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St Barbara is a patroness saint deeply ingrained in the culture of Upper Silesia. It was chiefly the 19th century that was deciding in this respect, since the process of linking the martyr-woman to the miners’ occupational group was concluded then. The miners’ community played a significant role in the socioeconomic and identityrelated character of the region. Consequently, the cult of St Barbara started to be grafted onto this land towards the end of the 17th century, mainly as a result of founding religious fraternities under the Saint’s vocation by monastic orders already based here. The process of accretion of fraternities aiming at religiousness and piety was connected with the plan of including them in the mission of re-catholicization of Europe, which followed the Council’s of Trident decision. Monks wrote into the systemic motifs of the epoch, since as regards the action which was being run, it was the Jesuits in particular who drew on the spirit of the Baroque to a large extent. The spirit itself propagated the idea of paltriness of the earthly world, which – in consequence – led to the fact that the necessity of man’s appropriate preparation for departing to the eternity came to acquire a great significance. St Barbara, who was one of the patron saints of a good death (beside St Joseph and St Anna) at that time, by patronizing fraternities inclined towards unceasing prayers for a good death, could naturally link those all-European trends with the Christian current of the right preparation of human beings for their death. Until the mid-18th century it was only single praying congregations dedicated to St Barbara that were established here. Still, even that proved sufficient to considerably strengthen the collective dimension of the Saint’s cult. The two editions of the Silesian Litanies to St Barbara date just from that time. The slightly older one comes from the prayer book Książeczka braterska sławnego i chwalebnego […] Bractwa Świętej Panienki i chwalebnej Krystusowej Męczennice Barborki […] [The fraternal book of the famous and respectable […] Fraternity of Saint Virgin and respectable Christ’s Martyr Borborka] published in Opava in 1740 for the religious congregation which was affiliated at the Cistercian abbey in Rudy near Racibórz, whereas the other one – from the booklet entitled Przeświętne Bractwo Barbary św., Panny i Męczenniczki Krystusowej, Patronki szczęśliwej śmierci […] [The glorious Fraternity of St Barbara Holly Virgin and Christ’s Martyr, the Patroness of a happy death], published by the Jesuits in Wrocław in 1747 for the Confraternity of Tarnowskie Góry. The prayer-books and the confraternities held the canonical status, since they were approved by the Holy See. They made the basis of sources to the local prayer books and song books in the 19th century. The litanies recorded in Polish old prints differ from one another, which resulted from the spirituality of the Orders that were patrons to the individual prayer books. The distribution of invocations is different and they raise different aspects of St Barbara’s cult, too. The text of the Litany inserted in the prayer book of Tarnowskie Góry accentuates the connection of the Patroness Saint with the worship for the Holy Sacrament. Hence the names given to her such as, among others, “Glory of the Holy Wood”, “the Ministress of the Heaven’s food”, “the Preventer of eternal hunger”, the Saint “treating out of the Goblet of Salvation”, “Patroness assisting on the frightful Doomsday”. On the other hand, in the monument of Ruda, St Barbara was associated with propagation of faith. Thus, she was addressed as, for instance, “Multiplier of God’s glory”, “a giver of praise to the Holiest Trinity”, “the Lover of faith in God”, “Destroyer of idolatry”, “the Mistress of Christ’s teachings invariably sticking with God”.
The article opens a series of publications on the existence of sacrum in remote places, small, peripheral, less known sanctuaries against the backdrop of religious landscapes. The first of the sanctuary series is Mętków, whose history is presented by Władysław Zarębczan. However, I add anthropological commentary to this story, using categories: religious culture, etiological legend, sanctuary, relics.
