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The purpose of the article is to present the activities of Youth Prevention Leaders. The research shown in the article presents activities carried out by youth leaders and also their biographical and personality conditions. The research included 20 prevention leaders who act as part of universal prophylaxis in one of the Upper Silesian cities. A focus interview was applied with the leaders, analysis of the documents and an open interview with the program's supervisor. I show in the article the biographical and personality conditions of the leaders, the reasons for engaging in this activity and features and competences. I also discuss a their benefits, difficulties, successes and needs. In effect of the conducted research I selected three types of leaders: an activist, a conscious motivator and a goal driven individual getting out of the shadow. The analysis shows that the effects of activities carried out in schools in which youth leaders are present, are definitely better than in schools where they do not work.
The present research investigated the perception of the flood threat and willingness of inhabitants of regions experiencing regular severe floods to take preventive actions.Residents of two type of regions were compared: those living in a region protected by flood levees vs. residents living unprotected regions. Inhabitants of the area protected by the levees resulting in the rare experience of flood, perceived probability of flood as lower and  reported higher willingness to take preventive actions than inhabitants of the area unprotected by levees. Similarly as in many previous studies personal experience and social norms turned out to be crucial factors in determining self-protective behavior. On the other hand unlike in other studies, we found no relationship between decision makers’ willingness to take preventive actions and factors related to threat appraisal, such as the perceived magnitude of loss and the perceived probability of damage. Finally, we found that the impact of a given factor on willingness to protect oneself against a hazard may depend on the kind of measure of the protective behavior
The present research investigated the perception of the flood threat and willingness of inhabitants of regions experiencing regular severe floods to take preventive actions.Residents of two type of regions were compared: those living in a region protected by flood levees vs. residents living unprotected regions. Inhabitants of the area protected by the levees resulting in the rare experience of flood, perceived probability of flood as lower and  reported higher willingness to take preventive actions than inhabitants of the area unprotected by levees. Similarly as in many previous studies personal experience and social norms turned out to be crucial factors in determining self-protective behavior. On the other hand unlike in other studies, we found no relationship between decision makers’ willingness to take preventive actions and factors related to threat appraisal, such as the perceived magnitude of loss and the perceived probability of damage. Finally, we found that the impact of a given factor on willingness to protect oneself against a hazard may depend on the kind of measure of the protective behavior.The present research investigated the perception of the flood threat and willingness of inhabitants of regions experiencing regular severe floods to take preventive actions.Residents of two type of regions were compared: those living in a region protected by flood levees vs. residents living unprotected regions. Inhabitants of the area protected by the levees resulting in the rare experience of flood, perceived probability of flood as lower and  reported higher willingness to take preventive actions than inhabitants of the area unprotected by levees. Similarly as in many previous studies personal experience and social norms turned out to be crucial factors in determining self-protective behavior. On the other hand unlike in other studies, we found no relationship between decision makers’ willingness to take preventive actions and factors related to threat appraisal, such as the perceived magnitude of loss and the perceived probability of damage. Finally, we found that the impact of a given factor on willingness to protect oneself against a hazard may depend on the kind of measure of the protective behavior.
Observing the behavior of schoolchildren, one would like to ask the question: why is the phenomenon of violence so common and why is it so difficult to eliminate it? Some problem researchers say that this strategy is evolutionarily beneficial. Individuals do not die in battle, do not fight, but are “peacefully” eliminated from the herd, while the alpha individual sets the rules. The hierarchy is clear, everyone knows who to listen to, unnecessary emotions do not arise, herd energy is saved. At school, we deal with aggressive calculations aimed at physically and emotionally weaker people. Why is this happening? Well, in hierarchical structures, and so is the school, there are a lot of students in relatively small space. The emergence of stronger, more aggressive and dominant types can be seen. We refer to them as the alpha type (stalker). The same structures also designate the omega individual (victim). This division in advance marks who is the persecutor and who is persecuted. We deal with such situations at school, at work, in prison or in the army. We observe similar situations in our environment. In a new class, the division into groups is emerging quite quickly: those better / worse dressed, better-off and the rest. Somewhere at the very bottom of this hierarchy we will find individual people nobody hurries to talk with, who often sit alone on the bench, they are skipped in school choices, and neglected in various task groups. It also happens that such a person is prodded, nicknamed, ridiculed while being asked by a teacher, regardless of what they say. Of course, this is not immediately noticeable, because the case is growing gradually. Victims often do not complain, just try to cope on their own. Sometimes it ends tragically for them. Panacea for such school situations should be appropriate prevention assuming prevention of violence at school and assistance to victims and persecutors.
