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The article presents the situation of the specific pastoral service after the Second Vatican Council with focus on the pastoral deaf service. At the beginning, the differences between the specific vs specialist pastoral service are clarified, classifying the deaf persons as for the specific pastoral service. Subsequently, referring to the history of the pastoral deaf service, the influence of the Second Vatican Council on the pastoral deaf service formation is analysed, with a particular emphasis on the situation in Poland. The performed analysis of the Council documents concerning the pastoral deaf care has proven carelessness rather than care for this group of people, attending them only with the poor and the sick. The Council has not been also a breakthrough moment for the pastoral deaf service as well as the activities in this field have been a bottom-up process, initiated by dedicated priests and consecrated or secular persons.
W powyższym artykule została przedstawiona sytuacja duszpasterstwa specjalnego po Soborze Watykańskim II na przykładzie duszpasterstwa niesłyszących. Na wstępie wyjaśniono różnice pomiędzy duszpasterstwem specjalnym a specjalistycznym, kwalifikując osoby niesłyszące w zakres duszpasterstwa specjalnego. Następnie na kanwie zarysu historii duszpasterstwa niesłyszących przyjrzano się wpływowi Soboru Watykańskiego II na kształtowanie tegoż duszpasterstwa, ze szczególnym zaznaczeniem gruntu Kościoła w Polsce. Przeprowadzona analiza dokumentów soborowych pod kątem objęcia troską osób niesłyszących wykazała raczej brak troski niż troskę soboru wobec tych osób i zajęcie się nimi tylko przy okazji osób chorych i ubogich. Sobór nie okazał się też momentem przełomowym w dziedzinie duszpasterstwa niesłyszących, a działania na polu tego duszpasterstwa rodziły się oddolnie z inicjatywy gorliwych duszpasterzy, osób konsekrowanych i zaangażowanych świeckich.
The danger of a generation gap growing bigger makes us pay more careful attention to the old age. Correction of the negative attitudes is both a cultural and pedagogical challenge for all generations. A responsibility for the senior is mainly based on showing them the value of their old age. It is also vital to enable the old to appreciate the hidden advantages and help them resist the temptation of isolating from the other people and also to help them get rid of the sense of being useless and helpless.The presented article was an attempt to review the contemporary problem of the growing number of elderly people in our society. The problem breeds new challenges. We shall not let the group be excluded from the society but we need to find the way to really engage them in the community life. A significant task is also organizing help and respect the dignity which every human being deserves in this way. A transcendental dimension is also worth noticing as for the senior who is also a believer the approach to death is connected with Jesus’ promise of the eternal life.
Niebezpieczeństwo podziału między pokoleniami sprawia, że należy dziś zabiegać o nowy sposób myślenia o starości. Korygowanie negatywnych postaw wobec ludzi w podeszłym wieku jest zadaniem kulturowym i wychowawczym, które spoczywa na wszystkich pokoleniach. Odpowiedzialność za seniorów opiera się na wskazaniu im sensu starości. Ważne jest również, aby potrafili oni docenić ukryte w niej walory i odrzucić pokusę izolowania się od ludzi oraz przezwyciężyli rezygnację i poczucie nieprzydatności i beznadziei.Prezentowany artykuł był próbą spojrzenia na współczesny problem starzenia się społeczeństwa, które domaga się nowych wyzwań wobec narastającej liczby ludzi w podeszłym wieku. Nie można ulec pokusie wykluczenia tej grupy społecznej, lecz należy odnaleźć sposób na ich konkretne zaangażowanie w życiu wspólnotowym. Istotnym zadaniem jest także zorganizowanie dla nich pomocy, aby w ten sposób respektować godność osoby ludzkiej, przysługująca każdemu człowiekowi. Nie bez znaczenia jest również dostrzeżenie wymiaru transcendentnego, gdyż dla wierzącego seniora spojrzenie na śmierć związane jest z zapewnieniem Jezusa o życiu wiecznym.
The main aim of the article is to present and discuss various aspects of pastoral care for Polish citizens (civil and military) in places where Poles reside in France, i.e. in Polish shelters, work, companies, hospitals during the time of the Welfare Society for Poles in France in the years 1939–1944. In the difficult period of the Second World War, the pastoral care enjoyed by the Polish immigrants in France was of great importance to them. The pastoral care helped to survive this difficult time, united her expatriates, gave them hope to change the situation. The priests working in the Polish community surrounded with their pastoral care all Poles who wanted and needed such a ministry, many of them were arrested and imprisoned for this activity, and some were killed.
