniem von Neumanna. Konsumentów przedstawiono na kwadratowej kracie o wymiarach n na n. W przypadku gdy reklamowany jest tylko jeden z produktów, można zauważyć, że w krótkim czasie zdobywa on rynek i w przypadku braku reakcji na reklamę pozostałych sprzedawców w pewnym momencie nie jest opłacalne zwiększenie natężenia reklamy dla tego produktu. W artykule przedstawiono również wiele symulacji dla różnego natężenia reklamy oraz różnej liczby konsumentów danego produktu. Okazuje się, że natężenie na poziomie około 0,20 pozwala produktowi zdominować rynek, jeśli na początku preferowało go jedynie około 10% konsumentów.
The publication shows problems connected with entrepreneurship in their theoretical dimension. It has been worked out on the basis of a wide critical analysis of the academic literature. The aim of this scientific work is an attempt to capture the essence of entrepreneurship and to look at entrepreneurship from the perspective of its functions.Two research questions have been posed, and the answers to them have been looked for. A kind of added value to this particular work is an attempt to show the holistic approach to entrepreneurship which is based on preserving the noumenal and the ontological congruency. This perspective refers to the problems of philosophical anthropology, the foundation of which is personalism. The adoption of a holistic perspective, based on a personalistic foundation, was dictated by the basic assumptions of this current form of modern philosophy, where the centre of interest are issues related to the place and role of a person in the surrounding world, as well as man’s attitude to his products, and works that can be the result of entrepreneurial activities. The research perspective presented in this way enables, according to the author, to ensure the development of three basic categories of values, the importance of which is indisputable in the implementation of entrepreneurship ideas. These are the values:− related to the personal development of an individual – an entrepreneurial person,− reflected in social and economic relations, and also− of a mixed nature.The theoretical divagations have also made it possible to work out the model of a holistic perspective of an approach to entrepreneurship which constitutes the unique, creative way of scientific reflection pointing out to the discovery of the entrepreneurship functions perceived as: personalistic function, personalistic entrepreneur, managerial activities seen as personalistic and phenomenological as well as a market function based on economic personalism.
W publikacji podjęto tematykę przedsiębiorczości w wymiarze teoretycznym. Artykuł opracowano na podstawie metody szeroko zakrojonej analizy i krytyki piśmiennictwa, a jako cel pracy wskazano na próbę uchwycenia istoty przedsiębiorczości oraz spojrzenia na nią przez pryzmat jej funkcji. Sformułowane zostały dwa pytania badawcze, na które poszukiwano odpowiedzi. Wartością dodaną tej pracy jest ukazanie perspektywy holistycznego podejścia do przedsiębiorczości, opartej na zachowaniu spójności ontologiczno-ontycznej, odnoszącej się do zagadnień antropologii filozoficznej, dla której – w tym ujęciu fundamentem – jest personalizm. Przyjęcie perspektywy holistycznej, opartej na fundamencie personalistycznym, podyktowane było podstawowymi założeniami tego nurtu współczesnej filozofii, gdzie centrum zainteresowań stanowi całokształt zagadnień związanych z miejscem i rolą osoby w otaczającym świecie, a także stosunku człowieka do jego wytworów, dzieł, które mogą stanowić efekt działań przedsiębiorczych. Tak przyjęta perspektywa badawcza – zdaniem autorki – pozwala na zapewnienie rozwoju trzech bazowych kategorii wartości, których znaczenie dla realizacji przedsiębiorczości jest niepodważalne. Są to wartości:− związane z rozwojem osobistym jednostki – przedsiębiorczego człowieka,− mające swe odzwierciedlenie w relacjach społecznych i gospodarczych, a także− o charakterze mieszanym.Podjęte rozważania teoretyczne pozwoliły na opracowanie modelowego ujęcia holistycznego podejścia do przedsiębiorczości, który stanowi autorski, twórczy wyraz refleksji naukowej, ze wskazaniem na nowe odkrycie funkcji przedsiębiorczości w duchu personalizmu, jako: funkcji personalistycznej, przedsiębiorcy-personalisty, czynności menedżerskich w wymiarze personalistyczno-fenomenologicznym oraz jako funkcji rynku, opartej na personalizmie ekonomicznym.
Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia wyniki diagnozy kultury organizacyjnej w dwudziestu starostwach powiatowych w Polsce, przeprowadzonej przy użyciu kwestionariusza OCAI (Organisational Culture Assessment Instrument), opartego na modelu wartości konkurujących.
The article presents the results of the diagnosis of organizational culture in twenty district (Pol. powiat) offices in Poland, carried out using a questionnaire OCAI (Organisational Culture Assessment Instrument), based on the model of competing values.
Inwestycje w struktury informatyczne firm zaowocowały niespotykanym wzrostem posiadanych danych. Ten olbrzymi przyrost danych gromadzony praktycznie w każdym aspekcie dziedziny życia doprowadził do wzrostu zainteresowania metodami wydobywania informacji, wiedzy czy zależności. Przeprowadzając rozmyślania w kategorii analityki danych prawie zawsze należy dokonać wyboru zmiennych tak, aby każdy model w swojej końcowej postaci jak najprecyzyjniej odzwierciedlał rozważany proces. W artykule tym przedstawione zostaną najczęściej stosowane metody doboru zmiennych do modelu. Proces ten jest jednym z etapów budowy modelu i od jego przebiegu zależy w dużym stopniu końcowy efekt działania modelu.
Investments in IT structures of companies resulted in an unprecedented increase in the collected data. This enormous increase in data collected in practically every aspect of the sphere of life has led to an increased interest in the methods of extracting information, knowledge and dependencies. When thinking about data analytics, you should almost always select the data so that each model in its final form reflects the process under study as accurately as possible. In this article, the most common methods of selecting variables for the model will be presented. This process is one of the stages of model building and the final effect of the model to a large extent depends on its course.
Príspevok sa zaoberá tvorbou modelov odborného výcviku mechanikov nastavovaĉov. Autori vychádzajú z modelu Líveĉka a Kubálka a modifikovaného modelu Muņíka. Na základe týchto modelov sme spracovali model odborného výcviku s vyuņitím interaktívnych didaktických prostriedkov, ktorý bol modifikovaný na model odborného výcviku v podmienkach ńkoly a v podmienkach uĉňovského strediska v reálnej firme. V uvedených modeloch je ukázaná komunikácia medzi ņiakom a uĉiteľom odborného výcviku. Zároveň je poukázané na výstupy zo vzdelávania na základe ktorých je moņné objektívne klasifikovať ņiaka.
The paper deals with the creation of training models for mechanic adjusters. The authors are based on the model of Líveĉka and Kubálek and the modified model of Muņík. On the basis of these models, we have developed a model of vocational training using interactive didactic means, which has been modified to the model of vocational training in the conditions of the school and in the conditions of the apprentice centre in the real firm. These models show the communication between the pupil and the training teacher. At the same time, there are shown the learning out-comes on the basis of which students can be classified objectively.
The goal of the article is to present a role of entrepreneurships in a model of the activation ofeconomy. Impact of entrepreneurships on economic activation of the local, beyond-local andregional systems appears in a qualitative and quantitative alteration of the labor market, thereduction of unemployment, the growth of peoples resources, the reduction of demand barrier,the increasing finances streaming from taxes to local governments, the investments in technolo-gical-economic infrastructures of settlement systems. Impact of entrepreneurships on econo-mic activation is very complicated problem and it require more research and deeper studies.
