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Aim. School segregation is a common theme of children’s books on minority groups living in the United States. Although it is primarily associated with black-white racial divisions, currently it also concerns white-Latino or rich-poor disparities. The aim of this paper is to analyse children’s picture books featuring Latino and African American characters who participate in the struggle against school segregation. The authors of the books, being members of racial minorities themselves, offer differing perspectives on the problem. Although they criticise school segregation, they also focus on the white perspective and the reasons why integrating schools has always been hard to achieve. Methods. The study analyses the visual and verbal narratives of selected picture books using a variety of methods for examining this literary format. Among others, it applies the theory of picture book analysis by Martin Painter, William Moebius, Maria Nikolajeva and Carole Scott. Results. The article shows that despite the existing scholarship on race-related problems in American schools, children’s literature seems to be the medium which tries to explain the problem to youngsters being directly involved in the system of segregation. Conclusions. The results can be useful to educators who cope with the issue of racial diversity in American schools. They may consider using selected titles of children’s literature as teaching aids assisting students from minority groups in the process of self-development and empowerment.
This article investigates children’s rights to safety under international law—identity and family rights, the right to be heard, the right to be free from discrimination, and other civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights—and consider the ways in which those rights are embedded in children’s literature in Poland, such as: Moje prawa – ważna sprawa by Piatkowska, Masz prawo by Kasdepke, Mam prawo i nie waham się go użyć by Olech and Bak, Masz prawa, człowieku by Wegrzecka and Zabielska-Stadnik and other picture books for youngest readers. Reviewing more than twenty-some children’s books (Janusz Korczak and another very best children’s authors), author of this article explores the role of children’s literature in disseminating human rights norms and education for safety. According to the author, if young children are supported to understand and celebrate concepts of truth, fairness and freedom and social skills in the area of security – especially through narratives – they are better equipped to recognize and challenge perils and consequently – children exhibit greater self-esteem and respect for the rights of others..
issue 9
At the core of my investigation is the process of amalgamation of text and image within the boundaries of the illustrated book for young Soviet readers. As a part of the general desire to translate Communism into idioms and images accessible to children, books visualized ideological norms and goals in a way that guaranteed easy legibility and direct appeal, without sacrificing the political appeal of the message. Illustrated books presented the propagandistic content as a simple narrative or verse, while also casting it in images. A vehicle of ideology, an object of affection, and a product of labor, the illustrated book for the young Soviet reader became an important cultural phenomenon, despite its perceived simplicity and often a minimal set of technical devices.
Bruno Munari left an important legacy to both Italian and international children’s literatures. The hallmarks of this legacy are traditionally considered to be his picture books and their unique visual narratives, illustrations, and tactile surfaces. This essay, however, takes a different approach to interpreting his work. It uses a selection of Munari’s picture books to demonstrate how the extent of his legacy is far more wide-reaching, depicting it as a crossroads that links various features of his long career as an artist and designer. These features include the extraordinary nature of everyday life, faith in the visual, and the challenges laid down by limits, all of which are also fundamental to contemporary children’s literature.
Bruno Munari ha lasciato un’importante eredità alla letteratura per l’infanzia, non solo a livello italiano, ma anche internazionale. In genere, si ritiene che questo lascito sia costituito dall’insieme delle sue singolari narrazioni visive e delle sue innovative soluzioni grafico-tipografiche. Il saggio, invece, mette in evidenza, anche attraverso la presentazione di alcuni albi illustrati scelti a titolo esemplificativo, un differente orientamento interpretativo per dimostrare che l’apporto di Munari è molto più vasto poiché rappresenta uno specialissimo crocevia che riannoda vari elementi della sua lunga attività artistica, fondamentali per la letteratura destinata all’infanzia: la straordinarietà del quotidiano, la fiducia nel visivo, la sfida del limite.
Picture book to medium epoki obrazu, które na polskim gruncie popularyzuje toruńska artystka Iwona Chmielewska. Jej książki poruszają trudne tematy, często marginalizowane we współczesnym dyskursie literackim, społecznych i artystycznym. Należy wśród nich wymienić: niepełnosprawność, chorobę, śmierć, nierówności społeczne, dojrzewanie kobiece, Holocaust, nietolerancję. Książka obrazowa to gatunek hybrydowy, postrzegany holistycznie jako dzieło autorskie, bliski koncepcji książki artystycznej czy liberatury. Picture book funkcjonuje w złożonym modelu odbioru, nie jest przeznaczony wprost dla dzieci, ale raczej dla ludzi w każdym wieku. Idealnym modelem odbioru książek I. Chmielewskiej jest zespół złożony z rodzica i dziecka (dual audience). Specyficzne połączenie dwóch mediów: słowa i obrazu (ikonotekst) nie tylko tworzy w książce obrazowej nową jakość poznawczą, ale jednocześnie zmusza odbiorców do aktywnego analizowania i interpretowania, nie proponuje zarazem łatwych, oczywistych i jednowymiarowych sensów. Problematyka społeczna zawarta w picture bookach I. Chmielewskiej świadczy o pojmowaniu dzieciństwa przez artystkę jako stanu etycznej i politycznej potencjalności. W ten sposób lektura jej książek niesie humanistyczne przesłanie otwarcia się na Innego, przed którym nie należy ukrywać niewygodnych dla dorosłych tematów i czynić z nich tabu.