The premise of this article is to remind and raise awareness of the great role that chaplains played on the fronts of the „Great War“. They served their pastoral ministry in difficult times, not only because of the threat of warfare, but also because of ideological obstacles. In C. K. Austro-Hungarian ministry, religious chaplains had a very high value. Religious elements were included in the text of the soldier’s oath. Chaplains in their sermons encouraged the soldiers to remain faithful to the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Each regiment of the Habsburg army had its own chaplain. Overall, there were more than 4,000 military chaplains of all religions and faiths - among them 3500 Catholic chaplains.With the outbreak of war in imperial Germany, the German army invoked not only the young clergy, but also many elderly. In the Prussian army, which represented by far the largest part of the German army, it had 125 protestant chaplains. Their number increased in April 1915, to 372 people and by 1916 it reached 744 chaplains. They were supported by the voluntary parish ministers.In the anticlerical Third Republic of France chaplains were nominally assigned to each squadron, but in August 1914, there were only a hundred. In this situation, at the beginning of August 1914, the Ministry of War approved the nominations for chaplains "volunteers" who were employed in pastoral work on the front. In June of 1918, there was one chaplain for an average of 4000-5000 soldiers, which was insufficient to provide spiritual help. In addition to the Catholic chaplains on the front there were 19,000 priest soldiers, 4,000 seminarians and 7,000 religious novices. An unknown number of nuns, served in the hospitals. The effects of the French chaplains were excellent. Soldiers not close to the Church and religion started to approach God. In 1915 the number of soldiers taking communion and attending Masses increased.At the commencement of hostilities, there were 89 Anglican, 17 Catholic and 11 Presbyterian chaplains in the British Army. Only 12 of them were sent to France. The others were only able to serve in the country or overseas garrisons. Chief Chaplain of all the main Christian denominations was Dr. John Simms, an Irish Presbyterian. In 1915, about 45 000 Irish Catholics joined the British Army. They needed Catholic priests. They were finding such a service in the garrison towns, but they did not have it on the front. Irish hierarchy had no influence, as the military ministry was controlled by the Archbishop of Westminster. Irish soldiers used the ministry of Irish or non-Irish chaplains whoever were serving in a particular place. Austro-Hungary was during the war, the enemy of the British. This proved to be a problem for the Irish Catholics, because the Habsburg Empire was seen as an important European Catholic power. The presence of chaplains clearly affected the morale of the Irish soldiers. Unfortunately, the bishops did not always send their military service volunteers who were eligible for this task. Irish Chaplains were overworked. Some of the Irish chaplains were captured. They undertook activities in exchange for the release of their compatriots from POW camps. The Irish Catholic Church did not support the war effort in Britain, in the same way as the Church of Ireland, the Presbyterian Church in Ireland and even the Catholic Church in the rest of the UK. For various reasons, some Irish priests actively worked against the efforts of the war, which had a negative impact on the number of priests who volunteered as a chaplain in the British Army. Although Catholicism was the religion of the minority in the British Isles, War I reinforced their belief. In historiography, a lot of myths and misconceptions were accumulated relating to the British during World War I.The most damaging of these messages were that military chaplains lurked at the rear, while the soldiers fought and died in the trenches on the front.Many historians of the Great War emphasized the religiosity of the Italian soldiers. The army of the Kingdom of Sardinia functioned military chaplains, called "elemosinieri", but after 1866, due to the antagonism between the Church and the State, they were expelled from the army. In the face of Italy joining the Great War, the catholic Chief of Staff, General Luigi Cadorna restored religious service in the army. High Command facilitated the activities of chaplains in the belief that they would raise the soldiers’ spirts and discipline. Followers of the Waldensian Evangelical Church, Baptist Church and the Jewish had their own chaplains. Many chaplains served by the motives of sincere love were guided by the desire to proclaim the Gospel. Some of them remained in contact with the soldiers who fought, not wanting to remain in the comfort of hospitals. They often switched between the soldiers and their families. Chaplains were men of the Church, but they were also soldiers, who in moments of extreme danger during the fight went to the trenches to comfort the dying, and even in the event of the death of an officer to replace him in command. Many chaplains earned great respect and admiration from the ranks of combatants.