Formation model of vocational education of sewing profile pupils’ of enterprise competence is presented in this article. The system of the principles of realization of the developed model is proved. The content is disclosed and the short characteristics of each of the allocated components of this model are provided. They are target (the purposes of formation of pupils’ enterprise competence), substantial (the content of disciplines of economic profile), procedural (the methods, forms, means are used in the course of formation of enterprise competence) and estimated and productive (levels of formation of vocational education of sewing profile pupils' of enterprise competence), each of which, remaining an integrity element, has own substantial substantive content and functional uniqueness. The realization of the offered model in the enabled taking into account such following principles as system (formation of vocational education of sewing profile pupils' of enterprise competence is considered in the relationship of internal and external communications and relations), conceptualization (formation of pupils' of enterprise competence is carried out on the basis of synthesis of scientific principles of a humanization, democratization of education, application of focused personal and developing training). Three levels of formation of enterprise competence are also determined. Reproductive level is defined by ability to make decisions in standard situations, to use new technologies for obtaining the income, to be ready to assume responsibility. Heuristic level is defined by ability to make decisions in non-standard situations, to use new technologies for increasing income without any risk. Creative level is defined by ability to make decisions in unusual situations, to generate ideas and to embody them in innovative technologies, to be able to operate risks. The problem of the moral and spiritual development of the country, the observance of the cultural belonging of the ethons is very sharp in the modern period of the independent states and particularly of Ukraine. Development of economic competence of future specialists in higher education system is an actual step for satisfaction of students' needs, increasing competence level and ensuring growth of overall performance of educational institutions for the purpose of education improvement of quality.
The article refers to the issue of the formation of innovative personality in modern society and the importance of the formation of innovative behaviour of the specialists in the sphere of multimedia technologies during their study in universities. An innovative personality is a personality that creates modernity and influence on the process of social and economic development of the society. The scientists determine that the formation of an innovative personality is a complex process that requires serious efforts of modern education in overcoming the social, psychological and economic barriers. This suggests that the higher education should be modernized and it needs to do modelling of new pedagogical processes, using the new methods and technologies in the formation of innovative personalities, so it needs to determine what will be the pedagogical process of the formation of innovative behaviour and what methods will help the modern teacher. Therefore, the aim of this research is to develop a model of the formation of innovative behaviour of the students of specialty «Technologies of electronic multimedia publications» and also to choose those pedagogical conditions, methods and technologies that will give a positive result in the formation of an innovative personality. The paper proposes and describes a model of the formation of innovative behaviour of the students of specialty «Technologies of electronic multimedia publications». The paper gives the definition of «innovative student» and «student’s innovative behaviour». The author describes the pedagogical conditions of formation of the innovative behaviour of students and the basic components of the model of the formation of innovative behaviour of the students, which includes: the purpose and objectives, the approaches, the pedagogical conditions of the formation levels (psychological, competence and activity level), which include the formation of such components of innovative behaviour as the system of needs and values, innovative qualities of a personality, innovative competence and fixed in the minds pattern of innovative behaviour. In addition, the article presents the technologies, the forms of organization and teaching methods that will be used in the formation of behaviour and defined the expected result from the process of implementing this model in the educational process of the students of specialty «Technologies of electronic multimedia publications».
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Cash Management of a Company Using Neural Networks

Littera Scripta
issue 3
Cash management is one of the most important indicators of a company´s activities and plays an important part in decision-making. Cash management or cash flow management are incomes and expenses for a certain period. The aim of cash management is to mobilize, check and plan a company´s financial resources, which is not easy. The aim of financial managers is to find an effective and flexible tool for improving the processes for the optimization of cash management. One such tool appears to be a system of artificial neural networks. These networks are very flexible and outperform other models, including linear regression models, in many ways. However, networks also have certain pitfalls, which include the sensitivity of the input data, the longer time associated with training the networks, as well as the lack of possibilities to define the architecture and other parameters of the network. This article attempts to predict the future development of various kinds of cash flows. In so doing, it hopes to identify a suitable neural network that is able to predict these cash flows. This process involved the generation of 1000 accidental artificial neural structures, of which the 5 most suitable were preserved. A sensitivity analysis was subsequently carried out. The results of the research show that neural networks can be effectively used to predict the cash flow developments within a company.
