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The presented paper focuses primarily on the tourism activities of teaching staff at universities and other research institutions. This applies in particular to travel during which the principal purpose is, inter alia, various exploratory internships, conferences, trips as a guest professor or a visiting professor under the auspices of the Erasmus and Erasmus Mundus programs. These peregrinations require extra effort, not only with regards to teaching and research duties, but also present opportunities to confront, test and evaluate one's own research results and outlook with new listeners in new locations in different environments. This travel especially applies to the foreign environment, a situation that presents high degrees of professional, scientific and linguistic challenges, resulting in increased contributions and activity to the specific field of science. Regardless of the workload and the difficulties of the discussed travel, such travel can also bring about much personal satisfaction: a) due to a sense of a well done job as a result of meeting expectations of the employer and the host placed on the ‘messenger of science’ and b) due to the pleasure associated with those tourist experiences having autotelic and pragmatic (instrumental) overtones.
The article deals with the motivation of specialist tourism industry achievement. Psychologists distinguish two main groups of motives. The first concerns the achievement of a just solution, the search for truth, formation of appropriate situational behavior. The second is the need to maintain a sense of dignity, self-respect due to the opinion of other people. Other important motives relate to cognitive matching, coexistence with the environment, the need for achievement in a particular field of activity, in particular, specific discoveries, the desire to do something different, to reach a high level of financial status, to implement the planned career. It is stressed that in the case of essence of human nature motivation based on the sense of connection between human actions and their results, namely the internal sense of control, a person is successful. Achievement motivation involves a person’s ability to take responsibility for the future, considering the fact that people with internal locus of control deal better with difficult situations while achieving success. The most important component of achievement motivation is self-confidence. The one, who believes in himself and knows him to be able to cope with life’s difficulties in achieving goals, is able to succeed. The main components of achievement motivation are: specific objectives, conscious need for achievements, and the desire to know the real conditions of activity, search for favorable circumstance of cooperation with the employers, appropriate knowledge, skills and competence. The basic principles of achievement motivation of specialist tourism industry achievements: self-improvement, the ability to take risks, readiness for sustainable development in the context of socio-economic changes, systemic perception of the activity situations as situations of achieving success
W artykule rozpatruje się wpływ motywacji osiągnięć człowieka, w tym fachowca turystyki, na odpowiednie formy ludzkiego zachowania, wyróżniając dwie główne grupy motywów. Pierwsza odnosi się do osiągnięcia prawidłowego rozwiązania problemu, tworzenia odpowiedniego zachowania sytuacyjnego. Druga wiąże się z koniecznością zachowania godności, samooceny spowodowanej opinią innych. Motywacja osiągnięć przewiduje istnienie poczucia związku między własnymi działaniami i ich skutkami, wzięcie odpowiedzialności za swoją przyszłość. Najważniejszym elementem motywacji osiągnięć jest zaufanie. Człowiek, który wierzy w siebie, jest zdolny do podołać wszystkim trudnościom i osiągać konkretne cele. Głównymi składnikami osiągnięć motywacyjnych są: konkretne cele; świadoma potrzeba osiągnięć, aspiracje w zakresie wiedzy o rzeczywistych warunkach pracy, znalezienie sposobów współpracy ze współczesnymi pracodawcami, nowoczesna wiedza, umiejętności i kompetencje. Podstawą motywacji osiągnięć współczesnego człowieka jest: samodoskonalenie, zdolność do podejmowania ryzyka, gotowość do zrównoważonego rozwoju w kontekście zmian społeczno-gospodarczych
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