The practice of life and the literature on the subject strike us as antagonistic, firmly positive or negative understanding of old age. The first one most often has biblical and theological roots, whereas the other one – sociocultural ones. Searching for the proper attitude towards our own and someone else’s old age we find out that the senior time as the time of discovering a new sense can only be chosen, not sententiously recommended or demanded. The major point of the text is that the failure at shaping the sense of own old age results mainly from not working out the losses associated with this stage of life. To show the way to respectable old age, the author tried to define the actual state of so called old age or senior age (1), then he discussed the issue of working out the diagnosed real and subjective losses (2) so as to, in the course of the process, reach the point of reaping the fruits of life and old age (3) and introducing the trial of practical accomplishment of the approach (4).
W praktyce życia i w literaturze przedmiotu uderza antagonistyczne, stanowczo pozytywne lub negatywne ujmowanie starości. Pierwsze ma najczęściej korzenie biblijno-teologiczne, drugie – socjokulturowe. Szukając właściwej postawy wobec własnej i cudzej starości, odkrywamy, że okres senioralny jako czas odnajdywania nowego sensu można tylko wybrać, nie da się go natomiast moralizatorsko zalecić lub nakazać. Główna teza tekstu brzmi, że niepowodzenia w kształtowaniu sensu własnej starości wynikają w dużej mierze z nieprzepracowania strat wiążących się z tą fazą życia. W celu wskazania drogi do godnej starości starano się najpierw zdefiniować stan faktyczny zwany starością czy wiekiem senioralnym (1), następnie omówiono zagadnienie przepracowania zdiagnozowanych strat rzeczywistych i subiektywnych (2), by w trakcie tego celowego procesu dojść do zbierania owoców życia i starości (3) i do przybliżenia próby praktycznej realizacji takiego podejścia (4).
The protection of personal data applies to the exercise of the patient’s right to religious care. This matter is regulated simultaneously by civil law and canon law. This article aims to present some canonical and legal issues concerning the processing of personal data arising in the context of pastoral care by Roman Catholic clergy (hospital chaplains), such as the status of entities involved in the realization of the right to pastoral care, the scope of personal data processed during the realization of this right, the legitimacy of processing.
Ochrona danych osobowych ma zastosowanie w dziedzinie realizacji prawa pacjenta do opieki religijnej. Materia ta jest regulowana symultanicznie przez prawo świeckie i kanoniczne. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie niektórych kanonicznych i prawnych kwestii dotyczących przetwarzania danych osobowych, pojawiających się w kontekście sprawowania opieki duszpasterskiej przez duchownych rzymskokatolickich (kapelanów szpitalnych). Te kwestie to: status podmiotów zaangażowanych w realizację prawa do opieki duszpasterskiej, zakres przetwarzanych danych osobowych w czasie realizacji tego prawa, przesłanki legalizacyjne przetwarzania.