Picture books, a medium from the “picture age”, are being popularised in Poland by Iwona Chmielewska, an artist from Toruń. Her works discuss difficult issues which are often marginalized in the modern public discourse. Among them we can mention handicapped persons, illness, death, social inequality, feminine adolescence, the Holocaust, intolerance. Picture books are a hybrid art genre which has to be perceived holistically as an author’s piece close to the conception of artistic book or liberature. Picture book perception model is complex, it’s not only for children but for all, in this case age does not matter. An ideal way of experiencing a picture book is the so called Dual Audience mode in which a child reads it with a parent. The specific combination of two medias (word and image) not only provides a brand new quality for the reader, but also drives him into active analysis and interpretation, as the work does not suggest obvious solutions. Social issues presented by Iwona Chmielewska in her picture books prove that the artist perceives childhood as a state of ethical and political potentiality. Her works convey a humanistic message about the need of being open to the Other who should not meet taboo issues in its world experience.
vol. 49
issue 2
Jakość publikacji kierowanych do dzieci stanowi szeroki i wciąż niezbyt dokładnie opisany obszar badań. Niniejsze analizy stanowią próbę uświadomienia tego zagadnienia w odniesieniu do tzw. książki logopedycznej. Artykuł dotyczy wyróżnień stanowiących ważne, ale jeszcze mało rozpoznane i przejrzane środki edytorskie, które powinny być w należycie zaprojektowanej książce podporządkowane podstawowym funkcjom: czytelności, organizacji, nawigacji i spójności. Zgłębienie tej tematyki pozwoliło zauważyć motywację dostosowywania edytorskich aspektów takich publikacji nie tyle w infantylizowaniu, ile rzeczywistej potrzebie percepcyjnej młodego odbiorcy. Przedstawione przykłady wskazują, że każdy wykorzystany w projekcie książki dziecięcej element powinien głównie służyć czytelności tekstu, ponieważ ich działanie rozszerza się na wspomaganie rozwoju różnych sfer kompetencji kulturowych małego odbiorcy: poznawania głosek i liter, sprawności artykulacyjnej, ćwiczeń gramatycznych, ortograficznych itp. Estetyka książki dziecięcej może wpływać pozytywnie lub negatywnie na obcowanie z nią. Odpowiednio dopasowane środki typograficzne wpływają na podniesienie czytelności tekstu, czyli ułatwiają oswajanie z tekstem i jego warstwą edukacyjną.
The quality of publications aimed at children is a broad and still not well described area of research. The present analysis is an attempt to raise awareness of this issue in relation to the so-called speech therapy book. The article deals with distinctions constituting important, but still little recognized and reviewed editorial means, which should feature in a properly designed book, subordinated to the basic functions: readability, organisation, navigation and coherence. By delving into this subject, it has been possible to see the motivation for adapting the editorial aspects of such publications not so much in infantilising but in the actual perceptual needs of the young reader. The presented examples indicate that each element used in the design of a children’s book should mainly serve the readability of the text, as their action extends to support the development of various spheres of cultural competence of the young recipient: learning of voices and letters, articulation skills, grammar and spelling exercises, etc. The aesthetics of a children’s book can have a positive or negative impact on interacting with it. Adequate typographic devices increase the readability of the text, that is they facilitate familiarisation with the text and its educational layer.
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Współczesna literatura dziecięca – propozycje

The article presents examples of books for obligatory reading, especially for children in a primary school. The author makes an assumption that such books should be of significant artistic value, both of literary text and illustrations, and attractive in form, subject and language. These criteria are fulfilled by contemporary literature which is characterized shortly in the article. Picture books, comic-books, books with poetry are described consequently. The author advises also how to choose good books for children, what criteria to follow. She presents sources of information for teachers, librarians, parents, where they can find trustworthy reviews on latest children’s literature.
W artykule zostały przedstawione propozycje lekturowe dla dzieci, przede wszystkim uczniów szkoły podstawowej. Autorka wychodzi z założenia, że powinny to być książki o dużych wartościach artystycznych, zarówno literackich, jak i plastycznych, atrakcyjne ze względu na swoją formę, treść, język. Te kryteria spełnia literatura współczesna, której charakterystyka została szkicowo zaprezentowana w artykule. Kolejno opisane zostały książki obrazkowe, komiksy, tomiki poetyckie. Autorka przedstawiła także kryteria wyboru dobrych książek dla dzieci oraz źródła, do jakich mogą sięgnąć nauczyciel, bibliotekarz czy rodzic w poszukiwaniu wiarygodnych informacji o najnowszej literaturze dziecięcej.
Der Artikel enthält das Abstract ausschließlich in englischer und französischer Sprache.
The translation of the emotions of the characters in picture books is done not only by the text, but also by the illustrations, as well as by the relationship between those two components. Hence, in order to analyze the iconotextual relationships that are translating emotions, we looked at three picture books produced by the author and illustrator Anthony Browne. We were able to find examples for the translation of joy, sadness, anger, and fear. Such picture books provide good support to young children for developing their understanding of the emotional world.
La traduction des émotions des personnages dans les albums de littérature de jeunesse passe non seulement par le texte, mais aussi par les illustrations, de même que par la relation indissociable qui s’établit entre ces deux éléments entités. Ainsi, pour faire une analyse des relations iconotextuelles qui traduisent les émotions, nous avons examiné trois albums de l’auteur et illustrateur Anthony Brown afin de relever des exemples démontrant la traduction de la joie, de la tristesse, de la colère et de la peur. De tels albums constituent un bon soutien à la compréhension des émotions chez les jeunes enfants.
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