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The aim of the article is to present tensions that occur in social, cultural, political, and technological spheres as the result of the development of postmodern societies. The changes that have been taking place in those areas involve, along with unquestionable benefits, a type of risk which, without any moral reflection, can cause a serious global crisis in the world. The postmodern times should be understood as the continuation of the modern formation where all typical features of modernism take a more radical form. The postmodern specific style of life is characterized by: uncertainty, unpredictability of future, decline of traditional values and morals. What is more, the present postmodern tendencies in the area of morals can hinder the right course of development for society, economy and ecology.
A conflict is a natural element of social life. Such a thesis has been developed for many years by numerous thinkers. Nevertheless, there have been several social phenomena that oblige us to analyse social conflicts in more depth in the twenty-first century. The article tries to explore new – what means different than in the past - types of conflicts, which however having old roots, at present seem to have different impact on individuals’ and global security. The main research questions the article tries to answer are connected with the relation between various conflicts and characteristics of postmodern society. To understand what kinds of conflicts are signs of postmodern society, Polish conflicts have been considered as cases taking into consideration the results of the Polish opinion polls on issues directly connected with the main characteristics of postmodern society.
The situation of man in the beginning of 21st century is known as the postmodern. The concept of postmodernism indicates theoretically more or less elaborated opinions on current status of the process of globalization. The process of globalization does not produce only progress and positives but also threats, risks and transformation of man which are not only humanizing. The problem of postmodernism is mastery of plurality, heterogenity and otherness of ways, values and experiences of life, specialization of branches of science and societal development trends so that it contributes to digni ed human life in society. The concept of postmodernism and its consequences for education of the younger generation project into conceptions of educational institutions, education in the family, but they also nd their re ection in state policy due to the younger generation. Social changes, which occured at the end of 20th century, are part of global context of economical, political, social and cultural evolution. Their reach and importance must be seen into the future and in these wider connections.
The article calls for attention to the problem of violence and abuse of the elderly within their family, partnership, and relationships with relatives in the postmodern society. The outcomes of the research, carried out on a sample of the elderly people within different residence settings are presented. Results show that all kinds of violence and abuse are present in all kinds of settings, except in the residence with relatives, where sexual abuse was not noticed. Physical and sexual violence and abuse is mostly present in the households in which the elderly live with their partner, while psychical violence is present in the households with relatives. Material violence and abuse are present in case of elderly people who live alone. Both, men and women, experience most violence and abuse in their flats.
Aim. The aim of this article is to analyse why young adults in the postmodern world postpone the decision to marry. The authors want to present the reasons for this situation on the basis of surveys conducted with young adults aged 18-35 years old, taking into consideration both psychosocial and economic-cultural factors. Methods. In the research procedure, the authors used the survey method and the questionnaire interview technique. The unsupervised survey questionnaire was distributed to the respondents online. The research sample consisted of 28 persons in the age group of young adults. All the respondents were in informal partnerships. Results. Among young adults aged 18-35 years old, reasons for postponing marriage may be divided into psychosocial, related to the pressure of society to carry out developmental tasks and social roles; as well as economic and cultural, focusing on cultural changes and economic standards of young people. Conclusion. Young adults see the consequences of postponing the decision to marry, but it seems like changing cultural and social circumstances of the postmodern world allow them to make a conscious decision regarding their future. They have a neutral or positive attitude towards postponed marriage.
Scientific literature presents different ways of describing a phenomenon of upbringing as a system. Researchers use the notion of upbringing conception, which is the source of information about description criteria, aims, values and preferred methods of upbringing. Conception of upbringing has been evolving and carries the mark of epoch in which it was created. Along with changing outlook on upbringing, expectations for teachers and educators also change. The answer to postmodern social, civilization and cultural changes as well as new educational and upbringing needs may be an idea of “post- new upbringing” presented in this text.
Literatura naukowa przybliża różne sposoby opisu i ujmowania w system zjawiska, jakim jest wychowanie. Badacze posługują się przy tym pojęciem koncepcji wychowania, będącej źródłem informacji o przyjmowanych przez nich kryteriach opisu, wizjach celów, wartościach oraz preferowanych metodach wychowania. Koncepcje wychowania ewoluują i noszą ślad epoki, w której powstały, a wraz ze zmieniającymi się poglądami na wychowanie zmieniają się także oczekiwania stawiane wychowawcom. Odpowiedzią na postnowoczesne przemiany społeczne, cywilizacyjne i kulturowe oraz nowe potrzeby wychowawcze może być przedstawiona w niniejszym tekście propozycja „post-nowego” wychowania.