This work describes dynamic model and simulation of a manufacturing company that manage operations, and analysis the reasons for changing processes inside the company in accordance with a change in the stream of incoming orders for finished products. Results of computer simulation of the designed model, show some dynamic characteristics within different divisions of the entire manufacturing company throughout duration of the production process. In the model of a production facility, different departments were taken into account. The departments are involved in activities related to flow of information, materials and prefabricated elements, production, products storage, and shipment.
The theoretical grounding of administrative competence formation of higher school teachers is given in the article. The idea is defended, that the aim of the model development consists of the necessity of administrative competence formation of a future higher school teacher image in the conditions of master’s degree preparation. The following components of the investigated process are distinguished: conceptually-having a special purpose, semantically-developing, judicially-technological, evaluation-effective. A conceptually-having a special purpose component envisages determination of a setting, a goal and the tasks of administrative competence formation of a future higher school teacher that gives an idea about the general vectorial orientation of master’s degree preparation. The conceptually-having a special purpose component reflects a system idea, competence, personality orientated approaches, leading postulates of theory of pedagogical management and quality of education. Judicially-technological is an important component of the pedagogical system and includes forms, methods, technologies by means of that maintenance opens up and arrived at aim of formation of administrative competence of future teachers of higher education institutions. Evaluation-effective block of the model of administrative competence formation of a future teacher allows to reduce the results of the process of administrative competence forming on the basis of certain criteria and indexes, within the limits of qualimetric approach. The pedagogical terms of effective administrative competence formation of model realization of a future higher school teacher in the process of master’s degree preparation are outlined. The analysis of scientific sources has provided the possibility of removing the theoretical basis of constructing model of competence of a future teacher of higher education. The model is defined as a subjective reproduction in the mind and the external display the most essential features, characteristics and qualities to a particular object, process, system, objectively inherent in them and give an overview of this phenomenon. Modeling is considered as a creative process of design-focused designing, analytic-synthetic activity to reflect the object (system) as a whole or its essential components that determine the functional orientation of the object (system) providing the stability of his (her) existence and development. Thus, the purpose of the model development process of formation of competence of a future high school teacher in the master’s degree preparation is the need to play its ideal image in terms of magistracy, its conditionality system methodology, competence, individually oriented approaches.
In the article we have built an integrative-functional model of professional-pedagogical culture of a future physical training and sport specialist in the process of professional training on the basis of systematic, culturological, axiological, anthropological, person-centered and competence methodological approaches and synergetic paradigm of isomorphism of education and culture taking into account the concept of educational system modelling. The model as a conditional analogue of a professional-pedagogical culture of a future specialist formation process that responds to its personal-social pedagogical essence that has been discovered in systemic-synergetic interconnections of conceptual-purpose, content-structural, operational, technological and evaluative-effective components of training that lies in the dynamic integration complexness. Conceptual-purpose component represents socially preconditioned and personally interpreted aim and final result concerning professional-pedagogical culture of a future physical training and sport specialist’s level. Content-structural component is a totality of structural-functional educational content components which are united in the program of a future specialist’s professional-pedagogical culture formation. Operational model component forecasts innovative renovation of system of professional-pedagogical culture through the determination of stages, methods and means of its formation improvement, activity organisational forms and spheres, their adaptation to the higher school conditions. Technological component provides solutions of constructive-predictive tasks, the essence of which is in the realisation of organisational-pedagogical conditions and interdisciplinary course “Special physical-cultural education and a specialist’s culture”. Evaluative-effective component makes possible singling out criteria, markers and revelation of a future specialist of physical training and sport professional-pedagogical culture formation levels on the basis of professional-pedagogical culture formation process monitoring. The prospects of further studies are associated with the development of modern scientific and methodological support of professional and pedagogical culture formation of a future physical education and sport specialist in the process of professional training.
The article provides detailed presentations of entities and functions of the Cross-border Regional network for innovative development, the manner and methods of its functioning, and its significance for enhancing university-industry cooperation in innovative development. Special attention was devoted to proper implementation of the Triple Helix concept in the development of an innovative network.
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