Obserwując zachowania młodzieży szkolnej, chciałoby się zadać pytanie, dlaczego zjawisko przemocy jest tak powszechne i z jakiego powodu tak trudno jest je wyeliminować? Niektórzy badacze problemu twierdzą, że taka strategia jest korzystna ewolucyjnie. Osobniki nie giną w walce, nie toczą bojów, tylko są „pokojowo” eliminowane ze stada, natomiast osobnik alfa ustala zasady. Hierarchia jest jasna, wszyscy wiedzą, kogo słuchać, nie budzą się niepotrzebne emocje, oszczędzana jest energia stada. W szkole mamy do czynienia z agresywnymi zachowaniami nakierowanymi na osoby słabsze fizycznie i emocjonalnie. Z jakiego powodu tak się dzieje? Otóż w strukturach zhierarchizowanych, a taką jest szkoła, na stosunkowo niewielkiej przestrzeni przebywa dużo uczniów. Można zauważyć wyłanianie się typów silniejszych, bardziej agresywnych, dominujących. Mówimy o nich jako o typie alfa (prześladowca). Te same struktury wyznaczają również osobnika omega (ofiarę). Taki podział z góry naznacza, kto jest prześladowcą, a kto prześladowanym. Z sytuacjami takimi mamy do czynienia zarówno w szkole, w pracy, w więziennictwie i w wojsku. Obserwujemy podobne sytuacje w naszym środowisku. W nowej klasie dość szybko zarysowuje się podział na grupy: tych lepiej/gorzej ubranych, sytuowanych i całą resztę. Gdzieś na samym dole tej hierarchii odnajdziemy pojedyncze osoby, z którymi jakoś nikt nie spieszy się do rozmowy, które często siedzą w ławce same, są pomijane w wyborach szkolnych, do różnych grup zadaniowych. Bywa i tak, że osoba taka jest poszturchiwana, przezywana, wyśmiewana podczas odpowiedzi, niezależnie od tego, co powie. Oczywiście nie od razu jest to zauważalne, gdyż sprawa narasta stopniowo. Ofiary często nie skarżą się, tylko próbują sobie same poradzić. Niekiedy kończy się to dla nich tragicznie. Panaceum na takie sytuacje szkolne powinna być odpowiednia profilaktyka zakładająca przeciwdziałanie przemocy w szkole oraz pomoc ofiarom i prześladowcom.
Oddziaływanie profilaktyczne ma szczególne znaczenie w odniesieniu do dzieci i młodzieży w okresie dorastania. Jest to faza rozwoju, w czasie której dokonuje się wiele intensywnych jakościowych zmian w osobowości człowieka. Jest to również moment rozwoju podatny na zakłócenia i podejmowanie działań ryzykownych. Dlatego prowadzenie dziecka ku dojrzałości jest zarówno wychowaniem, jak i profilaktyką. Szkoła od zawsze była ważnym, pierwotnie nawet jedynym, miejscem realizacji programów profilaktycznych. W ostatnich latach w polskim systemie oświatowym obserwujemy intensyfikację działań w obszarze szkolnej profilaktyki. Jej kluczowe aspekty dotyczą między innymi: badań nad skutecznością programów profilaktycznych, lokalnych i szkolnych strategii profilaktycznych, diagnozy uwarunkowań problemów i podstaw działań profilaktycznych, konstruowania Szkolnych Programów Profilaktycznych, miejsca i roli nauczyciela w profilaktyce szkolnej oraz ewaluacji podejmowanych działań prewencyjnych.
Preventive action plays a significant role when referred to children and youth while growing or becoming mature. It is a phase when there can be found intensive personality changes. It is also a moment in growing up susceptible to disruptions and taking up risky actions. That means that leading a child towards maturity is both educating as well as a preventive action. School has always been an important, initially even the only place where preventive programs were implemented. During the last few years there has been observed in Polish system of education intensity of actions in the area of preventive programs. Its key aspects concern above all: studies over the efficiency of preventive programs, local and school preventive strategies, diagnosis of the problems conditions and the basis towards further preventive actions, constructing School Preventive Programs, place and role for the teacher in school preventive actions and finally evaluation of these acts.
Autor publikacji analizuje mechanizmy działania terroryzmu i jego przyczyny. Przybliża metody przeciwdziałania i zwalczania tego zjawiska przez społeczność międzynarodową w ramach ONZ na przestrzeni czasu i w świetle wydarzeń międzynarodowych. W artykule wymienia narzędzia i akty prawne, których celem jest ochrona praw człowieka w aspekcie terroryzmu oraz zapobieganie aktom terroru.
The author analyzes the mechanisms of terrorist activity and its causes. He also brings closer the methods of counteracting and fighting terrorism used by the international community within the UN over time and in the light of international events. The paper lists the tools and legal instruments aimed at protecting human rights in the context of terrorism and in prevention of terrorist attacks.
Autor publikacji wyjaśnia motywy, które doprowadziły do narastającego się globalnego terroryzmu. Terroryzm jest zjawiskiem naturalnym, może pojawić się w każdym społeczeństwie związanym z różnymi czynnikami, w tym ze środowiskiem politycznym, gospodarczym, społecznym, religijnym i ideologicznym. Każde potraktowanie kwestii związanej z pewnymi pojęciami wymaga zdefiniowania tych pojęć poprzez regułę ilustrującą ich komponenty i cechy. Poglądy na pojęcie „terroryzm” różniły się pod względem merytorycznym i motywacyjnym, a nawet prawne aspekty tego zjawiska i ich przenikanie się z podobnymi zjawiskami, a zwłaszcza Ruchami narodowo-wyzwoleńczymi.
The author of the publication explains the motives that led to the growing global terrorism. Terrorism is a natural phenomenon, it can appear in any society associated with various factors, including the political, economic, social, religious and ideological environments. Every considerance of an issue connected with certain concepts requires defining these concepts by a rule illustrating their components and features. Opinions on the concept of “terrorism” differed in terms of substance and motivation and even the legal aspects of this phenomenon and their interpenetration with similar phenomena, especially the National-Liberation Movements.
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