The article attempts to consider the issues of the position of marriage and family in the post-modern social space. Today’s society is characterized by a hedonistic, consumerist lifestyle. Traditional values and religious worship are negated. Postmodernity develops the cult of individuality and presents man with an offer of multiplicity and various choices. The article presents issues related to the cult of individuality, and the topic of marriage and family, in the context of postmodern threats. In the first part of the article, the author deals with the subject of postmodern society and the problem of terminology. The second part of the article deals with the issue of individuality and family presence. In the third part, the author outlines some of the threats to marriage and family in relation to the teachings of Pope Francis.
Artykuł podejmuje pytanie o akademickie kształcenie socjologów w Polsce i jako taki relacjonuje wyniki rozpoznania skali i problemów związanych ze studiami socjologicznymi należącymi do jednych z bardziej popularnych wśród polskiej młodzieży. Podstawą źródłową analiz są – z jednej strony – dane MNiSW (dotyczące uczelni prowadzących kształcenie na kierunku socjologia, liczby studentów i absolwentów studiów socjologicznych itp.) oraz – z drugiej – dane pochodzące z badań własnych, obejmujących analizy zawartości stron internetowych ośrodków prowadzących kształcenie socjologów, opinii na temat kształcenia i studiowania socjologii zgromadzonych w wywiadach przeprowadzonych wśród osób odpowiedzialnych za organizację studiów socjologicznych (dyrektorzy instytutów, dziekani), studentów oraz osób mających doświadczenia z wykładaniem/studiowaniem socjologii za granicą (visiting professors, stypendyści programu Erasmus). Przeprowadzone analizy ujawniają (1) rosnącą ekspansję uczelni niepublicznych oraz uczelni o profilu zawodowym w kształceniu socjologów; (2) poczucie konfuzji wśród osób odpowiedzialnych za organizację studiów socjologicznych (głównie w związku z niejasnościami systemu bolońskiego); (3) silną presję studentów na pragmatyzację kierunku; (4) rozległy obszar koniecznych zmian; (5) dobra opinię o jakości kształcenia akademickiego w polskich uczelniach, złą gdy idzie o jakość nauczania, organizację studiów i relacje studenci – pracownicy. Niejasność profilu zawodowego absolwenta socjologii może być – paradoksalnie – jego mocną stroną w społeczeństwie ponowoczesnym, które potrzebuje specjalistów potrafiących rozumieć i zarządzać coraz bardziej złożonymi relacjami społecznymi.
The paper considers the question of the status of teaching/studying sociology at Polish universities. The basic data were derived from two sources. They come partly from the Ministry of Higher Education (a number of public and private universities offering sociology as a field of study, numbers of students and graduates and so on). And another source of data is the author’s empirical research which includes: analysis of websites, interviews with students, lecturers, deans, visiting professors, and Erasmus beneficiaries. The study refers to the similar one made ten years ago. Comparison of both makes it possible to notice: (1) growing interest in studying sociology in Poland and increasing expansion of private universities (and vocational colleges) in this field; (2) strong students’ pressure on making sociological studies more pragmatic; (3) wide space for necessary changes and corrections; (4) confusion among managers responsible for the process of academic teaching (mostly due to the new regulations of the Bologna system); (5) good opinion about the academic level of Polish sociology but poor quality of academic teaching, badly organized process of studying and too formal relationships between students and lecturers. Ambiguity of a professional profile of the sociologist can be – paradoxically – its strong side in postmodern society which needs specialists able to understand increasingly complex social relationships in every area. There is one condition, however, sociological studies should be complemented with other ones.
We współczesnym, globalizującym się społeczeństwie, określanym także jako społeczeństwo ponowoczesne, coraz trudniejsze, o ile w ogóle możliwe, staje się wykorzystanie prawa jako instrumentu rządzenia. Z jednej strony współ- czesne społeczeństwa charakteryzuje pluralizm prawny, z drugiej zaś samo prawo traci swe tradycyjne cechy, w tym przede wszystkim traci znaczenie jego ścisły i jednokierunkowy związek z państwem narodowym. W socjologicznej teorii prawa podkreśla się, że prawo się autonomizuje, a podstawą jego ważności stają się jego wewnętrzne cechy systemowe, w tym jego szczególna semantyka, a nie siła państwa. Tego rodzaju teza ma dwojakie implikacje: po pierwsze, w związku z różnymi poziomami regulacji w globalizującym się i pluralistycznym społeczeństwie ponowoczesnym, wskazuje na zwiększające się wewnętrzne zróżnicowanie prawa. Po drugie, w związku z autonomizacją prawa oraz wzrostem pluralizmu systemu społecznego podkreśla się, że we współczesnym świecie prawo powinno raczej wspomagać wewnętrzne procesy samoregulacji, stwarzając im odpowiednie ramy prawne, aniżeli w nie bezpośrednio ingerować. Teorie na temat prawa w ponowoczesnym społeczeństwie są skonfrontowane z rzeczywistymi procesami i zjawiskami towarzyszącymi przemianom prawa. W konkluzji sformułowana jest konstatacja, że współczesne zarządzanie przy wykorzystaniu prawa polega na wspomaganiu wewnętrznych procesów samoregulacji, przy wzięciu pod uwagę kontekstu społecznego owych procesów.
