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The article stresses the practical approaches to assessing the impact of socio-economic development at the regional level, based on the calculation of integral index. For the statistical evaluation of living standards it is proposed to take into account 13 indicators. The described method of evaluating the effectiveness of socio-economic development at the regional level has been tested on the material of Cherkassy region (Ukraine).
The author examines the causes of regional differences, suggests the scenarios for smoothing regional inequalities, and identifies new trends for low economic potential regions. Analyzing a variety of concepts, models and approaches, the article provides the deep investigation of regional development peculiarities in Ukraine. The use of econometric modelling proposes the special regional policy measures could be the effective tools for regional inequalities reduction, and the economic growth stimulation. Assessing the scientific and industrial potential regions the author focuses on diversification of industrial structure, priority innovation development, and economic growth in backward regions. The western region traditionally has agrarian production orientation. The competition is still weaker at regional level. Concentration has a negative and highly significant effect on labour productivity growth. In spite of human capital endowment in Ukraine, one could mention the low labour productivity level in basic sectors of economy. The essence of the regional integration is determined as the process in which countries organise regional unions, cooperate with each other and coordinate any forms of activities in order to stimulate economic prosperity, strengthen trade relation, develop infrastructure, and stimulate mutually profitable relations among each other. The regional policy determination considers the regional disparities elimination and suggestion of the scenarios for smoothing regional inequalities. The main directions of regional development could be determined in accordance with regions’ belongings to the special cluster group.
Głównym celem niniejszego artykułu jest szczegółowa analiza ról odgrywanych przez wybranych aktorów państwowych w dwóch trwających konfliktach bliskowschodnich – w Syrii oraz Jemenie. Ramy czasowe obejmują okres od marca 2015 do maja 2017 roku. Rok 2015 był rokiem szczególnym, w trakcie którego rozpoczęła się rosyjska interwencja zbrojna w Syrii, a konflikt w Jemenie został umiędzynarodowiony. Analiza zaangażowania aktorów państwowych przeprowadzona została na dwóch poziomach: regionalnym oraz globalnym. Chociaż wymiar globalny można zaobserwować w obu przypadkach, to jednak wydaje się on być bardziej zauważalny w przypadku Syrii, ze względu na większe zaangażowanie ze strony mocarstw (Stany Zjednoczone, Federacja Rosyjska). Największe ograniczenie wszelkich inicjatyw pokojowych w regionie Bliskiego Wschodu stanowi bardzo niski poziom instytucjonalizacji stosunków międzynarodowych. Z tego powodu pokojowe rozwiązywanie konfliktów w regionie wymaga zaangażowania ze strony aktorów spoza Bliskiego Wschodu, którzy w sposób bezpośredni lub pośredni mogą wywierać presję na aktorów regionalnych. Podstawę źródłową analizy stanowią wybrane dokumenty, monografie, artykuły naukowe, raporty oraz ekspertyzy.
The main aim of the article is to analyse in detail roles played by various regional and nonregional state actors in two of the ongoing Middle Eastern conflicts, namely in Syria and in Yemen, in the period between March 2015 and May 2017. The year 2015 was very significant. That year the Russian military intervention in Syria began, the conflict in Yemen broke out and was internationalized simultaneously. This state-oriented study has two levels of analysis, namely regional and global. Although the global dimension can be observed and analysed in both selected conflicts, its seems to be much more noticeable and significant in case of the Syrian war especially due to the direct Russian engagement as well as the American response to it. A very limited institutionalization of international relations in the Middle East region seriously undermines opportunities for a peaceful conflict resolution in the region and therefore requires participation and engagement of non-regional actors especially of global powers which can exert either direct or indirect pressure on various regional actors. As far as sources are concerned, the study is based on selected documents, monographs, academic articles, reports, and analyses.
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