The prison system in the Czech Republic has been carrying out a reform process since the end of the communist regime, and has gone through more than 30 years of transformation, based on an effort to make it a modern European correctional system. Part of this change is the transformation of pastoral care, which is presented as one of the key pillars of penitentiary (and also postpenitentiary) care in the Czech Republic. This text is focused on the historically changing role of prison chaplains in the process of release preparation and rehabilitation of inmates in post-communist Czech prisons. Our aim is to compare official declarations, which are reproduced in written documents, with everyday practice from the perspectives of three different groups within the prison environment. This study is based on ethnographic research conducted in Czech prisons for men. The data corpus includes qualitative interviews with selected actors of the prison world (prison chaplains, inmates, and representatives of prison management), material gathered through observations inside prisons, and an analysis of the documentation on the Czech penitentiary system. We have found that although prison chaplains have become an integral part of the Czech prison world, their position is still specific in comparison with the rest of prison staff. In our study, we will focus on the historical evolution of the position of prison chaplains within the organisational structure of prisons, the nature of their work with inmates, and interactions with other prison actors.   Od zakończenia reżimu komunistycznego czeski system więzienny przechodził ciągły proces reformowania. Ponad 30-letnia transformacja była oparta na dążeniu do osiągnięcia poziomu nowoczesnego europejskiego systemu penitencjarnego. Częścią tej zmiany była transformacja opieki duszpasterskiej, która jest przedstawiana jako jeden z kluczowych filarów opieki penitencjarnej (a także postpenitencjarnej) w Czechach. Niniejszy artykuł koncentruje się na pokazaniu zachodzącej na przestrzeni lat zmiany roli kapelanów więziennych w procesie przygotowywania więźniów do zwolnienia oraz ich resocjalizacji w czeskich więzieniach postkomunistycznych. Celem artykułu jest porównanie oficjalnych, udokumentowanych informacji z codzienną praktyką pokazaną z perspektywy różnych grup uczestników systemu więziennego. Niniejsze opracowanie jest oparte na wynikach badania etnograficznego przeprowadzonego w czeskich więzieniach dla mężczyzn. Dane wykorzystane w artykule obejmują: wywiady jakościowe z wybranymi uczestnikami systemu więziennego (kapelanami więziennymi, więźniami, przedstawicielami funkcjonariuszy służby więziennej), materiały zebrane podczas obserwacji w więzieniach oraz analizę dokumentacji dotyczącej czeskiego systemu penitencjarnego. Pokazują one, że kapelani więzienni stali się integralną częścią czeskiego systemu więziennego, jednak ich pozycja – w porównaniu do reszty personelu więziennego – jest nadal specyficzna. Przeprowadzona analiza skupia się na zmianie pozycji kapelanów więziennych w strukturze organizacyjnej więzień, jaka się dokonała na przestrzeni lat, specyfice ich pracy z więźniami oraz interakcjiz innymi osobami obecnymi w systemie więziennictwa.
The prison system in the Czech Republic has been carrying out a reform process since the end of the communist regime, and has gone through more than 30 years transformation, based on an effort to become a modern European correctional system. Part of this change is the transformation of pastoral care, which is presented as one of the key pillars of penitentiary (and also post-penitentiary) care in the Czech Republic. This text is focused on the historically changing role of prison chaplains in the process of release preparation and rehabilitation of inmates in Czech post-communist prisons. Our aim is to compare official declarations, which are reproduced in written documents, with everyday practice from the perspectives of three different groups of prison world participants. This study is based on ethnographic research conducted in Czech male prisons. The data corpus includes qualitative interviews with selected actors of the prison world (prison chaplains, inmates, and representatives of prison management), material gathered through observations inside prisons, and an analysis of the documentation on the Czech penitentiary system. We found out that prison chaplains have become an integral part of the Czech prison world, but their position is still specific in comparison with the rest of prison staff. In our study, we will focus on the historical evolution of the position of prison chaplains within the organizational structure of prisons, specifics of their work with inmates, and interactions with other prison actors.
The article draws readers’ attention to valuable historical sources, which are the memories of the chaplains of the Polish Legions from 1914–1918. Pastoral care in the above-mentioned armed formations and the numerous problems associated with it have been shown in light of those accounts. At the front (often under extreme combat conditions) a strong bond was formed between the soldiers and their ‘spiritual guardians’. The chaplains were not only priests, but also fulfilled various functions on an ad hoc basis. They served, for instance, as translators, suppliers, paramedics, librarians, teachers, psychologists, and, in the last resort, as gravediggers... Memories of their service shed interesting light on the everyday (not only spiritual) problems of the soldiers of that time.
Artykuł zwraca uwagę czytelników na wartościowe źródła historyczne, którymi są wspomnienia kapelanów Legionów Polskich z lat 1914–1918. Opieka duszpasterska w wymienionych formacjach zbrojnych i rozliczne problemy z nią związane została ukazana w ich świetle. Na froncie (często w ekstremalnych warunkach bojowych) ukształtowała się silna więź między żołnierzami i ich ‘opiekunami duchowymi’. Kapelani bywali nie tylko duszpasterzami, ale także pełnili doraźnie w miarę potrzeby inne rozliczne funkcje – dla przykładu: tłumaczy, zaopatrzeniowców, sanitariuszy, bibliotekarzy, nauczycieli, psychologów, a w ostateczności także grabarzy... Wspomnienia z ich służby rzucają interesujące światło na codzienne (nie tylko duchowe) problemy żołnierzy tamtych czasów.
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