In the contemporary globalizing society which is also sometimes referred to as a postmodern society, it is becoming more and more difficult, if at all possible, to make use of law as an instrument of government. On the one hand, contemporary societies are characterized by legal pluralism, and on the other - law itself loses its traditional features including, above all, its close and one-way relationship with nation state. In the sociological theory of law, it is emphasized that law becomes autonomous by itself and that instead of the power of state, its internal systemic features (including its unique semantics) become the basis of its validity. A theoretical argument of such kind carries twofold implications: firstly, in connection with the different levels of regulation in the postmodern society, this argument indicates an increasing internal diversity of law. Secondly, autonomization of law and an increase in the pluralism of social system indicate that law in the contemporary world preferably ought to support the internal processes of societal self-regulation instead of direct interference in these processes. Theoretical arguments related to law in the postmodern society are confronted with concrete processes and phenomena which accompany law transformations. As a conclusion, one may formulate a statement saying that governance with the use of law consists in the support of the internal processes of self-regulation, while taking into consideration the social context of these processes.
W społeczeństwie ponowoczesnym można mówić o intensyfikacji nowego stylu życia rodzinnego – zjawisku singli. Powstaje zasadnicze pytanie, czy jest ono wynikiem subiektywnego wyboru jednostki, czy też w jakimś stopniu konieczności – braku partnera i oczekiwania na prawdziwą miłość. Odpowiedzi na to można doszukiwać się m.in. na portalach randkowych przeznaczonych dla tej kategorii osób. Stanowi to zasadniczy cel niniejszego artykułu
In postmodern society we can define an intensification of new family lifestyle – phenomenon of single people. Here comes the main question, is it the result of subjective choice or is it necessity – lack of partner and waiting for true love. We can search for answer on dating portals and this is the main aim of this article.
The author points out lack of interest on the part of students of various disciplines (i.a. the humanities) for the history of their field of study, which is considered uninteresting and unnecessary. She also takes into consideration different approaches of the scientific milieu towards achievements of predecessors. On the one hand, we see them being treated selectively and unreflectively, when “old junk” is being rejected as useless. On the other hand, there is an aspiration to show the continuity of thought, search for the roots, care for the preservation of tradition, and respect for scientific predecessors. Certain attitudes are manifestations of cultural differences, visible also in the world of science and education. In the consumerist, postmodern, information society, culture in its wide sense is treated as a su-permarket (concept popularised by Gordon Mathews). There is no place in it for the past, memory, tradition, authorities, roots, heritage, continuity, permanence. Everything is subject to individual choices and continuous change. Change covers, i.a. transfer of knowledge, ways of presenting results of scientific research, relations between student and teacher.
Das sozial-kulturelle Konstrukt des Alters in seiner objektiven und subjektiven Bedeutung veränderte sich mit der sozialen Entwicklung. Das Ziel des Artikels ist die Analyse der Veränderungen in der Wahrnehmung des Alters als sozial-kulturelles Konstrukt, die zur Erkenntnis führt, was es heißt, ein junger Mensch zu sein. Diese Fragestellungen werden im Kontext der strukturalistischfunktionalistischen Theorie von Parsons, der Theorie der Strukturierung von Giddens und der Theorie der Lebenszyklen von Beck untersucht.
The sociocultural construction of age with objective and subjective meanings has been changing along with the development of society. Traditional, modern, and postmodern societies all have their own challenges related to the life course of the individual. The individual finds themselves in transition from the  institutionalization and standardization of the course of life to deinstitutionalization, individualization, and de-standardization. For this reason, age as a sociocultural construct can be analyzed as a dynamic and reflexive phenomenon. Analysis of the perception of age is important in the social sciences, as it has the potential to reveal various issues in our society. In particular, this is important in discussions about youth and adulthood – in contemporary society, age is not exactly the main variable defining the group of society an individual belongs to. The aim of this paper is to analyse changes relating to age as a sociocultural construct in order to reveal what it means to be a young person with respect to tradition, both modern and postmodern. The construction of age has been analysed with recourse to T. Parsons’s structural functionalism theory, A. Giddens’ structuration theory as well as Beck’s approach to modern and postmodern society, life cycle theory. 
Społeczno-kulturowy konstrukt wieku, w swym obiektywnym i subiektywnym znaczeniu, zmieniał się wraz z rozwojem społecznym. Celem artykułu jest analiza przemian w percepcji wieku jako konstruktu społeczno-kulturowego, zmierzająca do odkrycia tego, co to znaczy być młodą osobą. Zagadnienia te są analizowane w kontekście strukturalistyczno-funkcjonalistycznej teorii Parsonsa, teorii strukturacji formułowanej przez Giddensa, jak również w kontekście teorii cyklów życia autorstwa Becka. 
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