One of the tasks of the Basilian Order of the Lithuanian Province in the 17th and 18th centuries was activity at the places of Marian cult. Thanks to the Basilians' efforts, two venerated Marian images were crowned with papal crowns. The Basilians initiated the practice of celebrating jubilee years and benefited from the indulgence privileges granted by the Holy See. They created visual and musical settings at places which attracted large numbers of pilgrims. Marian places of worship created by the Basilians contributed to the strengthening of the Uniate Orthodox Church community and the integration of the diverse society in the north-eastern areas of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
Jedną z form aktywności zakonu litewskiej prowincji bazylianów w XVII i XVIII wieku była praca w miejscach kultu maryjnego. Dzięki zabiegom bazylianów dwa otaczane kultem wizerunki maryjne zostały ukoronowane koronami papieskimi. Bazylianie zainicjowali praktykę obchodów lat jubileuszowych oraz korzystali z nadawanych przez Stolicę Apostolską przywilejów odpustowych. W miejscach gromadzących licznie przybywających pątników tworzyli oprawę wizualną i muzyczną. Miejsca kultu maryjnego kreowane przez bazylianów przyczyniały się do wzmacniania wspólnoty Cerkwi unickiej i integracji zróżnicowanego społeczeństwa na północno-wschodnich obszarach państwa polsko-litewskiego.
The paper reflects on the specificity of the translation of texts belonging to the religious and theolog- ical literature. Religious and theological texts have been translated for millennia, many of them - originating in the sphere of Judeo-Christianity - lie at the core of Western culture. Their trans- lation, especially the translation of the Bible, was accompanied by theoretical reflection (see, for example, Jerome of Stridonium, Martin Luther or Eugene Nida), which permanently influenced the way of thinking about translation in general. The present study answers the question of how the translation of religious and theological texts differs from the translation of other texts and what the translator must or should take into account, translating religious and theological texts. The paper discusses, among others, the role of the word in Christianity, spiritual preparation, openness to the Holy Spirit, tradition and inculturation.
Studia Bobolanum
vol. 30
issue 3
The novel trilogy Savonarola by Maria Gertruda Skórzewska, the Immaculate Virgin from Jazłowiec, is the only novel in the Polish literature about Giròlamo Savonarola, a theologian, preacher and religious writer. The analysis of the novel’s narrative undertaken in the article has identified three textual categories, namely: sublimity, presence and truth as “artistic truth”. In this horizon was discussed the topic of the image of the culture of Florence at the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries as well as its intellectual and artistic environment. Considering the idea of beauty contained in the novel, combined with good and truth, the author of the article discusses two circles of issues: 1. confrontation of two epochs as two moral and aesthetic formations i.e. the Middle Ages and the Renaissance which correspond to either religious (God as the creative force, perfection of the works of God), or a secular way of understanding the work of creation; 2. orienting the narrative on the religiously conceived idea of a masterpiece and its various specific implementations; they confirm the value of culture, art and literature remaining in a creative relation to the Bible and an outstanding European intellectual tradition.
Trylogia powieściowa pt. Savonarola Marii Gertrudy Skórzewskiej, niepokalanki z Jazłowca, jest jedyną w literaturze polskiej powieścią o Giròlamo Savonaroli, teologu, kaznodziei, pisarzu religijnym. Podjęta w artykule analiza powieściowej narracji, wyłoniła trzy tekstowe kategorie, a mianowicie: wzniosłość, uobecnienie i prawdziwość jako „prawdę artystyczną”. W takim też horyzoncie został omówiony temat, którym jest obraz kultury Florencji z przełomu XV i XVI w., jej środowiska intelektualnego i artystycznego. Rozważając zawartą w powieści ideę piękna, łączonego z dobrem i prawdą, autorka artykułu omawia dwa kręgi zagadnień, którymi są: 1. konfrontacja dwóch epok jako dwóch formacji moralno-estetycznych, średniowiecza i renesansu, którym odpowiada bądź religijny (Boga jako istoty sprawczej, doskonałości dzieł Bożych), bądź świecki sposób pojmowania dzieła stworzenia; 2. ukierunkowanie narracji na religijnie pojmowaną ideę arcydzieła i na jej różnorakie konkretne realizacje; one to potwierdzają wartość kultury, sztuki i literatury, pozostającej w twórczej relacji do Biblii i wybitnej europejskiej tradycji intelektualnej.
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